MTL - The Manga of Ten Thousand Realms-Chapter 392

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His eyes didn't shine at all, and some of them were bored and helpless. "Hey, ever since I found out that the old thief Merlin created the magical Merly, the whole world has become much darker. Sure enough, this world should let Getty did ya ruin it?"

Roman feels that half of his joy in life has disappeared. Originally, his life was..., eating, sleeping, saving people, watching magic Meili, but now,,,.

"Ah!!! Why did you tell me this painful fact, Ling Ye, why can't you hide it from me!"

It's like you like a beautiful and lovely female anchor, but one day the female anchor forgot to turn on the beauty face, and then you found out that she is actually a man wearing women's clothing, what will you do? not bad.

And at this time, suddenly, in Roman's office, a door suddenly appeared out of thin air, and then, two figures walked out slowly from the world-transmitting door, and the figures were looking at everything nearby, as if they were sightseeing General travel.

"Runner, this is Chaldea, and this is the first time I've arrived in anime."

Nero looked at the nearby room full of high-tech style and couldn't help talking to the people around him.

"Well, this technology style is good. If you like it, go back and find someone from Academy City to redecorate your room."

"Yu don't want it! The empty frame is all white, not gorgeous at all, and Yu's golden palace is better."

Nero was talking to himself, but at this moment, behind Nero, a gloomy voice sounded.

"My room is empty, I'm really sorry...the eyes of the two of you are gone."

Swipe! Swipe! In the next second, the two figures turned around crazily! In an instant, the Primordial Flame and the Sword of Promised Victory were directly on each other's throats! If the blade moves forward one step further, the figure will be beheaded directly , and then,,, Gollum.

Roman swallowed a mouthful of saliva, he looked at the two people in front of him with black lines on their heads, "I said, after trespassing on a private house, are you still planning to kill someone on purpose?"

"Ahem, Roman, why is it you, I thought someone was sneaking up on me."

Ling Ye withdrew his weapon while talking.

"How about Roman, is the life of ordinary people interesting?"

"Interesting, of course it's interesting, it would be even more interesting if someone didn't tell me that Magical Merry is actually Merlin."

Roman looked at Ling Ye in front of him very sadly, and seeing Romani's appearance, Ling Ye could only shake his head helplessly. I can't do anything about this kind of thing. I was just stating a fact. However,,

"Didn't I tell you that the magic Meili really exists, and in the world of the old sword Arthur, it seems that Meili is... a woman, and you will have a chance to meet her in the future."

Ling Ye put his hand on Roman's shoulder and patted him to comfort him, but hearing Ling Ye's words, Roman sighed helplessly.

"Hey, it's a pity, I don't know if I can live to that day, Gaitia, it really caused me trouble."

Obviously, Roman is ready to sacrifice. It's not that he has no confidence in Ling Ye, but that he knows how terrifying Getia's strength is. To put it bluntly, even if Ling Ye defeats Tiamat There are two beasts, Kiara and Saseiin, but they are not the opponents of Getia, that guy, but the real star-level existence.

Seeing Roman in front of him who was ready to sacrifice at any time, Ling Ye showed a smile, "Don't be nervous, starburst is not scary, I already have a way to deal with it here, and,,.

Let's put it this way, if Getia is like Tiamat... an existence like the sea of ​​life, maybe I won't be able to deal with it here. It's not like there is nothing on my side that can deal with him!"

Chapter 1135 ━━ Arriving in Rome!

Coming to Rome! "Ling Ye, you are here"

The director looked at Ling Ye in front of him and couldn't help showing a smile. Although she said that they could save Renli with their own strength, I have to say that all of this is still a bit difficult, but if Ling Ye comes, then the result It's completely different.

"This time it's the Roman singularity, of course I'm going to come, and, if Nero doesn't come, she probably won't feel at ease."

Listening to Ling Ye's words, Olga Marie nodded, "Then, let's start, you should be able to descend too."


Just when Ling Ye was about to leave, a white little squirrel jumped out from one side, and then this little guy jumped into Ling Ye's arms, and Ling Ye also took the little Fufu in front of him all at once. , he stretched out his finger and scratched Fufu's neck, and Fufu really rolled in Ling Ye's arms like a little squirrel.

"You little guy, you are really everywhere, you have to go this time."

Ling Ye gently hugged Fufu in front of him, you said that everyone knows your identity, a majestic beast, a monster of this level, but now it's cute in Ling Ye's arms "Hey, Fufu Ah, forget it, let’s go together if you want.”

Ling Ye looked helplessly at the cute little Fufu in front of him, and then put it on his shoulder helplessly.

"Okay, let's go."


Olga Marie nodded, "Then let's start traveling directly."

"Great! Rome! My Rome! Your Emperor is back!"

Being so excited, of course it was Nero who was right, and looking at Nero in front of him, Ling Ye could only shake his head helplessly.

"Let's go, Rome, I want to take a look too."

Chaldean team, let’s go! —————————————————————————————————————— In this world, here is a certain wilderness in the Horse Empire. In this wilderness, two The figures stand opposite each other.

These two figures are both women, the difference is that one of them is wearing a white costume while the other is wearing a bright red knight costume, and at this moment, both of them are swords.

"Nero, I really can't imagine that after so many years of my death, I can appear here again, and I can see you again."

The woman in the white dress looked at the red figure in front of her. This woman held a...shield in one hand, and a large sword in the other.

And the identity of the... the red woman opposite her, she has already revealed.

Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, but unlike the Nero beside Ling Ye, at this moment, this Nero has not died yet.

Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for the same Heroic Spirit to appear in the same world. However, because Nero is already a Heroic Spirit, and this... is a living legend, so this is not an incredible thing.

But now, Nero looked at Boudica in front of him very sorry.

"Boudica, I have nothing to say about what happened back then, but now your Britannia has become an inseparable part of Rome, they are already True Romans, so even if you don't want to accept the truth, it's already the truth."

The figure opposite is Boudica, and the relationship between Boudica and Nero is very complicated in history.

Historically, in the summer of AD 61, Queen Boudica successfully formed an anti-Roman alliance that almost all indigenous tribes joined.

The riot first broke out in Wales. Governor Paulinus led two-thirds of the army to suppress it, and then a large number of Celtic warriors driving two-wheeled chariots attacked Camrodonu, the center of the Romans in Britain at that time. Behind them came crowds of women in black driving ox-carts and wagons, cursing the Romans and motivating the warriors to attack.

Camrodonu, which was weakly defended, was captured, and then the rebel army captured Londiniam, where London is today, and then Viruramiam. The rebel army retaliated against the invaders extremely cruelly. Women and children were also used as sacrifices to the gods, and a total of more than 70,000 Roman allies were killed.

But Boudica's victory did not last, and the experienced Paulinus ordered the burning of all grain not in strongholds.

The rebel army has mobilized all the people, there is no harvest in their own fields, and they cannot get food from the Romans, but the Romans can use the food in the stronghold.

Faced with this situation, Boudica had to attack the heavily fortified Roman stronghold to obtain supplies, which gave Paulinus enough time to regroup his troops.

The queen's attack failed, and the rebels had to spread their army to gather supplies, but they were attacked by the Romans. The final decisive battle took place in a rough and rocky terrain south of the Thames. The mighty weapon, the chariot, was useless, the Romans won, and Boudica, in despair, took her own life with poison, and with her went to her grave all the riches of the kingdom, which historians have not found to this day where the grave is.

It has been a long time since Boudica died, the past wars have passed, and the people of Britannia have integrated into Rome, but such a picture is unacceptable to Boudica, so at this moment, when she looks at it again The moment she reached Nero, she once again clenched the sword and shield in her hand!

Chapter 1136 - Nero vs Boudica

Nero Boudica: "Britannia, is this the name you renamed after you invaded my country? It seems that my country is completely gone!"

Boudica looked at Nero in front of her, although she already knew that history is...history, but she couldn't forgive this evil Claudius dynasty, they destroyed their own country.

"Roman arrogance brings us nothing but danger.

You have desecrated the sanctity and taken away the peaceful life of our people."

Boudica looked at Nero in front of him, and Boudica had already stood on the united front with Nero when he came out. At that time, everyone was shocked by this, because they couldn't understand why the two people who were so entangled Stand on the united front.

Regarding this point, the most reasonable explanation is... After Boudica came, he saw that the life of the people in his own country was not bad, but the alliance of emperors wanted to change Rome. If Boudica didn't help Nero, Britannia would go back One time, he was hit by war, so Boudica finally chose to protect his country.

But obviously, the current Boudica has just arrived, and she doesn't know these things yet, so she only has hatred for... Nero at the moment.

"Nero, die, I used to be too weak, but I, who became a heroic spirit, is definitely not something you can fight against!"

Hearing Boudica's words, Nero couldn't help clenching the primordial fire in his hand.

"I will not deny what Rome has done, but I will tell you as Rome's contemporary emperor! Rome! Will never perish!"

Nero is... so determined, but fortunately, Ling Ye has not come at this time, otherwise, she would have touched Nero's little head and told her.

"Kids must remember, don't stand up in disorder!"

Of course, Nero still doesn't know that her Claudius will perish soon, she still said with great confidence, "In that case, let me send you back, we can defeat you once, just Can beat you a second time!"

"Then come on!"

Swipe! Swipe! In the next second, the two figures rushed together, the swords of Primordial Flame and Boudica collided continuously in the air, and the sparks of the collision flew in all directions! The battle between the two people is very understanding! Hurrah The raging flames on the primordial fire kept burning, and the cold light on Boudica's sword was shining! The confrontation between the two became more and more fierce, but unfortunately, soon Boudica was not enough.

Boudica's strength is not considered strong, durable + Czech magic. The lucky attribute is the peak of the second-rate. Against Nero, a human with first-class heroic strength, Boudica's strength is not enough, and now, Nero is also true. In her hand, the flame above the original fire burned again, and this time, the burning flame was much stronger than before! Seeing that Nero was finally ready to be serious, Boudica also held the sword in his hand The sword in her hand also has a name. It is called the Sword of Unable to Oath Victory. It sounds very similar to the sword of my king's Oath of Victory. Unfortunately, a name of no means has already negated this holy sword! Unable to Oath to Victory Sword Level: Category: Anti-Personal Noble Phantasm A one-handed sword with the name of victory just like myself.

However, it is definitely not the holy sword of the stars, and there is no way to promise a victory.

Just a sword with an unfulfilled wish.

Its ability is to shoot small magic blocks.

Although it doesn't have the power to kill with one blow, it can be used at will because it can be fired in succession and consumes less energy.

This ability can be activated even without real name release.

When the real name is released, multiple magic blocks can be fired at once.

Obviously now, Boudica has become serious! The two stood up, one on the left and the other on the right, and both of them raised the holy sword in their hands at the same time! The treasure is released! The sword of victory without oath!!! The magic power is released Flame! Boom! Boom! Collision! It's about to explode! And at the moment when the two were about to collide, a piercing voice rang out from above their heads! "Ah!!!! Why is it this way of time travel again? ! I don't want to fall from the sky!"

"Senior Ling Ye! Hurry up! Save Senior Sister Guda!"


After hearing this voice, the two raised their heads at the same moment, and at this moment, four 44 black shadows directly smashed down from the sky! And they were impartial! They just hit the middle of the two of them! There was a bang Dust was splashed all over the sky, and Boudica and Nero could still hear a man's voice in the dust.

"Well, I'm pretty reliable."

Chapter 1137 ━━ The Sword of Victory Without an Oath

The Sword of Victory Without an Oath "What's the situation! What Boudica just fell from the sky, is it your ambush?"

King Nero couldn't help looking at Boudica, who was in a daze at the moment, and looking at Nero in front of him, Boudica also shook his head quickly.

"How is it possible, I am alone! How can I have helpers!"

Both women denied it, and it was at this time that the dust and smoke in front of them finally completely dissipated.

Then four 44 figures came out, a cute girl holding a shield, a girl with orange-red hair holding a small white squirrel, a young handsome,,,,, omitting 500 youth, these three 3 That's not the point, the point is! The last... the figure holding the red long sword, why does it feel so familiar, etc..., isn't that me!" "Player! Aren't you able to fly? Why do you use a barrier! Fall down You won't get hurt, but you'll be dizzy!"

Heroic Nero looked at Ling Ye in front of her with an aggrieved face, she knew Ling Ye could fly! After hearing Nero's words, Ling Ye stretched out her finger and nodded Heroic Nero's little head.

"You, don't even think about it. You three, how can I move you? It must be protection first."

"Player! Don't poke my head, I'll become stupid!"

Heroic Nero said with great aggrievedness, looking at Heroic Nero in front of him, King Nero froze for a moment.

"You,,, you,,, you,,, why are you,,, why are you exactly the same as Yu!"

King Nero asked in shock.

"Ah that...,,, I said it was a coincidence, would you believe me?"

Heroic Nero looked at the king Nero in front of him and suddenly skinned. Seeing the appearance of Heroic Nero, Ling Ye couldn't help rolling his eyes.

This Nero, why has he become so skinny now "Hehe, do you think I will believe it?"

On one side, King Nero couldn't help but said in a daze.

"Don't believe it, with our face, there are a lot of people in the performer's family!"

Nero said confidently, what she said is true, you see, my king, the black king, Joan of Arc, and that... Okita who has never met before, so many people, they all look very similar, okay? "So you're saying we just look the same"

King Nero asked again.

"That's not true, I am you, you after becoming a heroic spirit."

King Nero....... Then you are more than me! Wouldn’t it be good to admit it directly? "What! Another Nero came! Nero who became a Heroic Spirit!!"

Boudica looked at the two figures in front of her, two Neroes, how could she fight? If it was just a human Nero, she could still use the advantage of the heroic spirit to fight against it, but the same heroic Nero! With the popularity of the opponent! And The strength before becoming a heroic spirit, this must be a top-level heroic spirit! How can I fight against "Even if I die! I will drag you to die together! Two tyrants! Britannia can't bear your ravages!"

The next second, Boudica swung the sword in her hand again! Obviously, she was ready to fight to the death! Swipe! Boudica rushed towards the king Nero in front of him, if he could kill someone! Then take him away Nero is still alive! Seeing Boudica rushing over, Ling Ye couldn't help but act, "Really, fighting and killing is so boring."

When Ling Ye said this, the sword of vowed victory appeared in his hand! Immediately afterwards, Ling Ye's body flashed in front of King Nero, and he swung the sword of vowed victory in his hand! Dang! A clear voice sounded , The Sword of Invincible Vowed Victory collided with the Sword of Vowed Victory! The confrontation between the two is simply incomparable. Don't forget Ling Ye's strength, muscle strength + Jiujie magic power luck.

And Ling Ye's Sword of Promise is a top-notch Noble Phantasm, the gap in strength is too big! Whether it is strength or Noble Phantasm, this gap cannot... be made up for! Bang! With just one collision, Boudica's body flew upside down! At this moment, there was only one thought in Boudica's mind, this man! So strong! "You lost."

Ling Ye's voice rang in Boudica's ears. At this moment, Boudica found that she did not fall to the ground, but was supported by someone. The one who supported her was none other than the person she hated the most! Heroic Nero! "Are you okay, the performer is very strong, I advise you not to fight him, he will die easily."

Nero, the heroic spirit, looked at Boudica in front of him and said, she already knew Boudica after clearing the level, and she didn't have any hostility towards her, but obviously, her behavior confused Boudica.

Nero would actually help him, what kind of operation is this?

Chapter 1138 - Boudica's Choice