MTL - The Only Magician on Earth-Chapter 564 Poor mountains and bad waters make troublesome people

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   "It turned out to be her!"

   Gu Feng gave a wry smile, opened the door and got off.

   "You wait here!"

   Seeing Jiang Yiyan wanting to follow, Lin Yihang immediately spoke and reminded him.

   "Yes, Young Master Gu!"

   Jiang Yiyan agreed. No doubt, sit still.

  Gu Feng got out of the car, took out a cigarette first, lit it for himself, turned his head to look, and walked towards the car behind.


   clicked on the glass window.


   The power window slid down, revealing Qin Qing's glamorous face.

   "Qin team, what a coincidence!" Gu Feng laughed.

   "It's not a coincidence at all, I'm following you." Qin Qing held the steering wheel with his hands, without even turning his eyes, his tone was as cold as his expression.

   "Uh..." Gu Feng was speechless.

  Sister, of course you know you are stalking me, but do you want to be so straightforward!

  Gu Feng still wants to show himself. The other party sees that everyone is a friend, and he can't save his face, so he will not continue to follow him. That is the best.

  Who knows, people don't eat this set at all, and the ancient style is a bit waxy.

   "This old guy dares to **** me off!"

   The **** of the ancient style flicked fiercely, and the half smoked cigarette drew an arc and floated in the air. On the opposite side, a car just passed by with the window open. Cigarette butts fell in.

   Immediately, there was a burst of scolding.


  The car stopped, a strong man opened the door and got out of the car, jumped and hurriedly took off his shirt and threw it aside. Seeing that his shirt was smoking, a red mark was burned on his belly.

   "Grass! Boy, are you courting death?"

   The strong man cursed, and at the same time, a man got down from the driver's seat and from the back seat, and walked towards Gu Feng with an angry brow.

   Before taking a few steps, someone next to him walked out.

   If Jiang Yiyan didn't make a move at this time, he would be too unwilling to be a younger brother.

   With three punches and two feet, several strong men were already screaming and begging for mercy.

   "Humph! Bullying others!" Qin Qing snorted coldly.

"Damn it! I'm bullying people with power? What is this old man Shi? Find someone to follow me, and let you come! This shows that it's me! I wish I could fly back and strangle him now!" Gu Feng stretched out his hand Take a shot on the roof.

   Qin Qing turned to look at him.

   If someone said that, she would definitely take it as an angry remark. If it's ancient... This guy really has this ability. fly. Impossible for others. For this guy, it couldn't be easier.

   "What are you going to do?" Gu Feng lowered his head and asked.

   "Continue to follow you." Qin Qing replied succinctly.


   Gu Feng was speechless.

   Turn around and leave.

   "You go to the co-pilot."

   Gu Feng signaled to Jiang Yiyan. Do it yourself in the driver's seat.


   Get on the car and kick the accelerator first, and the Hummer accelerates away with the roar of the engine.

   Hummer. Not suitable for racing. but. Antique car skills. Any car that gets into his hands can run out with great speed.

  The traffic on the national highway is heavy, and the traffic flow is like a dragon.

  I saw a Hummer interspersed back and forth during the period. Keep overtaking.

  At the beginning, Qin Qing's Grand Cherokee could follow far away, but in just a moment, it was thrown away and disappeared.


   A traffic police car on duty on the side of the road saw the speeding Hummer and immediately honked its horn to chase. It was even thrown away in the blink of an eye.

  Gu Feng drove hundreds of kilometers in a row before slowing down and handing over the car to Jiang Yiyan. In the meantime, there were traffic police who wanted to intercept, and Gu Feng naturally broke the card without hesitation.

   Jiang Yiyan's driving skills are not comparable to the ancient style, but the ancient martial artist's quick response, coupled with the environment in which Jiang Yiyan lives, has been racing since he was a teenager, and his driving skills are definitely not comparable to ordinary people.


   Gu Feng snorted coldly, put down the co-pilot's seat, and began to lie down and rest.

   Neither of them are wearing seat belts. This is to prevent them from being attacked suddenly while driving. The seat belts are tied, which will limit the ability to react.

   As for the fast-moving car accident, it is no longer a threat to the safety of their existence.

   In one morning, the Hummer traveled more than 600 miles. You know, this is on a national highway, not a highway. To be able to drive such a long distance is absolutely sturdy.

   stopped at noon, ate something on the side of the road, and the two continued on the road.

  The afternoon journey, soon entering the mountains, became difficult. On the winding mountain road, even with Jiang Yiyan's quick response, he had to reduce his speed.

   However, this reduces the speed, and you don't have to be careful. In the deep mountains and ravines, for them, even if the car accidentally falls into the ditch, it is no problem for them to escape safely with their skills.

  The sun goes down and the winding mountain road like ghosts and sorrows is nothing scary in the eyes of Gu Feng and the two.

   Here, it is already within the scope of Shennongjia. It's just that the continuous mountains are extremely wide and huge. Driving in the middle of the night at night, but also do not have a flavor.

"Gu Shao, the Dajiu Lake is in front. It has been developed into a tourist attraction, and there are many hotels. Usually we participate in the competition, usually as tourists, we first find a hotel here to stay, and wait until the time is almost up. I just went to participate in the competition. The location of the competition is barren mountains and mountains, and now even ancient warriors, few people are willing to suffer that kind of suffering." Jiang Yiyan said.

   "Then find a hotel to stay first!" Gu Feng said.

   He also doesn't want to sleep on the barren hills at night.

   Jiang Kazuhiko agreed, set it up on the navigation, and then started driving.

   After a while, the road was repaired and the main road was blocked, and an open space next to it was cleared. Detours are possible.

  When Jiang Yiyan turned the steering wheel and was about to go around in the open space, two middle-aged women suddenly came out of a small restaurant next to them, each carrying a large wooden frame, and threw them in front of the car with a "quack".

   "Stop! Stop!" the middle-aged woman yelled.

   The light of the small restaurant was on, and you could see two strong men swaying out shirtless, standing at the door, looking at this side with bad eyes.


   Jiang Yiyan stepped on the brakes and the vehicle slowly stopped.

   "What's the matter?" Jiang Yiyan frowned and asked.

   "The main road is being built, but the road is blocked. You are walking on our private land now, and you will be allowed to pass the toll for fifteen yuan."

   a middle-aged woman shouted.

  The poor mountains and bad waters make troublesome people!

   Gu Feng's mind immediately flashed this sentence. It's only fifteen dollars, not a lot of money. Even if you call the police, it's not even enough to catch them... What's more, if they dare to do this, they must have colluded with the police here.

   However, at fifteen per car, their daily income is quite considerable, which is even more powerful than a toll booth on the highway! Ordinary county-level toll stations only charge ten or five yuan.

  Gu Feng turned his head and looked at the so-called road under maintenance. The cement that had been ripped off on the road surface exposed the soil and was washed away by the rain. I don't know how long it had been.

   Moreover, this section of the road is very short, only a few dozen meters. It has not been repaired for such a long time, and the tricks in it can be seen at a glance.

   Anyone who drives on a remote road has probably encountered such a situation. They ask for a small amount of money, but giving money for no reason makes people unhappy.

   Drivers are not all rich!

  Although the ancient style is not less than a dozen dollars, even hundreds of thousands or hundreds of thousands are drizzle, but this kind of atmosphere cannot be encouraged. This kind of scum, since he meets and provokes himself, of course he must be punished.

  Thinking like this, Gu Feng is not in a hurry anymore, he didn't even bother to get up, and lit a cigarette directly.

  Jiang Yiyan glanced at Gu Feng. After following Gu Feng for so long, he knew something about the character of his own young master. Of course he knew what to do at this time.

   For the two middle-aged women, they ignored it and stepped on the accelerator.


   The Hummer engine roared and rushed forward.


   "Crush people to death!"

   The two middle-aged women obviously did not expect that someone would hit someone with a car for fifteen dollars.

  Jiang Yiyan is not just to scare them, the Hummer is not slow, and turns in the direction.


The rear-view mirror was hung directly on the arm of a middle-aged woman. The huge impact of the Humve only heard a "click", and it was obviously broken. The middle-aged woman turned around a few times and fell to the ground. , with a mouth full of "Ouch", and can't stand up anymore. (To be continued..)

  ps:  Cough, the update is late, I'm sorry dears. Because grandma called, the old man was more nagging, and he called for more than an hour... Sweat!