MTL - The Manga of Ten Thousand Realms-Chapter 4

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"Oni-chan, will you come?"

At this moment, Sakura raised her head, and in front of her, Matou Zouken looked at her like a devil.

"Hahaha, little girl, very good, your talent is so good, God is helping my Jiantong family." Jiantong Zouyan waved his hand, and the engraving worms burrowed from the holes in all directions. After coming out, one by one engraved worms came to the feet of Jiantong Zouyan with claws and teeth.

Seeing Matou Zouken in front of her, Sakura leaned against the wall in fear, but at this moment, Matou Zouken waved her hand!

"Go, my lovely children, and taste your delicacies!"


One by one engraved worms directly rushed towards Tohsaka Sakura in front of her, and looking at the engraved worms in front of her, Sakura closed her eyes in despair.

"don't want!"

As Sakura shouted, suddenly, the whole space began to vibrate, boom! In the sky above the basement, a big hole was directly broken in the ceiling, hula la, stones fell down one by one, and the engraving worms felt the stones falling from above their heads. At this moment, they couldn't help closing their eyes in fear. Bang bang bang, these stones fell down, and the seal worms were directly smashed to death one by one.

"Who is it! How dare you disturb this old man!"

Jiantong Zouyan raised his head angrily, and at this moment, above his head, there was a figure standing there. The simple attire and the bow and arrow in his hand all showed that the identity of the person in front of him was extraordinary!

"Who are you? How dare you break into my Jiantong's house!" Jiantong Zouyan looked angrily at Ling Ye in the sky, but Ling Ye tiptoed, and then he stood directly in front of Sakura.

"Sakura, are you alright?"

Hearing this voice, Sakura slowly opened her eyes, and at this moment, in front of Sakura, a strange man was standing there protecting her.

"Big brother, who are you?"

Xiao Ying looked at Ling Ye curiously, and only after hearing Xiao Ying's words did Ling Ye react.

"Forget, now that I'm using transformation, Sakura doesn't know me."

Thinking of this, Ling Ye directly lowered his head and said in Sakura's ear. "I am your big brother Ling Ye."

"What?" Hearing Ling Ye's words, Sakura waited for Deal's own eyes in surprise, she looked at the man in front of her in disbelief, she really didn't understand why her big brother became like this.

"Xiao Ying." Ling Ye turned around at this moment, and when he stretched out his hand, Xiao Ying's body was protected behind him. "Sakura, can you find the way to my house?"

"Yeah." Xiao Ying nodded obediently, hearing Xiao Ying's voice, Ling Ye whispered to her. "Run, run with all your strength, run to my house, and you'll be safe, understand?"

"Well, but big brother, what do you do? The Matou family seems to be very powerful?" The kind-hearted Xiao Ying was still nervous about her big brother at the moment, but after listening to Xiao Ying's words, Ling Ye turned her head and showed her a smile. gentle smile.

"Sakura, believe me, it's just an old bug, it won't bother me."

Hearing Ling Ye's words, Xiao Ying bit her lips, then she glanced at Ling Ye in front of her, then turned around and ran outside, and seeing Xiao Ying leave, Ling Ye breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's finally gone, otherwise, it would be really difficult for me to use this power."

Watching Sakura leave, Ling Ye waved his hand, and a burst of magic power erupted directly. An engraved worm that just wanted to rush over was directly blown away by Ling Ye, and then, with Ling Ye as the center, a huge open space appeared .

Looking at Ling Ye's hand, Matou Zouken showed a smile, but even though he was smiling, this smile combined with his disgusting face, looked extraordinarily sinister,

But obviously, this old bug doesn't think that he is insidious like this, "Hehehe, you are here to save that little girl? However, it seems that you also understand that you are not the old man's opponent, so let this little girl run away first. However, it's a pity, so what if she runs away? When the old man kills you, you can still catch her back."

Hearing Jiantong Zouyan's voice, Ling Ye couldn't help shaking his head helplessly, "Hey." Ling Ye sighed, and then looked at Jiantong Zouyan in front of him.

"Old bug, I let Sakura go not because I can't beat you, but because it's the first time I've controlled such a great power, I'm afraid, I can't control it!"*

Chapter Eleven

"Big words!"

Looking at Ling Ye in front of him, Jiantong Zouken's body slowly trembled, and pieces of worms fell from his body, and the worms fell on the ground. They rolled, struggled, and gradually turned into A black wave.

Looking at these bugs, Ling Ye just calmly picked up the bow in his hand. At this moment, Ling Ye possesses Arash's spirit base. As a legendary hero, how could he be afraid of knowing ordinary people?

Ability value

Muscle strength: B

Durability: A

Agility: B+

Magic: E


Noble Phantasm: B++

This kind of ability value is enough! With a pull of Ling Ye's finger, a magical power gathered in the bow, and then, Ling Ye's hand was loosened!


The violent magic power fell directly on the worm wave, bang, in an instant, all the worms turned into fly ash, and even Matou Zouken, who was hiding behind the worms, was directly pierced by this magic power.

"This magical power? You!!" Matou Zouken tremblingly stretched out his finger and pointed at Ling Ye in front of him. Where its body was pierced, bugs filled the gap.

Zouken Matou, this is the man with the most tenacious vitality, this kind of it (it’s not wrong, in my eyes, Zouken Matou is no longer a human being.) will not die, but at this moment, Zouken Matou Looking at Ling Ye in front of him, only fear remained.

"You are, Heroic Spirit!??"

"Hehe." The corners of Ling Ye's mouth rose slightly, and he looked at Jiantong Zouyan in front of him with great interest. "You finally found out? It's a pity you found out too late."

At this moment, Ling Ye had already decided to let the old worm in front of him fly away, so Ling Ye didn't think about keeping his hand. Besides, after finally becoming a heroic spirit, how could he not use the treasure!

"System, are you sure, I released the treasure, but Arash transformed and disappeared, so it wouldn't include me, right?"

Ling Ye confirmed again, and after hearing Ling Ye's words, the system answered directly. "Don't worry, master, the system will not cheat you."

Hearing the system's voice, Ling Ye breathed a sigh of relief, and then, with a movement of Ling Ye's body, he flew directly towards the sky.


Ling Ye's body left the basement directly. At this moment, he came to the roof of Jiantong's house. Standing on the roof, Ling Ye looked down at the Jiantong's house.

"Matou Zouken, just disappear with this dirty place of yours."

Ling Ye frowned, and then jumped towards the sky with his whole body. Ling Ye's body jumped tens of meters, and his body had already stayed in midair. In Ling Ye's mouth, that ancient spell sounded!

"My lord, the most holy of suns,

This Holy Lord of incomparable wisdom, dignity, and strength

Please browse my sincerity, my beliefs, and what I have achieved

Behold, the Creator of the stars and the moon

Witness my deeds, my end, the holy devotion I will accomplish

After releasing this whole-body blow

My tough five bodies will be scattered and shattered immediately!

"────A shooting star (Stella)!""

boom! The violent magic power gathered from all directions, and all the power gathered in Ling Ye's hands.

Dead father! !

Ling Ye roared loudly, and immediately after, a stream of light flew out of the longbow in his hand, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple, seven rays of light shone in the sky, and this beautiful colorful light illuminated the entire night sky.

One Meteor (Stella)

Grade: A

Type: Anti-Army Noble Phantasm

A full-strength arrow as the legend says, the ultimate shot.

According to legend, Arash separated the "border" with this arrow and split the earth. The distance separated by one arrow is 2500 kilometers. There is naturally a price to be paid for the behavior that this person cannot do, and this price is the loss of life.

At the moment when this treasure was released, all the people in Fuyuki City came out of their rooms. These people looked at the night sky in front of them. They looked at the beautiful colorful shooting stars in the night sky. The shooting stars are the tears of the great hero Arash!

"Old bug, you are very lucky to be able to witness this treasure."*

Chapter 12 Dead Dad! ?

The colorful shooting stars had already fallen, and this bright light illuminated the entire night sky. At this moment, Tohsaka Tokiomi stood at the window, he looked in the direction of Matou's house and remained silent.

"Father, that direction is Matou's house, right?" Tohsaka Rin ran behind Tohsaka Tokiomi, and looking at Tohsaka Rin beside him, Tohsaka Tokiomi sighed.

He took Tohsaka Rin's little hand, and then pointed to the sky in front of him.

"Rin, remember, this light is caused by the heroic spirit's treasure. At this moment, the Holy Grail War has begun. Tomorrow, I will ask you to leave school. You and mother, please leave quickly."

"Well, I know father." Rin nodded obediently, and then turned to leave. However, Rin showed a smile at this moment, because she had confirmed that the strange scene in that direction was that Ling Ye was saving Sakura. In the direction of Tong's house, Rin couldn't help muttering to himself, "Big villain, this time, I really want to thank you."

On the other side, a meteor has fallen, boom! The moment this treasure was released, the entire Fuyuki City began to vibrate, hum! The ground of the entire Fuyuki City has been cracked, and the bottomless abyss spreads throughout the entire Fuyuki City. This is just the aftermath of a meteor, and the real center, the Matou House at this moment, no longer exists. Ling Ye sees Follow the falling direction of the meteor. The Tong family's villa has been reduced to fly ash, and at the location of the original villa, a tiankeng at least a kilometer deep and a diameter of 100 meters appeared there.

What kind of magic accumulation, magic books, engraved worms, basement, everything disappeared, and this century-old family just disappeared in the long river of history.

"Matou Zouken, this time, do you still have a chance to stand up?" Ling Ye smiled as he looked at the huge hole in front of him, and then his body turned into a little light and disappeared into the night sky.

The self-detonating archer, after being released, will naturally end in death.

Ling Ye died, and the book was finished. . . . . . . . .

"What the hell, isn't this just the beginning!"

Ling Ye's figure reappeared, and at this moment, Ling Ye was standing beside the pothole, "Xiaoying is still waiting for me at home, let's go back quickly."

When Ling Ye thought of this, he turned around and was about to leave, but at this moment, a voice sounded directly, and then, a system directly appeared in Ling Ye's mind.

"Congratulations to the master, the task is completed, rewards, an assistant, please call the master by yourself."

Hearing the system's voice, Ling Ye's face was filled with excitement. He felt that his comic agency was a bit too much for him to take care of by himself. The system directly sent me an assistant. This is taking care of himself.

"Quick, quick, system, I want it! I want it!"

system. . . . . . "Master, can you stop being so wretched."

"Get out." Ling Ye had black lines all over his head, but at this moment, he was not interested in complaining about the system. "Alright system, let me see my assistant quickly."

Ling Ye looked at the system panel in front of him, and when he heard Ling Ye's voice, the system stopped procrastinating, swiped, and suddenly, in front of Ling Ye, a magic circle appeared directly, and a white light shone inside the magic circle. Ye could feel the sufficient magic power in the magic circle, and then the system's voice sounded again.

"Master, please confirm the summon."


Ling Ye's voice sounded, and then, in front of Ling Ye, the magic circle kept turning, and the colorful light changed for a while, finally, when the light completely disappeared, a figure slowly walked out from the magic circle in front of him .

Classical clothing, exquisite face, **** figure, but the whole person's temperament is like a gentle big sister next door. At this moment, this beautiful big sister is curiously looking at the woman in front of her with her big beautiful eyes. midnight.

Afterwards, she opened her red lips and said softly, "Da Vinci is here, little master, let's discuss the composition of all things?"

At this moment, Ling Ye's eyes widened. Originally, Ling Ye thought that his assistant was just an ordinary existence, but Ling Ye never expected that the system would be so powerful! The one in front of me is none other than the great inventor of Xingyue, known as the almighty genius, Leonardo, dear Da Vinci!

Fifteenth to sixteenth century European figures.

It has exerted many influences on the development of civilization.

An innumerable genius who has left his name in human history.

No matter what, it is the almighty and invincible Da Vinci sauce!

At this moment, Da Vinci looked at Ling Ye in front of her curiously, and then she smiled at Ling Ye. "My little master, are you dissatisfied? Why have you ignored me since I was summoned?" *

Chapter Thirteen New Assistant, Da Vinci

Who is Da Vinci? That is the existence of science, mathematics, engineering, natural history, music painting, architectural sculpture, technological invention, weapon development, etc., which are beyond common sense. things.

Ling Ye is naturally satisfied to have such an assistant. "Da Vinci, you misunderstood, I am not dissatisfied, on the contrary, I am too satisfied!"

Listening to Ling Ye's words, Da Vinci also showed a gentle smile, "Since my little master is very satisfied, can you let me know the reason why you summoned me, master?"

Da Vinci is a little confused, because she knows about the Holy Grail War, but she is not good at fighting, and she doesn't like fighting. If Ling Ye wants to count on her to fight the enemy, then Da Vinci has to think about countermeasures. However, what Ling Ye said next made Da Vinci's eyes widen.

"Da Vinci, I want you to help me draw cartoons!"

Dear Vinci. . . . . . .

"What? You said, you summoned me here just to help you draw manga?" Da Vinci couldn't believe it. Who is she? Ling Ye, this is too wasteful!

"Of course it's more than that. I want you to help me invent some printing machines, websites... By the way, since Da Vinci is here, can I run a comic book club!" Ling Ye said more and more Excited, however, Da Vinci lowered her head silently. At this moment, she has a feeling that running out of the Hall of Valor seems to be a wrong choice. At this moment, Ling Ye noticed Da Vinci's kissing expression, and he whispered.

"Da Vinci, you can't do it, can you?"

"How is it possible!" Hearing Ling Ye's question, Da Vinci quickly raised her head. She is a versatile genius. In her dictionary, there is no such word as impossible! "Three Magi of the East, the Nordic body, the fruit of wisdom, my omnipotence is above all wisdom, I am an omnipotent person!"

Da Vinci kissed the beautiful woman, and then directly took Ling Ye's hand beside her, "Let's go, my little master, let me, Da Vinci, come and show you what a real genius is!"