MTL - The Inverted Dragon’s Scale-Chapter 830 Snowballs are on the way!

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The 830th chapter, snowballs!

Heaven and earth, only my supreme.

I am the master of killing and killing.

This is the power of the field.

If the real sword is really hit, Li Muyang and a weak water heart can't say that he will take down the Peng Peng. What's more, there is also a Red Moon Wolf king who is about to condense the entity.

However, they were planted in the field of the beast.

It can be said that this huge Beibei is the back garden of the beastly illusion, or its animal's palm----how hard it is to fight here and kill it?

Your strength is bound and it is difficult to fully play. And the Lord of the field can be windy and rainy. It is just a matter of wanting a hundred thousand soldiers. As long as the 100,000 soldiers are useful to it and its own cultivation can support this huge Yuanshen consumption.

Yes, supporting this huge field of fantasy requires a strong foundation.

It’s like you have a lot of gold coins for a young girl’s stage.

Li Muyang’s body was covered with snow and ice, and the thick ice wrapped it tightly. Li Muyang struggled hard, but his body became stiffer. The dragon is leaking out, and the whole body is red, just like it is going to burn. I want to use the dragon's firepower to melt the ice.

Unexpectedly, the ice condenses at a speed many times faster than the melting rate. In the blink of an eye, an iceberg has appeared in the location of Li Muyang.

The huge iceberg on the sea stands on an iceberg that is not falling in the air.

Li Muyang is like the heart of an iceberg. It is in the middle of the iceberg. The hand can't be lifted, the body can't move, even the hair is shaped by ice and snow, and the long stretch is there. Root broom.

It is like a dragonfly in amber hundreds of millions of years ago, lifelike, but has lost its life.

If it is an ordinary human race, it will be tortured by the power of such a field, and it will be dead long before it is subjected to such a cold.

Li Muyang is still alive.

It was the dragon in the body that sheltered him, leaving him with the last awake.

Only the eyeballs are moving all over the body. Li Muyang wants to turn around and wants to look at it again. It is a pity that this is impossible.

His eyes are sad and he is dead.

His lips squirmed and he wanted to speak, but he couldn't make any sound.

Probably, he wants to say goodbye to the thousand----or say sorry.

It was he who brought the thousand miles here, but he was not able to bring her back intact. Li Muyang’s heart is extremely uncomfortable. This is even more uncomfortable than letting him die.

"Thousands of ------" Li Muyang shouted in his heart. Only in this way can she call out her name, even though she can't hear it at all. "Thousands of ------"

Two lines of tears slipped down the cheeks.

The men did not shed tears, but they did not reach the impasse.

"Cry?" "Li Muyang", who was transformed into a beast, looked at the tears in the eyes of Li Muyang. He laughed and asked, "Is this a tear? It’s a big joke ----- The dragons who are so high that they can’t live will cry.”

"Don't break your passions, you can climb the fairy. It's no wonder that your dragons have been unable to rank in Xianban. It's because your dragons are greedy. You are not willing to give up those useless feelings."

"I am not the same ------ I am ruthless, without any concern ------" The beast said with excitement: "Since what the dragons can't do, let me finish it." ------- My Dapeng will inevitably surpass the Dragon and become a true Protos-----"


"But ------" He looked at the weakness of Li Muyang, and some disgusted said: "I am very curious about the world, I will use it for your skin, let the Terran go first." --- Since there is my existence in the world, then you are extra-----"

The beast stretched out his right hand and slowly made a fist.

Every time I tightened some fists, the huge iceberg creaked, and the size of the iceberg continued to shrink.

He controlled the mountain with a fist and prepared to pinch the body of Li Muyang in the palm of his hand.


His fists tightened, and the iceberg narrowed again.



The iceberg keeps ringing, and you can hear the backlog of the icebergs and then regroup them into smaller icebergs with a denser body.

Li Muyang's body is constantly changing in the iceberg. His body is deformed by ice, his head is tilted to the left, his arms are bent, his body is creaking, and he can hear the sound of his bones breaking. -----

When the iceberg is reduced to a certain extent, Li Muyang will be backlogged into a patties or mud, which will always be fused with the iceberg and will not be torn apart.

"Li Muyang ------" The Wolf King is angry and screams. It bears a thousand years of unconsciousness, and the "Li Muyang" who has voluntarily turned to the beast has rushed over.


It opened its mouth and slammed a fiery red fire toward the "Li Muyang."

"Red Moon Wolf King ------ not self-reliant." The scorpion's sleeves slammed, and the body of the Red Moon Wolf was taken out.

The body of the Red Moon King tumbling in the air and then paused hard.

It grabbed the thousand degrees that were about to fall into the Beihai Sea, re-opened it to its back, and then rushed toward Li Muyang again.

This time it rushed to the real Li Muyang and rushed to the iceberg that wrapped the sheep.

It opened its mouth and spit out a raging fire at the iceberg.

It will cost the real yuan, and will not hesitate to exhaust the power of its own red moon, but also use the fire in the body to melt the iceberg.

"Stupid ------" The singularity of Li Yu’s mouth turned into a taunt. "I said, this is my field. This snow and ice, how much I want. How can you melt the iceberg?"


Regardless of disregard of the Wolf King, he still desperately screamed at the iceberg.

It does not believe that it must melt this iceberg.


The snowball rushed out of the Black Sea and saw the appearance of Li Muyang’s sorrow.

It flew to the edge of the iceberg and flew around the huge iceberg. Waving his paws wants to smash the iceberg, but the ice is as strong as a rock, is it so easy to smash it?

Moreover, just after smashing a piece, more ice layers grow and spread.

It is like suddenly thinking of something, its body is constantly expanding and swelling.

It is getting bigger and bigger, bigger than the iceberg, bigger than the Black Sea, even bigger than the North.

Overwhelming, I saw the figure of the big white dog.

The "Li Muyang", which was transformed from the beast, was dignified and had a terrifying color in his eyes.

It belongs to its field and belongs to its kingdom. It is the unique **** of this North.

However, it is necessary to spend a lot of real power to support such an area. It was a illusion of billions of years.

The bigger the north, the more real yuan it consumes.

And what Snowball wants to do now is to make the North Dragonfly bigger.

It is the heart of weak water and the mother of water. It is the head of all the water in the world.

It is able to mobilize water for its use, including the water of the North. As long as there is a head of water, then its body can grow up inexhaustibly.

Heaven, earth, water.

It can be as big as the sky, big enough to cover the land, big enough to flood the entire space of the nine kingdoms of China and the plains of the mountains.

The most deadly thing is that the beast found that he still couldn't stop the weak water.

Because the heart of the weak water is higher than its godhead, it is half a step higher----the people are the real undead.

Sure enough, the sea in the North Bohai Sea began to fly high when the beast had not had time to block it.

The snowball standing in the sky is like a huge monster, trying to **** the water of the Black Sea.

As the massive Black Sea water is swallowed by it, its body is getting bigger and bigger, bigger and bigger -----

Rumble -------

The sea is shaking and the north is crumbling.

The beast is pale.

This **** ------ animal ------

It wants to blast its own field.

If you don’t want the field to be blasted, you can only use the real yuan to maintain the stability of the field and make the field bigger and bigger.

In other words, now he is about to be bigger than the heart of the weak water.

Because of the rapid expansion of the snowball, the turbulence of the North is more intense.

There are volcanoes erupting and there are tsunami brewing.

The water of the Black Sea rises against the trend, and it rushes into the mouth of the weak water heart, becoming its rapidly growing nutrients.

The beast feels dangerous. He knows that if he does not resist again, this Beibei ------ the Beibei, which he built with billions of hours, will vanish.

At that time, the field was destroyed, and I will also bear the power of the field.

Now, even if he wants to give up, it won't work.

The beasts held their hands high and a blue ball of light appeared on the top of the head.

As the blue ball of light continued to grow, the light from the blue ball of light also slid toward the entire north.

At the end of the naked eye, the border of Beibei began to spread outwards, and the depth of Beibei continued to expand.

This is the force of the beast's field. Only by deepening the field can it be able to hold the heart of the weak water in order to maintain the field.

Snowball is getting bigger, and Beibei is getting bigger -------

The Wolf King was still spurting out the flames and wanted to melt the icebergs. The spray was sprayed and the situation changed.

The iceberg is no longer shrinking, and the ice begins to melt quickly.

It looked at the wolf's eyes, turned his face in confusion, looked up again, and found the snowball ------

At this time, the snowball ------ seems to be more than a hundred times more powerful than his Red Moon King.

Snowball's exquisiteness is instinct. As long as there is water, it can be naturally transformed into a part of the body.

However, the beast is transforming its true element into a part of the field, relying on its own cultivation.

One side relies on the power of nature, and one side relies on the power of cultivation. High judgment.

The "Lv Mu Yang" became a more embarrassing face, and his forehead was sweating.

He felt strenuous and more and more strenuous.

Half-order ------

The semi-god and the protoss are only half a step apart, but this half-order is like a scorpio, blocking the dragon and the beast from the heavens.