MTL - The Great Tang: God-level Bear Child-Chapter 1800 : Exploring ruins, river monsters

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The sun in the sky became brighter and brighter, Li Chengfeng and others left the hermitage of the Huangfu clan.

"Go! Don't try to play tricks, the sword in my hand is merciless!"

Huangfu Yi stood in front of the crowd, constantly shaking the long sword in his hand, urging several native masters.

Those few people who touched gold from a young age could only speed up their pace again and sprint forward.

The few people behind him are all warriors in the early days of heaven and man, and they have no chance to resist at all.

"When the time comes, let's see how I kill you!"

Among them, the old man kept glancing at Li Chengfeng who was in the crowd.

The other party has kept him until now, and he must want to break the mechanism or open the tomb.

When the time comes, even if he can't use the mechanism to kill these people, he still has a chance to escape.

Such a powerful warrior wants something inside, which is enough to show that there are heavy treasures inside.

If I can get the contents inside, maybe I don't have to be a tomb robber anymore, and I don't necessarily have to soar into the sky to become a top martial artist.

At that time, even if his sons are dead, he doesn't care anymore.

The two people around the old man didn't know that in the eyes of the old man, he had become an abandoned child who could be sacrificed at any time.

Dragging their heavy shackles, they uttered wild words to Li Chengfeng behind them.

"There is a way to kill Turks! What kind of skill is it to attack us."

"His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince of the Tang Dynasty, what kind of ability is it to us native masters, if you have the ability to go to war!"

Li Chengfeng completely disregarded their words, calmed down slightly, and kept running the Heavenly Demon Art.

Originally, he didn't intend to save the lives of these native masters, just let them scold a few words, Li Chengfeng could bear it.

Heavenly Demon must break through to the next level, and it cannot be achieved overnight in a short period of time.

He had to seize every minute and every second, so that he could hasten to open the next fatal hole in his body, and further improve his combat ability before his realm did not improve.

Speeding up the road, the group soon came to the foot of a big mountain.

There are hundreds of disciples of the Huangfu family waiting here, behind them is the ruins of an ancient city covered with thorns.

As far as the eye can see, it is full of broken arms and ruins, and it is hidden in the deep mountains. If the Huangfu family hadn't found out, he would not have come here.

"His Royal Highness, the ruins are in front of you."

"In the old site, we found the underground city leading to it. This time we explored the underground city."

The eldest prince of the Huangfu family came to Li Chengfeng's side and said in a low voice.

"Then let's get started!"

Li Chengfeng then withdrew from the state of cultivation, and followed the Huangfu family into the old site.

In the center of the ancient city, there are more than a dozen Heavenly Human Realms standing guard in front of an ancient bronze gate.

"Go in!"

When he came to the door, Huangfu Yi put the long sword in his hand on the neck of Tu Fuzi in front of him.

His people slowly opened the gate, and those local masters in handcuffs pushed and pushed into the gate.

Li Chengfeng and the others followed behind, and a long path appeared in front of them, with torches lit by the Huangfu family on both sides.

Walking along the path, not long after, a magnificent underground palace appeared in front of them.

In the middle of the underground palace stands four towering pillars.

The ground was covered with the remains of many monsters, and the blood was sprinkled throughout the underground palace, which showed the fierceness of the previous battle.

The dome above the underground palace is covered with radiant gems, illuminating the entire space extremely brightly.

On the four corners of the palace, there is a small door, and there are guards waiting in front of the small door.

Li Chengfeng couldn't help raising his eyebrows slightly.

He had read the treasure books in the Qianshan Treasure Pavilion before, and he also had a little understanding of Tai Chi gossip.

The location of this door is interesting, it is actually arranged according to Xun Gen Zhendui.

"His Royal Highness, we have almost explored the first two gates."

"But the next two doors in the southeast corner and southwest corner, we were seriously injured, and we haven't been able to find a result for a long time."

The elder of the Huangfu family nodded slightly and introduced to Li Chengfeng slowly.

In order to explore this relic and let the Huangfu family rise again, they sacrificed many high-level warriors in the family.

So they can only suspend the speed of development, and instead focus on carefully searching for the space that has been explored.

After Li Chengfeng listened, he came to the small door in Dui's direction.

Hearing the faint roar of ferocious beasts inside the door, Li Chengfeng called Huangfu Yi and the others.

"Bring those native masters here, I want to find out what's behind this door!"

"Yes!" Huangfu Yi hurriedly dragged the native masters to the door, and asked the people from the Huangfu family to open the door.

As soon as the door was opened, a gust of fishy wind blew from the door.

Before the few Tu Fuzi stepped into the door, they were filled with nausea when they were blown by the foul wind.

"What does it smell like, and how many people died inside?"

"Isn't this telling us to die? It's the first time I've seen such a strong evil spirit."

Several people were terrified, even the oldest old man was trembling with fright.

Since he was a child, he has followed his family to rob graves. When has he ever encountered such a fierce place?

Even the tombs left by those high-ranking officials don't have such a strong ominous aura!

"What? How dare you lift up someone else's tomb?"

"I won't force you either, if you don't want to, I'll help you!"

As Li Chengfeng said, he picked up one of them, and walked through the door in two or three steps.

Huangfu Yi didn't stay idle either, he escorted several other people, and followed them together.

Behind the door is a small flat ground with a stone tablet on it, and a chain suspension bridge a little farther away.

When he came to the suspension bridge, Li Chengfeng poked his head out and looked down, and found that there was a small river underneath.

There are still many ferocious beasts probing frequently in the river, and there are still many **** pieces of meat on the river surface.

"Since you are scared, let me help you!"

A cruel smile appeared on Li Chengfeng's face, and he threw the Tufu beside him towards the chain bridge with all his strength. UU Reading

The Tu Fuzi turned pale with fright, and struggled with his hands and feet, but he was no match for Li Chengfeng.


While everyone was watching, the Tufuzi flung a shooting star in the air and landed on the chain bridge.

The Tufuzi was scared out of his wits, and his legs trembled even more when he stood on the chain bridge.

All I could hear was the wind blowing suddenly, and a gust of cool wind blew across the bridge, directly patting the Tu Fuzi down.

"Ah!" Tu Fuzi let out a scream at last, and fell to the water.

The water was surging under the surface of the river, and a monster the size of a stone pier poked its head out, opened its ferocious mouth and swallowed him in one gulp.


The blood immediately stained the river below the bridge red, and several monsters quickly devoured the Tufuzi.