MTL - The Only Magician on Earth-Chapter 648 king of the world (finale)

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   The moment he saw these materials, Su Buyang felt cold all over, knowing that his identity had been completely exposed, and there was no luck anymore.

"Why is this?" Gu Feng said calmly, "At the beginning, my grievance with the Su family should have uprooted the Su family. To a large extent, it was because of your face that the Su family was released and supported. You have become the ruler of the Su family. I really want to know the reasons for you to deal with me. I treat you as a friend, and I really don't see how it will benefit you even if you succeed."

   "Hahaha..." Su Buyang heard the words and immediately burst into laughter, laughing wildly.

"Just because of my face, did you just let my Su family go?" Su Buyang stared at Gu Feng with a frenzy in his eyes, "It's funny! It's really funny! This is really a joke! You kill my clan and shake it. My family's foundation, ruining my family's reputation... Could it be that just because you didn't kill me and finally let me go, I'm going to be grateful to you?"

   Gu Feng's eyes narrowed and he looked at Su Buyang. He could see the madness and hatred in Su Buyang's eyes. He really didn't expect that Su Buyang, who usually looks peaceful and smiles at everyone, has such a crazy hatred in his heart.

   "You are a lunatic!" Gu Feng just said a word.

  In the beginning, it was the Su family who first sent someone to deal with him and wanted him to die. However, due to lack of strength, he was killed by Gu Feng. Moreover, the Su family has a strong background. More than once to deal with antiquity. [

   In the end, after Gu Feng was strong, he went to the door.

  I wanted someone to die, but I didn’t have enough strength, so I was killed by someone else… What’s there to complain about?

   There are always such unreasonable people in this world!

"Not bad! I'm a lunatic! I hate it! I'm the third young master of the Su family! I'm the old man's most optimistic successor! I have the huge background support of the Su family! I have wisdom far beyond my peers! When others are still showing off When I was a rich girl, I was fighting for my family business and my own future! I should have been a man at the top and become the strongest! Let everyone look up to me! But why are there always people blocking me? First, my surname is Zhou The old man! The old man wanted to help me enter the political world for a long time. If it weren't for his words, saying that I lacked experience... Where would I be suppressed until now? The surnamed Zhou is basically to deal with my Su family and suppress me. With the rise of Sister Su's talents, the old man is always confused, and this can't see the eternal emperor of basketball!"

   Su Buyang's eyes were full of madness and unwillingness. "And you! Fourth uncle, **** it! But, the people of the Su family, it's not your turn to kill!"

Su Buyang pointed at Gu Feng, "You shouldn't have appeared! Before you appeared, I was the third young master of the Su family. I was elegant and noble. Everyone in the circle admired me and regarded me as an idol. Even the enemy had to admire me. Me! There are very few people who can compare with me. Moreover, I am confident that as I grow up, I will eventually surpass them! In a few years, I will become the most powerful man in China! But... yes Your presence! Let all this be in vain! Most of the things I do, most people can't do in their lifetime. But, what you do. I may not be able to do it in my lifetime! You, shouldn't exist! So, you Damn it!"

   "Just because he's stronger than you, so, regardless of friend or foe, must be your target? You're a lunatic! You're the one who shouldn't exist!"

   "Then let's all die!"

   Su Buyang's face suddenly showed a crazy look. Both feet kicked on the ground, and the whole person jumped into the stream. He shouted so. However, his actions showed that he obviously did not want to die.

   At the same time, behind Gu Feng, Uncle Xu suddenly opened his arms and rushed towards Gu Feng. His face was grim. He shouted, "Go to hell! Master take care!"

  Su Qiang also shot suddenly, pointing his guns at Gu Feng.

   Kaka Kaka!

   Right here, the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped, and a blue sky spread to the surrounding with the ancient wind as the center.

  In an instant, the ground and the surrounding streams were frozen into a layer of ice. Surrounded by a blue world.

   Uncle Xu and Su Qiang both instantly turned into ice sculptures. [

   As for Su Buyang, he was about to jump into the water, but the water suddenly turned into a hard layer of ice. This time, he was ready to drink.



   A scream! Su Buyang, who was wholeheartedly preparing for entering the water, plunged into the ice and fell with a blue nose and a bruised face.

   looked up and looked at Gu Feng in shock.

  Clap clap clap!

   stretched out his hand and slapped it on the hard ice, of course the hard ice didn’t move at all.

"you you……"

  Su Buyang looked at Gu Feng, his lips trembling, and he was speechless.

   In Uncle Xu, a bomb was implanted. This loyal old servant, watching Su Buyang grow up from a young age, was able to die for Su Buyang.

   At a critical moment, I want to detonate an explosion and die with the ancient style. Unfortunately, it was directly frozen. Together with Su Qiang, they were all frozen.

   Antiquity raised his hand.


   The ice layer spread, instantly freezing Su Buyang's limbs.


   He couldn't even move, Su Buyang fell on the ice.

   "What do you want to do? Kill me now! Success! I have nothing to say, I just want to die!" The limbs were frozen, but it did not affect his thinking and speech. Su Buyang shouted in fear.

   Of course he wouldn't think Gu Feng could spare him. In order to deal with the ancient style, he has done a lot of research on the ancient style, knowing that the ancient style's character has always been decisive. It is absolutely impossible to be soft-handed when dealing with the enemy.

  Gu Feng doesn't kill him now, Su Buyang knows that what awaits him can only be a result that is more terrifying than death.

   "Kill you, dirty this land!"

  The ancient eyes are as cold as the surrounding ice. Turn away.

   After a while, the bald head brought a few people over, and they were amazed when they saw the surrounding ice.

  Especially the piece of ice in the stream was washed away by the current and showed no sign of melting.

   "Take these two icemen far away, they will be smashed! Pay attention to the old guy. Brother Feng said, the old guy has a blast inside!" The bald head directed.

   "Yes, bald brother!" Someone immediately agreed and carried the two ice men over.

   Those who followed behind him were all ancient warriors. Rao is so, the two ice men are frozen together with the ground, which is also a lot of effort.


   Accidentally, Uncle Xu's body was broken off, but. Both feet were broken on the ground.

   "Oh, it's not good! Brother bald, my foot is broken!" A younger brother reported, looking at Uncle Xu with a very apologetic expression on his face.

Next to   , Su Buyang was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood.

"It doesn't matter! The old guy dares to have bad intentions against Brother Feng! It's light to break his feet. It's a pity that he is frozen and can't feel it! It's cheap! This guy, I've been disgusting with him for a long time!"

  The bald eyes flashed fiercely, staring at Su Buyang.

   Su Buyang's heart trembled, he really wished he would be frozen!

  Unfortunately, there is no chance. The bald head is directly deep into the big fan-like hand, and the arms are raised, "Crack!" With a loud sound, he first gave him a big ear melon seed, and then. Reach out and grab an ice leg, then drag it away.

  Pity Su Buyang, his limbs are frozen, he can't use his strength at all, his face is facing the ground, and he is in close contact with the ground, under friction. Soon the bones are exposed, the kind of heart-piercing pain! It was impossible for him to maintain his dignity in front of this group of gangsters he despised before, so he couldn't help screaming.

   It seemed that the screams worked, and the bald head stopped for several dozen meters.


  Su Buyang was thrown to the ground.

   "This can't be done!" The bald head muttered.

  Su Buyang didn't have time to rejoice, thinking that it was because his bald head couldn't pull it, and he was tired. It would be nice to find a stretcher to carry him away. It really didn't work. Someone killed him on the spot and put it in a sack, and he was grateful! I really don't want to live to suffer!

  But, I just thought about it. I heard the bald head turn back and say to a few younger brothers:

   "The ground is full of blood, destroying the environment! This place is so beautiful, like a fairyland, how can it be covered in blood! Second strong, come and carry him, get him down the mountain before playing!"


  Su Buyang couldn't bear it any longer. The depression in my heart broke out completely, and a mouthful of old blood spurted out. I was tortured so badly, I was in pain, and people here are actually worried about soiling the ground... Where is the law of heaven!

   "Okay, bald brother!"

  Immediately, a strong younger brother came over, like carrying a sack, he carried Su Buyang up and walked down the mountain.

  Healthy Villa, with beautiful scenery and heaven, attracts well-known people from all over the country.

  The bald head is carrying a person, such an obvious image quickly attracted everyone's attention.

   "That's a bald head! How can you carry a person?"

   "My face is bloody, I can't see clearly! My arms and legs are frozen, so strange!"

   "Huh? That's not right! Why do you look so much like Su Sanshao?"


   A group of people were talking.

   For Su Buyang, who loves face the most, this is really more uncomfortable than killing him.

  Don't recognize it!

  Don't recognize it!

  Su Buyang prayed secretly in his heart.

   However, his prayers were obviously not going to work. Ning Kai was barbecuing with a few buddies there, and when he saw someone with a bald head, he immediately came over like a curious baby.

  Ning Kai is a childish person and has no scheming. After living here for a long time, he has a good relationship with the bald head. Therefore, dare to look up close and look carefully around the bald head.

  Su Buyang was carried by Erqiang on his shoulders, his head drooped down, just in the position of Erqiang's butt. The limbs could not use force, Erqiang walked up and down, and every time he swayed, Su Buyang's face would hit Erqiang's ass. It's a humiliating death.

   Originally, Su Buyang tried to straighten his neck, trying to avoid his face being hit by his butt. However, now that Ning Kai came over to look at it, he buried his face in his ass, wishing he could dig into his asshole. Just don't get recognized.

   "What are you doing! You want to blow my chrysanthemum with your head!" The second strong was dissatisfied, pouted his butt, and opened Su Buyang's face a little.

   "Brother bald, who is this! Why does he look a bit like Brother Su!" asked the curious baby Ning Kai.

   Brother Su, that is one of his idols! In terms of the degree of worship, it is only after the ancient style.

"What is like! This is exactly what it is! This guy has a nickname called Mr. What, and has connected with some foreign old ghosts. He wanted to deal with Brother Feng, but he was seen by Brother Feng and won. Humph! Dare to confront Feng. My brother has bad intentions, it's really boring to live. I'll take him out to practice if I'm bald, and if you are interested, you can come and have a look! I have already prepared three horses and five dogs!" The bald head said in a loud voice After shouting, the last sentence was aimed at everyone.

   "Su... Third Brother Su actually wants to deal with Young Master Gu? Aren't they friends?" Ning Kai was a little at a loss.

   After hearing the truth, other people around were also in an uproar.

   Mr. Su San... Everyone admits that he is very powerful! but. To deal with Gu Shao, it is really beyond your own power! Who is Gu Shao? Now, the story of Gu Shao destroying an aircraft carrier formation in the United States has long since spread.

  Gu Shao is a magician and a man like God! Even a strong country such as an old beauty dare not deal with him, Su San is in front of him, then he still dare not be like an ant? Deal with people! That is simply beyond our own power, and the mayfly shakes the tree!


That's ridiculous!

  Everyone has sympathy. More, but laugh at him over his own strength. There are also opponents who have been suppressed by Su Sanshao all the time, but they are gloating.

   "Brother bald, why are you preparing horses and dogs?" Someone asked bald.

  The bald head is mixed with the ancient style, and the status of the ancient style has been improved. In the eyes of everyone, it is like a god. Their group of younger brothers are also rising. Even the young men in the first-class circle who live in the VIP room must respectfully address the word "brother" when they see a bald head.

  While the bald head is very proud, of course he knows how his face came to break through the mountains and rivers. If there is no Gu Shao. He is still a little gangster in Haicheng. Therefore, loyalty to Gu Shao can be described as daring loyalty. Who dares to deal with Gu Shao, that is to kill his bald head!

"Hey, the horses and dogs I prepared are all male. I'm going to feed them aphrodisiacs, and then. Strip this thing naked and pose." The bald head reached out and patted Su Buyang's buttocks. "I ban him with those animals. Everyone said, is there a good show to watch?"

  's bald smile made the onlookers shudder. As for Su Buyang, he was trembling all over, and his face changed drastically.

   At this point, he is not afraid of death! He really is not afraid of death! Because he knows, with an ancient character. It was impossible to spare his life. Therefore, from being discovered to being caught, he never begged for mercy. He even looked at Gu Feng with disdain, and regarded him as a hero at the end of the road.

But. At this moment, he was really terrified!

The idea of ​​   bald head is too vicious! It's totally unacceptable. If it's really stripped naked and posed in a group of male dogs and stallions... it's another aphrodisiac animal... Nima! The chrysanthemum is sure to be smashed!

   There are so many people watching, where will there be an image of a hero at the end? It will definitely be a joke for everyone. If you die, you will have no image at all, and you will be laughed at!

  Su Buyang is really scared! He had no doubt that the bald head could do such a thing, and of course the other party couldn't just scare him.

   "Ancient style! You are so humiliating, what a hero! You are a rogue!" Su Buyang couldn't help but cursed.

"Xiaolong, let the brothers do more preparations. The number of dogs and horses has been increased to ten, and each one is filled with a pack of aphrodisiacs. Prepare ten male donkeys and ten bulls! The sorting circle is closed, ready to entertain us Su San Less." The bald face changed. At this time, he even dared to scold his idol Brother Feng, is this still amazing?

   "Yes, bald brother!" Someone immediately agreed and called to arrange it.

   This is real! No one is kidding!

  Su Buyang completely collapsed, and he didn't dare to scold again!

   "Gu Shao! I want to see Gu Shao! Let me see Gu Shao!" Su Buyang opened his mouth, and his name for Gu Feng changed to Gu Shao.

   But it was useless, the bald head didn't speak, let someone carry him and walk directly down the mountain.

   followed by a group of people, the team is getting bigger and bigger, talking and laughing, all waiting to watch the fun.

   Su Sanshao, who used to be beautiful, was killed by a group of livestock. This is a real good show!

   Soon, we have reached the bottom of the mountain. There are dogs barking.

   Sure enough!

  The ten dogs, all with red eyes, wagging their tails, wished they could jump on the pillar next to them.

   "Young Master Gu, spare your life! Young Master Gu, I was wrong! I was blind, and the lard was blinded to deal with you! Please forgive me!"

   At this time, Su Buyang really regretted it. It turns out that there are many things in this world that are more terrifying than death!

   Thinking about it carefully, the original ancient style was really good to him! He also supported him to become the ruler of the Su family... hey!

  Su Buyang's intestines were all regretful.

   Dog barking. The screams of people, the laughter around, and the cry of Herod the donkey next door... It was like a symphony.

   Gu Shao can't be provoked! Those who provoke Gu Shao will definitely be worse off than death! Gu Shao kills decisively, and his subordinates are all loyal and eager to protect the Lord! To deal with Gu Shao's enemies, they are even more ruthless than to deal with the enemy who killed his father!

   From this day on, this idea. It is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Those who can appear here are all people from the first circle of Huaxia! They witnessed that scene with their own eyes, and the figure of Gu Shaoxiongsha was firmly engraved in their hearts.


Three years later.

  A small island in the South Pacific, where birds chirp and the sea breeze blows. Golden sand. The azure blue waters...beautiful.

  In the afterglow of the setting sun, the three people sat embracing each other, and the figure was stretched very long.

  Gu Feng opened his arms, Su Zhenzhen and Su Lili were on the side. Both women are wearing bikinis, curvy body, full of suspicion. The elder sister's charm is mature, and the younger sister's childish face and **** are all dizzying to see.

   "Zhenzhen, we have all our children. Are you still unwilling to go back to China with me? I can feel that he is homesick!" Gu Feng's palm covered Su Zhenzhen's belly.

   Flat belly, small waist is not full of a grip.

   "Go! It's only been over a month, how can I sense it!" Su Zhenzhen rolled her eyes, showing her charm.

"Besides, three years ago, you actually... actually... used such unspeakable means to deal with the third brother. Although it is said that the third brother is insidious and we have been at odds since we were young, he is the Su family after all. People. If you do that, the Su family will lose all face. The four major families in the capital, the Su family will be removed from the list! I feel ashamed when I walk on the street!" Su Zhenzhen gave Gu Feng angrily.

   "Injustice! It's really injustice! How could I have come up with such a filthy idea? That's obviously a bald head!" Gu Feng looked innocent.

   bald head, this is not considered to let you take the blame! Gu Feng secretly said something in his heart. He just asked the bald head to take good care of Mr., but he didn't expect it. The bald head actually thought of such an absolute idea. However, Gu Feng has to admit that this effect is really good. After that incident, no one dared to deal with him again. The various industries of the Gu family have developed smoothly.

Now. Gu's private restaurants have opened all over the world, and dignitaries from all over the world take it as an honor to eat Gu's dishes.

  Gu's Tea has become the world's largest beverage company, and its products sell well all over the world.

   Health Villas, as many as ten have been built in ancient times. Every one is full of customers.

   There are also Gu's Pharmacy, Gu's Scientific Expedition Team, Gu's Magic Hospital... As long as it is an industry involved in the ancient style, they are all at the top.

  Money, for the ancient style, is just a string of meaningless numbers.

  Resources, as long as they are available on earth, Gufeng doesn't have to do it himself, just one sentence and you can get it.

  The ancient style has truly stood at the top of the world.

   Even in terms of cultivation, in addition to the meditation stone mine in Australia, he has successively obtained several other mines. A few months ago, he finally succeeded in breaking through and became a great magician.

   This has surpassed the realm of his previous life.

   At the age of more than 20 years, he became a great magician, and his future prospects will be limitless. Continue to break through and become a wizard, a wizard, and even the most supreme great wizard, breaking the void... It is also entirely possible.

  Ancient style, full of expectations for the future.

   "Don't be angry! Even for the sake of our baby's health, you have to be cheerful!" The man standing on the top of the world is also drooling in front of beautiful women.

   If you let other people see this scene, they will definitely be shocked.

   "Humph!" Su Zhenzhen snorted coldly and turned her head.

   "Hey, you're blind!" Su Lili giggled, her **** trembling, making Gu Feng swallow her saliva.

   "What are you reading the full text of the peak of martial arts! I've already eaten, but I'm still so greedy?"

   "Giggle..." Su Lili laughed even more joyously. Even Su Zhenzhen couldn't help laughing. Gu Feng's character really has two sides. He was the one who was clamoring to play 3P in bed at night, but now I feel embarrassed...

"I'll tell you a secret." Su Lili leaned to Gu Feng's ear and breathed out, hot and itchy, "Actually! Sister is angry, not because you treat Su Buyang so much, but because you treat that secretary Zhao. It's too kind. You said something at that time, it was because of Elder Zhou's face, in order to take care of Elder Zhou's face... For the sake of Elder Zhou's face, you showed mercy to Secretary Zhao. Could it be that you don't take care of it? Is it our sister's face?"

   Su Lili's words, the ancient style suddenly. It really is a woman's heart, the needle at the bottom of the sea! If this was the reason, if Su Lili didn't say anything, he wouldn't have thought of killing him.

   "My fault! My fault! However, Zhao Defeng is already dead, how about I dig his grave and whip his body?" Gu Feng knew his mistake and corrected it.

   "Go! Don't be so scary!" Su Zhenzhen's face paled.

"Hey, we don't need that. Actually, we don't go back to China, not because of face. Follow Brother Feng, are you afraid of losing face wherever you go? Now, do you know what the outside world calls you?" Su Lili asked with a smile .

   "The king of the world?" Gu Feng gave a wry smile.

"That's right! The king of the world! Who dares to laugh at us, the woman who is the king of the world? This is even more beautiful than the Su family at the peak of that time!" Su Lili said, "We don't go back because we like it here. This small island was personally apologized by the top management of Maple Leaf and gave it to you with both hands. It is completely our property. After your renovation... It is even more beautiful than the health care villa. We like living here, and we haven't enjoyed it enough yet. Where can I go back?"

  Su Lili let go of the ancient style, stood up, opened her arms, and breathed the sea breeze, full of comfort.

"If you want to forgive your sins, stay here with us for a few more days. I'll punish are not allowed to leave here for a month. You big radish, you have been fascinated by the little goblin Mizuno Sakurako recently! So many sisters , You have spent half of the time on Mount Fuji in the past six months... hum!" Su Zhenzhen also snorted in dissatisfaction, her beautiful little nose wrinkled.

"Okay! Next, I won't leave here for a month. Hey, what's the punishment! This is the reward!" Gu Feng smiled, rubbed his hands, and then looked at the sisters with strange eyes, "However, you let me Stay, be mentally prepared!"


  Su Lili felt someone's bad intentions, she screamed and was about to run away.

  However, how can her speed be compared to the ancient style? Gu Feng stretched his arms and grabbed her, pulled her hard, pulled her into his arms, and rolled around on the beach.

  Following the trend, Su Zhenzhen who was sitting there also fell.

   Amidst the laughter and noise, there was a beautiful scenery on the beach.

   Here, it is an antique private beach, and the guards are also very interesting and will not disturb during this time.

   Soon, the few pieces of cloth that were left of the bikini had been torn off.

   "Ah! No! I can't go in! There is a baby..." My sister wanted to refuse and greeted her.

   "Hey, I'll be careful! Take it easy, it's alright! Don't forget who I am, I am the founder of the world's top hospital, Gu's Magic Hospital." Gu Feng smiled wickedly and kept moving.

   "Let go of my sister! Come at me..."


   The naive loli said a word, Gu Feng and Su Zhenzhen both laughed!

   (End of the book. Please click on the next chapter to finish this testimonial.)