MTL - The Married Wife is a Boss: Lord Mo is Super Fond of Him!-Chapter 212 not gloating

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   Chapter 212 is not gloating

   "This is how you apologize?"

   Facing Liu Yulan's shirking apology, Shen Xingluo raised his head and looked lazy, with no extra expression on his face, "I don't accept it."

   "Shen Xingluo, don't take an inch! No matter what, I'm also your elder! If it wasn't for Master Mo's sake, I would apologize to you? It's you who apologized to me!"

   Liu Yulan couldn't hold back her face instantly, and asking her to apologize to Shen Xingluo was already an incomparable grievance to herself.

   In the end, Shen Xingluo even said that he would not accept such shameless words!

   Who does she think she is!

   Don't think that with Mo Yuchen's support, she can be lawless, after all, this is not the Mo family, but their Shen family!

   "Elder? Have you ever looked like an elder?"

   Shen Xingluo countered.

   Don’t think you are an elder just because you are old!

   Hehe, compared with the elders, Liu Yulan is only the same age!

"you you······"

  Liu Yulan raised her finger and pointed at Shen Xingluo, she wanted to yell at her, but the powerful aura of Mo Yuchen next to her really made her dread from the bottom of her heart.

   made her not dare to treat Shen Xingluo like before in front of him.

   "Mom, what's wrong?"

   Shen Xixi, who came down from the upstairs, walked to Liu Yulan's side. Seeing her very angry face, she asked inexplicably.

   "What else can I do, I'm not angry with your sister."

   Rubbing her heart, Liu Yulan let out turbid air, but she was really mad at her.

   "Oops, Mommy, Luoluo is just a child, what do you care about with her?"

   glanced at the living room, Su Xixi's face immediately showed a suitable smile, "Right, Master Mo."

   Shen Xingluo's eyes moved from Su Xixi's contrived smile to Mo Yuchen's face, look, this is a face that attracts bees and butterflies.

   Mo Yuchen didn't say anything, and didn't even look at Su Xixi, his eyes fell on Shen Xingluo's gloating face, his hands couldn't help.


   Shen Xingluo gasped in pain.

   looked sideways at his hand that was grabbing her shoulders, didn't Mo Yuchen just wink at Shen Xixi, and why was he so excited?

   Shouldn't be.

  Although Su Xixi looks good, compared to Gu Qingxue, it's not a little bit worse.

   He didn't even like Gu Qingxue, so how could he like Su Xixi?

   "What are you laughing at?"

   Mo Yuchen leaned over and whispered into her ear.

   Shen Xingluo froze all over, the warm breath was numb, like an electric current, all over his body from his ears.

  She, is she smiling?

  She didn't laugh!

   "I, I didn't laugh."

   she replied calmly.

   I kept thinking in my heart, don't care, don't care, isn't it just whispering, don't care...

   "Didn't you laugh? Just now, the corners of your mouth were about to hang over your ears, did you tell me you didn't laugh?"

   Mo Yuchen's hand strength was a little heavier.


  Shen Xingluo wrinkled his nose in pain, how hard this man's hand was like an iron claw, as if it was going to pass through her pipa bone.

   "I, I just think Su Xixi is funny, no, other meanings."

   She had to answer honestly.

   She laughed because Su Xixi's false eyelashes were about to fly out as she continued to wink at Mo Yuchen.

   "Not gloating?"

   Looking at her small and delicate nose with several wrinkles due to wrinkling, Mo Yuchen took some strength.

  Shen Xingluo: "..."

   No way, he saw it all?

   Mo Yuchen has a pair of fire eyes and see-through eyes!

   "Yes, a little bit..."

   raised her hand, she used her thumb and index finger to compare, there was a gap as small as the hairline.

   "Tell the truth in front of me in the future! Otherwise, you will be the one who suffers."

   released her shoulders, his hand fell on her furry head again, and then rubbed it fiercely.

  Shen Xingluo: "..."

   How did she feel that at this moment, in Mo Yuchen's eyes, she was just a disobedient puppy!

   Looking at the two people who were alone, Su Xixi bit her lip unwillingly, extremely unconvinced!

  Why can't Mo Yuchen take another look at her?

   As long as he looked at her a little more, he would definitely find that she was a million times better than Shen Xingluo and more suitable for him than Shen Xingluo.

   "Why are you all standing at the door?"

   Shen Zhiqiang, who came back from the phone call, walked out of the study and saw Liu Yulan and Su Xixi standing at the door of the living room.


  Su Xixi immediately walked to Shen Zhiqiang's side, grabbed his arm, and leaned on his shoulder affectionately.

   looked at Shen Xingluo very ostentatiously.

   This is the fatherly love that Shen Xingluo has never received since he was a child.

  Oh, what if they are the same father?

   She never got a second look from her father!

   "Mr. Mo, it was our Shen family who apologized to you before. Let a fool like Luoluo marry into the Mo family instead of her older sister. Actually, we had to do this at the time."

   Liu Yulan walked into the living room and sat on the other sofa, with an apologetic look on her face covered in thick foundation.

  Shen Xingluo stretched out her hand to pick up an apple among the fruits on the table in front of her. She probably only had the chance to eat the fresh fruit placed on it with integrity.

"In order to apologize, we decided to do what we promised the old lady at the beginning. Luoluo will definitely not be able to take care of you, but Xixi is different. She is more sensible and obedient than Luoluo, so she will definitely be a very good person. A good helper..."

   In order to allow Mo Yuchen to listen to what she said quietly, Liu Yulan could only pretend that she did not see Shen Xingluo's behavior of taking the fruit from the fruit bowl privately.

   After Mo Yuchen brings Su Xixi back to Mo's house, she will settle the bill with Shen Xingluoqiu!

   But before she could finish her words, she was interrupted by Mo Yuchen's sudden words.

   "Didn't I tell you that it's not allowed to eat anything outside, it's dirty?"

   Just as Shen Xingluo put the apple into her mouth, Mo Yuchen reached out and snatched the fruit from her hand without any warning.

   The next second, he threw the red and big imported apple directly into the trash can.

   Shen Xingluo could only watch the fragrant and sweet-looking apple being thrown into the trash can by Mo Yuchen as garbage.

   Just as at the beginning, the expensive necklace he gave Mo Aotian to her was still in the trash without hesitation.

   "Second Master, all the fruits in our house are imported and sterilized, so they must not be dirty at all."

   Shen Zhiqiang explained.

  The Mo family was so rich, they would naturally be concerned about the hygiene of the outside.

   "Look at you, your hands are dirty."

   Of course, Mo Yuchen took out the handkerchief from the pocket in front of the chest of his suit as if he had never heard of it.

   grabbed Shen Xingluo's hand and wiped it carefully and earnestly.

   (end of this chapter)