MTL - The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role-Chapter 508 Xinyan, my ability is gone

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  Chapter 508 New face, my ability is gone

   Shi Rin was slightly taken aback, she could actually see that she was fluctuating during this period of time.

  Luo Xinyan: "Fourth Young Master, I like you, do you want to consider staying with me?"

   If the other party doesn't confess, then she should say it first.

  She doesn't quite understand what a turbulent and passionate love is. She only knows that since this person appeared a long time ago, she has felt that he is different from others.

  This man is as cold as a banished fairy, but the moles at the corners of his eyes are magnificent and charming. He is the most beautiful man she has ever seen.

  Luo Xinyan's life in the past was too bad. The people she met in her life were all people who had plans for her.

  It is difficult for her to let go of her guard and believe that there is a pure and passionate relationship between people. She only believes that the relationship of interests is stronger than any relationship.

  This man is as beautiful as a dream. She appreciates it very much, but she is not ready to own it, because at that time the status and status were not equal, and having it meant endless troubles and doubts.

  Although she is confident that she can reach the top of the pyramid step by step and own a lot of wealth and high status, she doesn't want to cling to it.

  But Shi Lin has been standing firmly by her side and has done a lot for her. The fate that he wanted to cut off was forcibly connected by him.

  The other party was stranded in Donglin City, and even spent the New Year with him.

  Shi Lin's preference for her can be seen by others, but how could she not see it.

  Luo Xinyan didn't hold back a long time ago, accepted the existence of the other party, and gradually, every day, she liked him a little more than the day before.

   It even reached the point where just seeing him would make my heart happy.

  In this case, why didn't she choose to be with him?

   Shi Rin's breathing was stagnant for a second, and he felt that the heart in his chest was beating a little abnormally.

  He stretched his arms directly and pulled the man into his arms.

  Before, I thought she didn't understand those feelings, and she was enduring all the time, thinking it was not the right time.

   But the devil knows, many times he almost couldn't bear it.

   "No, I like you, I liked you a long time ago." Shi Lin's voice was slightly hoarse, and at the same time, he was a little annoyed and frustrated, why did he let her confess first?

  My previous life was lonely and languid. I didn't want to plot people's hearts, but I was able to see through fate and people's hearts. For him, it was also a kind of torture.

  He thought that he would be so lonely and tired for years to come.

  Until the appearance of Luo Xinyan, it was as if a lightning flashed in the darkness, splitting his gloomy sky.

  He has never seen such a tenacious and exuberant vitality, fighting against fate, flourishing, and never admitting defeat.

  And his ability has just become the most beneficial tool to observe her.

   later also became a tool to help her.

   Shi Rin kept thinking, what is the use of God giving him such an ability, until later he knew that it was for her.

  After he figured this out, he immediately felt relieved.

   "Xinyan, my abilities have disappeared."

   You can no longer see the luck lingering in a person, and you can't predict disasters.

  Luo Xinyan was slightly taken aback: "This is what you've been worried about lately?"

   Shi Rin nodded slightly: "Yes, I'm worried that the black mist will haunt you again."

  That's why he has been sending people to follow and pay attention to this He Yuye and the rest of the He family, always worried that fate will surprise him.

  Luo Xinyan: "What does it matter? How could He Yuye's state cause me any more threats and harm? Even if she has a future self as a helper, she can't hurt me, let alone now."

  The gift that I and him jointly gave to that time and space in the future is enough to make the other party unable to recover for several years.

   Besides, she also left a message to her future self, and she will not let those people have the opportunity to make trouble again.

  Shi Lin: "It's because I worry too much about gains and losses."

  Luo Xinyan: "I've been waiting for your confession after the college entrance examination. Don't you think it's a pity that you missed being my boyfriend for three months."

  Shi Rin slowly tightened his arms, his heart beating like thunder, "Yeah, I really suffer."

  The goddess of fate has been taking care of him after all.

  Everything is just right and it will fall into place.

   Those worries and anxieties never appeared.

   Shi Rin is very determined, even without those abilities, he can still grasp the future with her.

   "Crack!" A firework suddenly unfolded in the sky, illuminating the darker dusk.

   Immediately afterwards, countless fireworks bloomed in the sky one after another, gorgeous and beautiful, like a grand celebration.

  Luo Xinyan looked up at the direction of the fireworks, a little dazzled, "It's so beautiful, who is setting off the fireworks?"

  Shi Lin looked deeply into her eyes which were obviously lit up, and the eyes became darker and deeper, "Who knows."

  In fact, he knew whose handwriting it was.

  Before coming to the gazebo, he received a call from the property manager, saying that someone wanted to set off fireworks on the square beside the artificial lake, and asked him if he would allow it.

  Originally, Shi Lin would not ask about such trivial matters, but it was because the property manager recognized that the person who came to inquire was Ms. Luo Xinyan's classmate.

   A while ago, the central villa area hosted a marriage recognition banquet, and he met those classmates.

   It is related to Luo Xinyan, no matter how small it is, it must be reported to Shi Lin.

   It turned out that the other party invited Luo Xinyan to the gazebo here to prepare for such a surprise.

   She really had a heart, and almost let the other party succeed, and confessed to Luo Xinyan under such a romantic sky.

  He was very uncertain and uneasy, worried that Luo Xinyan, who obviously liked fireworks, would not be able to resist the temptation and accept the other party's confession.

   You shouldn't hesitate during this period of time, and indeed you almost suffered a big loss.

   Shi Linyao glanced in the direction of the gazebo, and knew that there was a figure looking over there, and tried to walk over there.

  He raised his hand to wrap around Luo Xinyan's waist, and under the witness of the sky filled with fireworks, he lowered his head and kissed her.

  My heart is beating for this person all the time, and I can't calm down at all.

  From the time she said that she liked her, his heart was filled with too much joy, and he really wanted to kiss her and exercise his boyfriend's rights.

  He thought this way, and he did the same. The strength of the kiss gradually increased, his heart was hot, and he was deeply addicted.

  After enduring it for so long, with so many scruples, he finally can no longer bear it.

  The fireworks never stop, and his love is surging and passionate.


   On the other side, Xu Jingyang stood on the plank road, his eyes widened.

  When did fate open its fangs to him?

  What did he do wrong, when he was gloating one second before he was finally out, and the next second he witnessed the two confess their feelings?

   And the surprise he specially prepared for Luo Xinyan, didn't he inform Little Four Eyes that they were waiting for him to notify? How could it be set off early?

  He is so angry! What the **** is going on!

  Xu Jingyang grabbed a lotus leaf next to him and exhaled heavily.

  Lin Xuxu walked over from the depths of the lotus leaf, glanced at Xu Jingyang, sighed, grabbed the other's arm and dragged him in the direction he came from.

   "Xu Shao, can you hear me? Please keep breathing, yes, exhale and inhale, don't hold your breath."

   On a hot day, she is easy!

  (end of this chapter)