MTL - The Legendary Mechanic (Transcendental Mechanic)-~ Chapter 16 Startling

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Early the next morning, Han Xiao woke up, only to feel relaxed, and the exhaustion of the flight was swept away.

"Han brother, you woke up." Hu Hongjun was moving at the door and smiling.

This family is really enthusiastic, to give him food and shelter, although some are not willing to leave, Han Xiao still showed his intentions.

"Take your hospitality, but unfortunately I can't stay for a long time. If there is a chance, I will repay you."

Anti came with a small parcel and smiled. "I made some pancakes. You take it on the road."

Han Xiao’s heart was warm, his hands took the parcel, and the warmth of the pancakes spread into his heart along the palm of his hand, revealing a smile, and immediately realized that he couldn’t see it, he said sincerely: “I slept very well last night, thank you very much. Your hospitality."

An grin.

"Haha, you are welcome, brothers are all within the four seas." Hu Hongjun is arrogant.

Han Xiao packed up his luggage, took a backpack and a parcel, and suddenly noticed that the leaves wrapped in the animal skin were gone, his face was heavy and said: "Someone moved my parcel."

Hu Hongjun was shocked. "No, I and An are not... Wait, Hu Fei, you give me out!"

Hu Fei, who was hiding in the tent and eavesdropping, trembled and slid out.

Han Xiao’s eyes flashed, and he smiled and said: “It’s you again.”

Hu Fei shrunk his neck and dared not face Han Xiao. Hu Hongjun kicked his **** on his hips. He hated the iron and said: "Are you stealing people's things and immediately take them out!"

Hu Fei bite his lip and reluctantly feels a 73-style wasp and hand it over to Han Xiao.

"Han brothers, although you are jealous of him, this kid is owed." Hu Hongjun began to consider what position to use.

"No, it's good to get things back. This thing is dangerous to you." Han Xiao took the pistol and let him breathe a sigh of relief. He was not afraid of his own equipment, but worried about leaving the weapon, it would be The colony provoked trouble, Hu Hongjun hosted him for one night, and he naturally could not leave the bane.

Hu Fei grinned and disapproved. He felt that Han Xiao was stingy, and there were so many guns, but he was reluctant.

"The mountain does not turn to the water, the end of the world has a chance to meet again, goodbye." Han Xiao officially said goodbye.

Hu Hongjun nodded, "Be careful on the road."

Han Xiao took up his bag and turned away.

There is a saying that it is the grace of dripping water. If it is a chance, Han Xiao will repay the night of charity in the snow.

"This murderer has finally left." Hu Fei wiped a cold sweat, followed by a look of hilarious, hey, but the guy did not find that I stole two guns.

Hu Fei got rid of Hu Hongjun’s number and returned to the back of the tent. He took out another 73-style wasp pistol from the box. He put up his mind and made up his mind. Even if Han Xiao came back to ask for sin, he would definitely refuse to admit it and say nothing. Go back.

Just why didn't the gun have a trigger?


The map drawn by the rogues is similar to the pupils' graffiti, but it indicates the current position. It is enough for Han Xiao. He remembers the complete picture of the blue star.

I am located in the territory of Xinglongguo. With reference to the map, I can walk out of the woods to find the railway in three days, and then I can take a ride to the city.

At noon, Han Xiao found a place, ready to eat something to supplement the physical strength of consumption, and saw that the animal skin wrapped a few more holes that were drawn by thorns and branches.

Han Xiao spread the animal skin wrapped, ready to put the gun into the backpack, the action suddenly a meal, snorted.

"It seems like there is a gun missing..."

Counting it again, it is not an illusion.

Han Xiao’s heart snorted, if the gun left in the settlement, it would be terrible!

Without taking a meal, Han Xiao hurriedly sorted out the good things and strode toward the road.


Two dark bullet-proof armored vehicles came to the rogues' settlement. On the 1st, with a fully armed experimental team, they used guns to force all the rogues to gather in the square, holding their heads together.

All the rogues recognized the emblem of the budding organization, and the hearts of the people.

“Have you seen this person?”

On the 1st, press the handheld terminal, a virtual image appears in the air, it is Han Xiao’s photo.

"never seen it."

Everyone is arrogant.

The style of the budding organization is well known, as long as the line is removed, the rogue will not be shot.

The six countries and the bud are the opposing camps, and the rogues are the swaying heads of the grass. They are usually neutral, but they may fall to either side. Therefore, the six countries and the budding organizations have regulations that do not easily use force against the rogue.

Only Hu Fei’s body trembled, and his guilty conscience was almost written on his face.

No. 1 was angry and frustrated. He followed Han Xiao for seven days before he met a settlement. But everyone said that he had never seen Han Xiao, indicating that he had followed the wrong direction.

"Go!" No. 1 roared, led the team to get on the bus, just turned around, he suddenly noticed Hu Fei's expression.

On the 1st, the mind was suspicious, stopped and said: "Catch the kid out!"

Hu Fei was shocked and stunned by the test body warriors, trembled like a trembling cockroach.

No. 1 blinked and asked: "Do you know the people on the photo?"

Hu Fei shook his head quickly, "I don't know."

On the 1st, I saw the hard object of Hu Fei’s waist and bulging sac, and said: "Give him a body!"

Hu Fei was tripped to the ground and watched the 73-style wasp being found.

"This is our gun!" No. 1 was suddenly cold, and the gun was aimed at the crowd. He said: "The zero number has come here, you dare to hide, want to find death?!"

"Say! Where did he go!"

The deterrent force of the muzzle caused the rogue to stir up and turned their attention to the first bearded Kello, who was in contact with Han Xiao.

Kello is shrinking in the corner like an ostrich and dare not take the lead. When he sees it, he suddenly rushes. "You see what I am doing. I just sold something to him. Hu Hongjun knows the whereabouts of the guy!"

The people around Hu Hongjun suddenly shunned.

Hu Hongjun has already reached this point and can only stand up slowly. Shen Sheng said: "I don't know."

The bearded Kello was eager to cleanse the line and immediately retorted, "How could you not know, you gave him a fight, and he hosted him for a night!"

The first look was abruptly cold.

The rogues were frightened and urging Hu Hongjun.

"Hurry up and tell you what you know!"

"Do you want to kill us for an outsider?"

Hu Hongjun’s heart screamed at Kello, taking a deep breath and making up his mind. He stretched his finger in one direction and said: “The man went in that direction.”

"Very good, you are very interested." On the 1st, a smile, a shot, no warning.


Hu Hongjun had a blood hole in his forehead. His face was fixed, his face was horrified, his body swayed, and he fell to the ground.

Hu Fei screamed and looked at Hu Hongjun's body in horror.

Just... is it so dead? !

No. 1 looks as usual, as if only killing a chicken by hand, the concealment of the rogue makes him angry, especially after hearing Hu Hongjun entertain Han Xiao, he directly kills.

As long as someone has a little relationship with Han Xiao, the number one does not mind sending him to **** to regret.

"Old Hu?" Anchao felt something, pale, swaying and standing up, following the voice to the husband, faltering and stumbling.

On the 1st, I took out the pistol, and across the distance, a shot will be shot!

Half of the hindbrain was blown up by bullets, brains and blood sprinkled on the ground, and fell in the middle of the road. It was only one arm away from Hu Hongjun, but it seemed like a scorpio, and the godless eyes were stained with red blood.

On the 1st, the squint squinted at the body and sneered.

"court death."

Hu Fei collapsed and fell to the ground and cried.

He regretted the extreme, and he was greedy for a moment, and he even killed the uncle.

The rogue daring and daring to speak, looking at Hu Hongjun and An's body, quite a rabbit sorrowful feeling of sorrow.

The handheld terminal is connected to the monitor screen of the budding leader. The leader asked: "What are you doing? Who let you kill!"

On the 1st, I was so sincere and sincerely confessed: "This group of rogues knows not to report, I just want to stand up, we will leave immediately."

The leader shook his head and said: "Forget it, since killing is killing, then do a clean spot, don't let the news spread."

No. 1 nodded, his face cold, and made a gesture.

The endless stream of gunshots stunned countless forest birds.


Dusk was like blood, Han Xiao was slow to catch up, and finally returned to the settlement before dark, and across the distance, he smelled a pungent **** smell, and his heart sank.

"It's late."

The noisy settlements are dead, and it is a scene of massacre. There are shocking blood everywhere. The land that is stepping on the feet is soaked with blood, wet and sticky, step by step blood footprint.

Han Xiao saw Hu Hongjun and the body of Ampere's death, his pupils shrank and his anger rose from his heart.

At this time, a figure climbed up from a dead body, and Han Xiao recognized that he was the bearded businessman who blackmailed him.

Kello’s shock was undecided. He was stunned at the beginning of the massacre, but he was lucky enough to escape his life. Before he even had ecstasy, he saw Han Xiao, who stood by and looked at him, suddenly shook his body.

Han Xiao took two steps and took two steps. He grabbed Kello’s collar and said, “What happened here?”

"The budding organization is the budding organization! We have not revealed your whereabouts, they will kill people and vent their anger. Our people have died so badly. If Hu Hongjun has served you, you have to avenge us!"

Kello had a tear in his nose and played like a real person. He didn't dare to tell the truth. He just wanted to let Han Xiao take the initiative to find the budding organization and not be involved in him.