MTL - The Invincible Dragon Emperor-Chapter 3832 God cried

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仙 域, 清 湖!

The three criminal emperors were meditating in the hall. Suddenly, a stream of light broke from overhead and fell directly into the hall. Xingdi and the other two main gods opened their eyes, Xingdi grabbed with one hand, and the streamer disappeared in his hand.

The eyes of the other two main gods flickered. This was the magical power of the Emperor, and the news came back. The Emperor went for a few months. It seems that he found the post-inflammation world?

Yu Xing's eyes were also flashing. After refining the streamer, he understood what the Emperor's communication was about. He was ambushed by the flames and asked for his support.

The imprisoned emperor paused and said, "I have found the post-inflammation world. Now I will come to the door after the post-inflammation."

"Sure enough!"

The expressions on the faces of the two main gods were indeed such that they did not say anything, and continued to meditate with their eyes closed.

But Emperor Xing said again: "Emperor Li, go and have a look there. The emperor said that he found some strange things. Let's send someone to see it. He said that he might find some origin of chaos?"


Emperor Li Li was a little stunned, and then there was a hint of brilliance in his eyes. The origin of chaos was a good thing. It was something that could improve cultivation. However, the origin of chaos is often accompanied by the ambivalence of the Yuan Dynasty. The Emperor let a main **** here understand it. He got up and said, "OK, I'll check it out."

Emperor Yun Li did not worry about the Emperor Xing at all. He knew how terrible the Xing Emperor's combat power was. Lidi's body disappeared directly into the hall, a smile appeared on the corner of Xingdi's mouth, and then he closed his eyes and continued to sit in a cross.

The other main **** didn't think too much, and sat with his eyes closed. If he was told the message from the Emperor, he was afraid he would jump up in shock.

Time passed quickly, and two days passed in the blink of an eye. The King of the Middle Kings has been guarding outside the hall. Just today, the sky suddenly blew a sound. The King of the Kings suddenly looked up, but saw the picture that shocked him.

A huge thunder threw the sky through the sky, and then dark clouds quickly condensed, covering the entire sky, and the light became dim.

"Boom Boom ~"

The thunder continued to explode, shuttled through the dark clouds, and there was no brewing. There was heavy drifting rain in the sky, hail in the rain, snowflakes mixed, and it fell down. The whole world has become weird at this moment, a repressive yet different breath spreads ...

"God cry?"

There are some maids on standby near Wuqing Lake, some amazing women, and some guards. These were prepared by the King of the Realm for several main gods. A maid saw this scene and suddenly felt a touch in his heart and murmured.

It wasn't the thunder, lightning, heavy rain, hail, snowflakes, but the breath that filled the sky, which made the maid feel this way.

In fact, not only this maid, all the souls who feel this breath, seeing this picture, have a feeling.

It seems ... God is crying, God is roaring, growling, crying!

It's not just Qinghu, the entire immortal realm, the eight major star realms, triple sky, double sky, single sky, mortal world. All the interfaces and mysteries appeared at this moment in such a vision. This vision scared countless mortals and shivered, fearing to kneel on the ground and worship God.

The beasts and beasts of countless interfaces, and other creatures, were just as scared and shivered. Many senior martial arts interface users are sceptical and suspicious, and there must be monsters when things happen. It is impossible for heaven and earth to have such a vision for no reason, just like the last time the birth of the Lord God produced a vision. This must be something serious.

"The battle of the Lord God has begun, a Lord God has fallen!"

Gu Xifeng, the king of the west, Gu Fei has returned. He saw this scene without much suspicion, and some were just emotional.

In this case, he knew what was happening. This was the death of a Lord God, the Lord's life was broken, the heaven and earth moved, and the heaven and earth mourned for it.

There are also some King Kings who are aware of this situation, and they are lingering inside. I don't know if the main **** of that side died in battle? It seems that Emperor Xing is still in Qinghu? Is it that the Emperor Xing has secretly shot, and a main **** has been killed there after the inflammation?

Think about it as well. The Emperor Xing is so powerful and they have an absolute advantage. How could he fight to the death of the Lord? Of course, they also summoned the information to the King of the Realm separately.

How can Langzhong Jingjing King have time to control them? He was trembling and kneeling on the ground at this moment, because he sensed the anger and killing outbreak of the two main gods in the hall.

Emperor Xun Xun and Emperor Yao had already stood up, both of them were full of anger. The terrible murderousness of Xing Emperor scared all the warriors in Qinghu, and they shivered on the ground.

"The Emperor is dead?"

In the eyes of Emperor Yun Yao, there is an unbelievable color. As the Lord God, he can naturally sense something. He felt that the breath of the Emperor had disappeared from this heavenly emperor, and the appearance of vision in the heavens and earth also proved this. Although he and Mudi are not close brothers or friends, but he has fought together for many years, he always feels unbelievable. How could Mudi die so easily?

"This **** after the fire!"

The emperor yelled a curse, and gritted his teeth, saying, "It must be that this **** raided the emperor. Not good ... Li emperor may be in danger, hurry up!"

The emperor Xun Xun's body directly tore the void and disappeared, and Emperor Yao did not think much about it. He followed through and they disappeared into the hall. The supreme coercion over the clear lake also disappeared, and the King of the Realm and a group of warriors were relieved. Just now they were afraid that under the anger of the prince, the emperor would do everything to destroy the entire clear lake.

"The emperor is dead? Li emperor is also in danger?"

Langzhong Jingjing Wang staggered slightly, his eyes flickered, all panic. He heard all the words of the Emperor Xing, but the Emperor was killed after being burned? Could Emperor Li be killed? If the two main gods are killed, the situation may be reversed. At that time, it will become three dozen and two, maybe we are going to lose here.

If the Emperor Xuan loses, then his running dog must not die? It's not just him ~ ~ the whole family is going to die. His eyes turned and a message was heard, and Cod came quickly. After Cod saluting, he asked, "Old ancestor, where did the main **** fall?"

Cod still knows some situations, knowing that such a vision will appear only when the main **** falls. The King of the Realm did not answer, but directly preached: "You go to secret arrangements, remember to keep them secret, and to Conceal, place a group of young elites into the secret territory. Don't place too many first, only a group of the most elite children, resources can be secretly mobilized, it must be hidden! "


The cod was suddenly frightened, and the King of the Realm asked her to arrange these things, which shows that the main **** who died here? And it is very likely that we will be defeated here?

"What are you still doing?"

The King of the Realm was angry, and said, "Go and make arrangements immediately. If the battle of the Lord God is fast, it may even come out in half a month. There is still calmness, otherwise it is easy to see what is easy to be followed. ! "


Pollock is indeed a descendant of the King of the Realm, and his face returned to normal soon, but his heart still set off a raging wave. Is this afraid that it will change?

What's wrong ... She looked up at the sky, watched the downpours of rain, watched hail snowflakes, and watched the thunder dragon passing through the dark clouds, wasn't it?


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