MTL - The Identity of the Real Rich Man Can’t Be Hidden-Chapter 530 everything is fine

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   Chapter 530

  An Yan also immediately guessed what was going on. She said, "Take your breakfast and eat it, and I'll drive."

   "I'm full, too. I'll wash the dishes when I get back." Li Rongsen dropped the food in his hands after speaking, then pulled a napkin to wipe his mouth, and carried the pile of things at the door to the car.

  An Yan had already opened the car, put things away and got in the car.

   Li Rongsen said, "Maybe it was stimulated by my grandfather."

   "Your grandfather is always trying to provoke him to do something. Although they often bicker, they are also good friends for many years." An Yan thought that would not be the case.

"Grandpa Bai also likes you very much, and he just wanted you to be the grandson and daughter-in-law of his Bai family. I didn't expect that he would be robbed by me. Since then, he has stopped interacting with my grandfather. My grandfather should visit him today. , maybe the two of them got into trouble like this." Li Rongsen was speculating.

   But his guesses were hardly bad.

  Today is a good day, the weather is good, and the autumn wind is not too cold. Mr. Li made a special trip to visit Mr. Bai. He wants to get along with him, and everyone can be happy and be good friends.

But Mr. Bai was very unhappy. He had been annoyed and angry recently. When he saw Mr. Li coming over, he thought he was here to show off and provoke him, so he rushed up and said, "What are you doing here? It's not good enough for you, and you even ran here to get in the way of my eyes."

   "You old man is really ignorant. I came to see you and treat you as a friend." Mr. Li's words were explaining, but his tone was not very good.

He gasped the old man Bai gasping for breath, and said, "You, you are trying to embarrass me. There is nothing worse than your family's Rongsen in my family. Why did An Yan be deceived by your family? your means!"

   "That's my grandson's ability to please women!" Mr. Li was also irritated by his three or two words.

   "You're abominable, get out of here." When Mr. Bai was excited, he fell down on Mr. Li, and then stopped moving.

   Mr. Li was of course terrified. He looked at Mr. Bai lying on the sofa and regretted it. The two of them have become friends for life, and in the end, they had a lot of trouble, and it was not interesting to think about it. But when he thought about it, if it were himself, he would definitely not be able to swallow this breath, and it was no wonder that he did not give himself a good look.

   Not long after, I saw Li Rongsen's car approaching.

An Yan got out of the car first, and immediately went into the house to see, and found that the condition of the old man Bai was very bad. His lips were purple, the kind of deep and heavy purple, and the breath was weak and long intervals, as if at any time I was about to break it off, and I hurriedly gave him an injection. After three injections, his condition improved.

   "Take out one of these and use it to soak in water. Use hot water, just boiled water, and then bring it back when it's cool enough to drink." An Yan handed a medicine bottle to the servant.

   "Let me go." Li Rongsen said and took the medicine bottle, he was afraid that the servant would not be able to make this medicine.

   Mr. Li was extremely nervous. He thought it was time for Li Rongsen to go, and asked An Yan, "How is the old man Bai, is he out of danger?"

   "It's alright, I've treated him for this disease before. If it doesn't work, I'm always angry, and I'll keep everything open." An Yan said, this is not only for Mr. Li, but also for Mr. Bai.

   Mr. Bai has regained consciousness. Naturally, he heard this. He slowly opened his eyes and looked around. The first thing he saw was An Yan. He wanted to say something, but he had no energy.

  An Yan said, "Grandpa Bai, don't talk for now. After drinking the medicine for a while, you will have strength, and it will not be too late to talk at that time."

When Mr. Li saw the old man Bai woke up, he let go of his hanging heart and said to him: "Oh, old man Bai, you are really, we have been friends for so many years, my grandson is also your grandson, and An Yan is naturally yours. My grandson and daughter-in-law, don't be angry with me anymore. I came here today to make peace with you, not to be angry with you on purpose. "

The old man Bai took a deep breath. He said these words sincerely. He also knew that fate was destined. No wonder Bai Shichen could not force others to be safe, but this old man was arrogant and aloof. He seemed to win the world. look.

  Li Rongsen brought the medicine over, he said, "It's warm and ready to drink." He handed it to An Yan.

  An Yan motioned to the servants to help the old man up, then brought the medicine to his mouth and said, "Drink slowly, drink all this medicine."

   Mr. Bai's body has actually recovered for the most part. After all, An Yan's golden needle is not bragging, but he needs to take medicine to make it more stable. After drinking this cup of medicine, he is full of energy, as if he is not sick.

   "How do you feel?" An Yan asked him.

   Mr. Bai sat up from the sofa and said, "It's alright, I'm in good spirits now." Then he said to An Yan, "Thank you very much."

   "As soon as I heard that you were uncomfortable, my grandfather called us immediately." Li Rongsen told him, intending to tell him that his grandfather cared about him very much.

  The old man Bai said: "He, he shows off his power in front of me all day long, and I don't care about him."

   "Okay. Don't let the grandchildren see jokes. How old are we, we are almost two hundred years old." Mr. Li also sat down beside Mr. Bai.

   "If you change your arrogant style in the future, I can consider taking care of you, otherwise I'm not willing to take care of you." Although Old Man Bai was still arrogant, he had actually forgiven Old Man Li.

   Mr. Li smiled and said, "Okay, okay, I'll change, I can't change it."

   "It's almost the same." Only then did Mr. Bai ease his expression.

   "There are still some things in the car, so let's take it as an apology for my grandpa." Li Rongsen said.

"Go get it and give it to Old Man Bai, so that he won't be unhappy again." Old Man Li naturally knew that those things must be given to him, and now they are all given to Old Man Bai to make him happy, and said , "Send me something in the future, and also send a copy here."

   Li Rongsen naturally agreed.

   Mr. Bai said to Mr. Li, "What did you just say, you said that your grandson is also my grandson, so this grandson's daughter-in-law is also my grandson's daughter-in-law."

   "That's exactly what he said." Mr. Li nodded.

   "I'll come here often from now on." Master Bai smiled at An Yan, and he was already out of breath.

  An Yan agreed and said, "Okay, I will visit you often with Rong Sen in the future."

   "Do you want to stay for dinner?" Mr. Bai asked.

   "Rong Sen and I still have something to do. I can't accompany you to dinner today. Let's have a good talk about it." An Yan said.

   Mr. Bai didn't force it, and said, "It's okay, just the two of us have lunch together."

   Mr. Li lowered his eyes and smiled.

   Li Rongsen ordered the servants to bring everything and left with An Yan, and they had to go on a date with Rong Qian.

  Rongqian is still busy with things in the dance studio. She is sorting documents in the office and plans to go to the hotel earlier, lest An Yan and her brother have to wait.

   But at this time, a man walked in from outside. He was wearing dancing clothes and said, "Mr. Li, I still don't quite understand a few movements. Can you teach me?"

   "I'm afraid I'm running out of time now. Wait until after lunch, okay?" Rong Qian said while locking the documents in the drawer.

   "Why, did Teacher Li have an appointment to have lunch with her fiancé?" The man asked, as if he didn't think there was anything wrong with that.

   (end of this chapter)