MTL - The Movie Star’s Wife Demands a Divorce Every Day-Chapter 114 This year's paparazzi are not good

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   Chapter 114 This year's paparazzi are not very good


  Su Qian got a call from Fu Nanshen just after taking off her makeup after finishing the scene, saying that she had something very important to look for.

   She didn't think there was any good communication between the two of them.

   was about to hang up the phone when he heard Fu Nan speak quietly, with a faint smile: "How much do you... know about Lu Mingxiu?"

   She paused: "We are divorced, his affairs have nothing to do with me."

   "But... this matter has to do with you."


   Cafe next to the crew.

  Su Qian sat opposite him and looked at him quietly: "What exactly are you looking for me for?"

  Fu Nanshen's eyes fell on her face with a hint of coolness: "I heard that you and Lu Mingxiu signed a divorce agreement?"

   She sneered: "Does the news spread so quickly?"

   When she got married, basically no one knew about her. When she got divorced, was there such a stir?

   "But this is between me and him, there's no need to explain everything to you, right?"

  Fu Nanshen wasn't angry either, but his eyes kept on her face, even a little weird:

   "Then did you know that he gave you the Huanyu Group?"

  Su Qian frowned slightly: "What did you say?"

  Fu Nan smiled deeply and said, "It seems that you don't know."

   She drank a bit too much that day and couldn't read the words clearly. She just wanted to settle the matter as soon as possible and hurriedly signed her name.

  Where would she have thought that Lu Mingxiu would give Huanyu Group to her.

   At this moment, when I think of Zhao Guanshan's expression at that time, it is really unnatural.

   She thought for a moment, and probably understood why Lu Mingxiu had to give her the Huanyu Group, and why Fu Nanshen came to her.

  's face was somber: "Then what are you trying to find me for today? You also want Huanyu Group?"

Fu Nan casually stirred the coffee with a spoon, and said lightly: "Since Huanyu Group Lu Mingxiu gave it to you, I will naturally not ask for it again. I came to you today to tell you the truth of this matter, and Lu Mingxiu also He's just using you, he doesn't love you at all."

He knows her too well, she wants a pure relationship, but once this relationship is mixed with impurities, according to her temper, it would be polite not to kill Lu Mingxiu, and it is impossible to continue with Lu Mingxiu no matter what. together.

   After listening to her, she didn't speak, her face was calm, but her eyes were pitch-black, completely impervious to light, and there was no smile at all.

   Seeing this scene, the curvature of Fu Nanshen's lips deepened a little, I'm afraid she was extremely angry at this moment.

   didn't say anything more, all he had to do was plant a seed in her heart and wait for the seed to germinate.


  Su Qian didn't know how long she had been sitting in the cafe, but it was already dark outside when she regained her senses.

   She got up and went to Zhao Guanshan's law firm first. After reading all the contracts, she immediately returned to the hotel rented by the crew, and went straight to the top floor in a rage. Without knocking, she kicked the door open.

   Lu Mingxiu was packing things when she suddenly came in and subconsciously stopped what she was doing.


   Looking at the familiar face, she still seemed a little unacceptable that he would actually plot against her, enduring great anger, her face was indifferent:

   "Why are you doing this?"

  Lu Mingxiu didn't seem to react yet: "What exactly are you talking about?"

   "Why did you give me all the property and Dijing Manor under your name? Do you want me to guard everything of the Lu family for you?"

   At this moment, she even had to consider that he did it on purpose that day, just to get her drunk and signed his name on impulse.

   "Why do you think that you hand over everything of the Lu family to me without a word, and I will guard it for you. Why do you think that I will not sell it all?"

Lu Mingxiu looked at her very calmly: "This is the alimony I gave you. If I told you in advance, you would definitely not want it. Since you are so repulsive of all this now, it's up to you to decide whether it will or not. ."

  Su Qian stared at Lu Mingxiu's too calm face, her chest was full of vigorous anger.

"Lu Mingxiu, if I really sell the Huanyu Group and Dijing Manor, will the Feng, Huo, and Feng families stand by and watch? If I do sell, won't the Huanyu Group still belong to your Lu family? You dare to say, You gave me Huanyu Group and Dijing Manor without any selfishness? You don't want to give everything of the Lu family to Fu Nanshen, do you?"

  Lu Mingxiu's face seemed to have a trace of injury and shock: "That's how you see me in your heart?"

  Su Qian retorted: "Am I not telling the truth?"

   At this moment, Su Qian has calmed down a bit, and looked at Lu Mingxiu slightly mockingly: "However, why haven't you thought that maybe I will marry Fu Nanshen with the Lu family's property?"

"you dare!"

   As soon as he finished speaking, the bottom of the man's eyes was dark.

Su Qian hooked her lips and looked at him: "Why not? Have I told you that I have spent more time with Fu Nanshen than you, if not for an accident later, I would He is the one to marry.

   Oh, by the way, there is one more thing, you should not know it? When I married you, it was also because I wanted to take revenge on him. Since he can marry someone else, I can also marry someone else.

  Since Master Lu, the dream lover in the whole capital, wants to marry me, then I don’t think there is a more suitable person than you. "


  Lu Mingxiu had a calm face at first, but after hearing this, he managed to get angry.

   A bit uncontrollably, he directly bullied his body forward. He reached out and squeezed her chin, forcing her to raise her face and look up at him. She said coldly,

   "So you wanted to divorce me after less than a year of marriage, was it because you were bored? Or was it because you couldn't wait to part with me and return to your old lover's arms?"

   She suddenly realized a problem:

   "You regained your memory?"

   He squeezed her chin a little harder:

   "Answer me, won't you?"

  Even if it wasn't, at this time she had only one answer: "Yes."

   After she finished speaking, he squinted his eyes and sneered, his face darkened,

"So the person you liked from the beginning to the end was only him, right? We were married for three years, and you have always been detached from me. If it wasn't for me later that the person I liked was Qin Yunshuang, wouldn't you have had this interest long ago? continue playing with me?"


  Gu Qi and Bai Muqing, who were outside the door, looked at each other, and they seemed to have heard a big secret.

  Lu Mingxiu and Su Qian were already married, and listening to this, they were already divorced.

   This year's paparazzi can't do it, such an important gossip has not been dug up.

   Gu Qi thought very depressed, why his girlfriend, the paparazzi, made a point.

  Lu Mingxiu has already gone through a round of marriage and divorce here.

   (end of this chapter)