MTL - The King of Special Warfare-v7 Chapter 501 :Create opportunities

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Star country, inside the white palace.

Speaker Cade cut off the communication on the opposite side a little tiredly, and several old and serious figures on the screen suddenly disappeared from the screen.

The screen went black.

Speaker Cayde let out a sigh of relief and suddenly felt an unparalleled exhaustion.

The recent situation was completely unexpected to him.

He thought that his last part of the road could go smoothly. It only took a few months before he could leave the arduous work to his successor, but he never imagined that just as his power path was about to begin When it came to the end, the entire dark world began to rise and fall.

Speaker Cayde was a little flustered, and at the same time felt a huge pressure.

Stress comes from within as well as from outside.

Speaking of which, the whole world may not believe it. Most of the orders issued to the outside world in the recent strong attack on the star country in the non-land sniper Central Continent were unexpectedly unknown to him, the speaker, in advance.

The only thing he can do is to sign after the fact.

As Xingguo's actions became more and more intense, Speaker Cayde became more and more anxious.

As this series of events continued, he didn't know what the outcome would be.

The people are also quite dissatisfied with this series of measures of the star country. Most of the ordinary people can't see the scenery of the dark world, but they can't hide the actions of the star country on the surface. The series of provocations had a great impact, and all of this naturally counted on Speaker Cade, and his approval rating plummeted. Most people believed that his provocation of Middle-earth was the most stupid and incomprehensible.

All of these make Cade a little overwhelmed, and his road to power in the last few months is likely to be unsafe.

This is the situation Cade is facing now.

Internally, the public's dissatisfaction with him became more and more serious. At the same time, Reinhardt, the representative of the monarchy, was still using various resources to cause trouble for Central Continent.

Externally, Xingguo has formed a so-called alliance. Looking at it, almost all of them are victims who have been ravaged by Shengshi Fund, and victims who are about to be ravaged.

These people are also putting pressure on Cade.

The old people who spoke to him just now were the leaders of the European Union who stood at the top.

Among them are the leaders of the two powerhouses in the European Union.

Leaving aside the two powerhouses, italos and germany are already showing signs of being unable to support them.

The Lin tribe is blocking the Continent.

Before the East Palace has made a big move, the expansion of the Shengshi Fund has set off a storm that can shake the entire European Union.

The power of capital has the greatest room for exertion in Continental, and the huge amount of money stirs everything. The representatives of Germain and Italos made it very clear that if this continues, for at most half a year, Shengshi Fund can even directly participate in them on their site. a series of decisions.

Within two years, Shengshi Fund can penetrate into various fields of the European continent, and decide the life and death of countless fields.

They hope that Xingguo can help as soon as possible.

Stars are rich.

Their wealth can check and balance Shengshi Fund to a certain extent, at least slow down their expansion.

There are also people in Xingguo. At present, their number of masters is the largest compared to other forces, second only to Central Continent. If Central Continent is the first, Xingguo can be ranked second.

Although the gap between the first and the second is a bit outrageous, the second is the second, and it is always stronger than the Continental.

And then, Star Nation still has technology, and their technology is also second only to Central Continent.

In general, if Xingguo really intervened in a high-profile manner, it would not be difficult to deal with an Eastern Imperial Palace when Zhongzhou has not yet made a clear statement.

Even if Xingguo has reservations, it can put a lot of pressure on Shengshi Fund. Taking a step back and saying that Xingguo's action can at least let the European Union take a breath.

So the European Union is constantly looking for stars

Country, looking for Speaker Cade, more and more often.

Especially this time, when it comes to this, the line between asking for help and threatening has been blurred.

Several big figures in the European Union have made it clear that they can't stand the Shengshi Fund and the Lin Clan, not to mention that the East Palace and Central Continent have not taken action. The situation is like this. If the star country still does not move, the only choice for the European Union can only be Take refuge in Zhongzhou and bow your head in front of Zhongzhou.

In this way, although Xingguo is not alone, but without a heavyweight core ally, it will only be more embarrassing to face Central Continent.

Cade was a little helpless and even more angry.

All he wanted was to procrastinate.

In recent years, the European Union has not been as good as the year, but the background is still there. He hopes that the other party can temporarily block the Shengshi Fund and the Lin family.

But unfortunately, this time the Shengshi Fund is indeed aggressive.

It is not that the overall capital of a Shengshi Fund has surpassed that of the European Union, but this time the outbreak of the Shengshi Fund is within the European Union, plus many allies, which completely caught the European Union by surprise. The demise of the throne has exacerbated this effect again. At this stage, they really can only retreat step by step without foreign aid.

This was far from Cade's expectations.

He hopes to drag out these months and leave all this mess to his successor, so that he can live the retirement life he wants.

But this period of procrastination was really like a year, and the situation was getting worse and worse, and now, even if he wanted to not intervene.

In the large office, Speaker Cayde pondered for a long time, and finally picked up the phone and started dialing.

"Your Excellency?"

The call was connected quickly.

Star Defense Minister Reinhardt's deep voice rang on the phone, sounding respectful.

Speaker Cayde frowned, a little angry and a little disgusted.

Reinhardt can be regarded as his core confidant, but that was before. As he was about to leave the highest stage of the Star Kingdom, Reinhardt's position has changed more and more obviously during this period of time, although it seems that he The respect is as always, but from various circumstances, the other party seems to have established a firm foothold in the Junfang Group.

This is the most powerful part of Star Nation at present.

Especially after the chaos within the Xingguo Consortium, the Junfang Group became more and more high-profile, which meant the marginalization of the parliament. At present, they can be said to be the culprit in a series of secret conflicts between Central Continent and Xingguo.

And Reinhardt has gradually completed the transition from being a spokesperson for Cade to being a spokesperson for that group.

"Old friends from the Continental Union just had a virtual meeting with me."

Kaide said in a calm voice, "This is their third request for help this week. The Lin Clan and Shengshi Foundation are very strong in Europe, and they can't stand it anymore."

"They're bullshitting."

Reinhardt's voice did not fluctuate: "Your Excellency Speaker, the foundation of the Continental Alliance is not so easy to use up. They can last for at least half a year. The half year I said is in the case of the Eastern Palace and Li Tianlan."

"As I expected."

Cade nodded: "But the Continental Alliance told me that we all underestimated the Forest Clan."

The forest...

Reinhardt seemed startled, then fell silent.

"It doesn't really matter if what they say is true or false."

Cade said slowly: "They are here to ask for help, but they are also here to put pressure on them, or rather, they are a threat.

The Continental Union needs us to show our attitude. The fact is obvious, they may be able to hold on, but they may not want to pay such a high price, so they are waiting for our action. "

After a pause, he couldn't hold back a sneer: "The old friends of Ou Lu are almost pointing at my nose and asking me if I want to continue to be friends with them or be enemies."

"What's your opinion?"

Reinhardt respectfully


"I want to know your opinion."

Cade asked nonchalantly.

"The Ministry of Defense will follow the will of the Council."

Reinhardt's voice became more respectful.

Cade gritted his teeth and nearly dropped the phone.

Reinhardt and the people behind him have been shooting for a while, causing obvious confrontation. Now come to tell him to follow his instructions?

It was obvious that he wanted him to come out and take the blame.

Cade was even more angry inside, but also a little sad at the same time.

Because of this pot, he couldn't get rid of it if he wanted to. No matter what happened inside the star country, he was the speaker, and he had to bear all the responsibilities.

"We can't ignore Continental's request for help, and we can't let them chill."

Kaide said solemnly: "So, it's time to show our sincerity to our friends and dispatch the Angels!"

"You agree to our request?"

Reinhardt's voice suddenly cheered up: "I think Your Excellency Lucifer will be very happy."

The hidden boss in the Angel Kings - Lucifer Squad.

In the alliance operation, this was even a team that dared to behead Li Tianlan.

They did also go to Annan at the time, but with Li Tianlan's disappearance, the beheading was not over.

The Lucifer team searched in Annan for several days unwillingly, until Li Tianlan reappeared, and they returned to Xingguo.

However, the failure of this operation obviously made the Lucifer team unconvinced. Less than three days after returning to the star country, the Lucifer team has submitted several applications to the Ministry of Defense and the Council. They hope that the entire team will enter Central Continent and start the beheading operation again. , assassinated Li Tianlan.

Every time such an application was approved by the Ministry of Defense, but was beaten back by Cade.

Now, has Cade relented?

"Your Excellency Speaker, Li Tianlan is very strong. We should not underestimate his current combat effectiveness, especially since he is still in Central Continent. If we want to successfully assassinate Li Tianlan, we may need to use..."

"You think too much."

Cade interrupted Reinhardt with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Reinhardt was silent for a while, then said indifferently: "Your Excellency, you should know that if we really take a risk and let the Lucifer team deal with Li Tianlan in this state, the success rate is very high."

"But we have no chance."

Caide calmly said: "There is no suitable opportunity, it is too difficult to target Li Tianlan, unable to catch his weakness, and assassinating him is too blunt.

Every member of the Angel Kings is a treasure, and we cannot afford to lose it. "


There was some emotion in Reinhardt's voice: "How should we show sincerity?"

"The Lucifer team continues to wait for an opportunity."

Cayde said silently, "Let Michael, Midalen and Lemuel team go to the Continent.

Such power is enough to kill Lin Fenglin. If there is a chance, kill Lin Fengting. "

Reinhardt took a deep breath, pondered for a few seconds, and said softly, "The plan is feasible. If Lin Fengting can be killed or severely injured, Li Tianlan may be attracted to Europe..."

"if that's the case..."

Speaker Cayde's eyes were a little cold, which was the determination that broke out after trying to escape but found that he couldn't escape: "The opportunity we waited for is here. If there is no chance, we can use Continental to create opportunities."

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