MTL - The Most Powerful Tycoon Reborn In Xiangjiang-v2 Chapter 759 Chu Huan: I'm here to break the rules! (7K large

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  Chapter 759 Chu Huan: I'm here to break the rules! (7K big chapter, please subscribe~)

  London time, three in the morning!

  Chu Huan still didn't take a break at this time, but before that, Chu Huan was alone waiting for Xiangjiang's call. At this time, not only Ma Jizu, but also Feng Jing came over at one o'clock in the morning.

   "Boss, do you want to call back at this time and ask about the situation?"

  Feng Jing looked at the watch on her wrist, and then asked Chu Huan.

Chu Huan waved his hand and said: "No, at this time there must be more hectic than ours, calling back will only make them more nervous, I believe that as long as there is a result over there, they will call us as soon as possible On the phone!"

  Feng Jing had no choice but to nod after listening.

   Less than five minutes later, the phone on Chu Huan's desk rang, and Chu Huan answered the phone immediately.

   It was Cao Yunshang calling.

   "Brother Huan, something happened in Xiangjiang."

After listening to Cao Yunshang's description, Chu Huan sat on the chair and tapped on the table. After a long time, he said, "I know about this, so you don't need to panic. If there are no accidents in this acquisition, then it's time It's the biggest accident, don't worry, I will take care of things in London!"

  Cao Yunshang asked: "Then what do we have to do here in Xiangjiang?"

Chu Huan said: "Since the acquisition has ended, follow the Hong Kong government's order first, and don't rush to announce it to the public. You ask Xu Yi to re-check the people we have arranged before, and wait until the acquisition is over. , so that they can smoothly take over the work in Jardine Land Land!"

Every acquisition actually represents a major personnel change in the acquired group, and Jardine and Hongkong Land are no exception. Before the acquisition, Chu Huan had already ordered Xu Yi to call a group of people from the talent pool of Aku to do the work of taking over. thing.

  Although the acquisition has been suspended temporarily, this does not prevent Chu Huan from letting Xu Yi continue this matter.

  Cao Yunshang, holding the phone, nodded and said, "I see!"

   Then Cao Yunshang asked Chu Huan again: "Brother Huan, can we withdraw the acquisition point of Fengwu Securities, and by the way, announce the news that we have completed the acquisition of the land and Jardine?"

  Although the Hong Kong government officially halted the acquisition of Jardine and Hongkong by Chinese Land, the shares of these two groups in the hands of Chinese Land are now sufficient.

What is stopped now is the follow-up formal handover work, regardless of whether there is an order from the Hong Kong government. Those who still want to sell shares in Landmark and Jardine should stop selling their own shares.

After thinking about it for a while, Chu Huan said, "There is no need to make an announcement. The acquisition point will remain, but we can no longer acquire the stocks of these two groups. Tell Chen Tao that there is no need for him to tell the shareholders the truth. We just need to tell them that we have encountered some force majeure factors, although the acquisition has been completed, we cannot make an announcement or complete the handover, so we can only tell everyone in this way.”

  After listening to Chu Huan's description, Cao Yunshang was taken aback for a moment, then understood what Chu Huan meant, and immediately said with a smile: "I know what to do!"


   "Be careful yourself in London!"

"I know!"

   "By the way, help me thank Huo Tsar and the others, and say that after the incident in England is over, I will go back and thank them properly!"


  After hanging up the phone, Feng Jing asked Chu Huan in a puzzled way: "Boss, haven't we already settled the relationship with London? Why is something like this still happening now?"

Chu Huan said calmly: "It's so simple. This is a political game in London. Henry Keswick already knew about our relationship in England last night. This is not enough for him to be arrested without a fight. Underestimate the power behind him. If nothing else, Henry Keswick not only has the support of George Thomas, the Speaker of the House of Commons, behind Henry Keswick, it is very likely that the British royal family is also on his side. Such a force is definitely It can have some impact on our acquisition of Jardine and Landmark."

  Although Chu Huan didn't understand why Charles was dissatisfied with him last night, Chu Huan believed that Henry Keswick must have seen this and would definitely take advantage of it.

   "Then what should we do now?" Feng Jing asked.

  Chu Huan looked at the time and said, "It's already three o'clock in the morning. There is nothing we can do at this time. You two should go back and have a good rest. There are still some tough battles for us to do tomorrow morning."

  What Chu Huan has to do tomorrow morning is to strengthen the interests of his side. Only in this way can those people really stand on his side!

   When Ma Jizu and Feng Jing saw what Chu Huan said, they had no choice but to leave first.

   On the contrary, Chu Huan was still sitting in his study at this time, thinking about how to deal with it tomorrow.

  This world is divided into yin and yang, some people are troubled, and some people are happy.

   Now the happiest people are naturally Niu Bijian, Bao Fuda and others who live in Xiangjiang.

   "I just received a call from Mr. Keswick. London has already put pressure on the Hong Kong government, and the Hong Kong government has temporarily suspended the acquisition of Jardine and Hongkong by Chinese real estate."

  Nu Bijian excitedly spoke to Bao Fuda.


  Hearing the news, Bao Fuda immediately stood up excitedly, seeing Niu Bijian nodding to himself in affirmation.

Bao Fu couldn't help laughing loudly: "That's great, Mr. Keswick still needs to come forward. What is Jardine's status in Xiangjiang, even Yinglun will not let Chu Huan complete the acquisition easily. Chu Huan is ridiculous. You can't even understand such a simple truth, and you insist on shaking the tree!"

  Niu Bijian also let out a long sigh of relief. It can be said that this news is the best news he has heard in the past two days.

   "That's right!" After laughing, Bao Fuda asked Niu Bijian: "Did Mr. Keswick talk about what will happen after this matter?"

Niu Bijian shook his head and said, "Chu Huan is also in London now. I heard from Mr. Keswick that Chu Huan still has some connections in London. Now we are just suspending this transaction. As for the follow-up matters, Let's just wait for the call!"

  Bao Fuda said with some disappointment: "Do you still have to wait for the news?"

But Niu Bijian said firmly: "Since Mr. Keswick can win the first round with Chu Huan, it proves that Mr. Keswick's relationship in England must be stronger than that of Chu Huan. After all, this matter is not an ordinary matter, so it should take some time!"

   "That's true!" Bao Fuda nodded, and a smile appeared on his face again.

   Then he came to the wine cabinet and took out a good bottle of wine and preached: "I think we should celebrate now!"

  Niu Bijian smiled and said, "We really should celebrate!"


   When the time came to the afternoon, those Xiangjiang stockholders who were still thinking about selling Jardine and Hongkong Land stock once again flocked to various acquisition points of Fengwu Securities.

Although neither Fengwu Securities nor Huaren Land has officially announced anything, the sensitive citizens of Xiangjiang can also feel that in such a period when the whole people are selling land and Jardine stocks, they are one step behind and may wait. The result is that Chinese Land has completed the acquisition of Jardine and Landmark.

  So they are anxious!

   But in the afternoon, when they arrived at the purchase point of Fengwu Securities, they found that it was different from the morning.

  Although there are still staff members, they no longer buy shares in Jardine and Landmark.

  The person in the front couldn't help asking: "Why? Why didn't you buy it? Didn't you announce that you have bought enough shares of Jardine and Landmark?"

  The staff had a professional smile on their faces, but they also said with some doubts in their eyes: "This gentleman is very sorry. First of all, we have actually completed the acquisition of Jardine and Landmark."

   "After the acquisition is completed, you don't announce it on TV. Do you know that I specially asked for leave this afternoon, and how many things will be delayed for us this day!"

  The person in the line did not wait for the staff of Fengwu Securities to finish speaking, and interrupted the other party roughly.

  The staff of Fengwu Securities didn't seem angry because of the other party's rude attitude, and they still preached with a careful smile.

"We are very sorry for the loss caused to you, but there is nothing we can do. The notice we received from above means that we have also encountered force majeure factors, which makes our company unable to publicize this matter, so We once again sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused to you!"

   "Nonsense, who in Xiangjiang doesn't know the power of your Jiaku, and the No. 8 typhoon signal didn't come to Xiangjiang, who can make you force majeure?"

   The person in line is obviously not a very good-tempered person, and he is still angry at this moment!

The staff of Fengwu Securities continued to accompany Xiaoxin and said: "There are always some. Although our business in Jiaku is not small, it is always a business. You should also know that there is an old saying in our Huaguo. Yes, it’s called people don’t fight with officials!”

   Speaking of this, the staff of Fengwu Securities will not disclose any more information. In fact, even if he wants to disclose, there is no way to disclose it. He does not know the deeper things.

  But the news he said at this time is actually enough!

  Following the staff of more than a dozen acquisition sites of Fengwu Securities gave the same explanation, the matter soon spread in Xiangjiang Fermentation.

  And those reporters from Xiangjiang who had been waiting for Fengwu Securities or Chinese Land to announce the progress of the incident also heard the wind at this time.

   Then they collectively went to the top!

  They also understand that it is not an easy task to acquire Jardine, and they also thought that there would be administrative intervention, but when all this really happened, they knew that there was big news.

  Thinking of this, these reporters immediately divided into two groups, and some of them quickly returned to their newspaper offices to tell the news to their editor-in-chief.

  If there is still no announcement about this from Chinese Real Estate this afternoon, then the Hong Kong government’s decision to suspend Chinese Real Estate’s acquisition of Jardine and Hongkong Land will be the front page headline of their evening paper tonight and tomorrow morning’s morning paper!

  Why do they know that it is the Hong Kong government?

  At this time, apart from the Hong Kong government having this ability, are there other institutions that have this ability?


  London time, at nine o'clock in the morning.

  Chu Huan arrived at Joe Cole's office by car.

  Meet Joe Cole alone, and the two discussed secretly for more than an hour. What they said was actually similar to what Chu Huan had discussed with Jeffrey Howe before.

   Use greater investment and greater benefits to better bind these people together.

Not only that, Chu Huan also proposed to set up an investment company in several hard-core support areas of Joe Cole. Get more public support.

  Of course, the apparent owner of this company is a down-and-out aristocrat in England.

This is the same as what the first Indian prime minister in British history did in later generations. After marrying the daughter of the Indian IT godfather, the master also used this method to communicate with himself in the British political circles. The first nobleman was deeply bound together.

   Then there was the result that he was able to become the first Indian Prime Minister in British history.

This kind of cooperation will not allow Chu Huan to simply take money. This kind of investment will even bring Chu Huan rich returns in the future. Simply giving money and political achievements will not make the relationship between the two of them much stronger. Deep, only a more in-depth integration of interests can truly make the cooperation between the two parties closer.

Then Chu Huan went to see Mrs. Thatcher again. The two sides also talked secretly for more than an hour. Finally, Mrs. Thatcher agreed to Chu Huan's acquisition. Of course, next year, Chu Huan's Jiaku will cooperate with Thatcher. Mrs. Er's husband launched a series of investment cooperation overseas.

As for what happened in Xiangjiang, Chu Huan did not discuss with them face to face, because Chu Huan knew that this matter would soon ferment, and then there would be bigger news back to London. At that time, these people would come to him up.

   instead of going to them yourself.

  Simply speaking, during the meeting in the morning, Chu Huan promised more benefits, but he didn't have any demands, and these demands were what Chu Huan waited for them to take the initiative to ask him for help at this time!

   In the afternoon, Chu Huan invited Joe Cole and Ferdinand to watch the Manchester United game as promised.

  Manchester United's home court is still Old Trafford. When Chu Huan, Joe Cole, and Ferdinand arrived here, the game hadn't started yet, and Manchester United's players were waiting in the dressing room.

For the Manchester United players at this time, and even their head coach Dave Sexton, there are some doubts in their hearts, because just today the general manager of the team told them that the real big boss of the Manchester United team will come to watch their game today , and will also have a dialogue with them before the game starts.

When the Manchester United team was acquired before, everyone from the players to the coach was a little disgusted with this matter. After all, although Manchester United at this time is not as well-known as the world-renowned team in later generations, it is still well-known after all. As a British local team , but was acquired by a North American sports group.

  For a while, it was difficult for them to accept this reality.

  In fact, not only them, but also Manchester United fans. At that time, Manchester United fans even broke out a huge protest and demonstration.

  However, in the face of absolute capital, these fans, players, and coaches are not enough to watch.

   If the fans don't like it, they don't have to watch it!

   Players and coaches can resign if they don’t accept it!

   Anyway, no matter how they make trouble, Sonic Sports, the North American sports group behind Manchester United, is absolutely tough.

  Faced with such a result, whether it is fans, players or coaches, they can only give in in the end.

   Then they discovered that after being acquired by the well-funded Sonic Sports, their happy life began.

   First of all, in terms of selection, the group has given them sufficient funds, so they can do whatever they want in the transfer market.

  Secondly, after Sonic Sports acquired Manchester United, they immediately started to rebuild the training hall of the Manchester United team.

  Finally, Manchester United's home stadium was rebuilt. The Old Trafford Stadium has now been renamed the Nike Stadium.

  After this year, everyone discovered that Manchester United has become the richest team in League One, the team with the most advanced training facilities, and the team with the most luxurious home court.

   This is a change in the team, and then a change in individual players. These Manchester United players have won the endorsement of a company called Nike sneakers.

  In this era when sneaker endorsements are more concentrated on long-distance runners, the sneaker endorsements they got made many players in the League One team extremely envious.

  Hearing that their real boss is coming today, these people are very curious to know what their boss is like.

  In the locker room, Ray Wilkins, who just came to Manchester United with a transfer fee of 700,000 pounds this year, is asking a short player next to him who is adjusting his sneakers.

   "Diego, I heard that you were named by the big boss to buy Manchester United. Do you know the big boss? What kind of person is he?"

Diego Maradona, one of the only recognized football champions in the world, was supposed to join Barcelona after this year's World Youth Championship, but Barcelona was cut off by Chu Huan. Last year, Chu Huan has already ordered the team to bring the 18-year-old Argentine striker to Manchester United no matter what.

At that time, Chu Huan only knew about Maradona's fame in the future, but he was not sure whether Maradona could adapt to the rhythm of the Premier League and become one of the best players in the world just like in another time and space. .

   But this does not prevent Chu Huan from bringing Maradona to Manchester United. After all, if successful, Maradona will bring huge economic benefits to Manchester United and Nike.

Due to the current relationship between England and Argentina, Maradona was not accepted by Manchester United fans when he first came to Manchester United. In addition, Maradona was bought by the owner of the team they did not like. So as soon as Maradona appeared on the stage, the first thing he received was the boos of their home fans.

  However, in competitive sports, the winner is king. As long as you can perform in a way that convinces the fans, no matter how much they booed you before, they will double the cheers after you succeed.

  Diego Maradona landed in the League One at the age of 18, and won the second place in the League One scorer list in his first season.

  Such a result turned Diego Maradona from being booed by thousands of people to the darling of Manchester United fans.

   But Maradona was also at a loss at this time.

   "I haven't met the big boss."

  Ray Wilkins was stunned: "How is it possible? Didn't you say that you are the player signed by the big boss? How come you haven't seen him?"

"You ask me, I ask who to go to!" Maradona complained silently in his heart. Since he came to Manchester United, everyone told him that he was called by the big boss. When he came to the team, he was booed all over the sky.

  However, Maradona has never met the so-called big boss!

   "I really haven't seen it!" Maradona emphasized again.

  The dialogue between the two aroused the attention of the rest of the team. Everyone heard that Maradona really didn't know their big boss, and their curiosity escalated again.

   Is their big boss a wizard?

   To be able to fall in love with Maradona, a genius boy?

While everyone in the team was chatting, the door of the locker room was pushed open. They saw their head coach Dave Sexton and the team manager, one left and one right, accompanied an Asian man in his 20s. came in.

   This is the first time Chu Huan came to the locker room of the football team. I imagined that there was no smell of sweat, but the mess must be messy.

  Chu Huan really didn’t know the Manchester United players in this period. There was only one Maradona that Chu Huan felt familiar with.

   "Everyone, this is Mr. Chu Huan, the owner of Sonic Sports, and also the owner of our Manchester United. Applause everyone!"

  Dave Sexton looked at the Manchester United players who were still in a daze, with some surprise in his eyes.

   It was also the first time he saw Chu Huan today, so it was naturally impossible for him to think that a North American sports group bought their Manchester United team, but the owner turned out to be from Xiangjiang.

Chu Huan looked at the team members who were still a little at a loss, and said with a smile: "Good afternoon, everyone, I am very happy to meet you, and I hope you can give a good cheer to the fans who cheer for you on the court. I just happened to be in England to do some business, so I came to see you, today I will cheer for you from the audience."

  The team manager smiled and said to Chu Huan: "Chairman, do you want to tell everyone your views on football?"

  Dave Sexton and the Manchester United players in the locker room changed slightly.

  What is a football club's greatest fear?

   That is a boss who doesn't understand the ball, and changes some of the team's style of play at will.

Chu Huan waved his hands and said with a smile: "I bought the Manchester United team purely because I am a Manchester United fan and like football, but compared to everyone, I am a complete layman, so laymen lead experts. , I will not do it, how the team plays, whether to attack or defend, that is a matter for the head coach and the players to decide on their own, not for me to decide!"

  The expressions of everyone in the locker room changed again, and the eyes they looked at Chu Huan changed again. No matter what, a person who can clearly know his own strengths and weaknesses, and a big boss who doesn't mess with his orders, is a good thing for them.

   "Okay, I'm just curious about everyone's behavior before the start of the game. Now that my curiosity has been satisfied, I won't hinder you from arranging tactics!

  Here I wish you all the best! "

   After finishing speaking, Chu Huan turned and left without going to chat with Maradona.

  Chu Huan and others did not go to the VIP box to watch the game, but came to the best position in the stands, although this is also called the VIP stand.

  It was just that when Chu Huan came here, he unexpectedly found four familiar faces.

  Prince Charles, his girlfriend Diana, Henry Keswick and the Speaker of the House of Commons, George Thomas.

  They are next to Chu Huan, Joe Cole, and Ferdinand.

   "I didn't expect Mr. Chu to be the owner of the Manchester United team. I'm afraid not many people in Xiangjiang know about this?"

  Henry Keswick saw Chu Huan come back, and a victorious smile appeared on his face again.

   "I don't know how much business Chu Dong has hidden outside Xiangjiang?"

  Chu Huan said with a smile: "There is nothing to be curious about the business outside Xiangjiang. We just need to know that our business in Xiangjiang will include Jardine and Landmark in the future!"

Henry Keswick's face darkened instantly, but then he showed his smile again, and said: "Chu Huan, I think you should already know what happened in Xiangjiang, I really can't understand your self-confidence at this time Where are you from?"

  Chu Huan's gaze had already fallen on the court, and he said in a calm tone: "Business acquisitions, capital is king, Mr. Keswick, you have been in the business world for so many years, don't you even know this sentence?"

   "Any commercial acquisition must be carried out under certain rules. Unfortunately, it is not you Chu Huan who made this rule!"

   Charles suddenly said.

  Charles still hasn't forgotten about the dinner party last night, and in his opinion, Chu Huan's performance yesterday has made him unable to step down, so Charles also dislikes Chu Huan very much.

  Charles, who showed it at the time, was easily discovered by Henry Keswick who had been paying attention to Chu Huan. So at the dinner, Henry Keswick found Charles and told his story.

  Of course, in Henry Keswick's description, he naturally substituted his own subjective ideas, which also made Charles dislike Chu Huan even more.

  So under Henry Keswick's tandem, Charles also stood on Chu Huan's side at this time.

  The most important thing is that the Hong Kong government can order to stop the transaction in time, and Charles is also putting pressure on it!

  "Rules are created by people. I believe that as long as people are strong enough, they will be able to break the inherent rules."

  Chu Huan smiled easily.

   "Hehe, what a big tone. Those who don't know think that you are an old British nobleman! If the rules are so easy to break, there won't be so many rules in this world!"

   Charles proudly preaches.

   "Hehe, let's wait and see. Breaking the rules requires courage and ability, while keeping the rules requires strength. I just don't know if you have the strength, Prince Charles?"

  Chu Huan's voice fell, and the players have already entered the stadium!

   Thank you everyone, the typo is corrected first and then corrected~



  (end of this chapter)