MTL - The Orc Old Attack Lightly Teases-Chapter 128 i'm just your lover

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The fragrance of wild vegetable porridge entered his nostrils, but Fei Li inhaled sharply.

Putting away the turbulent emotions in his heart, he looked up at the tired and sweaty Lausanne, "Thank you. If someone can satisfy your willful little request, it must be true love.

As the leader, Lausanne must have loved Fei Li so much that he was willing to do these trivial things for Fei Li. "Why don't you eat? Don't you still want to eat the porridge?" Seeing that he hadn't eaten the porridge for a long time, Luosang glanced at the porridge.

"No, I can't bear it."

Luosang raised his hand, pinched his nose with affection, and then brought a small wooden spoon.

After gently stirring the bowl with a wooden spoon a few times, Luosang blew on the wild vegetable porridge again.

He didn't take a spoonful of the porridge until he was sure it wasn't hot anymore, and fed it to Fei Li's mouth.

Staring at the porridge he fed, Fei Li was stunned, "You want to feed me?"

"Well, dear, open your mouth to eat porridge." Luosang seemed to be coaxing a child.

Feeling warm in Fei Li's heart, he obediently swallowed the porridge.

In the quiet room, apart from the sound of the wooden spoon stirring the porridge, there was only the sound of Fei Liwei's porridge. Both of them looked happy, each enjoying the process of feeding wrinkles and porridge.

At this time, Mao Li, who had finished distributing the rice, hurried over and stood at the door of the house carrying a bamboo basket of rice. Mao Li standing at the door was dumbfounded, what did he see?

The respected leader is actually feeding Fei Li?

Putting down the bamboo basket, Maori quickly turned his back, but I didn't see anything.

"Lord Lausanne, I have finished distributing the rice. This is rice for you. I put it at the door." As soon as the words fell, Mao Li ran away.

Fei Li's face was reddish, and his expression was slightly embarrassed.

On the other hand, Luosang continued to blow porridge to feed Fei Li like a normal person.

Seeing that Fei Li didn't open his mouth, Luosang frowned, "What's wrong?"

"Aren't you afraid that Maori will tell everyone?"

Lausanne: "What did you say?" The blowing porridge still didn't stop.

Pursing his lips, he panicked in his heart, "Say you spoil me too much, and even feed me porridge."

After all, here, the leader is respected.

And human beings are low in status, even if he becomes Lausanne's partner, he is still human in the final analysis.

There is an insurmountable gap between humans and orcs. These gaps have been accumulated over time and cannot be changed overnight. Not paying attention to his words at all, Luosang fed another spoonful of porridge to his mouth, "Good boy, open your mouth."

He opened his mouth obediently as he said, and after eating the porridge, he continued to question Luosang.

Seeing that he had almost eaten, Luosang put down the stone bowl and looked at him seriously.

"I feed my partner, what do they have to say?"

"Are you afraid they will talk about you behind your back?"

After thinking for a while, he shook his head, "I'm not afraid, I have a thick skin, I'm afraid you will mind, after all, you are the leader. A slight smile appeared on the corner of Luosang's mouth, he got up and came to his side, holding his shoulder.

"In front of you, I'm just your lover, nothing more."

Hearing this, he suddenly turned around and hugged Luosang tightly, "It's good to have you."

"Now it's not just me, but also our descendants."

When it was mentioned that it was still there, Luosang's eyes became extremely gentle.

The most beautiful appearance of love is probably when hundreds of steel refinements instantly turn into tender fingers.

After hugging for a long time, Fei Li suddenly felt sick again, and quickly pushed Luosang away, ran out of the room and continued to vomit.

Seeing him like this, Luosang was so distressed that he didn't know what to say.

After vomiting, Fei Li looked at the bamboo basket of rice brought by Mao Li, "Let's move the rice into the house quickly!"

Lausanne: "I'll come."

The next day, just after dawn, Lausanne got up.

In order not to wake Fei Li, he walked out of the house quietly.

Early on, he patrolled around outside the tribe.

After the inspection, he hurried home to cook porridge for Fei Li.

Fei Li, who was in the early stages of pregnancy, vomited whatever he ate, so he could barely eat porridge.

After feeding Fei Lijun the porridge, Luosang tidied up the house and was about to leave the house.

As soon as he turned around, he was stopped by Fei Li, "What are you going to do?"

He stopped and looked back at Fei Li.

"Didn't you say yesterday that you want to teach everyone how to cook rice, I'll teach everyone!"

"Are you going?" Fei Li opened his eyes wide, his slightly pale face was full of surprise.

If everyone knows that Lausanne can cook, will they be surprised?

Fei Li quickly got up and came to him, "I'll go with you!"

"No, you stay at home and rest, I will go."

After thinking about it, Fei Li refused again, "I'm worried, I'd better go with you!"

Luosang is not good at cooking. If something goes wrong and the rice that everyone has worked so hard to grow is ruined, it will be broken.

Regardless of Lausanne's objection, Fei Li insisted on going with him.

In the end, Luosang couldn't hold him back and could only take him with him.

According to what was agreed in advance, Lausanne found an open space in the tribe.

A stone pot was set up on the open space, and they showed everyone how to cook rice and rice porridge.

Because it was arranged by Lausanne in advance, no one in the tribe dared to neglect and waited here early.

Seeing Luosang and Fei Li coming, everyone looked at them respectfully.

After greeting everyone, Luosang began to add water to the stone pot.

Next, wash the rice and put it in a stone pot, raise the heat and start cooking.

When the stone pot was boiling, Fei Li looked at everyone and said, "At the beginning of cooking, the fire must be high. After the water in the pot boils, use a spoon to pour out the excess rice soup little by little."

"Why do you want to fill it out?" Xiaochun looked at him suspiciously.

"Put out the rice soup and eat it with the rice, the rice won't choke you much."

Everyone seemed to understand but nodded.

After a while, the water in the stone pot boiled, and Luosang poured out the rice soup from the stone pot.

The snow-white rice soup caught everyone's eyes, and they felt a little bit of appetite for no reason.

It wasn't until all the extra rice soup was served that Luosang stopped what he was doing and looked back at Fei Li.

"At this time, turn down the heat to low, and slowly boil all the excess water in the pot, and the rice will be cooked." Fei Li continued to explain to everyone.

Ola stood up and was the first to speak, "I will."

Seeing Aura speak, the rest of the human beings were not far behind, and they all said that they would.

At this time, the rice in the stone pot is also cooked.

Maori stared at the white rice and was a little greedy, swallowing his saliva non-stop.

Fei Li looked at Mao Li and said with a smile: "If you want to eat, you can go back and get a bowl to taste."

Hearing this, Mao Li rushed home first and brought the stone bowl.

Xiaochun's home is the closest to here, and at this time, he has already started serving rice with a wooden shovel.

After filling a large bowl, Xiao Chun handed it to Ding Dong, "You eat first."

Never had such a white thing before, Dingdang was so hungry, holding the bowl, he gnawed it with his mouth.

The hot rice made Dingdang's mouth red, and he didn't feel any pain at all.

Everyone looked at Ding Dong, and someone asked aloud, "How is it? Is it delicious?"

Swallowing a big mouthful of rice, Ding Dong smiled all over his face.

"It's delicious, it's the best thing I've ever eaten."

After the words fell, Ding Dong didn't care about the presence of other people, and happily ate.

Seeing this, everyone gathered around the stone pot, and one of them grabbed some rice and tasted it.

After tasting it, everyone was full of praise for the rice.

Before Fei Li came here, everyone ate raw meat.

Since Fei Li came, everyone gradually began to improve their food.

From barbecue, to seafood, and all kinds of wild vegetables, Fei Li enriched everyone's taste.

The current rice has opened a new door for everyone.

Some people who didn't eat rice all went home one after another, and planned to try to make it by themselves.

After everyone left, Luosang patted the dirt on his hands and returned to Fei Li.

"It's great that everyone likes rice so much."

It's great to be able to do something for the tribe.

Seeing him like this, Luosang was suddenly a little embarrassed, "Do you really care if everyone likes it or not?"

He came back to his senses, tasted the meaning of Luosang's words, and couldn't help smiling.

"What I care about is whether I can help you. You are the leader, so I naturally have to contribute to the tribe.

As the saying goes, if he loves the house and the black, if he loves Lausanne, he must love the tribe of Lausanne.

Even if you can't contribute to the tribe, you can't hold back Lausanne.

Luosang looked at Fei Li, his heart was filled with something.

He hugged Fei Li's waist, with a doting look on his face, "Even if you don't do anything, no one in the tribe dares to say anything, because you are the one I like."

Fei Li is nestled on his shoulder happily, at this time, I wish the years are quiet and the reality is stable.

"Are you tired? Let's go home!" Luosang said softly.

Fei Li: "Okay."

Just as the two were about to go home, they saw Xiao Chun taking Tinker Bell out of the house to play.

Tinkerbell is three years old this year, because it is a child born of the combination of orcs and humans.

Coupled with the rapid growth of humans and orcs here, Tinker Bell is much stronger than a modern three-year-old child, just like a modern five- or six-year-old child.

Tinker Bell saw Lausanne and Fei Li, and trotted to them, her round eyes were fixed on Fei Li's stomach.

"What's wrong?" Maybe someone with a child, Fei Li was very gentle when facing the child.

Tinker Bell pointed at his stomach, "Do you have a cub here?"

Hearing this, Xiaochun immediately stepped forward and hugged Dingdang into her arms, "Lord Luosang, Dingdang is still young and ignorant, and she speaks without thinking, please don't blame her."

It was rumored in the tribe before that Fei Li and Luosang could not have a baby, Xiaochun thought that it was a taboo for the two of them, and they could not bring it up casually.

For the first time, Luosang was not angry, but still had a faint smile on his face.

Xiao Chun thought she was dazzled, so she hugged Ding Dong even tighter.

"Yes, I really have a cub here."

Fei Li squatted down, waved at Tinker Bell, and signaled Tinker Bell to come to him.

When he was at his grandmother's house in the country, he often heard the old people in the village say that children can see the children in their stomachs.

Did Ding Dong see her own child?

Xiao Chun hesitated for a moment, but let Ding Dong go in front of Fei Li.

"Do you think the baby in my stomach is cute?" Fei Li asked casually, not expecting to get any serious answer.

Tinker Bell looked at his stomach and shook his head, "It's not cute, they are still fighting."