MTL - The Heavens of Online Games Are Coming-Chapter 1079 How to Slay a Titan

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Seeing the titan approaching him step by step, Jiang Shang made a dodge and opened a distance of several thousand meters again.

"Nine Heavens Flame!"

Accompanied by the fall of his hands.

Hoo hoo! Hoo hoo!

At this time, a raging fire ignited on the earth.

These flames from the nine heavens burned through the soles of the titans' feet in just one breath.

The golden blood of God flowed into a river.

Soon, under the cover of the golden river, the fire on the earth was extinguished.


Seeing such a scene, Jiang Shang frowned.

According to his conjecture, an ordinary strongman at the peak of the Divine Palace would not be able to last long under his Nine Heavens God Thunder, let alone the Nine Heavens Flame.

These nine-day flames, which are enough to burn the souls of the strong in the palace realm, were actually suppressed by the blood pressure of the titans.

how can that be?

"Ho Ho! Die!"

Although thunder and fire cause great pain to the body.

But the angry titans rushed to Jiang Shang again.

A pair of double fists was about to smash Jiang Shang into pieces.

"The battle turns and the stars move!"

Facing these giant punches that were within easy reach, Jiang Shang changed positions again without panicking.


This time, he gave up the hand-kneading method, but took out his own whip.

Since flame and thunder are useless, he will try a new move.

Clap clap!

The black whip made a crackling sound in his hand.


Just a whip.

When Jiang Shang waved it lightly, the original slender whip suddenly swelled to a hundred times its size.

The huge whip hit the body of the frontmost Titan, making a dull crashing sound!


This time, the titan finally couldn't stand it anymore.

The pain that pierced his bones and soul made him fall to the ground uncontrollably.

The body hundreds of meters high fell down, killing countless combat soldiers at once!

Although the gods of Olympus are dead, the soldiers in the gods are still fighting.

Bronze fighter, silver fighter, gold fighter.

Warrior of Light, Harpy, Cyclops...  

Ocean fighters, demons from the underworld, three-headed **** dogs...

In the huge kingdom of Olympus, although these warriors and monsters want to surrender.

But in vain, do not recruit prisoners!

So the battle on the ground is not over yet.

If there are no enemies on the earth, the soldiers of Qixian Kingdom will go to the ocean that day.

After killing all the enemies in the ocean, then enter the underworld.

Both the ocean and the underworld of the Olympus Kingdom belong to folding spaces, and both have extremely vast lands.

There is the last hunting ground of Earth Star!


"Ah, ah, this **** wants you to die!"

Seeing that Jiang Shang's whip was so vicious, the rest of the Titans rushed from all directions.

The fallen Titan also climbed up again.

The pain in body and soul has inspired their ferocious characteristics even more!

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Soon, there was a continuous sound of whipping on the battlefield.

Facing the twelve furious Titans, Jiang fought and retreated.

The magic whip in his hand, between retracting and drawing, looks like a black divine dragon!

And the pain that directly affected the soul also caused the screams of the Titans to resound through the sky!


Due to the special talents of the titans, Jiang Shang couldn't completely kill them in a short time.

And under the violent outburst of the titans, they even wanted to grab Jiang Shang's whip.

Seeing the twelve titans getting closer and closer.

At this time, Bai Qi and others who had been watching for a long time finally entered the battlefield.

"It can't be killed in seconds!"

They thought that according to the strength of Jiang Shang Shrine, it would be enough to instantly kill the twelve ancient titans.

But I didn't want Jiang Shang's attack to be fierce, but the titans were also howling.

But these titans just didn't die.

For a while, they saw hope again.

As long as they can kill a Titan, it is estimated that their strength will be able to reach the peak of the Divine Palace!

These twelve titans are not at all the strength of the ordinary peak realm of the palace!

"The body of a god-killer!"

Bai Qi joined the battlefield first.

He controls the murderous intent all over the sky, and with the powerful killing intent, he condenses a huge body of a murderous god!

He had to use the power of killing gods, otherwise he probably wouldn't be able to break through the defenses of these ancient titans.

"I am a barbarian!"

At this moment, Ran Min, the king of the barbarians, also had his blood on fire.

He turned into the body of a ten-meter-tall barbarian god, with terrifyingly developed muscles.

Facing this 100-meter-tall Titan?

Today, he is going to use his ten-meter body to shake these hundred-meter-tall giants!


Ye Xuan also joined the battlefield.

He released his ultimate move and merged into the soul of the Shenzhou Army.

At this moment, he also turned into a giant with a height of 100 meters, holding the sword and shield of China to kill the giant Titan!

The powerful power of the military soul made him become an existence capable of shaking the ancient Titans!

"Xuanjia army soul, I am the only one driving it!"

Li Xuanba was the last to join the battlefield.

He also wanted to turn his body into a giant with a height of one hundred feet.

But after discovering that the power of the military soul is still stronger, he also temporarily borrowed the power of the military soul of the Xuanjia Divine Army under his command, and transformed into a blood-colored giant with overwhelming strength!

Rumble! Rumble!

In just a few breaths, there are four more existences on the battlefield that are not inferior to the strength of the Titans!

Especially the murderous intent lingering in Bai Qi's body, and the military soul power in Ye Xuan and Li Xuanba's body shocked the titans.

Roar! Roar!

Seeing these new enemies, half of the Titans roared and abandoned Jiang Shang, turned around and rushed towards Bai Qi and the others.

They could see that Bai Qi and Jiang Shang were in the same group.

When they couldn't catch Jiang Shang, they shifted their target to Bai Qi and the others.

How dare Bai Qi suppress them with killing intent? court death!

"Hahaha, good job!"

Seeing the six titans rushing over, Bai Qi and the others laughed.

Now that everyone is at the peak of the Jingu Realm, four vs. six might beat the other!

"Brothers, kill!"


Bai Qi cut it off with a single knife.

The huge power not only shattered the sky, but also sent a giant Titan rushing away.

He can kill even God of War, let alone these titans.

Today, more than a million enemies have died under the soldiers of the Killing God Army, and the killing intent condensed among them is unknown.

And as long as the soldiers of the God Army continue to kill the enemy, Bai Qi's strength will continue to increase at this moment!

Killing intent is endless, so Bai Qi's strength is also endless.

"Ho Ho, die!"

Seeing Bai Qi slashing his brother flying with a knife, another titan rushed over roaring.


Punch down.

That huge force instantly made Bai Qi's smashed arms numb!

"Hiss! Come again!"

Just two titans.

Although Bai Qi felt great pressure at this time, it was also the strongest motivation for his promotion!

"I'll hold on to two first!"

Ye Xuan's speed is very fast.

After discovering that the number of enemies was two more than his own, he also stood up.

At this time, he was holding the sword and shield army soul, which attracted the attention of two giant titans.

He didn't expect to be able to kill two titans single-handedly, he only hoped that Li Xuanba and Ran Min could fight quickly!


Although Ran Min was only ten meters tall, the mighty strength of the Manshen actually allowed him to block a Titan abruptly.

This is the real four or two.


With one punch, he directly shattered a titan's ankle.

next second.


After losing his center of gravity, the titan suddenly fell to the ground.

In the smoke and dust that filled the sky, Ran Min jumped up.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Although his fist was small, each blow could shatter the titan's tendons and bones.


The beaten Titan was already bruised and screaming before he knew what happened.

"Ants! You are presumptuous!"

Seeing that Ran Min beat his brother on the ground, the last Titan was furious.

He wanted to rush over and run over Ran Min, who was ten meters tall.

But the next second.


Li Xuanba hit him with a hammer.

The huge power of the Zijin Double Dragon Hammer knocked him back with a single blow.

"Your opponent is me!"

It was the first time that Li Xuanba possessed the strength of the peak of the Divine Palace, and Li Xuanba felt that he could even tear this piece of the sky into pieces.

The steady stream of power coming from his body drove him to rush towards the enemy again.


Another blow.

The Zijin Double Dragon Hammer, which was as big as a mountain, hit the titan on the head with one blow.

Huge power, one blow can smash his head to pieces! Howling!

"Ahhh! I want you to die!"

Touching the blood that fell like a waterfall on his forehead, the Titan jumped into a rage.

In the next second, he smoothed out the injury on his head, ran away and roared towards Li They are the sons of the earth and the sons of the sky.

What's the point of this injury?


"Is it still useless?"

At this time, even half of the enemies are missing.

But no matter how Jiang Shang beat them, these titans still did not fall.

The earth is rapidly repairing their physical injuries, while the sky is repairing their spiritual injuries.

At this moment, these titans looked scarred, but they were not fatally injured!

"Hmph! We Titans are the heirs of heaven and earth."

"How can you and other ants really hurt us!"

Seeing the somewhat helpless Jiang Shang, the Titan leader Cronus laughed.

He saw that Jiang Shang's expression was exactly the same as that of Zeus back then.

This is a kind of confusion, incomprehension, and helplessness.

They are the heirs of heaven and earth, as long as there is heaven and earth, they are immortal!

"Accept fate! Obediently die!"

Since Jiang was still unable to completely kill them, it was their turn to take revenge!

Rumble! Under the roar of revenge, their attacks became more fierce.

"Heirs of heaven and earth?"

Hearing what Cronus said, Jiang Shang suddenly raised his head.

Where is there no heaven and earth? That is naturally above the void!

In an instant, he realized.

After discovering that these titans could not be completely killed on the earth and stars, he found another battlefield!


Immediately, he threw out the magic whip in his hand.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

The magic whip flying in the air expanded to tens of thousands of times in size again, and the 10,000-meter-long whip trapped all the titans together.

next second.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Amid the roars of panic from the titans, they were thrown into the outer void!