MTL - The Great Tang: God-level Bear Child-Chapter 1786 : Mysterious identity, return to Chang'an

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When Li Chengfeng woke up again, he was already in the government office of Lizhou.

In the room, Ying Ying and Huangfu Yi were pacing back and forth anxiously.

"Your Highness, you finally woke up, are you alright?"

Seeing Li Chengfeng wake up, Shadow hurriedly moved to the bedside, his eyes full of concern.

Taoist Fuxin is leading people to search and arrest the remaining people who shared the note.

The prefect of Lizhou is also comforting the people who have been slaughtered.

The single biggest worry is when Li Chengfeng will wake up.

"My lord, your physical strength is really strong. You actually woke up from those murderous attacks so quickly." Huangfu Yi also came to Li Chengfeng's side.

With Chi Bu's shocking blow, even he might not recover so quickly.

If it weren't for Li Chengfeng holding on for time, Chi Bu's fighting power would have been greatly consumed.

I'm afraid even if Taoist Fuxin came, they would not have taken Chi Bu so easily.

"How are the people in the city? Have the soldiers who died tragically settled down?" Li Chengfeng got up from the bed.

It is hard work that he possesses peerless martial arts such as Tianmojue, otherwise I am afraid that he would be in danger.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, we will appease the people according to the previous plan in Lingnan."

"Those city defense troops who fought to the end have also been buried, and order is gradually being restored in the city."

"It's just a pity that most of the things left in the photo session are materials, and we didn't find any fragments of the formation."

Thinking of his shadow, he felt a little regretful, and beat the bed board hard.

"It doesn't have to be like this, as long as we have a scroll in our hands, they will naturally come to our door."

Li Chengfeng didn't regret it that much, the battle with the Communist Party Notes this time was just an appetizer.

There will be a big battle between him and the Communist Party, so there is no need to rush to gain or lose at this moment.

"Tell the matter here to Chang'an, and let the people in the worship pavilion get ready!"

"If we take another shot at the next photo session, it will only be even crazier!"

The faces of Ying Ying and Huangfu Yi were also very solemn.

The mutual note always sees the beginning but does not see the end. This time he is frustrated, and I am afraid that he will retaliate against Datang frantically in the future.

Although there are many masters in the Datang Shrine Pavilion, it is difficult to take care of every place.

If the joint note takes action again, I don't know how many people will die tragically under their vicious hands.

Just as the few people were talking, there were footsteps outside the door, and Taoist Fuxin walked in with a whisk in hand.

"Eighth prince, I'm afraid this time there will be a lot of trouble!"

Taoist Fuxin came to Li Chengfeng with a serious face, and took out a long scroll from his arms.

After they went to the mountains last time, they searched through various classics, and finally found some clues to the Master.

I don't know if I don't look at it, but I was shocked when I saw it, and the identity of the other party turned out to be a catastrophe.

Li Chengfeng took the long scroll, and his face became grim after examining it carefully.

The content on the long scroll made him click his tongue.

The last catastrophe was actually initiated by the Jiuyou Clan and Xuanyuan Sword inheritors.

At that time, almost everyone in the Jianghu joined these two veins, but in the end, no one survived.

The mutual note was born after that great war.

Judging from what they did in the early days, that mysterious lord should be inextricably related to Jiuyou's lineage.

That lord should be the Jiuyou clan who survived that catastrophe.

Now the strength is unknown, and he has almost never made a move.

One must know that even a strong man like the King of Lingnan did not survive that catastrophe, how strong is the Master of the Common Note?

"Ganshan, get ready too. If you make a move this time, I'm afraid the communist note will retaliate against you!"

"There is also the matter of the Great Tang Wuxuan, we can also start preparing!"

After a brief shock, Li Chengfeng's eyes were extremely determined.

"Yes!" Yingying and Huangfuyi immediately agreed, and Taoist Fuxin who was beside him also nodded repeatedly.

Three days later, Li Chengfeng and his party left Lizhou again and headed for Chang'an.

They don't know when the retaliation of the mutual note will come back. They must prepare in advance so that they will not be caught blind by then.

But Taoist Fuxin did not go back to Chang'an with them, but rushed to Qianshan.

As Li Chengfeng said, we don't know when the joint note will provoke a war again, and Qianshan has to prepare in advance.

Above the city of Chang'an, Li Shimin was looking anxiously at the official road in the distance.

He carefully read the secret letter sent back by Li Chengfeng, and had a more detailed understanding of the lethality of the joint note.

Because of this, he was even more worried about whether something would happen to Li Chengfeng.

"Your Majesty, don't worry. Judging from the news from the shadow, His Royal Highness is safe and sound."

"And Huangfu Yi is still by his side, there will definitely be no surprises."

"However, judging from the current intelligence, the joint note poses a considerable threat to us, and we should prepare in advance!"

Du Ruhui came to Li Shimin's side, bowed deeply, his face was full of dignity.

"Our Tang Dynasty can't just have a worship pavilion, but also needs an organization composed of warriors."

"It's time to start preparing!" Li Chunfeng also followed suit.

As a native of Qianshan, he understands the truth of the prohibition of chivalrous use of martial These people say that they are happy and enmity, but in fact they have no law at all.

Only when Datang establishes an organization to monitor these people can we guarantee that there will be no such organization in the future.

After hearing Li Chunfeng's words, Li Shimin nodded slightly.

"Feng'er has already made preparations for this, and I will leave this matter to him completely!"

"I don't want to know only the great holy places in the Jianghu of the Tang Dynasty, but not my court of the Tang Dynasty!"

At this time, he was no longer the old father who was worried about his children before, and the imperial aura reappeared on him.

The two chatted for a while, and the sound of horseshoes was heard in the distance, and Li Chengfeng's figure gradually emerged.

"Finally back to Chang'an, I can finally have a good rest!"

Looking at the majestic city gate in front of him, Li Chengfeng let out a breath of foul breath and said slowly.

Dealing with the joint note and the expedition to Japan are not things that can be facilitated in a day.

This time when he returned to Chang'an, he could rest in peace. Even he was a little tired from the non-stop running around these days.

"Yes! It was too dangerous to be in Lizhou before!" Shadow also echoed.

The two came to the gate of the city, and the gate of Chang'an opened with a bang.

Li Shimin brought Du Ruhui, Li Chunfeng, and hundreds of imperial troops to appear in front of them.

"Welcome His Royal Highness to return to the city!" The soldiers shouted in unison.

Li Chengfeng and Li Shimin, the father and son, looked at each other from a distance, smiled happily, got off their horses, and came to Li Shimin.

"I have seen my father!" Li Chengfeng was about to fall to his knees as he spoke.

Li Shimin quickly stretched out his hands to help each other.

"My son is still sick, so there is no need to salute, let's go to your palace and talk about it."

"Sister Changle, I've been looking forward to your return these days!"