MTL - The Only Magician on Earth-Chapter 593 Flying knife out again

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   The young man in white robe, leading more than 20 disciples, charged towards Gu Feng aggressively.

   The man in green robe sighed and could only follow.

   What the white-robed youth did was wrong, but this junior brother was the son of the sect master, and he was deeply loved by a supreme elder, and his status in the sect was quite high.

   If this junior brother goes out, let alone being killed, even if he is injured, he will be held responsible. There is no other way but to go out.


   The young man in white robe walked in, and when he saw his father lying on the ground like meat and sticks, he immediately cried out in grief. Looking at Gu Feng's eyes again, he will be on fire.

  The old man in charge could not be ashamed at this time, and shouted loudly:

   "Go baby! You are not his opponent!"

  Gu Feng sat cross-legged and closed his eyes, as if all this had nothing to do with him.

   His purpose is to block here, and no one from the Tang Sect can leave through this road until they surrender.

   This is also the safest method Gufeng can think of. Blocked at the gate of Tangjiabao, it seems to be dangerous, but in fact, the terrain here is open, as long as there is any danger, with the help of the broom, you can quickly escape.

   "The baby won't leave! The baby wants to save the father!"

  The young man in white robe is arrogant and arrogant, thinking that he is rarely a rival among his peers. Seeing that Gu Feng was only ten years old and younger than him, he did not think that he would not be Gu Feng's opponent.

   As for my father... my father's martial arts are so strong, how could he be defeated by a young man? He did not believe that his father was ancient.

  The white-robed youth had an angry expression on his face, as if he had lost his mind. In fact, his eyes were rolling around, observing the situation around him.

  This terrain is relatively open. There are cliffs on both sides, and the distance is relatively far.

   The young man in white robe was relieved, even if there was an ambush, he was not afraid of anything. He wants to lead someone to rush over and quickly get rid of this young man. After saving his father, he immediately retreated into the fort.

   Tangjiabao, which is famous for its hidden weapons, naturally has a lot of formation mechanisms installed at its foundation. As long as it is close to the castle, even if there are thousands of troops in ambush. He is not afraid either.

   What's more, this is to save my father. If his father was in front of him, he didn't even have the courage to save him. When he returned to the sect, he would definitely be laughed at.

  The young man in white robe is arrogant and can't stand it.


   in a loud drink. With the sound, the body has moved, and the movement is fast and fast, like a goshawk fighting a rabbit!


   cooperated with the young man in white robe, the man in green robe next to him, and all the Tang Sect disciples behind him, all of them moved almost at the same time. Hands are shimmering with cold light. [

   The next moment, it changed suddenly.


   I saw Gu Feng just raised his hand. A streak of cold light flickered, and several flying knives shot towards the people who were at the forefront.


   In the screams, the throats of several ordinary disciples were directly cut, and their bodies fell to the ground.

   The white-robed youth and the green-robed man moved much faster. At the critical moment, their bodies swirled in the air, and they were about to dodge this fatal blow.

   However, the two throwing knives attacked them. At the critical moment, it was a sudden turn, almost a sharp turn of 90 degrees.


   This time, they were not spared. The two of them never expected, how could there be such a strange flying knife? There was simply no time to dodge. It was hit, and the corpse was on the ground.

  Gu Feng threw his hands in a row, flashing cold lights one after another, and out of more than twenty disciples, only one was spared. In the cool wind, he stood there alone, his legs trembling, and he was too scared to speak.

   Of course he didn't think he was strong enough to escape the flying knife, because there were flying knives attacking all his fellow students, but he was the only one who let him go. Obviously, the other party is showing mercy.

   "Help me pick up the flying knife and spare your life." Gu Feng said.

  The surviving disciple then understood, it turned out that he left himself just to help him pick up the flying knife. It's like, when someone kills someone, leaving one to dig a hole to bury the body.

   Just, I wonder if the other party will forgive me after I pick up the flying knife?

   This disciple did not dare to think too much, and he had no choice. If you pick up flying knives, you still have a chance to live; if you don't pick it up, you will die. How to choose is not difficult to choose.

  The surviving disciple honestly picked up the flying knife and sent it back to Gu Feng respectfully. During this period, he also had crooked thoughts and wanted to sneak attack and the like. However, with more than 20 corpses in front of him, this is a **** lesson. He didn't dare to joke about his life.

"Go ahead!"

   retracted the flying knife and waved his hand in the ancient style.

   The disciple immediately turned his head and ran away as if he had been granted amnesty. All the way, my heart was tugging, and it was not until I ran into the castle that I breathed a sigh of relief and slumped to the ground.


   outside the fort.

   Looking at the twenty or so corpses on the ground, the head of the old man's eyes darkened and he almost fainted. [

  Forget the other disciples, the young man in white robe is his own beloved son, and he is the one who loves him very much. He can only imagine the grief in his heart as he sees his death in front of him.

   "I can't bear to see you so sad, help me!"

   Gu Feng said, raising his hand, a flying knife, directly at the throat of the old man.

  The old man in charge of the sect can't rest his eyes when he dies.

   There is nothing unbearable in the ancient style, nor does he feel cruel. On the Magic Continent, in order to compete for cultivation resources, it is very normal for strangers to kill each other.

   These ancient warriors, why don't they take the lives of ordinary people as their lives?

  The powerful have the right to control everything of the weak, including their lives.

  This world is so cruel!

   The grudge between him and the Tang Sect has been completely settled. The hatred with the old man in charge... first cut off his limbs, and now he killed his beloved son, there is no room for reconciliation.

   Even if the relationship with the Tang Sect is eased in the future because of interests, it is impossible to ease the relationship with this old man. Therefore, Gu Feng will kill him! Anyway, the task of leading the way has been completed, leaving this guy is just a disaster.

   The upheaval here, the disciples guarding Tangjiabao naturally saw clearly and reported it quickly.

   After a while, several old men appeared above the city wall.

   "This person is ancient!"

   "It's a bit far, so I can't really see it! But, looking at his appearance, it's probably him!"

   "The fifth and the others died, and the leader disappeared, as expected, he did it."

   "The Sect Leader is also dead! Now he's down there, lying motionless, there seems to be bloodstains under his body!"

"Just now Tang Liang and Tang Hong took more than 20 disciples out, and only one came back. According to his report, Gu Feng just lifted his hand and a flying knife, and all Tang Liang and more than 20 disciples were taken away. Killed. Flying knife... Flying knife again! It seems that Gu Feng's flying knife stunt is really sharp!"

   "As soon as the flying knife comes out, it's a true example!"


   Several old people sighed. However, no one dared to go down.

   These old men are all elders of the Tang Sect, with powerful strength and high status. However, several elders with the same strength as them, as well as more ordinary disciples of the Tang Sect, have all died under the flying knife of the ancient style.

   This made them very dreadful and did not dare to act easily.

   For their sake, each one has strong inner strength, and their lives are far longer than ordinary people. The longer you live, the more afraid of death. Not willing to take risks lightly.

   At this time, in Tangjiabao City, a figure approached quickly.

   "Elder Chu is here!"

"Although Elder Chu is a foreign surnamed elder, he grew up in my Tang Sect and became an elder of my Tang Sect, and was promoted to be a Taishang elder entirely by virtue of his personal strength and his contribution to my Tang Sect. , this ancient style is not enough!"

   The figure was extremely fast, and with a slight step directly from the roof of the building, it stretched out a dozen feet, and in a moment, it was already near.

   But see that this is an old man, with a childlike face and white hair, with a fairy-like style.

   "I have seen Elder Chu!" Several old men bowed and saluted.

   "Yeah!" Elder Chu just made a sound from his nostrils and nodded slightly.

   His identity and status are placed there, even if he is an ordinary elder, he can be so supportive, and no one will be dissatisfied.

   "The following is the ancient style?" Elder Chu asked, obviously already understanding what happened.

   "Yes, Elder Chu!" Someone agreed.

   "Okay! The old man will meet him now. Look how capable he is, how dare he kill my Tangmen disciples with impunity!" Elder Chu's eyes flashed coldly, obviously very angry. (To be continued...)