MTL - The More They Object, the More It Means I Did the Right Thing-Chapter 68 The Painful Three Heroes worry that they are too kind

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Chapter 68 The Painful Three Heroes are worried that they are too kind

 Hengshui Guanghui Holy Academy.

Although Arthur had never heard of such an academy, he could always sense an inexplicable terror.

No wonder we can cultivate talents like Boss Ansu.

Arthur even felt that Boss Ansu came to the Secret Cult of Pain, as if he were at home.

 Tantric believers get up at half past five in the morning. It is the most painful time to get up at this time on a cold day, but Boss Ansu always gets up at half past four.

They are a mixed-class dormitory. There are about ten people living in one room, and Ansu is the earliest to get up.

 If that’s all it is.

Ansu made a big move when getting up, which made the bed creak loudly. If so, the roommates would be patient and get over it. After all, everyone will be colleagues in the future, and it is important to be considerate of each other;

 As for Arthur and Liszt who were following Ansu, they were also pretty good.

In the dream, he also practiced the basic skills of the Paladin, and the symptom he showed was punching the wall in the dream.

 There are three tasks in total, including killing 60 second-level esoteric cultists, interfering with 100 first-level esoteric cultists, and assassinating the commander of the general army.

Liszt listened very carefully because the assassination technique sounded very cool and had a dark night hero atmosphere, which well inspired the low-key and humble aristocratic soul in his heart.

Although he has learned the art of assassination, he cannot be called a glorious paladin.

 At the end is Arthur, who got up the latest.

 There is still fifteen minutes of free time in the evening for believers to wash up and solve personal problems.

 Seeing the determination and studiousness of these three people,

“Three weeks later will be the actual combat test for the second-level cultists. The cultivators with the lowest scores will have their fingers chopped off, the top three in the monthly exam will be rewarded with battle ash, and the top three will be promoted to freshmen instructors.”

 They have all been tortured by a whole day of training. How can this guy get up an hour early to read?

As a Paladin, he has perfect sleep quality. Except for the occasional snoring, talking in his sleep from time to time, and sleeping naked all the time, he is a normal roommate.

The training location was on the playground of the cadre school. The sun was so scorching that the grass leaves began to curl up. After a whole morning of torture, the freshmen in the class were very tired and could not cheer up.

Ansu and the others chose a secluded grove to hold an impromptu summary meeting.

 The other one is even more of a heavyweight, and the freshmen running behind him are under greater pressure. Obviously, the name of the "pain dog" has spread far and wide.

 The afternoon classes are practical classes, including assassination, lurking, poisoning, killing techniques, etc., taught by Soldier Captain Angelo himself.

 Let Commander Angelo, who was patrolling nearby, nod secretly.

He has been observing this young man Ansu for a long time. He is not a good person at a young age. He will become a social scum when he grows up. His future is dark, which is very good.

 The Holy See of Pain needs geniuses, and even more so, perversion. If a person is both a genius and a pervert, his future achievements will be limitless.

Now even running exercises can laugh so pervertedly, and his understanding of the doctrine of pain has far surpassed that of his peers, and he has entered a super high state of getting pleasure from pain.

The astral exam accounts for a full 40%. If they fail this subject, no matter how good they were in the previous exam, it will be ruined.

The second person to wake up was Liszt. He usually got up at five o'clock sharp. Because he went to bed wearing diapers every night, he went to the balcony to dry them. The smell of the nunnery all night made the esoteric believers again. The second level of awakening.

 Ansu’s mental state has greatly improved since he was baptized by the Mother Goddess of Life last time, so he naturally doesn’t feel tired;

 ‘Is this guy a human being? ’

 All classes are over.

 The freshmen behind were afraid that this vicious dog would mark its territory while running and drink in the wind.

There is no need to say more about Ansu.

Arthur's lifelong dream is to become a glorious paladin - but his family enrolled him in the Warlock Academy, and now that he can finally realize his dream in the Esoteric Cult, he is fully focused on it.

"It is true." Liszt sighed softly, "I also feel that I am often incompatible with the suffering cultists around me."

Arthur's face also became serious, and he showed a rather troubled look, "Upright and righteous saints like us are at risk of being exposed anytime and anywhere."

“Brother Ansu.” Liszt pushed up his glasses, “Now that we have become the Cult of Pain, what should we do with the mission?”

  Students often act in groups, no one is left alone, and they cannot make a move.

He didn't feel the so-called pain at all. This intensity could even make him miss his youthful campus life and his youth, with a bright and sunny smile on his lips.

The freshmen in dormitory 201 dare not speak out. After all, they know that these three are notorious henchmen, and there are even rumors that they are the newly-emerged 'Three Painful Heroes', which is scary.

 All the roommates can’t sleep.

 ‘When I learn how to do it, I will assassinate you. ’—these three people thought in unison.

 Because there is still a war outside, the people who come to class are all temporarily transferred officers.

Ansu was always the first to arrive. What made the Painful Mysteries even more stressed was that he was still reading a book while running, and even read aloud!

 Isn’t this guy in pain?

 If you die without contribution, you will get zero points.

 Ansu is looking forward to these courses.

 Full of energy.

An obvious vacuum circle formed around Arthur.

The three of them are now separated from the organization and born in the enemy's base camp. They are everywhere monitored by the magic eyes, and the schedule is fully arranged, so they are unable to act at all.

Including the loud footsteps when dressing and walking, there was no problem. They slept when they should - until this guy took out his book and started reading in the morning.

 Once exposed, you will die.

The cultural courses are about the Tantric Ceremony of Pain, such as the beginning of the Tantra of Pain, the explanation of original pain, the interpretation of the spirit of pain in the new era, and other courses with high knowledge content.

 ‘Are you the devil? ’

Arthur and Lister were quite worried that they would be exposed.

"Sure enough, kind and honorable people like us," Arthur said helplessly, "no matter where they are, they are as dazzling as fireflies in the dark night."

  The mental stress of the day in dormitory 201 started when Ansu got up.

These three people are all good candidates for the Secret Cult of Pain. Angelo is very convinced.     After morning exercise, it’s time to attend cultural classes.

 Among the Seven Secret Cults, the Secret Cult of Pain has reached the extreme level of development of the human body. Many of its combat skills are related to pure killing. Ansu had just gained combat skill points and was simply giving him a pillow when he fell asleep.

 The dormitory next door often responded with punches, as if they wanted to fight Arthur, and they were often accompanied by several passionate greetings.

 Only Ansu and the other three had firm eyes and bright smiles.

A man got up late and ran naked on the playground without having time to put on his clothes, causing the believers running in front and behind him to look miserable.

The believer in the front is afraid that he will be poked in the face if he runs too slowly; the believer in the back is afraid that he will be poked in the face if he runs too fast.

 After getting up, it’s time to go to the morning meeting and run in separate classes.

Ansu said calmly, "Let's think about how to cheat honorably, being kind-hearted."

 “Okay.” Arthur and Lister nodded in unison.

 (End of this chapter)