MTL - The Most Powerful Tycoon Reborn In Xiangjiang-v2 Chapter 762 The whole of Hong Kong is equivalent to a phone (7K big

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  Chapter 762 The whole of Hong Kong is waiting for the same phone call (7K chapter, please subscribe~)

   Hong Kong time at twelve midnight!

  Even if this is Xiangjiang in the late 1970s, for this city, the nightlife has only just begun.

   Lan Kwai Fong, which has begun to take shape, has begun to attract young elites from Xiangjiang. They don't like the honest nightclub style of Xiangjiang, and prefer to hunt for **** here.

  Of course, the nightclubs in Xiangjiang are still booming, and the hottest place is East Tsim Sha Tsui, which has become the place with the most nightclubs in Xiangjiang.

   There are also various other nightlife, which enrich the nights of Xiangjiang people.

  But it is different in one place. There is no laughter here, and the atmosphere is a bit dignified.

  But the people sitting here are the wealthiest group of people in the entire Xiangjiang Chinese society, of course, including those from Haojiang.

This place is naturally for the Chinese, and the people sitting here include Huo Shahuang from Huo Xingyetang, Mr. He from Haojiang, Mo Qianqi, Yue Daoqi, Bao Yugang from Hong Kong Global Shipping, Guo Desheng from Sun Hung Kai Properties, New World Zheng Yutong from Real Estate, Li Jiacheng from Changshi, Hu Yingxiang from Hopewell Real Estate, Jian Yueqiang who is retired at home, and Tang Jiqian from Nanhai Textile.

   There are nearly twenty people sitting here.

   "It's been a whole day, everyone, why don't you go back first, and when there is news from Brother Huan, I will definitely notify you as soon as possible!"

  Cao Yunshang is currently discussing with these Xiangjiang business leaders in good spirits.

  At 7:00 or 8:00 this morning, these people have already arrived at the Chinatown one after another. By 12:00 in the morning, they have been here for 20 hours.

   Obviously, these people are well prepared. If they don't wait for Chu Huan's situation, they will definitely not go back.

Huo Tsar put down the teacup in his hand, and said with a smile: "Girl Yunshang, don't persuade us, I believe that even if everyone goes back now, they will definitely not be able to sleep. Since A Huan said, if Nothing else, when the afternoon ends in London, this matter will have a result, and everyone doesn't care about waiting for another hour or two!"

   At noon in London time, Chu Huan called Cao Yunshang and told the other party that basically this afternoon, the acquisition of Jardine would have real results!

   And Cao Yunshang also told everyone at the scene about it.

  Mr. He also smiled and said: "Yes, if you really love us, then ask girl Xu Yi to prepare some chessboards for us, so that everyone can play chess while waiting for news from Chu Huan!"

Seeing what Cao Yunshang wanted to say, Cao Wenjin on the side smiled and said: "Okay, don't try to persuade these uncles of yours, you can't feel the feelings of us people about A Huan's acquisition of Yihe. !"

The businessmen sitting here basically experienced the most powerful period of the British consortium in Xiangjiang, so they can clearly feel the suppression of them by the British consortium in Xiangjiang. Now Chu Huan has launched a campaign against Jardine This is an event that is enough to make everyone present feel excited.

  If they don't hear Chu Huan's voice with their own ears, they won't be at ease!

   Seeing Cao Wenjin say that, Cao Yunshang couldn't say anything more, so he turned around and prepared to tell Xu Yi to prepare a chessboard for these people!

   At this time, Xu Yi suddenly rushed in, and before everyone had time to observe her, Xu Yi had already shouted loudly.

   "Old, the boss is calling!"

  Hearing what Xu Yi said, everyone was excited, and Cao Yunshang ordered immediately after seeing this: "Come to this room!"


   Then Cao Yunshang took the phone in the conference room and pressed the hands-free button.

  Everyone in the conference room is staring at the phone nervously!


  Kangle Building, Jardine Headquarters!

Similar to the Chinese side, Niu Bijian and Bao Fuda also did not fall asleep. Although the current situation is favorable to them, the acquisition of Jardine and Hongkong Land by Chinese real estate has been suspended, but it is only temporarily suspended. The specific situation Anyway, I still have to wait for Henry Keswick's call.

In addition, it is the same as Chu Huan called Cao Yunshang and others at noon today in London time. Before going to Nike's home stadium to watch the game, Henry Keswick also made a special call to Niu Bijian and told them that they were in London. The last negotiation with Chu Huan was to make Chu Huan quit in spite of the difficulties.

   Niu Bijian and Bao Fuda are also waiting for this call.

  It’s just that compared to the excitement of the Chinese shop, this side seems much more monotonous.

  In addition to Niubijian and Bao Fuda, there is only Karmanin.

  But anyway, because of the temporary suspension of the acquisition, the three of them are still in a good mood, which can be seen from the situation in the office.

  The bottle of good wine that Bao Fuda was talking about before now has only one bottom left, and he hasn't even finished a bottle in a day, which shows that the three of them are actually not in the mood to drink much.

   "It's already this time, why hasn't Mr. Keswick called yet?"

  Karmanin couldn't help asking first.

At this time, Niu Bijian was full of confidence in Henry Keswick, and said: "Don't worry, since the sir has asked Xiangjiang to temporarily suspend the acquisition of us by Chinese real estate, this shows that in this game Among them, we have the upper hand, and now the master must be negotiating terms with Chu Huan!"

Karmanin didn't feel relaxed because of Niubijian's explanation, and he still said with some worry: "But you all know about the petitions of those stockholders in the Hong Kong Governor's Mansion today. This matter can be big or small. I'm worried that some bad outcomes will be triggered."

Speaking of this, Karmanin said to them: "I remember you said before that Chu Huan still has a lot of influence in London. If he makes a fuss about this matter and ignites London's If you don’t think about it, things will be troublesome!”

  As for the stockholders going to the Hong Kong Governor's Mansion to petition and demonstrate, Niu Bijian and others naturally knew about it in the evening, but for such a situation.

New Bijian said indifferently: "Their petition will not have any effect, Carl, you have to know that sometimes, we really need these troublemakers, but it is most useful except when they take out their wallets. , at other times, their effect is almost zero."

Bao Fuda also nodded and said: "Yes, don't worry about this matter, we have already greeted the English newspaper in Xiangjiang, and the other party will not report this matter tomorrow, as long as they don't report it, they will not Make a bigger impact!"

  Public opinion is really an interesting thing sometimes.

  Sometimes when those high-ranking and powerful people care about public opinion, public opinion will appear very powerful, but when these people don’t care about public opinion, public opinion will actually have no power.

  No fart at all!

   Unless this public opinion will be coerced by some people with ulterior motives to do something substantive.

   But this substantive matter absolutely does not include demonstrations, because in the eyes of those in power, demonstrations are just a manifestation of their incompetence and do not delay anything.

  So at this time, neither Niu Bijian nor Bao Fuda cares about the so-called Hong Kong Governor's Mansion petition and demonstration!

"However, although the English newspapers in Xiangjiang will not report this matter, those Chinese newspapers will definitely report it. Even if the Chinese newspapers do not report it, can we still block the reports of "Zhenbao" and "Daily Daily"? "

   Karmanin couldn't help reminding.

Niu Bijian and Bao Fuda can ignore the demonstrations of more than 10,000 people, but when this number is mobilized by Chu Huan's people to form an organized force, and at the same time more people are coerced by the media, they must Pay attention!

   To put it bluntly, it is a quantitative change!

New Bijian comforted Karmanin and said: "Don't worry, I have already told Mr. Keswick about this matter, and he will handle it. As long as Mr. Keswick completes the deal with Chu Huan before this matter ferments, then it will not be too late." Something will happen!"

   Karmanin nodded helplessly, but he always had some worries in his heart.

   At this moment, the phone on Niu Bijian's desk rang!

   Niu Bijian knew that the matter must have a result, so he immediately pressed the hands-free button! .

  HSBC Headquarters!

  In Dapan Roy Bentley's office, Roy Bentley, Shen Bi, and Pu Weishi, the three HSBC giants, were also sitting together at this time.

   "If there are no accidents, tonight is the last moment to decide the ownership of Jardine!"

   Roy Bentley spoke in a deep voice.

   "The people who petitioned at the Governor's Mansion must have been arranged by Chu Huan!" Pu Weishi said firmly.

   Roy Bentley leaned on his seat, and there was smoke in front of him, which was emitted from the cigar in his hand.

"Do you still need to guess about this kind of thing? Even if those stockholders really didn't sell their stocks, at most they complained, or gathered in front of the Chinese Bank to protest, but now these people gathered in the Hong Kong Governor's If it is not guided by someone, I would not believe it even if I was killed!"

  Pu Weishi couldn't help asking: "But is it really useful?"

  Roy Bentley shook his head and said: "It may not be useful to others, but it will definitely be useful to Chu Huan. According to my understanding of Chu Huan, he will never do such useless work."

Shen Bi also analyzed: "More than 10,000 people may be useless, but do you believe that if there is no conclusion on this matter tonight, then tomorrow there may be 20,000, 30,000 or even 50,000 people?" people!"

   HSBC naturally has its own relationship in England. In fact, they are now waiting for their relationship to call and tell them about the decision in England.

  However, the reason why they are sure that there will be results tonight is the petition that took place at the Governor's Mansion this evening.

   "If you say that, isn't Chu Huan sure to win?" Pu Weishi couldn't help asking.

  Roy Bentley and Shen Bi shook their heads at the same time.

"It's not that simple!" Shen Bi continued to explain to Pu Weishi: "Before, Huaren Real Estate suddenly announced the acquisition of Jardine and Landmark, which officially started the battle between Chu Huan and the Keswick family. Serk seeks his own relationship in England and stopped the acquisition. This is the first move of the Keswick family. Under the guidance of Chu Huan, the current petition and demonstration in the Hong Kong Governor's Mansion broke out. You can Think of it as Chu Huan's counterattack against the Keswick family.

   At this time, it depends on how Henry Keswick fights back. We don't know the real situation of the Keswick family, so we can't guess whether they have any plans.

  But if Henry Keswick can convince Yinglun to remain strong, then the demonstrations in Xiangjiang will actually not be more serious, because Chu Huan’s foundation is in Xiangjiang, and he also has his own business in England.

   These are all Chu Huan's weaknesses, as long as he doesn't want to die, then he must have taboos! "

  Pu Weishi showed a stunned expression, and said: "I understand, in fact, this is a game between the two of them, let's see who can't bear the pressure first!"

  Roy Bentley and Shen Bi both nodded at the same time.

   At this time, Shen Bi looked at his watch and said, "It's almost time. It should be time to get off work in London. I think we will know the specific situation soon."

  The voice fell, and the phone on Roy Bentley's desk rang.

  Roy Bentley glanced at Shen Bi and Pu Weishi, and then pressed the hands-free button! .

  Inside the mansion of the Swire Group Swire family!

  The three of Shi Huaiya and his son are different from those mentioned above. They are not in the company, but waiting for their relationship in London at their home.

  Like HSBC, Swire Group, one of the four major British consortiums in Hong Kong, naturally has their own relationship in London.

  The reason why they are sure that the results will come out tonight is the same as HSBC.

  It is all based on the petition incident that took place in the Governor's Mansion this evening!

   "I didn't expect that Chu Huan would actually dare to do this. He really led the crowd to the Hong Kong Governor's Mansion to petition!"

   After taking a sip of the red wine on the table, John Shi couldn't help sighing.

   "Yes, what he did is obviously to set the Hong Kong government on the stove. Even if he finally gets his wish to buy Jardine, he will face the dissatisfaction of the Hong Kong government at that time!"

  Shi Yadi agrees with John Shi!


   Regarding the analysis of his two sons, Shi Huaiya only gave a nonchalant laugh.

   John Shi and Yadi Shi heard their father's laughter and couldn't help asking: "Daddy, did we say something wrong?"

  Shi Huaiya tapped the table and said: "Wrong, you are all wrong, no matter whether Chu Huan can successfully acquire Jardine this time, the Hong Kong government will not do anything obvious against Chu Huan!"

   John Shi couldn't help but retorted: "But Daddy, isn't Chu Huan's merciless behavior now enough to cause dissatisfaction with the Hong Kong government?"

   Shi Huaiya said: "The Hong Kong government will naturally be dissatisfied, but even if they are dissatisfied, what can they do?"

  As soon as this question was asked, the two brothers Shi John and Shi Yadi showed expressions of thinking at the same time.


  Even if the Hong Kong government is dissatisfied, what can they do?

  In fact, they knew that the Hong Kong government had been dissatisfied with Chu Huan's development speed and scale in Hong Kong before. They also tried to target Chu Huan before, but what happened?

   In the end, it didn’t mean that he ended up in disgrace. Not only was Chu Huan not affected, but his development was getting better and better. Now he’s going to buy Jardine!

   To put it bluntly, the current situation is not as good as the previous situation!

"In addition, if Chu Huan really completes the acquisition of Jardine, it shows two things. The first thing is that Chu Huan's influence in London is beyond all our expectations. The second thing is The thing is, after Jiaku has completed the digestion of Jardine and Landmark, he will truly stand on the top of Xiangjiang business, and his influence will undergo a qualitative change at that time.

It is no exaggeration to say that at that time, at least half of the entire Xiangjiang family will depend on Chu Huan for food directly or indirectly, and the entire Xiangjiang people will not be able to separate from Jiaku’s business system. What can the government do?

   I am afraid that by that time, the first thing for any Hong Kong governor appointed by England to visit Xiangjiang is to visit Chu Huan in person! "

   John Shi and Yadi Shi were shocked by the scene described by Shi Huaiya.

  Shi Yadi couldn't help but said: "If this is the case, neither the British nor the Hong Kong government will allow Chu Huan to complete the acquisition of Jardine!"

"Hehe!" Shi Huaiya laughed the same way before, and then said: "You are still too naive. I told you that when the business scale reaches a certain level, business and politics are inseparable. Do you think that the stakes you see are the most substantial, do you think those politicians can't see such stakes?

In history, any person who can be named can be regarded as the top talent of that era, but these people still make wrong decisions. Do you think they really can’t see the stakes at that time? ?

  Whether it is politics or business, it is human beings who actually operate these things. As long as they are human beings, they cannot be absolutely objective and fair, so various problems will arise.

  Learning experience from history, you will find that the so-called overall interests are never the reason to measure the success of a thing, and the gains and losses of personal interests are the key factors for the success of a thing! "

  John Shi, Shi Yadi didn't understand what their father said, but he still asked.

   "Daddy, do you mean that Chu Huan will win this time?"

Shi Huaiya shook his head and said: "I don't know, in my opinion, this time is actually to see whether Chu Huan or Henry Keswick can best give the greatest benefits to those in power in the British government, and whoever is the final winner! "

  After Shi Yadi nodded, she couldn't help but said: "But no matter what, I believe that Xiangjiang's business structure is definitely about to change."

   John Shi also nodded and said, "Just tonight!"

Jingle Bell!

  The phone on the table rang.

   The three of Shi Huaiya and his son looked at the phone, and under the watchful eyes of the two sons, Shi Huaiya pressed the hands-free button!


  If anyone in Xiangjiang feels the most helpless about the current situation at this time, it must be the Governor of Hong Kong, MacLehose.

   Didn’t recruit anyone, didn’t provoke anyone, and even in the incident of China Real Estate’s acquisition of Jardine, they only acted as a peacemaker once, and after finding out that their persuasion was useless, they just let it go, regardless of this matter!

   As a result, now it’s good, more than 10,000 people came to my side to demonstrate.

  Even if you want to demonstrate and protest, you should go to Jardine. It is Henry Keswick who operates his personal connections in London, which caused the current consequences.

   instead of yourself!

  At this time, MacLehose just wanted to get out of his study, and then raised his head to the sky and shouted loudly at the moon: "Who dares to be worse than me!"

   But no!

   MacLehose will be in his study, waiting for the decision from London.

  He has already told London what happened in Xiangjiang. In fact, if it was a demonstration caused by other things, MacLehose would definitely not report this matter to London. After all, this is not something to show his face.

   But what happened this time is different!

MacLehose clearly knows that the main battlefield of this matter is now in London, not Xiangjiang, so what he can do is to report the situation of Xiangjiang to London. MacLehose doesn't care about Henry Keswick's, anyway, it has nothing to do with him!

  At the same time, there were three other people in MacLehose's study, the Chief Secretary Robert Roberts who had been renamed, the Financial Secretary Xia Dingji, and the Attorney General Qi Lishi.

   Except for the commander in Hong Kong who has no superiors with them, the four most powerful people in Xiangjiang in name are here.

   "Lord Governor of Hong Kong, they must not be indulged in this matter. In my opinion, you can call the British Army Garrison in Hong Kong tonight and ask them to come over tomorrow to maintain order!"

  Xia Dingji has broken the pot at this time. Anyway, he has already clearly denied Chu Huan, and now he simply reverses it to the end!

   Regarding Xia Dingji's words, MacLehose is definitely going in one ear and out the other. At this time, if the British Garrison in Hong Kong comes over, isn't that going to increase the impact of the whole thing?

  What Robert said made MacLehose quite satisfied.

   "I have already greeted the major newspapers and media in Xiangjiang, and they already know that tomorrow's morning paper will not report this matter, just"

  When seeing Robert, he said the last attitude, MacLehose said helplessly: "Tell me, my heart is extremely strong now, and I won't be hit by anything!"

  Robert could only preach: ""True Pao" and "Daily Daily" did not give an accurate reply to our constraints, and even TVB is the same!"

  The power of the Hong Kong government should not be underestimated, so after these newspapers in Hong Kong received a call from Robertson, they expressed their attitude of not reporting this matter.

   After all, they are begging for food in the name of the Hong Kong government.

  Later generations often see various newspapers criticizing the decision of the Hong Kong government, but this will only happen after Xiangjiang returns to his hometown and his hometown is tolerant of Xiangjiang.

  But at this time, the Hong Kong media really don't have the guts to resist the Hong Kong government's decision.

   But there are exceptions to everything, and this matter is no exception.

   "Zhenbao", "Daily Daily" and TVB are all owned by Jiaku. Their bosses are awesome, even the Hong Kong government has to save face, so they don't need to worry about what other newspapers are worried about.

   Facing such a situation, MacLehose waved his hand and said: "Let them go, if there is no accident, this matter will come to an end tonight.

  As for the reports of "Zhenbao", "Daily Daily" and TVB, I believe it will end with the dust of this matter. "

Seeing that MacLehose did not follow his persuasion, Xia Dingji couldn't help but said: "Mr. Governor, are we going to tolerate Chu Huan like this? If we don't take some measures in this matter, we will definitely be punished." Xiangjiang people laughed at it!"

Looking at the still angry Xia Dingji, MacLehose couldn't help asking: "How do you want me to deal with Chu Huan, or do you think we are capable of dealing with Chu Huan? It's not like you haven't done such a thing before, even yesterday you We are still discussing how to deal with Chu Huan, so I want to ask you, was your previous behavior successful? Or did you come up with a countermeasure this time?"

   Facing MacLehose's serial soul questioning, Xia Dingji's cheeks flushed red.

   And MacLehose no longer went to see Xia Dingji, because in MacLehose's eyes, Xia Dingji was no longer Xiangjiang's financial secretary!

Based on his understanding of Chu Huan, coupled with the series of behaviors of Chu Huan in England that he inquired from different channels today, MacLehose understood an extremely important thing, that is, Chu Huan's behavior in England. The relationship network is definitely not what I can imagine.

  According to Chu Huan's personality, if he fails to complete the acquisition of Jardine this time, he will definitely find a punching bag, and Xia Dingji, who has been jumping up and down for this matter, must be a good candidate.

If Chu Huan completes the acquisition of Jardine this time, it means that Chu Huan's relationship network in England has reached the point where they cannot spy on it. Then Xia Dingji, who has been confronting Chu Huan **** for tat in Xiangjiang, will also be unable to escape. The fate of resignation!

  Although he has the right to appoint the Financial Secretary, he will never have an absolute right to speak in politics. The same is true for MacLehose. After all, there are many people above him.

   "Okay, it's useless to say these things now, let's calm down and wait for the notice from England!"

  Luo Bishi and Qi Lishi also nodded one after another. They saw it more thoroughly than Xia Dingji, and deeply understood that this matter was no longer up to them to decide!

Jingle Bell!

  The phone rang, and MacLehose, like everyone else, pressed the speakerphone button!

   This moment!

  Chinese line!

  Kangle Building, Jardine Headquarters!

  HSBC Headquarters!

  In the villa of Swire Group Swire.

  Hong Kong Governor's Mansion!

  All eyes were on the phone in front of them.

  The result of this phone call will change the situation in Xiangjiang, and at the same time, it will also cause joy to some parties and worry to others.

Cao Yunshang took a deep breath at this time, trying to keep her tone calm, "Brother Huan, I'm Yunshang, and I'm in the conference room now, Dad, and Uncle Huo, Uncle He, they are all here, tell me !"

  Because of Cao Yunshang's questioning, the ears of everyone in the meeting room perked up.

   Then these people heard Chu Huan's voice on the phone.

   "Thank you for me. By the way, let me tell you that Jardine's problem has been solved. Let Xu Yi make an announcement tomorrow. I will also fly back to Xiangjiang tomorrow!"

   Also, correct the typo first and then change it, Huangshan continues to code~



  (end of this chapter)