MTL - The Male Lead’s Substitute Wife-Chapter 111

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Suyaya finished watching Weibo and went to Shen Xiuqi’s side. He said, “Why didn’t you say a word, did you send the marriage certificate?”

Shen Xiuqi solemnly said: "Before I did not do well enough, let others misunderstand you, so that you have suffered a lot of grievances. As a man, I must assume the responsibility of maintaining my family and give you as a wife. Respect and love, this is a must."

Su Yaya smiled and said: "The good words of the monks are a set."

Shen Xiuqi reached out and pulled her over, and hugged her intimately. "I am not a swearing person, I am telling the truth, you believe me."

Su Yaya stared at his serious eyebrows and nodded "oh".

Shen Xiuqi kissed her on the forehead and said, "We will forward it on Weibo."

Su Yaya still has the warmth on his lips on his forehead, and his heart screams at the beautiful color, but he still takes the phone and forwards it to Shen Xiuqi's Weibo.

Suya yaya: husband, thank you, I love you. Love.jpg

When the microblog of Suyya came out, the Internet naturally exploded...

An Ying’s eye-catching staring at Shen Wei’s Weibo, the line of sight fell on the final marriage certificate. The wedding date on the top pierced her eyes deeply. She didn’t think that she broke up with Shen Xiuqi. Eight months later, Shen Xiuqi had already married Suya.

She suddenly regretted that if she didn't have the will to break up with Shen Xiu, she didn't insist on going to the United States to study music. When she went to the United States to find her, she insisted that they broke up. The two people have long been okay. He came late, and came to see her in the second half of the night. She has already handed in a new boyfriend, and she is not willing to compound with him. Is it today, standing next to him, protected by him, is called Shen Taitai, the person who is envied by the people around him should be her? And definitely not Suya, who just looks like her, but her family is not able to learn more than her monks?

This kind of thought is not born out of okay. Once born, it is like a demon's seed, rooting in the bottom of the heart, growing wildly, and finally twisted into a terrible appearance.

The heart is unwilling, and the eyes are staring at the reversal comments on Weibo. The pretty face is full of grievances and resentment, and gnashing his teeth: "Suya, I am wronged today, I will let the day come. You double repay!"

The situation on the Internet was quickly reversed after Shen Xiuqi posted Weibo. The messages all went in a good direction. Everyone began to wish Shen Xiuqi and Su Yaya to marry and be happy and full, and the comments were praised and forwarded. The unit rose rapidly, and the blink of an eye rose to the first place in Weibo's hot search, followed by a burst of words, and the second article of Weibo Hot Search was the hot search he accompanied Suya to the hospital for inspection. Because of the fact that he publicly married Suya, the countless people can't brush in.

The assistant Chen’s movements were also very quick, and he quickly found out where the Shuijun came from, and he did so without any delay.

A familiar phone ringing, An Yin squinted at the caller ID, his eyes glimpsed and reached out to pick up the phone.

As soon as the phone was connected, the opposite person did not wait for her to speak, and quickly said: "Miss Ann, we can't do what you entrusted, please ask Gaoming!"

"Hey, you guys..." The other party quickly said, and waited for the language to replied, and quickly hang up the phone. Anyone even didn't even finish a complete sentence, and there was a busy tone on the phone.

"Mom!" Anyang sighed and left the phone aside, thinking in hateful thoughts, the 300,000 she voted in the early stage was so smashed, it was mad at her!

Before she was finished, the phone rang again. She thought it was the other party who called back again. She quickly reached out and picked up the phone. I saw the name of Shen Xiuqi on the screen of the mobile phone.

Shen Xiuqi called her at this time?

She looked at the phone screen and paused, and there was a bad feeling in her heart. After thinking about it, she picked up the phone.

"Hey, repair?" She pretended to know nothing, shouting in a sweet, soft voice.

The voice of Shen Xiuqi passed from the opposite side, heavy, even through the phone can hear the dissatisfaction in his voice, "Let's meet one side at a time."

An Yu snorted and laughed. She still looked like she didn't know anything. She smiled and asked Shen Xiuqi: "You are the first time to come to me after I returned to China. It is really rare. What are you looking for?" Let me guess it..."

"Speaking." Shen Xiuqi didn't have the heart to play with her. You guessed that I guessed the game that everyone guessed. I said with no emotion: "Let's meet again."

When I heard him being so cold, An Yu’s heart snorted, and the bad hunch was getting stronger and stronger. She originally wanted to pull something else with Shen Xiu, which was used to divert Shen Xiuqi’s attention. Unfortunately, Shen Xiuqi already said At the meeting place, "At 3 o'clock this afternoon, I am at the hall of the Aguang family. We will see there."

An Yu’s whole heart sank, a bit like a sinner waiting to be sentenced, biting his lip and saying, “Okay.”

Shen Xiuqi did not say anything, just hang up the phone.

An Yu squatted on the sofa and looked at the black screen of the mobile phone. There was a lot of uncomfortable feelings in her heart. Do you think that the sweet past that she and Shen Xiu had experienced at the beginning is really not comparable to Suya? She used to be a person who deeply loves Shen Xiu! Why can't you go back to the past? She is really not reconciled!

In the villa, Su Yaya saw that Shen Xiuqi had finished the phone call, and went to Shen Xiuqi one by one. He looked at him with a slight head and smiled and reached out and pulled his sleeve. He said: "I just heard you call. ""

When Shen Xiuqi did not intend to marry her, she nodded and said truthfully: "Today, this matter is done by An Yu, I want to talk to her, and some things should be done."

Su Yaya pouted a red lips, suddenly thought of something, and pulled his sleeves, spoiled: "Would you like me to go with you?"

Shen Xiuqi originally wanted to say no, but he thought that when he was at home, he was not at ease. When he was not at home, the little woman was afraid to think again, and he simply changed his mind: "When you are with you, Let me go."

Su Yaya actually said that she did not expect that Shen Xiuqi actually agreed. She hesitated for a moment, thinking about going, and it’s not a monster or a ghost, even if she is very powerful in the original novel. Shen Xiuqi likes it, but now the plot has changed. Seeing that Shen Xiuqi doesn’t seem to like her anymore, she has lost her biggest advantage. She doesn’t have to be so afraid of her. If she goes to see it, she actually has some words. If you want to say something to An Yu, if you don't see one side, there will always be a knot in her heart.

Suyan thought about it, and he said to Shen Xiu: "That's good, I will go with you when I get there."

So in the afternoon, Su Yaya followed Shen Xiuqi to the private club opened by Jiang Chengguang.

The private club opened by Jiang Chengguang is a membership system, and it is not a place where money can be entered. It is a person who must have a certain relationship and status to get the vip card of the hall.

After arriving at the clubhouse, Su Yaya said with Shen Xiuqi: "You will tell her first, and when you are finished, I will go to her again."

Shen Xiuqi thought about it. If he had to talk to An Yu, some of them might not be suitable for Suya, and they agreed with her proposal. Let her sit in the box next door and wait for him to finish her call. .

Su Yaya performed very generously, as if he didn't care at all, and waved his hand: "Okay, go ahead."

Shen Xiuqi looked at her indifferently, inexplicably a little bit tasteful, her fingers hooked her chin, bowed her head on her lips and said, "I have your husband like this." Are you rushing to other women?"

Su Yaya glanced at him. "Is it your own words to tell her? Is it because I stopped you not to say? Hurry, go over, go home!"

The word "going home" was loved and listened to, and my heart was so comfortable. I smiled and pinched her face. "Wait for me, I will finish it soon, then go home."

Su Yaya nodded again and again, "Hmm."

Shen Xiuqi smiled and kissed her forehead, got up and went to the next room to see An Yu.

In the next door, An Yuyu has been sitting in the box for ten minutes. She has a delicate makeup and a white dress. It is the most beautiful dress she wears. She and Shen Xiuqi broke up. Going through, even if it has been so long, it has always been very new, very beautiful, and it is not outdated at all. She knows what she is wearing in such a skirt. Her heart is a little uneasy. She is not sure about Shen Xiuqi. Is it still like her to dress like this?

The finger on the table hooked up, and An Yu was thinking about waiting for Shen Xiuqi to come. She said how to say, she saw the door of the box being pushed open, Shen Xiuqi came in from the outside, the sun was shining on him. Behind her, the golden light was shining, let her subconsciously blink her eyes, and saw that Shen Xiuqi had entered the box.

Shen Xiuqi sat down on the chair opposite her, still as usual, said: "Has it been a long time?"

In An Xin’s heart, there was a complex emotion, and the corner of his mouth tried to pull out a smile. He looked at him and said, “Choose it, this is the first time I have been with me after I returned to China. I am really happy, I am I will never contact you again."

Shen Xiu said with no expression: "I have something to find you."

An Yu licked his lips, and he already guessed that Shen Xiuqi was looking for something to say, but he still pretended to know nothing. "What do you want me to confirm?"

Shen Xiuqi glanced at her and opened her mobile phone with a blank expression. She turned to the trumpet microblog on Weibo and pointed her finger at Weibo: "Is this what you sent?"

An Ying’s face showed a puzzled expression, looked down at the Weibo, and then looked at Shen Xiu with a very strange look: “How do you say this? You said that I am too sad for me. How can I find out that this Weibo was sent by me without any evidence? Do I need to send such a Weibo?"

The author has something to say: Su Ya Ya: Deaf people are the feelings!