MTL - The Leisurely Life of Infinite Gods-Chapter 722 Chumo's crisis

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"Mr. Chu, senior Tianya should know something about the Xue family. Besides, it is rumored that in the early years, the Shaolin abbot, Master Zhishang, visited the Xue family in order to get a medicinal herb. As for more news. ... This Xue family is too mysterious, and basically does not deal with secular people, so ordinary martial arts people don't know the existence of the Xue family at all!"

Wei Zhengpin, the head of the Wei family, gently came to Chu Mo. The powerful man frowned slightly at this time, as if he was troubled by something.

Chu Mo looked at the broken jade talisman in front of him, with a large 'Xue' carved on it, and when Chu Mo gently reached out and touched it, the broken jade talisman turned into ashes, followed by the entrance of the hall. A gust of wind blew, and even the last trace disappeared without a trace.

"The old man has heard some rumors. Ten years ago, Senior Tianya planned to exchange a Tianling Pill with Master Zhishang for the relics in his hands. Originally, Master Zhishang had already agreed, but he finally went to Xue's house. , then rejected the matter. The Xue family used to be a top force in the martial arts a hundred years ago. It was rumored that its owner, Xue Zhenhua, was extremely powerful. After that, for some reason, the Xue family disappeared completely and almost never interacted with anyone. In the past 100 years, there have been very few rumors of the Xue family in the martial arts, and it is unexpected to see the Xue family's direct lineage today."

When the upper Grand Master Hua Zhenyu spoke softly, there was a hint of hesitation in his eyes, and then the old man who was silent for a long time slowly said:

"Mr. Chu, since the Xue family reappears, I'm afraid it won't be so easy to give up this time...! We have to be fully prepared."

Chu Mo, who was on the side, didn't speak, but knew about this, sitting opposite Chu Mo, Lu Siyue, who had been charmed by Xue Yulu's voice, slowly appeared in his eyes until a moment later, with Lu Siyue slightly Shaking her head, she woke up.

"What happened just now? Why does my head feel heavy!?"

Lu April, who had just woken up, had a flash of doubts in her eyes. She just felt that she had just slept. This sleep seemed to be a long time, and it seemed that the time was very short, but when she opened her eyes, she found that she was a little bit worried. Headache feeling.

When Lu Siyue frowned slightly, Chu Mo finally got up gently, and he said to Lu Siyue in front of him:

"Since you are tired, then go back and have a good rest. Don't work too hard. Now that the company is on the right track, let your subordinates do some less important things!"

When Lu Siyue on the opposite side also stood up, Chu Mo said calmly while walking towards the door:

"As for your grandfather's affairs, you don't have to worry about it. I will keep two No. 2 longevity pills on the longevity discipline table in case of emergencies. No matter it is any spokesperson, once any unexpected situation occurs, they can immediately Take it and use it, don't have to worry too much."

At this time, Chu Mo had come to the entrance of the hall. At this time, dozens of bodyguards who had been knocked down by the Xue family at the entrance had regained their straightness. However, almost all of these bodyguards were decorated. .

Facing the two middle-ranked grandmasters, Chu Mo knew that these bodyguards had no room to fight back. The reason why they were able to stand was because of the other party's mercy, but according to the other party's words, this time the other party came to see him, Just to give myself a reminder, it's considered a disgrace. As for the next time, I'm afraid that the other party will not accept it.

Breathing gently, Chu Mo said lightly:

"Everyone goes back to receive 100,000 yuan of hard work!"

When the words fell, Chu Mo didn't say much, but sat directly in the back row of the Rolls-Royce Phantom in front of him.

Afterwards, a group of bodyguards got into the car immediately. When the convoy started slowly, Chu Mo turned his head slightly and saw Lu April standing at the door of the western restaurant, carefully sending him away.

The middle master Wei Zhengpin and Qin Lan, and the upper master Hua Zhenyu had already left. At this time, only Lei Ting was sitting in the co-pilot seat of Rolls-Royce.

Although Lei Ting is also a great master, he has just advanced to the master for only half a year. According to the normal trajectory, if he wants to advance to the middle master, he may need more than ten years of practice, and then he will practice hard for ten to two years. In ten years, when he is seventy years old, he will be able to reach the peak of the middle-ranked grandmaster. As for breaking through the barrier of the sky and reaching the upper-ranked grandmaster, in terms of Lei Ting's understanding, it can only be said that the chances are slim.

In fact, Lei Ting definitely belongs to the top and top-notch group in the martial arts world. His aptitude cannot be said to be peerless, but he can also be regarded as the top, otherwise he would not have been able to cultivate to a great master at this age.

As for diligence... It can be said that looking at the entire Chinese martial arts circle, there are very few people who can be more diligent than Lei Ting. As a martial arts idiot, Lei Ting has almost abandoned all his distractions, love, and family affection. , friendship... Except for cultivation, he hardly has any hobbies.

But even so, with aptitude and perseverance, Lei Ting's end point is only a peak median master, which is the highest destination of most martial arts people.

As for wanting to be called a high-ranking grandmaster, apart from Jiang Dingnan and Hua Zhenyu, in the entire country, for hundreds of years, only Tianya, Shaolin Abbot Master Zhishang, and Liu Ping, who once survived desperate circumstances because of the collapse of his family three people.

In a hundred years, only three people can reach the upper Grandmaster, which shows the horror of the barrier of the sky.

From the point of view of ordinary warriors, Lei Ting is definitely an excellent person. He is one of the youngest grand masters even if he can't break the record when he reaches the grand master at the age of thirty-five.

However, for Chu Mo, Lei Ting's strength was still not enough.

Not to mention anything else, it's just the Xue family I met tonight. The eldest lady of the Xue family is obviously a peak-level high-ranking grandmaster, and the twin elder behind Miss Xue's family is also a middle-ranking grandmaster.

It can be said that in front of these people, Lei Ting simply does not have the strength to compete.

As for the others, whether it is Hua Zhenyu, Jiang Dingnan, or even Wei Zhengpin, although these people are all powerful, they have also promised to protect their own safety, but after all, they cannot always follow Lei Ting. around yourself.

And in the event of an emergency, even if these people are powerful and can move instantly, but in the face of a top expert like the Xue family, if the other party really wants to kill him, when they arrive, the daylily will be cold.

Therefore, even if it is only for self-protection, Chu Mo must improve the strength of the people around him.

"Mr. Chu, I just checked, in addition to the four people who entered the hall, there are several powerful spiritual forces that have been lingering near the restaurant. I used to track down these spiritual forces before, but the strength of the other party should be Above me, before I could get close, these mental powers disappeared!"

Rolls-Royce co-pilot, Thunder's dull voice sounded slowly.

At this time, Chu Mo finally opened his bilingual slowly. He stared at Lei Ting's junior. After a moment of silence, Chu Mo said slowly:

"Joining a Heavenly Spirit Pill for you, what are your chances of advancing to a mid-rank grandmaster?"

When Lei Ting, the co-pilot, heard the words, his body was obviously stiff.

Heavenly Spirit Pill, that is a grade of medicinal pill that is more precious than Da Huan Pill. It is definitely a rare treasure. For any martial arts practitioner, a piece of Heavenly Spirit Pill is absolutely incomparably precious.

Even, many martial artists at the Grandmaster level may risk their lives to **** it.

A single pill can save a warrior from ten years of hard work.

And a single Heavenly Spirit Pill can save a warrior from thirty years of hard work.

If Lei Ting can take a pill of Heavenly Spirit, his strength will definitely increase immediately, and he will be able to reach the peak-level primary master in a short period of time, and may even directly break through to the median.

Just a moment later, Lei Ting in the front row slowly recovered his calm, this incomparably tall man said very seriously:

"Mr. Chu, in my current situation, if I take the Heavenly Spirit Pill, I can get a peak-level primary Grandmaster at most, and there is an average chance of breaking through the median Great Grandmaster within a month. One Heavenly Spirit Pill can help me save money. Ten years of penance.

However, for me, if I take Tianling Pill now, it is still too wasteful. If I wait ten years, when I reach the median Grandmaster and take Tianling Pill, I can reach the peak-level median Grandmaster in one fell swoop. This saves at least twenty years of penance..."

Chu Mo looked at the loyal man in front of him, he raised his eyebrows slightly and said:

"What? You don't want to take the Heavenly Spirit Pill to increase your strength?"

Chu Mo's words fell, and the co-pilot Lei Ting slowly turned around. He looked at Chu Mo very seriously, and then said:

"Returning to Mr. Chu, it's not that I don't want to, but I can't bear it! The treasure of Tianling Pill is too precious. I know that you have one in your hand, Mr. Chu, but this one may be the last one in the whole world. It's impossible to make such a mysterious Xue family's heart move. If you don't cherish it well, it's too wasteful to just give it to me.

However, Mr. Chu, if you insist on taking it for me, I swear, I will follow Mr. Chu for eternity in the future! "

The tall man in front of him looked extremely serious. It could be seen that, as a powerful martial artist, what he pursued wholeheartedly was martial arts. Naturally, no one wanted to improve his strength more than him.

However, it is precisely because of Lei Ting's loyal character that he is also unwilling to waste a piece of Heavenly Spirit Pill in vain, so at this time Lei Ting rarely has a tangle on his face.

At this time, Chu Mo not only closed his eyes slightly.

The Tianling Pill was originally the medicine that Chu Mo planned to use to develop the No. 3 Longevity Pill. It can be said to be extremely important, but now the Tianling Pill has been targeted by the mysterious Xue family. Chu Mo estimated that with his own strength, it would be difficult to hold onto this Heavenly Spirit Pill.

As the eldest lady of the Xue family said, it is the so-called guilt of embracing jade. If Tianling Pill is placed in the hands of the half-step Tianshen Tianya, naturally no one dares to think about it, and it is because of his lack of strength that someone dares to directly. Threatening himself, so Chu Mo just thought that instead of handing over the Heavenly Spirit Pill, it would be better for Lei Ting to take it, which would be considered to be cheaper for his own people.

Not only can I have an additional powerful assistant, but I can also gain Lei Ting's loyalty.

But at this time, seeing Lei Ting's embarrassed appearance, Chu Mo changed his attention. This Heavenly Spirit Pill might really be the last pill in the world. Without this pill, the development of the No. 3 Longevity Pill might fall into place. Bottleneck, the time it takes may increase to ten years, or even decades.

And with this Heavenly Spirit Pill, the development of No. 3 Longevity Pill can be greatly advanced, just like because there is a big repayment pill, the No. 2 Longevity Pill only took half a year to succeed, and there is no such big one. Huan Dan, the second longevity pill may take three to five years to be successful, and the time saved is as long as several years.

It would be too wasteful to just use the Heavenly Spirit Pill for Lei Ting.

At this time, Chu Mo slowly closed his eyes again. The Xue family had just appeared. It was a warning to himself. Even if he just gave himself some time to think about it, the other party should not take action in a short time. Therefore, at least he still has a few Consider the time of day, don't rush it!

The co-pilot Lei Ting saw that Chu Mo was lost in thought again. After he took a deep breath, a small disappointment flashed in his eyes, and then he sat up straight again.

Soon, the convoy drove through the downtown area, and finally stopped at the Longevity Club after half an hour.

When Chu Mo walked down from the back row of the Rolls-Royce Phantom, the figure of the head of the club, Lian Bing, had already appeared in front of him.

"Mr. Chu!"

Liang Bing in a lavender dress bowed slightly to greet her, and the beautiful woman with 98 points of beauty had a faint natural fragrance on her body, which was very attractive.

However, at this time, Chu Mo was not in the mood to chat with the other party, so he took a step forward. Accompanied by Liang Bing, Chu Mo strode towards the longevity club in front of him.

Soon, Chu Mo, who took the elevator, came to the sixth basement of the club, which is the place with the most stringent security measures in the entire club.

When Chu Mo stepped out of the elevator, the other two leaders of the club, Yang Xuan and Zhang Dongdong, also appeared in front of him.

"Take out the Tianling Pill, hand it over to Professor Fred, and tell Fred that the development of the main medicine substitute for the No. 2 Longevity Pill has all stopped. Now all the staff in the laboratory immediately devote themselves to the development of No. 3 Longevity Pill. !"

Following Chu Mo's indifferent words, Yang Xuan, who was the general manager of the club in front of her, was slightly stunned. She opened her mouth slightly, as if she wanted to say something, but when she saw Chu Mo's indifferent eyes, she finally swallowed all the words into her own. Yang Xuan immediately bowed his head and said:

"Okay Mr. Chu, I'll make arrangements now.

By the way, Mr. Chu, the No. 1 experimental subject, Mr. Situ has already recovered his body. Mr. Situ wants to go home, what do you think? To be continued)