MTL - The Lord’s Empire-v2 Chapter 3317 Golden Knife

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Chapter 3317 Golden Knife (for subscription)

Volume One, Chapter 281

Shuimu said, "Go on!"

Zhao Fu smiled, "Then you will use all your strength, I am giving you a chance last."

Shuimudao, "Okay!"

Shui Mu then threw the spear in his hand to the sky, and the blood all over his body flew into the sky, merged into that spear, and that spear gradually turned into a blood spear.


The spear exudes a lot of **** light, covering all directions, a terrifying force spreads, making everyone feel a chill.

Shui Mu reached out and pushed.


The long spear turned into a huge **** light, and it shot Zhao Fu like a bolt of lightning, as if no one could stop it, and the picture was also very amazing.

Zhao Fu stood in place, the defensive cover was not released, and it seemed that he didn't take this trick seriously.

At the moment the **** streamer shot in front of him, a huge aura burst out from Zhao Fu's body, a **** aura and a black aura collided together, and a gust of wind blew around, blowing everyone away. Backed up and couldn't open his eyes.

That terrifying power caused intense fear in the hearts of countless people, and their bodies trembled.

The **** light gradually weakened, and finally turned into a spear and fell on the ground.

Zhao Fu just blocked such an astonishing blow with his aura, and he hadn't used defensive moves, which made Shui Mu show a bitter expression.

Everyone looked at Zhao Fu with their eyes, and they didn't know what to say about Zhao Fu's strength.

Zhao Fu looked at the remaining Jin Qingwan three people, "Can you compare it?"

Shui and Jiaomiao shook their heads. The two of them are far less powerful than Shui Mu, and there is no need to compare with Zhao Fu.

Jin Qingwan smiled and said, "I want to try it!"

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Yes! Let's move!"

Jin Qingwan smiled and waved her hand, and countless golden **** of light flew into the bodies of the surrounding water warriors. The water warriors transformed into individual golden warriors. There were hundreds of them. They were controlled by Jin Qingwan and surrounded Zhao Fu.

Everyone was a little surprised, but didn't expect Jin Qingwan to use this method to control the water warriors before.

Jin Qingwan smiled and said, "I can do it!"

Under Zhao Fu's control, hundreds of golden warriors rushed towards Zhao Fu with a strong momentum.

Zhao Fu stood in place, with a wave of his sword, a huge black sword light cut out, and the golden warriors who rushed were cut in half. Those golden warriors turned into gold water and continued to shoot at Zhao Fu. .

Zhao Fu released a defensive cover to keep the countless golden water out.

Numerous golden waters wrapped the defensive cover, constantly eroding, and Zhao Fu's defensive cover also began to turn golden.

Zhao Fu directly released a powerful force and shook countless golden waters flying out, turning them into a golden mist, and Zhao Fu's defensive cover also disappeared.

Jin Qingwan appeared in front of Zhao Fu and slapped Zhao Fu on the chest.

Zhao Fu allowed Jin Qingwan to hit her chest directly, which made Jin Qingwan's expression stunned. She still didn't react. She only felt a powerful and strange force pouring into her body. Jin Qingwan wanted to take her hand back in panic, but it seemed It was like being sucked by Zhao Fu's body.

Everyone looked strange, what happened?

Jin Qingwan felt the power invading her body, and hurriedly used her own power to resist, but she was not the opponent of this power at all. She was defeated in an instant, and her body gradually lost control.

A rune appeared in Jin Qingwan's eyes, her body flashed with golden light, she appeared ten meters away, her face looked a little ugly at Zhao Fu, she just used a life-saving method, and if she did not escape her body, she would be controlled.

Zhao Fu was also a little surprised and looked at Jin Qingwan with a smile.

Jin Qingwan said with a cold face, "What did you just want to do to me?"

Zhao Fu chuckled, "What do you mean?"

Jin Qingwan snorted, opened her hands, seven flying knives appeared in front of her, braving a sharp cold light. "Today I will let you feel the power of my seven-day golden sword!"

call out!

Seven golden flying knives flew towards Zhao Fu together, the extremely fast beam, as if it could split the air in half.

Zhao Fu stretched out a hand, and a huge force surged out, as if the time and space in front of him were confined, and the seven golden flying knives were also confined in the air.

Jin Qingwan looked surprised, so easily blocked her attack? She just said that Zhao Fu could see her very well.

Jin Qingwan reacted immediately, and stretched out his fingers to inject seven golden flying knives with huge amounts of them. The seven golden flying knives emitted golden light, and wanted to cut through the time and space that Zhao Fu was imprisoned. These seven golden flying knives were powerful. It was not bad, but it was Zhao Fu who unfortunately met.

Zhao Fu's outstretched hand grabbed hard, an invisible big hand grabbed the golden flying knife, and the light emitted by the knife was even more sealed.

Jin Qingwan's face changed and she found that she had lost control of the flying knife.

Zhao Fu looked at Jin Qingwan with a smile, waved the seven golden flying knives and quickly shot at Jin Qingwan. Jin Qingwanfei did not react, and seven wounds were cut out of her body, and a trace of blood flowed out. Not very deep.

If Zhao Fu just wanted to kill Jin Qingwan, it would only take a moment, UU reading, which made Jin Qingwan feel a chill in her back, did not expect death to be so close to her.

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Is it even better?"

Jin Qingwan knew that she was not Zhao Fu's opponent, and she said softly, "You won! Give me back my throwing knife."

Zhao Fu looked at the golden flying knife in his hand and chuckled, "Let this thing play with me for a while, and you will get it from me later."

Jin Qingwan snorted in dissatisfaction, and had no choice but to face Zhao Fu's powerful strength.

Countless ordinary people only feel that Zhao Fu is unfathomable. With his power, he doesn't need to be a disciple, but he can directly become an elder.

Many elders looked enviously at the beautiful woman in the purple skirt. With such a perfect disciple for nothing, he would surely gain countless benefits in the future.

As the Sovereign of Hydrology Five, he wanted to train Zhao Fu's Young Sovereign very much in his heart. Unfortunately, Zhao Fu had no interest in the Young Sovereign. In his heart, Hydrology Fifth wanted to let Zhao Fu accept it slowly, and he kept both sides Qing Zhao Fu.

Because Hydrology Five believes that Zhao Fu's potential will make the Water Purification School prosper in the future.

An elder warned carefully, "Sect Master! The second assessment was disrupted, should we continue?"

Hearing this, Shui Wenwu smiled and said, "You all come back, don't affect the assessment, jellyfish go down and let the elders heal your injuries."

Shui Mu nodded and followed an elder to leave.

Zhao Fu returned to his position. Jin Qingwan looked at Zhao Fu with a pair of eyes, Jiaomiao's eyes were a little admired, and the water was still cold.

The second test continued, because everyone saw Zhao Fu's strength, and they were not interested in the second test. They felt that the battle was too common, and they only hoped to end soon and start the third test.

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