MTL - The Landlord And His Wife-Chapter 14 : Uncle came to help

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Not long after I woke up the next day, several brothers from He's family came over.

He is the eldest at home and has three brothers. The eldest and the second are married. The third is the same age as Liu Xuer's fourth uncle. It is also a poor family, and the poor do not have enough food every year.

Liu Xuer was still in the little rabbit's house, when she heard the sudden excitement outside, she hurried out and saw three uncles came in carrying some woodworking tools.

Liu Xuer hurriedly ran to the front and called: "Uncle, uncle, uncle!" Liu Shu and Liu Lin also came to call for someone, Liu Sen was picked up by the third uncle and threw it into the air After throwing it, Liu Sen laughed and giggled.

Uncle hurriedly took out a few candies from his pocket and put them in Liu Xuer's hand: "Give it to your brother and brother."

"Where did you come? Are you walking?" He was asking.

Liu Xuer's eldest uncle called He Wenqing, nodded and smiled: "I'm walking."

Liu Changgeng was also taken aback when he heard it: "It will take an hour and a half to walk, so you should leave before dawn in the morning?"

Ready, nothing..."

He took it over and took a look. There were about ten eggs in the basket, placed on top of a basket of wild vegetables. She also knew in her heart that the dozen or so eggs were all put together by three or four families. With a sigh in his heart, he complained, "Come on, why don't you bring something?"

The three younger brothers all scratched their heads, and the third uncle He Wenyu smiled and said: "Sister, brother-in-law, you must be short of home, let's help clean up and beat some guys."

Liu Changgeng nodded: "Okay! My brother won't be polite!"

"Of course." The uncles didn't bring much stuff, but they did a lot of work. After a few simple words, they all rolled up their sleeves and started to work. One helped to paste the wall, and the two helped Liu Changgeng to do housework.

Liu Xuer gave Liu Sen and Liu Lin a piece of sugar in each of their mouths, and then gave it to Liu Shu, Liu Shu shook his head: "You can eat it, I'm too old to eat these."

Liu Xuer involuntarily put one in his mouth: "Eat candy and grow taller!" Stir it in the boiling water, scoop it out to dry when the saccharified water is in it, and then give it to the working father, mother and uncles to drink.

, what are you doing with these fake things for my sister? We just split up, and we didn't build a new house..."

Uncle He Wenqing's voice: "Oh, sister! Why are you still like that? Why are you so serious! You are talking about a few eggs, and if you don't know you, you think you are too little. "

"You just talk nonsense! You are very capable of being angry with me!"

"Hey, sister, don't be angry, brother-in-law doesn't mind, you don't mind, we'll be very happy..." He Wenqing's voice was a little lower: "Father and mother both know that our family is too Being poor, I can’t help you, you can’t even lift your head up among your concubines, you…”

"How do you say this?" He's voice was a little surprised: "How do father and mother know this?"

Liu Xuer thought about it when they were talking, but wanted to hear it again, so she squatted behind the stove and listened.

He Wenqing sighed: "You always report good news but not bad news, thinking that our mother and father don't know? The uncle of your third brother and sister is running a boat in Shandong. He came back a few days ago. ?"

"It's far away, but the uncle's daughter-in-law is from our village. This time, I went back to my mother's house, dressed in gold and silver, and told people everywhere that it is for whoever is in my husband's family. What did it give... We didn't know about this bewildering relative at first, but later we heard her say that he gave dozens of taels of silver to the married girl of her husband's family, as well as a lot of strange things... She said she was married to Peach Blossom Village, we listened Then I inquired, it turned out to be your third brother and sister."

He went silent.

Liu Xuer's heart also 'tickled', the third uncle and the third aunt got dozens of taels of silver when they went home?

"Forget it, no matter how well people live, it's theirs. We are no less than people who lack arms or legs. If people are diligent and hurry, we will definitely be able to live a good life!" Wen Qing hurried and persuaded.

He came back to his senses and nodded: "Yeah, your brother-in-law and I said the same, it's hard now, but if you work hard for a few years, you can always live well! That's right, be more diligent. By the way, is Wen Hui still learning carpentry?"

"Yeah, it's no problem to do ordinary household stuff, and in the village, people often beat people and stuff. Wen Yu worked as a part-time worker in the city for a month and got a dozen apple saplings , has been planted. Don't worry about it at home, it will get better in time. "

Liu Xuer's heart immediately moved! Yes, you can plant apple trees!

"What?! If you don't give money for work, why do you give back the saplings? What's that?" He Wenqing's words not only did not dispel He's worries, but made her anxious.

He Wenqing hurriedly said: "Wenyu specifically asked for it! This work should not only look at the present, but also the future. If you have a little money now, won't you spend it in a blink of an eye? Why don't you want apple saplings? long."

He was relieved after hearing this, and sighed. He Wenqing persuaded two more words, and the siblings went out.

Little catkins sat behind the stove and froze. The northwest side already produces apples, red Fuji, Marshal Huang, these varieties are very famous in later generations, and the climate here is also suitable. Of course you can plant apple trees.

She was in a good mood again, yes! Go to Shicheng tomorrow to discuss things in the apple tree. Although it is poor here, but if you really think about it, there are still many things that can make you rich!

I have a lot of work today, so I will cook three meals.

With a little bit of lean meat, cut into shreds, stir-fry shredded pork with cabbage.

Give Willow two pennies again, and tell him to go to the small goods department at the head of the village to get a drink. After steaming a dozen wowo, I made a wild vegetable soup.

Liu Changgeng and his brother-in-law drank two cups at noon and continued to work in the afternoon. During the whole day, a kang table, two long benches, and a large box for stuff came out. Also built two stoves in the room where the children slept.

The doors and windows were all repaired and solid, and the three occupants were covered with wallpaper, which seemed to have a brand new taste.

When it was getting dark, the uncles said goodbye and went back. It will take an hour and a half to go back.

He looked at the figures of his younger brothers and his nose was sore, and Liu Xuer was not very pleasant. Several uncles didn't even have the money to hire a car.

Finally asleep.

When Liu Xuer went out, Mrs He was still nagging: "You don't take anything, how bad is it to go with empty hands? Should you bring something?"

Liu Changgeng, who was burying his head in cleaning up the yard, raised his head and said, "What are you bringing? Children are not adults, so they bring gifts when they come to the door. Besides, it's not a festival, and there are no happy events at home, so they go empty-handed. What's the matter?"

"Isn't Shicheng also a child? They brought so many things the day before yesterday!"

Liu Xuer also said: "What can I bring as a child? Mother, stop nagging, I'm leaving!" She went out.

The willow followed, knowing that she could not go up the big **** by herself, and kept sending her up the slope, and instructed: "Go in, don't walk along the edge of the ditch, at noon , brother to pick you up!"

"Oh." Liu Xuer had already walked far, she agreed, and walked along a narrow dirt road for a while, and she saw Shicheng's house.

The house has a large brick house, five main rooms, and left and right wing rooms. This house is definitely the only one in Peach Blossom Village.

Shi Cheng was sitting on the threshold at this moment and waiting. When he saw her coming, he immediately stood up and greeted her with a smile: "Xu'er, you're here! Have you had breakfast yet?"

"Eat, are you waiting for me here? Why don't you study? Let your mother know and nag again." Willow Xuer nags him when they meet.

Shicheng snorted, looked left and right, and said in a low voice: "The four books and five classics are really difficult, I doubt whether I can figure it out in my life."

Liu Xuer sneered, and looked around, and said in a low voice, "You're still a graduate student! It's not ashamed."

"That classical Chinese..." Shi Cheng just stabbed his neck and said a word, when he saw his mother come out of the main room, and hurriedly ran up with a smile: "Mother! I just finished reading an article, came out to drink When you see Xu'er coming, go pick her up!"

"Hello Aunt Shi!" Liu Xuer hurriedly bowed to say hello.

Shi Chengniang originally saw him running out and her face changed a bit, but after hearing this explanation, she calmed down a bit, nodded to Liu Xuer and smiled: "Okay, Xu'er is here? Come in." He said to Shicheng again, "Go back to the house after drinking the water."

Shicheng could only agree, glanced at Liu Xuer, and went away reluctantly.

In the eyes of Shi Chengniang, Shi Cheng was naturally like this because she couldn't play with Liu Xuer, so she smiled and pulled Liu Xuer into the main room.

"Xu'er, your family is separated? I heard from Shicheng that they moved to the bottom of the **** in front of my house?" Shichengniang asked.

Liu Xuer hurriedly nodded: "Yeah, I just moved here the day before yesterday. Shicheng also sent us some eggs and meat, saying that it was sent by my aunt, my father and my mother are very grateful, You must thank auntie for calling me here. Thank you auntie!" Liu Xuer said solemnly but innocently.

Shi Chengniang's face was suffocated again, she nodded her head in a hurry, and said with a smile: "Thank you, tell your father and your mother, you're welcome. You wait, I'll get the silk thread. " said and went out.

Liu Xuer smiled inwardly.

Actually, Shicheng's mother is far less fond of her than her own mother, He, thinks. , exaggerated two or three times, He really thought that Shi Chengniang liked her very much!

And Shicheng turned around to his mother, and praised the Liu Xuer family very well, how good the second aunt of the Liu family is, how much he likes sister Xuer, just because of this family Man, how much he likes Peach Blossom Village... blah blah blah.

Shi Chengniang, who made Shi Chengniang so arrogant and arrogant, had to look at the Liu Xuer family differently.