MTL - The Great Tang: God-level Bear Child-Chapter 1768 : Sacrificial Girl, Weird County

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Early the next morning, when Fan Meng woke up from the room, it was already bright outside the window.

"Are you awake? This is the pear soup I just made. You're almost done."

"You are busy in the inn every day, and there is a lot of oily smoke. This can clear the lungs and reduce fire, which is good for the body."

Fan Meng looked at Li Chengfeng in front of him with tender eyes, took the bowl of pear soup and drank it down in one gulp, his face was full of happiness.

"Young master, let the slave family take care of you!"

Fan Meng hurriedly got up and took the python robe from the side, carefully packed Li Chengfeng's clothes, and groomed him carefully.

"In the next few days, Sister Changle and the others will trouble you to take care of them."

Li Chengfeng grabbed Fan Meng's hand and whispered softly in his ear.

Only then did Fan Meng realize that Li Chengfeng's saber had disappeared, and he was afraid that he would leave Chang'an again this time.

In recent days, the two of them get together less often, and Li Chengfeng has been running around outside.

Now that Li Chengfeng was about to go out again, her heart was full of reluctance.

But Fan Meng also understood that since Li Chengfeng had just returned to Chang'an, since he planned to go out, there must be a lot of things to do.

Li Chengfeng is destined to be the hero of the entire Tang Dynasty, and Fan Meng must not hinder his footsteps because of his personal affair.

"Don't worry, son!"

"I will take good care of Princess Changle and Miss Wuxu. My cooking skills are also very good."

Fan Meng forced a smile on her face, pretending not to care.

Li Chengfeng also understands Fan Meng's thoughts, but sooner or later he and Gongshaohui will have a battle, and he must seize this opportunity.

He hugged Fan Meng tightly in front of him, the two looked at each other silently, their eyes were full of happiness.

At noon that day, after explaining the incident to Li Shimin, the shadow came to the courtyard of King Zhen's Mansion again.

"Your Highness, everything is ready, we can go!"

The shadow bowed slightly to Li Chengfeng, and behind him were Huangfu Yi and a dozen or so high-ranking warriors who were enshrining in the pavilion, all ready to set off at any time.

Sure enough, as Li Chengfeng said, Li Shimin, who didn't agree at first, immediately agreed after seeing the sword.

He knew that Li Chengfeng was robbed of Xuanyuan Sword before.

Now that Shadow has found clues to the meeting again, no matter how worried he is about Li Chengfeng, he must go there.

"In that case, let's go!"

Li Chengfeng took the reins handed over by the shadow, flew on the horse, and left Chang'an with the people who worshiped the pavilion.

About an hour after they left, Wu Xu and Li Lizhi arrived at the entrance of the King's Mansion.

Looking at the empty King's Mansion, Fan Meng and Li Lizhi looked at each other and smiled.

"Brother Feng'er won't take us out this time. When he comes back, I must have another meal of his delicious food."

Li Lizhi muttered, feeling helpless in her heart.

Wu Xu was also accustomed to this, she took Li Lizhi's hand and led her to the corner of the street.

"Princess Changle, why don't we go to Zuixianlou for dinner?"

"Sister Fan Meng's cooking is also delicious, and she can also listen to books, why don't you go over there and play?"

The sullenness on Li Lizhi's face dissipated a little, and a smile appeared on her face again, and she followed Wu Xu to Zuixianlou.

"Next time, I will ask Brother Feng'er to give us a new game to play. I am already tired of playing the games on the game console."

Li Chengfeng still doesn't know that Fan Meng and Li Lizhi, two little devils, are planning how to get revenge on him and often leave him without saying goodbye.

At this moment, he and the warriors of the worship pavilion rode forward and galloped towards Fengzhou without stopping.

They are all top warriors, and the horses under them are also the best fast horses, they can drive dozens of miles in less than a day.

By dusk, the group had arrived at Huaifu County not far from Fengzhou City.

"His Royal Highness, should we rush over overnight so that the people who shared the note will not hide again."

Shadow drove the horse to Li Chengfeng's side and asked.

"No, since they showed their feet, it means they are looking for something important."

"Otherwise, why make such a big fuss!"

"So we don't need to worry, they will definitely shoot again, you can make the shadow guards prepare in advance!"

"Let the people in the enshrining pavilion repair it temporarily, we will hurry up tomorrow!"

"We must not reveal our identities, so as not to be encircled and suppressed by the CCP's note at that time."

Li Chengfeng was not in a hurry to hurry at all, he was sure that the people who shared the note would attack again, and the target should be those refined steel ores.


Only then did Ying Ying and Li Chengfeng walk into Huaifu County, intending to find a restaurant to live in.

The strange thing is that there is no restaurant open in Huaifu County, and the doors of every household are closed.

Just when the group of people were puzzled, there was the sound of gongs and drums beating in front of them, and a group of people holding torches walked towards them.

Each of them wore a red ghost mask on their faces, holding torches in their hands and shouting in unison, marching forward, like a hundred ghosts walking at night.

Just like the popular saying on the Internet in later generations, **** is empty and evil spirits are in the world.

"Burn her to death! Dedicate her to Lord Dragon King, then we will be able to make a fortune!"

Behind these people, there is another big shelf, on which a young girl is tied up.

The girl's face was full of despair, her eyes were lifeless, and she stared blankly forward.

Li Chengfeng noticed that the behavior of these people was a bit strange, so he cast a glance at the shadow beside him.

Shadow understood, came behind those common people, knocked out a masked man and took him to a side alley.

Soon under his means, the man's face was full of tears, crying bitterly in fright.

"Say, what are you doing? Who is the Dragon King you are talking about?" Shadow put down the silver needle in his hand and asked sharply.

It was only then that the nagging ordinary citizen told the whole thing.

It turned out that the wells and rivers in their village have all dried up these days.

A person who claimed to be the incarnation of the Dragon King asked them to hand over the treasures in the county within three days, otherwise they would die of thirst.

Especially after that person was released to dozens of county residents, these people were afraid and There is indeed a precious stone in their county, but the stone has been buried in the ancestral land, not for a while Will be able to find it.

So they chose a foreigner and planned to give her to the Dragon King, so that the Dragon King would give them some time before they could dig out the precious stone.

"That's all I know. The county magistrate told us to do this. I beg you to let me go!"

The people who were arrested knelt on the ground and kowtowed repeatedly, wanting Li Chengfeng and the others to let them go.

On one side is the fierce torture method, and on the other side is the "Dragon King" who is showing his might. He can't offend anyone.

"It seems that we are busy with something, let's go and see the so-called Dragon King together."

Li Chengfeng couldn't bear it, after all, the girl who was **** was not as old as Li Lizhi.

It was a pity that his youth ended like this, but he still couldn't bear it.