MTL - The Nine Godheads-Chapter 464 "I see how long you can!"

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"Hong Xiaobao, this girl is really killed by you this time, hehe..."

In these few days, the wind whispered a little too dare to go out.

This time, she was completely famous, in a way that she had never dreamed of before.

Every time I go out, there will be a large group of male, female, old, and few monks who don’t know where to come out. Ask her to sign, hug, and have a monkey with her, and so on.

To this end, her master also specifically asked her to drink a tea, reminding her to focus on cultivation, not to play with things and so on. If she is a child of the Blue Moon rudder, I am afraid that she will be forbidden.

What is even more hateful is that the original singer, Hong Xiaobao, actually has nothing to do. Every day, he should eat and drink, sleep and sleep, and he will not be disturbed at all. The image spokesperson is not him. Of course he is fine.

At the thought of the guy, the wind whispered a little bit itch, I really didn't know what I thought at the time, and actually promised to go crazy with the guy.

Not for example!

Well, it must be done as an example.

Hong Xiaobao, at this time, is not idle.

Because the propaganda effect is too good, the manpower is not enough. The main reason is that the image spokesperson is too strong and the call is too strong. The store has not officially opened yet. The people who come to register the auction have already queued up.

So one by one, Hong Xiaobao and Chen Yu, the rice road, their brothers were almost busy to the streets.

Later, there was no way. He Yinlou had to transfer a few people from his family, which solved the embarrassment of Hong Xiaobao and others.

So, sometimes business is too good is a worry.

Originally, Hong Xiaobao also planned to let He Dagong’s son pick up something to accompany him, but now he found it unnecessary. Because the light is currently registered in the treasure, the itinerary has been discharged for three months, can not squeeze - this is the result of Chen Yu refused most of the things that are not enough grade, or else, at least more than a year.

"As a result, Master, the original auction on the 7th day is not enough, and must be changed." Chen Yu proposed.

"That will be changed once every three days." Hong Xiaobao was as good as a flow, laughing: "We have two auction halls, two games open together. If conditions permit, it is best to open every day. This problem is not big. But remember, the early stage The propaganda must be done well."

"Ming, understand, Master, I will arrange it." Chen Yu said that the subconscious swallowed.

After this time, he was deeply impressed by the horror of the word "advertising".

the other side.

Seeing that Bao Yunxuan’s business is booming, the Baibing auction house of the door is not happy.

Especially the shopkeeper is extraordinary, that is, Zhuang Bi, he is a jealous jealousy!

Like the old name of the Bai Bing auction house, the words "qualification" and "word of mouth" are eaten.

Most of their sources come from small groups of spontaneous disciples. They regularly go out for adventure, hunting and other activities. When they get the baby, they will take it for auction and change the spirit crystal for their own cultivation. Secondly, there are several teams raised by the Baibing Auction House. Among them, there are many eight-heavy and nine-strong strongmen who sit in the town, and then some individual customers.

For this reason, the Bai Bing auction house can gain a foothold in Datun City.

But now?

On the qualifications, they can't fight Bao Yunxuan, because people directly take over the thousand soldiers auction house - that is the real "millennium", the history can be traced back to the beginning of the establishment of Daxie City, no one can compare. Although the family has fallen in the middle of the road, there are still three pounds of nails in the rotten ship. Some old customers who are old-fashioned will give priority to Baoyunxuan if they have the choice.

On the word of mouth, under the unprecedented advertising campaign in the cultivation industry, what word of mouth has become a cloud.

The appeal of beauty is of course one aspect, but on the other hand, the most important thing is the benefits - the treasure shopkeeper of Baoyunxuan only charges 5 percent of the handling fee, while the Bai Bing auction house has to collect 10 percent. Which side do you choose for you? Everyone is working hard, and in the end it is for the sake of Ling Jing. There is no need to go through the money for the "community", right?

In addition, the people's treasures also launched a series of preferential activities, such as the total amount of auctions, will receive the "VIP" treatment, not only can get the relevant information of the auction in advance, and later Baoyunxuan launched What new products, you can also get discounts and so on...

Like what membership system, bundled sales, hunger marketing, etc., these means Hong Xiaobao played thieves slipped, he asked himself second, no one dared to call the first, even Yin Lao Mo is no exception.

As a result, many of the treasures that have been registered in the Baibing auction house have now been returned to Baomenxuan.

To this end, Shaodongjiazhuang has been very old.

In these few days, Zhuang Bi did not hear a few words.

For example: Oh, that's what the treasurer is really young! When you are less than 20 years old, you will not only have four repairs, but also self-reliance. In the absence of the roots and the second, there is no such thing as a big one, and it’s a long-term future.

Can you look at the young master of the family? When I was young, I grew up in a medicine tank. It has been 30 years since I was a member of the district. If it weren’t for him to smash the Lingjing, it’s estimated that even the inner door couldn’t get in...

- Hey, people are more dead than people, goods are thrown than goods, this is the truth.

On this day, after interrupting the legs of a few people who chewed the tongue, Zhuang Bi finally couldn’t help but complain to him: "Hey, look at the kid opposite! They are about to step on our heads, you too. Regardless of the management? If you go on like this, the baby... What is the face of the child?

"I am not in a hurry..."

In these few days, Zhuang Weifan also heard rumors, and he said warmly: "Since you have taught you since childhood, cultivation is fundamental. As long as the realm goes up, the rest is not in the words. Don't look at the scenery of Hong Xiaobao. But in fact, he is so unwilling to do business, and sooner or later annihilate everyone, I don’t have to worry about it. I must know that the eagle in the sky will not take away the wings of pride because of the scream of an ant on the ground!"

"Though this is the case, but look at his villain's ambition, the baby can't bear it after all! If even the thoughts are not accessible, let him talk about He Xiuxian? In my opinion, it is better to find a head directly..."

Zhuang Bi said that he reached out and made a gesture of wiping his neck.

"Abandoned!" Zhuang extraordinary heart jumped.

As a brother in the auction industry, his vision is not the same as that of Zhuang Bi, who immediately became a singer:

"The Leiyin Pavilion door rule is strictly forbidden to be disfigured at the same door. If it is offender, it will be expelled from the division, and then it will be executed. That Hong Xiaobao said that it is also the champion of the blue moon and the current competition. It is the disciple of the inner door, but now there is nothing inside. The movement is quiet, but the people on the top are staring. The last time you asked for the southeast and northwest to find him suffocating, the father has not asked you yet! In short, this matter will be mentioned again!"

"Yes, hehe..." Zhuang extraordinary was dejected.

"If nothing happens, you should go down and practice first. Other things, you are self-disciplined." Zhuang extraordinary waved.

"Yes, the baby retire."

After the son left, Zhuang extraordinary walked silently to the window, silently watching the opposite Bao Yunxuan across the street.

For a long while, I suddenly sighed: "Oh..."

In fact, even Zhuang’s extraordinary self is very concerned.

I don't know which Hong Xiaobao came out. When it appeared, it made a lot of troubles. Even my own auction house, the business of these days was greatly affected.

He is not born to him.

You said that you have a sinister trick. The relationship between the "Supreme VIP" of the drunken immortal residence of the copper shopkeepers, no one dares to move him. Whoever moves is not able to go with the copper dispensers. And with the copper dispensers can not get through, often the next day was driven out of Datun City.

But just compete... If Laozi has won, what is the strength? !

Even more hateful, I have been working on the auction house for a lifetime. I asked myself to be a veteran of business. But what about Hong Xiaobao’s way, how did he not think of it before? Is the old man really old?

"Would you like... Just fight with him? Fight the price war! He collects the handling fee. How much does it cost me to charge a hundred soldiers? Even lower than him. Everyone depends on their skills, and in the end?"

However, this thought was only annihilated by himself for only one second in the extraordinary mind.

the reason is simple.

First of all, as long as the precedent is opened, it will be difficult to mention it later, which directly affects the proceeds of the auction house.

Secondly, on the one hand, it is a newcomer, and on the other hand, it is a brother in the auction industry. With the status of the Baibing auction house, it will definitely be accompanied by the whole industry at a glance. By that time, the entire auction industry will be ruined.

"I see how long you can!"

For a long while, he suddenly sneered, and then turned his head, he told the next person: "Is there any treasures to see the door? Those offers, and what are the wide and wide?"

"Advertising." The next person reminded.

"Yes, advertising! Let's do it when we see it. How do they do it, let's do it! The old man still doesn't believe that he is a hairy boy." Zhuang extraordinary sneer.

Then came a lot of orders, the main content is to plagiarize all kinds of marketing methods of Bao Yunxuan under the premise of keeping their own handling fees unchanged.

"The wise of the treasurer!" The next person should have a cry, and immediately began to work.

Who knows the next day, the next person will immediately return: "The treasurer, this is not easy!"

“How can it be difficult?” Zhuang is not very curious. “If you want money to give money, you have to give people, can you do this little thing?”

"It’s really hard to do." The next person hesitated, replied: "The leaflets, brochures and posters are all right to say that the key is the light curtain outside the city gate. The small ones have heard it, even inside. The deacons of the door have personally inspected them, and the results have not found any clues. Just like the appearance of the void, there is no way to copy them."

Zhuang extraordinary: "..."

The reason why Bao Yunxuan’s propaganda campaign is so successful is that the light curtain, if not, how to plagiarize is also very ineffective.

Then he couldn't help but be angry.

You said that this is how Hong Xiaobao is doing this, all these strange things are smashing all day!

Isn't the cultivation of Anan's points good? The resources of the inner door are not enough for you to squander? Why are you still coming to the outside door to grab the business?