MTL - The Mercenary World of Online Games-Chapter 1494 By the way spring [Part2 / 2]

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Sensitivity, Christopher's plan was achieved.

"Stableness does not mean blind conservativeness. The offensive behavior of Nilfolheim should be destroyed!" Gulwig fulfilled his promise, "gather forces and defeat the enemy's vanguard!"

Under Christopher's strategy of breaking the wrists of warriors, the inner strife of Warner's Kingdom was finally calm, and the attitudes of the gods tended to be the same. He ordered: "Cooperate fully with the NPC's actions, and I will participate in the war when necessary."

He is the only person who has not participated in the Ferguson plan. Relying on the resources of the NPCs, the players have steadily improved their account strength in the Warner Kingdom. This is a retreat left. Once the players have made irreparable mistakes in their actions, as players with almost all data in the gods, they can learn from failure and start again.

Christopher only provided some data to support the actions of the players when necessary, such as the previous sacred legion of the river bank ambush. He is the last link of the whole plan and will not end in person until the end.

The players stood ready to wait for Warner Kingdom to gather their strength.

Whether it's Christopher's decision-making, parliamentary powers, or the buildup of npc power, it takes time.

At this time, Christopher's difficult choice to abandon the good situation of the previous period of operation, in exchange for the temporary strategic purpose achieved, Dawei has been full of contempt and disappointment for unknown opponents.

Robert reports that the matrix has been constructed.

"Just because my brother has the king fried, I just watched my brother finish playing the cards one by one, and he didn't dare to put a fart. What kind of accomplishment does this opponent have?" He felt disappointed.

Ming Pai won, and incidentally played a spring. But there is no sense of accomplishment. What is the difference between this and the opponent's on-hook release? Or is his own level too high, there are cheating players side by side, still playing the game like a single machine, without any difficulty?

"It really isn't brother who wants to swell, how lonely Invincible is, and who can understand the feeling of loneliness like snow." He pretended to be a mellow force, and the task should continue, no matter whether the opponent is a pig or whatever, he ordered Said: "Enable it."

See the Super Ending Search





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