MTL - The Manga of Ten Thousand Realms-Chapter 422

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"Ahem, is it okay?"

Ling Ye didn't hesitate to ask directly.

"Of course, when you are able to defeat me head-on, you can do whatever you want, but,,, you can't make a substantial breakthrough, the rules of the God Realm don't allow it."

Valkyrie sighed, even she cannot violate the rules of the God Realm.

"Wait, these.........break five, rules, sooner or later I will destroy it."

Ling Ye also hated these rules.

Hearing Ling Ye's words, Valkyrie gave Ling Ye a look of disdain. This man really doesn't know how terrifying the God Realm is.

Ling Ye lay on the sofa, he closed his eyes and let Valkyrie beat his back there, while his mind was focused on the system in his mind.

"System, I have nothing to do during this time, do you have any good suggestions?"

Ling Ye looked at the system in his mind, and when he heard Ling Ye's voice, the system said directly, "Master, most of the worlds you have opened up now are bookstores, but there are still a few worlds you haven't been to. It's too wasteful, the system recommends you to deal with it, anyway...opening a store is too difficult."

"Like this."

Ling Ye nodded. It is true that he has released quite a few animations now, but there are still a few anime worlds that have not been opened, such as Tokyo Ghoul, Dungeon Encounter, and Date A Live. These worlds Ling Ye It's already on, but I haven't been there yet.

"System, which of these worlds do you think is more suitable for opening a bookstore?"

Ling Ye looked at the three options in front of him. Of course, Reincarnated Otome Destroyed, Spirited Away, and Child of the Weather can also go, but, these worlds are more routine, and if you go to them, you will open a store. Come back, it's pretty normal.

Still these three 3s are a bit interesting, but,,.

At this moment, Ling Ye is suffering from difficulty in choosing, so let the system give some suggestions.

"Master, Dungeon Encounter belongs to a different world, there is no internet, and the promotion of animation requires you to take out food for a month, not recommended.

Tokyo Ghoul and Date A Live are both modern cities, I recommend the host to go."

"Tokyo Ghoul and Date A Live? Just choose one of these things."

While talking, Ling Ye clicked casually, "I will choose whoever the little rooster clicks."

After Ling Ye finished speaking, he looked at the options in front of him, and the one he chose was Date A Live.

"Date A Live Is this world not bad, then choose this world."

After Ling Ye finished speaking, he looked directly at Lista and Shengya in front of him, "I'm going to open a store in the new world, what else do you need?"

"No,,, it's nothing, so you go and come back early."

Lista waved her hand to Ling Ye to say goodbye. She wished that Ling Ye would leave now, so that she could leave here earlier. I have to say that Valkyrie is really a little scared.

"Oh, goodbye then."

After Ling Ye finished speaking, he left this world directly, and seeing Ling Ye leave, Valkyrie also left here directly.

Seeing Valkyrie leave, Lista breathed a sigh of relief.

She grabbed Seiya on one side and wanted to leave, but unfortunately, Seiya came to a room on the other side, he was about to open the door with his hand, seeing Seiya's actions, Lista stopped him directly.

"Holy, what are you doing? We're going to Geabrande to deal with the enemy. We're running out of time."

Lista is very anxious. She has already watched the anime and naturally knows how difficult the world is. Although Limulu promised to help, she still needs to work hard, right?

"No, I'm not ready yet."

It's a pity that Seiya's cautious character still causes headaches.

However, how can it be called perfect preparation? Just as Lista was thinking about what they were missing, Seiya pushed the door open, and then he yelled at the door, "Limuru, let's go, let's go!" Come with me to save the world!"

Chapter 1241━━Meet Yoshino at the beginning

I met Yoshino at the beginning of the game, "Well, Seiya, long time no see."

Rimuru looked at Seiya in front of him and just said hello, Seiya rushed in and grabbed this blue object from the room.

"Hey! Seiya! What are you doing! Let me down! I can do it myself!"

Rimuru yelled in Seiya's hand, but Seiya put Rimuru into the backpack as if he didn't hear it.

Then he looked at Lista beside him and said, ",!" what you said was not well prepared... you are missing a slime, you bastard! What the **** did you take Limulu for!...Ling Ye naturally didn't know Mengwang Being caught by Shengya to become a strong man, at this moment, the world of Dating A Battle,,,, gradually rippled in the space, and then, a portal appeared out of thin air, and then, Ling Ye's figure walked out of the portal.

"This is the world of Date A Live"

Looking at the modern city in front of him, Ling Ye didn't feel much. After all, the world of Date A Live was no different from the normal world if the elves didn't appear.

"Is this my bookstore?"

Ling Ye looked at a bookstore in front of him. This bookstore was right in the center of the city, and there was no need to worry about publicity when looking at the people coming and going nearby. Among other things, this location is definitely the best in the city. place!" "System! You are finally reliable!"

Ling Ye has to say that he was successfully moved by the system. Among other things, think about the locations that the system found for him... to open stores.

That... Eternal Pavilion in Gensokyo, it may not be possible for someone to visit it for more than ten years.

One Punch Man’s no-man’s land, if it’s not his entire area, there are only two people! The rest of the bookstores are basically opened in front of the school. Although they are not bad, they can’t compare with the city center! Ling Ye is satisfied I looked at my bookstore and started promoting animation, however,,.

Rumbling! Suddenly, a huge one appeared in the sky, that... fluctuations are constantly devouring everything nearby like a black hole, of course Ling Ye knows what it is! And this is not the point, the point is! I'll go! Who is this? It’s so immoral! If you put a space shock, you can release a space shock! What do you want to do by putting a space shock on it! “Alert! Alert! There is a space earthquake in the city center, all citizens please go to the underground shelter as soon as possible!”

"Again, ALERT! ALERT! Happening downtown..."

In Ling Ye's ear, bursts of sirens sounded. Hearing this sound, Ling Ye couldn't help but feel even more helpless! System, you did it on purpose, you finally picked a good place, but the space shock happened just after arriving there. ! You are playing me! "Run!! The space shock is coming!"

"Elf! It's an elf! Everyone run!"

"Go to the refuge, don't panic, go to the refuge first!"

All of a sudden, people in the whole street started to hide, everyone knew how terrible the space quake was, if they ran late, they would die.

Looking at this chaotic street, Ling Ye suddenly had a headache.

Although Ling Ye knows that the space shock is extremely harmful, he still has great confidence in the system. If nothing else, the space shock can't do anything to the system, but he can't let the space shock fall. Otherwise, if the city center is ruined again, then what is the use of this lonely bookstore here? "Enough is enough."

Ling Ye waved his hand, and then a huge amount of magic power turned into a beam of light and shot towards the space in front of him! Magic! The roar of the Dragon King! Boom! Under the attack of Ling Ye's powerful magic power, this is enough to destroy a block in front of him. The space shock was directly pierced by this blow! Boom! The huge space shock turned into a phantom and disappeared in the sky. Seeing the phantom disappear, Ling Ye breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, I ran into me. Otherwise, this street might really be gone. I want to see which elf is messing with the space!"

Ling Ye raised his head. At this moment, in front of him, a small figure was sitting blankly at the door of his bookstore. It was an extremely slender figure with long blue hair and an extremely delicate face. A cute figure like a doll, at this moment, this figure is looking at Ling Ye in front of her with great fear. Seeing that Ling Ye found her, she lowered her head in fear, and then used the huge rabbit-eared cloak to block herself. little brain.

At this time, the sky suddenly became cloudy, and then the originally clear sky became gloomy, and then the hazy rain fell from the sky.

Seeing this figure, Ling Ye didn't know who did it.

"Hey, Yoshino, so it's you."

Chapter 1242━━ Picked up a little loli

Picked up a little loli Yoshino, identified as the hermit, the spiritual outfit is a green cloak decorated with rabbit ears Kamui Lingzhuang 4 Fan 1, the angel ice puppet is a huge doll that can freeze the surrounding, can Use the rain and cold air with spiritual power to open the barrier for defense. Anything with spiritual power within the range will be frozen, and the random field created by the imaging device can also be frozen.

Although the space shock caused by her appearance is relatively weak, but because she can control water and cold air, her surroundings are always cloudy and rainy every time she appears.

Although he has become the target of hunting, he has been avoiding fighting because he does not want to hurt others.

At this moment, Yoshino looked up and dared not look at Ling Ye, but the voice of the rabbit puppet in her hand rang out, "I'm sorry...! Sorry...! We didn't mean it!"

Looking at the doll-like Yoshino in front of her, Ling Ye also lost her temper. After all, the little loli is so pitiful, who can be really angry.

Ling Ye just wanted to go over and say a few words to comfort her, but unfortunately, small figures flew over in the sky, and these... figures were all lovely girls, There is also a strange high-tech equipment on his body, Ling Ye naturally knows who has appeared.

For the elf army, the task is to specifically eliminate the elves.

This is the city center, so they will rush over immediately when there is such a big space shock.

But the efficiency is really fast, the other side rushed over as soon as the space quake happened here, but unfortunately, they were destined to miss out this time.

Seeing this......., Yoshino was ready to run away. She is timid and doesn't like to fight. Of course she doesn't want to fight, so she can only choose to run away. However, This is the city center, how can she run and fly in the sky with her short legs.

Seeing Yoshino who was about to run away, Ling Ye ran to her side and grabbed her little hand and said, "Come with me."

At this moment, Ling Ye directly opened the door of her bookstore, and then directly brought Yoshino into the bookstore.

Ling Ye's speed was very fast, at least none of the members noticed them.

"Thank you."

Yoshino whispered, and when she came up, a little doll also said, "That's right, thank you for saving Yoshino, but, won't those people outside notice? Yoshino is holding a rabbit-shaped hand in her left hand." The puppet is called Four Shina, and it is an independent personality that exists from the hand puppet connected to Shino's spiritual power.

Because of the "Fourshino's response to the outside world, Yoshino's own essence is in a closed state, and only after the hand puppet is separated, Yoshino's true personality begins to emerge.

Looking at the figure in front of her, she made a "shh" to her

gesture, and then he came to the door.

Bang bang! There was a quick knock on the door, Ling Ye opened the door, and then he saw a fully armed girl standing at the door looking at him.

"Hello,,, did you just see an elf in a green hood appearing nearby.

We just felt the emergence of the space shock, but she disappeared as soon as we got here."

Listening to the other party's words, Ling Ye shook his head, "Sorry, I didn't see the elf appearing in the shop just now."

It's not that Ling Ye is afraid. After all, it's just a group of organizations that no elf has ever captured. Compared with Ling Ye, it's too far behind. It's just that I just arrived here, and it's a bit troublesome to provoke the other party now.

And listening to Ling Ye's words, the other party didn't have any doubts, after all, how could human beings shield elves.

So I thought of these things here... and I left here.

Seeing these people leaving, Ling Ye turned around and smiled at Yoshino who was hiding behind the sofa and said, "Okay, Yoshino, it's okay, they're all gone."

After hearing Ling Ye's words, Yoshino came out from behind the sofa. She looked at Ling Ye in front of her with big eyes full of gratitude, and Yoshino in her hand said, "Thank you so much Yes, you are a good man!"

Ling Ye "I..."

Forget it, it doesn't matter if you are issued a good card or something.

Seeing that there is really no danger in front of her, Yoshino is trotting and wants to leave the bookstore. She knows that staying here will definitely cause trouble for Ling Ye, but when she sees Yoshino who is about to leave, Ling Ye He said directly, "Yoshino, if you have nowhere to go, just stay with me."

Listening to Ling Ye's words, Yoshino turned her head in a daze, she couldn't believe that someone would say such a thing to her, she is an elf, and she is hated by this world.

Many people are afraid of her, but this is the first time I have seen the person who let me stay.

Yoshino raised her head and saw Ling Ye who was smiling gently at her in front of her. Yoshino felt her little heart beating. She wanted to agree, but she remembered something. It dimmed, "No,,, Yoshino,,, is an elf, if you stay,,, there will be trouble."

Chapter 1243━━Is it the elves or the world that is wrong?

Is it the elf or the world Yoshino who is wrong, this is a poor little loli, she has endured everything she should not have suffered at her age.

2 years ago, a cute little doll-like loli was hospitalized because of her weak constitution. She didn't have the same beautiful childhood as other children. What she had was just that lonely big bed and ten thousand The ceiling has not changed year after year, but Yoshino has never been sad, because her mother, Hina Chuanzhusa, has always been by her side to take care of her, as long as she has her mother, Yoshino will never be alone.

However, one day, her mother died unexpectedly in a construction site.

When the nurse walked into the ward, that...cute and sick little girl Higagawa Yoshino disappeared. She had obtained the spirit crystal from Takamiya Mio, became an elf, and recovered her body. Similarly, she also lost her memory .

It has to be said that Mio Takamiya is also Reine Murasame, she is a gentle elf, she knew about Yoshino, gave her a healthy body, and sealed her memory so that she would not know about her Her mother has passed away, so that she will not suffer the heart-piercing blow that is enough to make her hurt.

This paragraph is my own guess, I feel that Lingyin's purpose is this, otherwise everything wouldn't be such a coincidence.

The Ice Spirit Yoshino was born.

Yoshino, who suddenly had great power, didn't want to hurt anyone, she didn't want to hurt anyone, so she could only keep hiding.

No one can talk to her, and no one accepts her. She is only accompanied by a puppet in her hand.

Such days,,, passed by... 26 years.

After 2 years of isolation, little Lolita is still so pure and kind in her heart, she doesn't want to hurt anyone, even if those people want to kill her.

"How can there be trouble, Yoshino is so cute, I like it before it's too late."

Ling Ye touched Yoshino's small head, and feeling Ling Ye's big hand, Yoshino lowered his head silently.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Ye saw crystal clear teardrops falling from Sishi's big eyes.

"Yoshino,,, don't cry, Yoshino, I'm not bad!"

Seeing Yoshino crying heartbroken, I panicked. What's the situation? I'm most afraid of girls crying. The main reason is that I really don't know how to coax girls,,, no, I don't know how to coax little girls Lori.

The girls around Ling Ye have a lot of sincerity, but,,, Illya,,, Miyu,,, Loli Rin,,, Kang Nachan and the like are stronger than the other, and they can't be beaten The crying one! As for Little Jack the Ripper, forget it, let alone crying, that little loli can scare an adult into tears. Ling Ye really has never done such a thing as coaxing a loli.