MTL - The Most Wasteful Fruit Among Pirates-v2 Chapter 45 empty island

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"Sky Island?"

Aboard the Jackdaw Flamingo,

Oni, who was in charge of the helm, looked up at the sky.

"Rosie, what you said is not the territory of 'Golden Lion' Shiji?"

"It's a bit similar, but it's not an island lifted by the ability, but a naturally formed island in the sky."

Idle is also idle, Rossi by the way to Aoni at the helm, Gary lying on the mast, and Diamanticop who is already leaning next to him.

"You all know that ability users are not so much afraid of sea water, but more afraid of a component called 'PYROBROIN' in sea water."

"And this rock salt crystal called 'PYROBROIN' has a familiar name: Hailoushi!"

"When the 'PYROBROIN' particles rise into the sky due to volcanic eruptions and other reasons, they will form a special cloud with water vapor. When these clouds gather to a certain extent, they can even form a 'cloud sea' and 'cloud island'."

This is the essence of Sky Island: a floating cloud formed with sea stone powder as the core. —So the capable person will also 'drown' in the sea of ​​clouds in the sky island.

While explaining, Rossi touched his chin.

Maybe something like Hailou Stone is a big killer made by the "Giant Kingdom" to deal with capable people: if the concentration of "PYROBROIN" in the air reaches the level of the sea, will it directly kill the capable people all over the world? Get down?

So, as expected, domineering is the most reliable.

"Rosie, since Sky Island is at an altitude of 10,000 meters, how should we go up there?"

Diamanti, who was leaning next to him, asked a question, but he couldn't just say "rudder up" to solve the problem.

"If you want excitement, follow through."

"Use the soaring ocean current!"

Rosie holds up a finger,

"Sky Island is located directly above Gaya Island, because 400 years ago, a part of Gaya Island was sent into the sky by the soaring ocean current. That's right, what is said in the fairy tale book "Rolando the Big Talker" it is true."

"However, traveling up to 10,000 meters in the sky along the soaring ocean current, the right time, the right place and the right people are indispensable. Do you want to give it a try?"

Shaking my head crazy! X2

Oni and Diamanti refused on the spot,

As for Gary, the girl with cat ears? She can fly and doesn't care at all.

"It's a pity, if all the members of the family are present, we can also take the path of 'Soaring Ocean Current'."

At this point in time, the descendants of Montblanc Rolando: Montblanc Couricite has not traveled to Gaya Island, without his record of hydrology for more than ten years, how can the future Straw Hats be so easy to ride the soaring ocean current .

As for the Roger Pirates, there are naturally geniuses in various fields.

In fact, the easiest way to go to Sky Island is to let Rossi's vest "White Robe Assassin" come forward and ask the Golden Lion to give them a ride. However, such a trivial matter consumes the favor of the golden lion, which is too wasteful.

"Our goal is the island named 'Western Sky Top', from where we can 'normally' go to Sky Island."

That's right, apart from the fateful 'Sky Current', there are also formal ways to go to Sky Island. Although the formal way is also known as 'the casualty rate exceeds 60%'.

"So that's the case, as expected of you!"

Oni nodded, it is convenient to travel with Rossi, and everything has been arranged. —It would be even better if there were no unexpected battles.

... "Bah, bah, bah,"


Glancing at Oni who murmured, "What I just thought was not counted", Rossi slowly closed her eyes, exuding the domineering arrogance of knowledge and knowledge, and exercising wide-area perception while sailing.


a few days later,

"This is the 'Western Sky Summit'?"

"Eh... Actually, it's the first time I've seen it."

Using the permanent pointer bought in the underground black market to navigate, when the "Jackdaw Flamingo" arrived at the legendary "Western Sky Peak" island, Rossi finally understood why there were "sixty percent casualties".

What appeared in front of everyone was an island full of sense of technology, with a wide waterway leading to the center of the island. And in the center of the island, a huge metal pipe goes straight into the sky!

On this giant metal pipe with a cross-sectional area of ​​more than two football fields, it is covered with traces of swords and swords. If it is not made of special alloy, it may have collapsed into ruins long ago.

As the 'Jackdaw Flamingo' slowly sailed down the waterway and entered under the huge metal pipe, intermittent electronic sounds immediately sounded around:

"Zizi...Welcome to take...the track elevator..."

"Warning! The elevator is damaged in many places... sizzling... please contact the maintenance personnel..."

"Well, who's talking and where is the phone bug hiding?"

While Oni was looking around curiously, Rossi had already spread her arrogance on the boat under her feet.

"Hold on tight, if I'm right, it'll be—"

"Anti-gravity system...activated..."

"Zizi... wish you all the best..."


With a strange tremor, the 'Jackdaw Flamingo' left the water out of thin air and began to accelerate upwards! At the same time, through the huge gaps hacked from the outside, gusts of wind continuously poured into the pipes.

"No wonder,"

While the ship was going up and down violently, Rossi nodded calmly.

What is the "Western Sky Top", it turned out to be an equatorial orbital elevator made by the "Great Kingdom", used to transport materials to the "Sky Island" above the sky.

Unfortunately, the Great Kingdom has been erased from history.

And the orbital elevator, a high-tech creation, obviously suffered from the flames of war. In addition, no one has maintained it for 800 years, and it is already a miracle that it can still work.

"The jolt was too violent!"

Oni, who was trying to stabilize the hull, experimented for a while before giving up.

"Something, Rosie—"

"Shouldn't this be your navigator's business?"

Facing Oni's request for help, Rossi replied calmly with her hands folded.

"Even if there is no current, the wind alone can control the ship, and even control the weather..."

"Which family's navigator has this ability?"

Oni complained that she couldn’t do it, and wanted to say “I can’t do it”, but the ship is already rising at a high speed in this huge pipeline. With the strength of Rossi and Diamanti, self-protection is not a problem even if there is an accident, but she just...

"By the way, there is this."

After a few twitches on the rudder, the Jackdaw Flamingo, which was constantly bumped by the gust of wind pouring in from the opening around the pipe, suddenly spread its pitch-black wings—,

On either side of the ship, with folded black wings,

Never used it before, but the Jackdaw Flamingo can glide!

Spreading her wings, Oni held the rudder with both hands, allowing the ship to continue to fly upwards in the chaotic wind. The real thing: soaring upwards, you need to borrow the feathers from the sky.

"Hehehe, Miss Ben is indeed a genius~~"

Facing the ecstatic Oni, Rossi rolled her eyes. You don't even know what the function of the ship is, you navigator can only be regarded as... not bad.

Driven by the damaged anti-gravity system, the ship in the giant pipe bumped and rose rapidly, and at the same time, the gaps on the outer wall were continuously poured in by strong winds. It is estimated that it could only be luck if someone else came.

Oni was able to stabilize the ship, in addition to the fact that the ship itself was made by 'Baoshu Adam', as well as the various high-tech blessings of the shipbuilder Tom and Dr. Iron Steno, it was also due to her contribution as a navigator.


"Zizi... is about to arrive at the destination... Bika..."


The surroundings of the speeding ship suddenly lit up, and flew out of the huge circular hole. After drawing a parabola in the air, it landed on the white 'sea of ​​clouds' with a bang!

"Is there really an ocean of clouds?"

The cat-eared girl finally stood up, lying on the mast with ease despite the bumps all the way.

When you look up, everything you see is white.

"Be careful, these seas of clouds are full of crystals like 'PYROBROIN', falling into them is no different for us ability users from falling into the sea."

Among the four people traveling this time, only Aoni, the weakest, is a non-capable person, and the other three are standard landlubbers. Even the robot Gary is the same, although it will not drown, it can only be a piece of scrap metal on the bottom of the sea.

"Long-lost Qinghai people,"

At this moment, a... No, it should be said that a giant lobster with a body length of more than 200 meters galloped towards it, and there were more than a dozen people standing on it, dressed in white toga robes like ancient Rome, holding spears, behind their backs. It has a pair of small wings like a swan.

"Everyone, if you want to visit Bika, please let us lead the way. If you want to rob—"

The leader looked up at the mast of the 'Jackdaw Flamingo', very good, there is no skull flag on it.

"Then I will trouble you,"

Rossi nodded calmly. The dozen or so Sky Islanders tapped their spears, and the giant lobster under their feet immediately approached the Jackdaw Flamingo. on the carapace, and then galloped in one direction.

During this period, more than a dozen sky island fighters on the back of the lobster quietly looked at Rossi and the others.

There were no more than four people on the deck, and although they looked like they were not easy to mess with, this number was too small. Even if there are other people in the cabin, there is nothing to be afraid of.

As everyone knows, the four of Rossi are worth thousands of troops!

As this special creature named 'Express Shrimp' raised the 'Jackdaw Flamingo' and flew all the way in the sea of ​​clouds, a white island outline soon appeared in everyone's eyes.

... "Bika?"

Rossi standing at the bow muttered to himself,

There is more than one empty island. In the future, the Straw Hats will arrive at an empty island called 'Angel Island', and next to Angel Island is half of 'Gaya Island' that was washed up into the sky, which is the former 'Golden Town'. Dora.

Whether it is the huge amount of gold that can be used to make spaceships, or the legendary "golden galleon" is located there.

But the sky island named 'Bika' in front of me is different:

Full of ancient Greek style, tall and low buildings are sandwiched between many trees. The white columns are stacked with drum-shaped blocks, the huge temple-like building supported by caryatids lives on the top of the mountain, and the figures floating under the triangular eaves...

However, these buildings are not carved out of rock, they look more like:

"Solid cloud?"

Facing Diamanti's doubts, Rossi nodded.

"That's right, the buildings on Sky Island are all made of 'clouds': I said before that when the water mist with the 'PYROBROIN' crystal as the core gathers to a certain extent, it will not only become a 'sea of ​​clouds' under your feet, but even become a cloud." 'Cloud Island'."

Fortunately, these condensed 'cloud soil' will not suppress the ability user, otherwise Rossi and the three will be caught blind.

"Young brother from Qinghai, you know a lot."

On the giant lobster, the leading team leader tilted his head to look at Rossi on the deck.

"You must know that most of the Qinghai people who went to the sea of ​​clouds are either crazy and say that they have arrived in the 'Kingdom of Heaven', or they are trying to attack us."

"All terror comes from the unknown."

Standing on the deck of the Jackdaw Flamingo, Rossi shook her head,

"I know very well that you are only 'human beings'. The formation of this island is also based on science, so naturally you will not do anything unwise."

"That's good,"

Captain Sky Island nodded. Although they are not bloodthirsty, if they meet a pirate who wants to 'get rich', they don't mind letting the other party experience free fall from a height of 10,000 meters.

"Here we are, welcome to the sky island protected by the gods: Bika!"

On the beach made up of solid clouds, there are many children playing. In the distance, there are adults from Sky Island who are cutting the cloud island into cubes and using it as building 'materials'. It looks like a peaceful and ordinary city.

As the 'Express Shrimp' put the Jackdaw Flamingo on the shore of Cloud Island, Rosie tilted her head to the others.

"Let's go, let's see Sky Island."

As the saying goes, a person with high skills is bold, so Rossi directly lowered the anchor.

Because there is air under the sea of ​​clouds, Rossi directly threw the anchor of several hundred kilograms to the shore of the cloud island, and sank into the solid cloud island with a puff. Jump.


With a light jump, the four of Rossi jumped off the boat, raised their legs and walked towards the strange city in front of them.

"Alarm! Alert!


"There are technological creations approaching, technological creations approaching, expulsion! Expulsion!



The moment they first set foot on the coast, a macaw suddenly made a sharp sound on the nearby bell tower, which stunned all the Bika people who heard the sound.


"Ah, ah, run!"

"There are technological creations, there, there..."

"All civilians go to take refuge, the warriors of God line up, notify the priest—"

Captain Bika, whose complexion changed drastically, shouted angrily, giving the chaotic crowd a backbone. While ordinary people were running towards the building, the spears in the hands of the dozens of sky island fighters pointed at Rossi. four people.

"Damn it, I didn't expect you to carry super-standard 'technology' creations."

"Now, go back the same way immediately!"

In the distance were ordinary people running for their lives, and in front of them were the sky island warriors who were facing a great enemy. Rossi touched his chin, turned his head and looked at the cat-eared girl behind him.

If you want to say that your own side has the most 'technical' content, it is undoubtedly Gary.


"do not get excited,"

Rosie raised a finger,

"It seems that there are some 'rules' here that I don't know about. Let me hear it."

Flame Lancer reminds you: remember to collect after reading