MTL - The Lord’s Empire-Chapter 19 Life and death contract

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This group of captives, a total of 64 people, only one woman, that is the three-headed, the woman who can mix in the rogue village, must not be a good old man.

Zhao Wei pondered for a while, said, "Wang Ergou, come over and talk about who usually do evil, or point out who is the leader."

Wang Ergou’s pale trembling came to Zhao’s side, and the people in the wolf village were glaring and understood that he was the traitor.

However, although angry, but do not dare to say, because now the right to kill and master the hands of Wang Ergou, as long as he said who is the leader, who is the most evil, obviously will die, and Wang Ergou does not dare to face Those sights.

Zhao Zhao was somewhat surprised. Wang Ergou slammed down and asked, "Adult! The big master who died in the first place is dead, and the other two are poisoned. Please spare them, I will give you Taro."

After that, Wang Ergou buckled several heads on the ground, then raised his head, and a pair of eyes pleaded and looked at Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei is also immersed in contemplation. First of all, he must consider these hooligan loyalty issues. Zhao Yiben wants to kill some of them, and then hand over others to Baiqi to take good care of them. Now Wang Ergou asks himself to spare them. One life, Zhao Wei turned and looked at the people in the wolf village.

In the end, Zhao Wei slowly said, "Would you like to dedicate your loyalty?"

The people in the wolf village heard the words and looked surprised. They immediately kneeled down on one knee and shouted in unison. "I will swear allegiance to the adults!"

However, one of them did not kneel down, but stood there with a hesitant face, she is the three-headed.

Zhao Wei sees this, I don’t want to let such a leader in my heart. Although she looks very beautiful, Zhao Wei is not very interested in this, so she waved her hand and gently said, "Kill her, white These people are handed over to you, you have to discipline them!"

After that, Zhao Wei is trying to bring people back to Daqin Village.

Several soldiers also took orders, and they were about to grab the three, and then cut her head.

The three-headed family saw this, his face was white, and he hurriedly shouted, "I am willing to surrender to you, but you must promise not to touch my body!"

"Ah? Who is interested in her body."

Zhao Wei stopped and looked awkward, but he didn't want to explain anything. This woman could be mixed into the three homes. It was obvious that the means was extraordinary, or it was killing as well, so she waved her hand and ordered her to be killed.

"Wait! My first time can give you, but you promised that I won't touch me in the future!", the three-headed family biting red lips, squatting down and shouting.

"the first time?"

Zhao Wei is also somewhat speechless. He really regards him as a erotic, waved his hand and told people to kill her.

More than a dozen soldiers held ironwood knives and listened to them. They surrounded the three people and were about to hack her.

The people in the original Evil Wolf Village also quickly advised, "Three of you, you are still from the adults, this great person is extraordinary, there will be some achievements in the future!"

Hearing the words, the three masters, hands clasped, biting silver teeth, and finally cried at one time, "Good! I promise you, but you must promise me, only once a week, I can sign a contract with you." ".

"Life and death contract?"

Zhao Wei had heard the words of these people, but it was speechless, but when he heard the contract of life and death, he was puzzled because he did not know what it was.

The next three people took out a piece of paper, bitten the thumb, and then pressed it, then handed the paper to Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei took a look.

[Life and death contract] Introduction: You can link the lives of the two together, the main party will die, and the other party will die.

"Hint! Do you accept Liu Mei's life and death contract?"

There is still this thing. Later, I can prepare a few sheets to prevent betrayal. Zhao Xin thought, and he was not too worried about what the three heads would do and chose to accept.

Subsequently, the paper became a little bit of aura, divided into two halves, part of which entered Zhao’s body and part of which entered Liu’s body.

Now these people have surrendered, Zhao Wei can view the qualifications, mostly F-class, a few C-level, so that Zhao Wei some accident Liu Mei qualification is actually S-class, so could not help but look at her more. Seeing this from the beginning is also more certain of my mind.

"Okay! Everyone goes back to the village," Zhao said.

The people in the wolf village saw that they were not dead, and they breathed a sigh of relief. They looked at the scene in front of them, and they looked like a cold face.


Back to Daqin Village, everyone in the Wolves Village was shocked when they learned that Daqin Village was a legendary village. It was also convincing to be defeated by Zhao Wei.

When Li Si saw Zhao Wei and Bai Qi came back safely, he was relieved.

At this time, Zhao Wei said, "Lee you go to arrange these people!"

Li Si looked at the people in the wolf village and nodded. Suddenly he walked up and said something in Li Si’s ear. Li Si’s face was a joy. Zhao Wei looked strange, but did not care, but he took it with him. Several soldiers came to the south of Daqin Village and took out the heart of the white city and pressed it to the ground.

“Hint! Do you use the heart of the city?”

Zhao Yu chose, and then, like Jianda Qin Village, a series of light waves spread out, and several tables of basic buildings slowly emerged.

Into the village chief hall, Zhao Wei checked the properties.

Village name: Evil Wolf Village (general)

Level: Beginner (0/5000)

Village area: 1 square kilometer

Village territory: 5 square kilometers

Residents: 0/300 soldiers 0/100

People's heart: 0

Special attributes: Territory crop yield Territory crop growth time -2%.

Can have affiliated villages: 0

This is the attribute of an ordinary village. Basically, it has a world of difference with Daqin Village. It cannot be said at the same time. At this time, the public heart of the evil wolf village is 0, and the residents are all 0, because Zhao Wei’s original people in the wolf village have passed. Under the name of Daqin Village, otherwise the heart of the evil wolf villagers is basically negative, and will once again refresh the rogue.

There are no tailors, blacksmiths, and pharmacists in the wolf village. They are probably defected. However, there is a transfer stone in the three houses, which can be transferred to these three occupations. The upper limit is 1.

When I came to the barracks, there was only one stone monument.

[Rogue]: Evaluation of F-class arms. Brief introduction: One of the scourges that the people's hearts will be negative. The effect of the arms: each person can be transferred to obtain skills [rogue knife method].

Zhao Yi wanted to destroy the robbery of this rogue, initially [Military]. When thinking about it, this profession might be useful, so choose to keep it.

He also found an old man with a little management experience in Daqin Village. He was appointed as the new village chief of the evil wolf village. At the same time, he left several soldiers and temporarily took care of the wolf village. When the population was refreshed tomorrow, he gradually recovered into a normal village.

After these things were dealt, Zhao Wei returned to Daqin Village and planned to discuss with Li Baicun and two people, but he simply talked a few words. Li Si said meaningfully, "His Royal Highness! Not too early, You are very tired today, just take a break early."

Wen Yan, Zhao Xin is a bit strange, but it is not too early to see, so I went back to my room, just opened the door, Zhao lived, because a mature and seductive woman has long been naked ~ naked body lying Bed.

Zhao Wei immediately turned around and closed the door and shouted, "Li Si! You give me out."