MTL - The Most Wasteful Fruit Among Pirates-v2 Chapter 50 The Destruction of the Five Peaks Pirates

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"Master Wang Zhi, it's the Don Quixote family!"

When the captain of the Wufeng Pirates, Wang Zhi, Ye Zong, the Claw of the Five Peaks, and Xu Quan, the Fang of the Five Peaks, arrived at the pier, a small boss immediately stepped forward to report.

"Our fleet has..."

"Step aside!"

With a wave of his sleeve, Wang Zhi with a livid face swept away the little leader in front of him.

The sea outside the Hive Island is full of shipwrecks, and dozens of battleships of the Wufeng Pirates that are slowly sinking with black smoke turned into the background board.

Standing proudly among them is a huge golden battleship. The Wufeng Pirates are all familiar with this ship: after all, they once invaded Dressrosa and almost took down the Don Quixote family.


And Wang Zhi, who was frightened and angry, even smashed the city wall next to him into powder!

Others only saw the golden battleship, but he clearly saw Don Quixote Doflamingo who had been missing for many years on the battleship.

In addition, there are three **** people hanging from the mast.

"Third, fourth, fifth?!"

Not only Wang Zhi saw it, but the handsome man Ye Zong and the hunchbacked old man Xu Quan also changed their expressions drastically, and subconsciously took a step forward.

However, the many figures on the golden ship stopped them: Diamanti, Virgo, Pica, Torrepol, Jinbe, Tani... Don Quixote's family came out in full force, how dare they? !

After seeing the leader, Ye Zong, who had a bounty of 814 million Baileys, showed disbelief on his face, while Xu Quan, who had a bounty of 1.15 billion, lowered his eyes.


Even in the missing state, the second bounty of the sea of ​​9.5 billion Baileys is still offered by the world government!

By the way, Rossindi, who has the first bounty, has 10 billion Pele. The Tianlong people directly said that as long as someone can provide accurate information about Rossindi, they can get 1 billion Baileys! If he can carry Rosindi's head to the 'New Holy Land', not only 10 billion Baileys, but the whole family will become 'Tianlongren' immediately.

"Old Xu,"

Facing the menacing Don Quixote family, Wang Zhi's face was as cold as iron, and he turned his head and ordered:

"Let your grandson take my **** and leave immediately."


"grown ups?!"

The hunchbacked old man "Five Peaks' Fang" Xu Quan raised his head suddenly, but saw determination in his captain's eyes.

"Go ahead,"


The old man who bowed to his command turned into a black light and returned to the city behind him, while Wang Zhi looked at the approaching golden warship and the three figures hanging on the mast: Once they walked out of the Kingdom of Flowers together and drank the wine of friendship The number is 18 people.

Death in battle, betrayal, retirement... In the end, there were only 6 of them left, and the Wufeng Pirates were established after the death of Rocks. Now it seems—

"Sorry, Ye Zong."

The tall Wang Zhi bowed his head to apologize to the well-dressed man next to him,

"Fighting for me for so many years has delayed your starting a family..."

"What are you talking about, brother?"

The clothes next to him were composed of countless beautiful colors, like a handsome middle-aged man in a feather robe, Ye Zong curled his lips indifferently.

"In our line of business, accidents will happen sooner or later."

"It's just an heir, so it doesn't matter if there are any? Besides, I've slept with a lot of women over the years, and there are countless people who come to the door with children in their arms. Even if most of them just want to extort money, it's enough for a few of them to belong to me." gone."

Although the tradition of the Kingdom of Flowers: There are three types of unfilial piety, and the worst is to have no descendants.

But this man named 'Ye Zong' took it very seriously, anyway, he didn't count on 'raising children for old age'. Besides: Most of the young people in this world will flood into the sea, and it is normal to feed the sharks at any time. The so-called family inheritance has no faith and cannot be sustained.

"it is good,"

Patting the handsome man on the shoulder, Wang Zhi's eyes fell on the approaching golden battleship, he flicked his sleeves, his eyes showed a fierce look, the aura and arrogance that belonged to the legendary pirate returned to him again.

"The third child, the fourth child, and the fifth child have all been murdered."

"But even if there are only our three brothers, he will definitely lose a few teeth of the Don Quixote family!"

After so many years, the strength of the strongest members of the Don Quixote family, Diamanti, Virgo, Jinbe, Tani, and Gary, have approached the peak of the second tier, and the bounties offered by the world government are all available It's 1 billion, but it's a symbol of strength without water.

Most of the other cadres are between 500 and 900 million.

If it weren't for such a group of cadres who worked together, how could the Don Quixote family, which lost its double king, be able to withstand the onslaught of many forces?

"Fufufu, it's up to you?!"

At this moment, a figure has come flying in the air, like a person with the ability of 'Piao Piao Fruit'.

Of course, Wang Zhi and Ye Zong are very clear that this is the 'empty path' formed by Doflamingo using an infinitely extending thread to hang on the clouds. It can be said to be a model of exploiting the "line fruit" of garbage to the extreme.

"Wang Zhi, if you dare to attack my family, you should have expected this day!"

Dover, who was floating in the air, raised his hand, and his fruit ability immediately spread out along the silk thread hanging on the clouds, silently assimilating most of the clouds in the sky.

That's right, in addition to assimilating buildings and the earth, the awakened thread fruit ability can even assimilate clouds. The half-cloud and half-line sky covered the sun and quickly turned leaden gray. At the same time, continuous bright lights flew above the clouds, which were thunder and lightning produced by countless wires rubbing against each other with the 'electrical' technique of the fur tribe.


In the blink of an eye, thunder flashed in the clouds of the sky, and the golden snake danced wildly, covering the entire hive island! Such a scene made everyone on the island instinctively feel that a catastrophe was imminent, and rushed towards the pier frantically, trying to escape from this dangerous place.

However, it was already too late, as the thunder and lightning became denser, the rumble of thunder could hardly be heard, and once it reached the extreme, it became impossible to hear anything, only the golden snake rushing wildly in the dark clouds all over the sky.


In the roar of Wang Zhi's canthus tearing apart, Dover has already gently lowered his hand.

"Wan Lei · 16 rounds of King Killing Bullets!"

Above the clouds, countless thunderbolts suddenly merged into 16 giant thunderballs, and then turned into a huge white pillar surrounded by infinite lightning and thunderbolts and fell down! It came ruthlessly crushing towards the hive island below.

In an instant, the dazzling incandescent light instantly flooded everything.

No sky, no island, no sea.

The island collapses!

Boulders fly, buildings explode, and cliffs break again!

Under the sixteen beams of light, the entire hive island collapsed at a crazy speed, the island was shattered into ruins, and then the ruins were shattered into fine gravel.

With one blow, the hive island is like snow withered under the scorching sun, melting and destroying at a speed visible to the naked eye. Including the hundreds of thousands of people living above, they were all annihilated by Dover's blow!


Amidst the roar of madness, a figure waved its jet-black wings, tore apart the thunder and soared into the sky. It was Wang Zhi who was furious to the extreme.

"Fufufu, don't worry, I will send you to meet your loyal subordinates right away."

At the beginning, the "Wan Lei" plowed the entire hive island. Although the power was slightly weaker than the spaceship "Tianwang", it was scorched and completely reduced to ruins, leaving only a hive with a huge black skull. Island, you know that the so-called "slightly inferior" is only compared with the king of heaven.

For ordinary people, even most of the elite of the Wufeng Pirates, it is a disaster!

"I'm going to kill you!"

Amidst the roar of the furious Wang Zhi, it was Dover's leisurely banter.

"Try it if you can—"


"Be careful, master."

The air was filled with the smell of scorched beard, and there were scorched human silhouettes lying on the ground.

An old man in the ruins stood up and shook off the building wreckage on his back, revealing the two teenagers under his protection.

"Grandpa, this..."

Among them, the younger boy glanced at the scorched earth, and Tong Kong couldn't help but shrink back. He is the grandson of Xu Quan, the "Five Peaks' Fang": his father was captured in a battle with hostile forces. His grandfather betrayed Wang Zhi, who killed his father alive.

As the playmate of Wang Zhi's son, the young man has a good heart and strength, but the scene in front of him still stunned him.

Are they not on Hive Island anymore?


When the boy turned his head and saw the scorched giant black skull, he had to admit this cruel fact: this is the Hive Island.

"Listen well, Lie, take the young master to the secret base."

The sound of Wang Zhi roaring and fighting has already been heard in the sky. You don't need to look to know that you have encountered an unprecedentedly powerful enemy: in fact, they must be the top few people on the sea who can launch an attack that covers the entire island just now.

"There is a submarine there. I taught you how to drive it. Take the young master away."

The old man's "Five Peaks' Fang" Xu Quan quickly finished his explanation, and pushed his grandson:



Almost instinctively, the younger boy led Wang Zhi's son, Wang Fu, who hadn't reacted yet, and rushed towards the secret base that his grandfather had shown him.

Although there are almost no buildings that can be used as references on the entire island, the boy was once blindfolded by his grandfather, and then he had to find the secret base within the specified time. Develop a sense of direction.

"Master, this way."

As for Wang Fu, who was being dragged by him, his head was still a lump of pulp, and he hadn't reacted yet.

"wait wait wait!"

"Xu Lie, what happened?"

Unlike my father who was a legendary pirate, the young man named 'Wang Fu' was well-clothed and well-fed since he was a child, and he was held in the palm of his five uncles. Although he could not be described as a 'playboy', he was still as good as he was when he encountered great changes. Panicked like an ordinary teenager.

"I don't know either, master."

"But I know that only if we escape will we be able to help grandpa and master the most!"

People are floating in the sea, how can they not be stabbed?

Others can't beat you, and can't beat your wife and children? Such was the fate of General 'Black Arm' Zefa back then.

The more important the person is, the more cautious he is about his offspring: If Luffy hadn't blew himself up, who would have known he was the son of a dragon? White Beard has tens of thousands of sons, but no one knows about his own son.

Charlotte Lingling has tens of hundreds of children, and she doesn't care if she dies; Kaido has only one daughter, so she is with her every day... In order to prevent being attacked by the enemy that day, Wang Zhi is naturally doing it for himself His son arranged a retreat, but—

"There is no way,"

A woman covered in all kinds of gem rings, gold necklaces, and jewels stood in front of the two running boys.

"It's Balfe Mythone!"

As the grandson of "Five Peaks' Fang" Xu Quan, the young boy recognized the other party's identity at a glance.

One of the cadres of the Don Quixote family: "Speed" Oni, with a bounty of 461 million. Although it doesn't sound like much, how much is the 500 million bounty in the whole ocean?

Most importantly, the two youngsters who have just mastered primary domineering will fight against 400 million masters with the head?

"Master, let's go!"

But now it's not a question of whether they can fight or not, but a question of having to fight!

The young man named 'Xu Lie' had his hands clawed, covering them with invisible arrogance. Prepare to fight to the death to buy time for your young master. However:

Behind him, Wang Zhi's son had already run away without looking back!

? !

"Master, it's not over there—"

Xu Lie, who glanced behind him, was in a hurry, what's the use of running around with his head buried in his young master?

For the current plan, he can only hold the other party back and let the young master rush to the secret base to escape in a submarine...

"Ha, poor fellow."

There was a gentle wind blowing by the ear, caressing the boy's hair and making his neck itch.

"It must be a headache to follow this young master, right? In Rossi's words, it's a 'pig teammate'."

The next second, Wang Zhi's son, who was running around, staggered and began to fall. At the same time, a cadre named "Aoni" of the Don Quixote family appeared beside him.

"Do not worry,"

She turned her head and smiled at the grandson of Xu Quan's 'Five Peaks' Fang.

"You don't have to have any more headaches."


Indeed, there is no need to have a headache. As the two teenagers fell to the ground, the red liquid spread silently under them.

Although Oni is cowardly and cute in front of Rossi, don't forget that she is also a person who grew up on a pirate ship. Killing people was as normal to her as eating and drinking.



"How did you become so much stronger?"

The silk thread was entwined into a knight's spear, piercing Wang Zhi's chest with black lightning, and then passed through the cloak behind him. The blood stains gradually spread around the thread-woven spear shaft, nailing the legendary pirate to the hive Island logo on the charred black skull.

Wang Zhi raised his head and looked directly at Dover with neither happy nor sad expression.

"I lost,"

The heart has been twisted into slag, although relying on the "evolutionary fruit" to symbiosis dozens of local muscles and blood vessels in the body, contracting and expanding at the same rhythm as the heart, forming miniature hearts, but Wang Zhi still has reached his limit. coming.

This Doflamingo is too strong!

It's not the kind of devil fruit with strong abilities. If it's just the devil's ability, Wang Zhi can rely on the "evolution fruit" to evolve a corresponding physical structure.

But the opponent is the top powerhouse of the three-color domineering: overlord-color entanglement, armed color release, and predicting the future... In the face of these three peak domineering, Wang Zhi was completely crushed by the "panel" until he was directly seriously injured, and then ended fighting.

There is not even time for evolution.

"Don't be too happy,"

As the heart was twisted into slag, countless sharp silk threads were swimming in Wang Zhi's body. In front of the top three-color domineering, Wang Zhi's fruit ability could not hold back.

"Our ending is your tomorrow..."

"Fufufu, don't make a mistake!"

Dover sneered at Wang Zhi's last words, or curses.

"Our Don Quixote family is destined to rule the world, and we will all be kings! It is not comparable to you pirates who live in a corner."

"Those who steal the hook will be punished, and those who steal the country will be honored?"

Indeed, if it is a pirate, the only way to perish is through endless life and death, but if it becomes the king of the world... Wang Zhi couldn't help but sigh with emotion from the proverb of the country of flowers, and then he was suddenly taken aback, the whole People suddenly struggled like returning to the light.

"do not move,"

Under Dover's ability, countless silk threads have pierced Wang Zhi's blood vessels, muscles, and bones... It is a torture that is more terrifying than a thousand knives, but what makes Wang Zhi so excited is:

"Big... my lord,"

The old man "Five Peaks' Fang" Xu Quan, who was carried by Diamanti, was covered in lacerations.

The half-human, half-bird being carried by Virgo had almost broken off its gorgeous feathers, leaving only a lump of flesh and blood.

and also-


The corpses of the two teenagers carried by Oni,

"Fufufu, the whole family must be tidy."

With Dover's character, if he said he wanted to kill your whole family, he would kill your whole family!

"Let's go!"

With the movement of Dover's fingers, countless silk threads instantly tore Wang Zhi, who was the owner of the Rocks Pirates and Hive Island, into **** mist.

The Wufeng Pirates were destroyed.