MTL - The Orc Old Attack Lightly Teases-Chapter 64 terrible nightmare

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The way Fei Li looked at Lausanne changed, from the initial non-defense to the attacking side in an instant. I don't know why.

When he played against Lausanne, he always felt that Lausanne was different from before.

Lausanne was agile before, but now Lausanne's reaction seems to be much slower than before.

Unwilling to hurt Luosang, he forced Luosang back with a fierce offensive, and ran towards Soma.

Taking advantage of Huyin's inattention, he took Soma and quickly fled the Tiger tribe.

Huyin was not reconciled, and was about to lead the tiger orcs to catch up, but was stopped by Luosang.

"Forget it! Even if we catch up with them, we are no match for that human being."

Thinking of how many fights with Fei Li before, but losing to Fei Li, Hu Yin gave up.

It was almost noon when Fei Li and Soma returned to the wolf tribe.

As soon as the two stepped into the tribe, Maori led a group of orcs to meet them.

Mao Li looked behind the two, with a slightly anxious expression, "Where is Lord Lausanne? You still haven't found him?"

Since news of Fei Li's search for Lausanne spread in the tribe last night, everyone came to Fei Li's house early in the morning.

But Fei Li was nowhere to be seen, and everyone waited at the gate of the tribe.

"I failed to bring Lausanne back." Fei Li lowered his head.

All the orcs looked at each other, and an ominous premonition quietly emerged in each orc's heart.

Maori was about to speak when he suddenly saw Fei Li's wound.

Fei Li had been in the tribe for so long, and it was the first time he had seen Fei Li suffer such serious injuries.

"You are hurt?"

When Maori asked, all the orcs' eyes fell on Fei Li.

I saw traces of being scratched by sharp claws on Fei Li's arms, and blood was still oozing out.

The animal skin clothes on his body were basically stained red with blood.

The worry in the eyes of the orcs intensified, and everyone looked at Fei Li.

"It's okay, these are minor injuries, I'll be fine when I go back and get some medicine, everyone go back first! I will definitely bring Lord Lausanne back.

The orcs hesitated, but decided to go home separately.

After all the orcs left, only Mao Li stood where he was, and continued to ask, "Tell me, what happened?"

Everyone is far away, but Maori can see clearly.

The sharp claw marks left on Fei Li's arm were clearly scratched by wolves.

"I'm so tired, let's talk when we go home."

Fighting at night and during the day cost Fei Li a lot of energy.

At this time, when he returned to the tribe, his tense spirit relaxed, and he felt exhausted.

Soma and Maori helped him back to the house.

He lay comfortably on the ground and asked Soma to find out the herbs in the house, crush them and apply them on his wound.

Physically exhausted, he can't abuse his spiritual power casually, and can only use herbs to heal his wounds.

Mao Li also went up to help, and the two quickly applied herbal medicine to Fei Li's wound and cleaned up the blood on Fei Li's body.

Crouching beside Fei Li, Mao Li hesitated to speak but looked at him.

"I saw Luosang in the Tiger Clan, but Luosang seemed to be a different person. He didn't recognize me at all, and even injured me." Fei Li's voice came faintly.

Mao Li's heart tightened, Fei Li was indeed injured by Lausanne.

"And then?" Molly asked.

"Then, we had a fight with the Tiger Clan and escaped from the Tiger Clan."

Thinking of Lausanne's cold expression, Fei Li felt a shadow cast over his heart.

He struggled to look up at Maori, "How did Luosang go to the Tiger Clan and become like this? What did Huyin do to him?"

Not long after he came here, he still didn't know a lot about these mysterious orc tribes.

Molly frowned, lost in thought.

After a long while, Maori turned to meet his suspicious gaze.

"I once heard from the old patriarch of the wolf clan that the blood of the orcs of the tiger clan has a special effect because of their pure blood. As long as they are fused with the blood of other orcs, and then the two sides drink the fused blood, the two will be happy. will be partners."

After a pause, Maori continued: "Even if the two had a partner before, they will forget their former partner and will only be loyal to their current partner from now on."

"That is to say, Huyin fused his own blood with Luosang's blood. Both of them poured the fused blood, so Luosang will forget the master, right?" Soma couldn't help but answer. .

Looking at Fei Li, Maori nodded.

Fei Li propped up his upper body and sat up, clenched his hands into fists, "Scumbag Huyin."

"Huyin has admired Lord Luosang for a long time. I don't know what method to use this time to let Lord Luosang fall into his trap." Mao Li sighed secretly, and the worry in his heart intensified.

Luosang and Huyin become partners, what about the wolf tribe?

Looking at Fei Li, Mao Li suddenly knelt in front of him and gave him a very formal gift.

"Lord Fei Li, although you are human, you are the partner of Lord Lausanne. I beg you to save Lord Lausanne back."

At this time, apart from Fei Li, Maori couldn't think of a more suitable person.

"Don't worry, I will definitely bring Lausanne back!" Fei Li looked firmly.

After Mao Li and Soma left, Fei Li rested on the bed.

Touching the newly made bear fur coat, all he could think about was Lausanne.

Lausanne, you must wait for me to rescue you.

Exhausted, his eyelids drooped, and he fell into a deep sleep.

In the dream, he seemed to have come to the Tiger tribe again.

This time, Huyin did not yell at him, but warmly entertained him.

As soon as the scene changed, he was brought into a room by Huyin.

A weak Luosang lay on the ground, his eyes fell on Luosang's swollen belly.

Lausanne is pregnant! !

how is this possible?

He moved forward in shock, and Hu Yin's voice sounded behind him, "Fei Li, I know you hate me, but you definitely don't want Luosang to die, right? He has a difficult delivery, and if you don't save him, he will really die. "

Quickly squatting in front of Luosang, he looked at Luosang who was so angry that his heart ached.

"Luosan, I'm here! Hold on, I'll save you right away!"

"Wow one by one" With the cry of a baby, Lausanne's baby was finally born.

He happily held Luosang's hand, before he could say anything, a sharpened piece of wood pierced through him from behind.

The pain spread all over his body, and he lowered his head as if he could hear the sound of blood flowing down from his body.

Huyin stood in front of him, raised his head and laughed loudly, "Fei Li, I finally got rid of you, a damned human, haha ​​one by one" Frightened awake by the real dream, Fei Li turned over and sat up, touching his intact body. chest.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, he said to himself, "Fortunately, it's just a dream."

He suddenly took out the colorful scales that Elder Su gave him, his eyes lit up.

"That's right! Why didn't I think of Elder Su?"

Last time Elder Su was able to tame the half-orc, this time there must be a way to help him rescue Luosang.

He got up and walked out of the house, and a glare of sunlight hit him.

Before he knew it, he had fallen asleep until now.

He left the house, found Soma, and rushed to the mermaid tribe with Soma.

After driving for a long time, the two finally arrived at the mermaid tribe before dark.

Perhaps it was because of Elder Su's multicolored scales that the two entered the tribe unimpeded.

After Wu Yue's rectification, the mermaid tribe has returned to its former state.

When the two came to the gate of the city, they were stopped by the mermaid beast guarding the gate, "What are you? How did you come here?"

The mermaid faintly smelled a mermaid aura from the two, but stopped them anyway.

As expected of a clan that cultivates spiritual power, the mermaid tribe has a sense of immortality, and even the aura of the mermaid beast is different from other beast clans.

He took out Elder Su's colorful scales, "I'm here to find Elder Su, please let me in."

The mermaid beast guarding the gate was in awe of the two when they saw the colorful scales.

Elder Su is a mythical figure of the Mermaid Clan. To get his multicolored scales, this person should not be easy.

Mermaid not only let the two go, but also brought them to Wu Yue.

Wu Yue was both happy and shocked by the arrival of the two.

"Fei Li? Long time no see. Have you run out of seafood, come and get some seafood and come and see me?"

Because of the previous incident, Wu Yue has already regarded Fei Li as a friend, and she talks to him very casually.

Fei Li told Wu Yue everything that happened in Lausanne, and explained why he wanted to see Elder Su.

Hearing this, Wu Yue lowered her face and said in a troubled tone: "Elder Su has been in seclusion all year round, and he doesn't come out to meet people easily. To be honest, I have been in the mermaid tribe for so long, and I only saw Elder Su once last time. I'm afraid. ...." Unable to bear to extinguish Fei Li's hope, Wu Yue did not continue.

"Except for Elder Su, I can't think of anyone else who can save Luosang. I can't lose Luosang, and the wolf tribe can't live without Luosang."

Wu Yue sighed quietly, understanding Fei Li's mood.

But Elder Su has a noble status, the entire mermaid clan, even him, cannot easily disturb Elder Su Qingxiu.

Seeing Wu Yue's hesitation, Fei Li pleaded again: "Wu Yue, I beg you, take me to Elder Su's retreat place. If Elder Su insists on not showing up, I will admit it."

After glancing at Fei Li, Wu Yue's heart began to waver.

Time stood still, Fei Li and Soma stared at Wu Yue intently, pinning all their hopes on Wu Yue.

Wu Yue sighed heavily, "Forget it, I'll take you there! Whether you can see Elder Su depends on your luck."

The two followed Wu Yue to the cave from last time. The cave was a little different from last time, as if the entrance was sealed by a barrier.

Looking at the entrance of the cave, Wu Yue reminded: "You can talk to Elder Su here. As for whether he would like to hear it or see you, I don't know."

After the words fell, Wu Yue took a step back.

Fei Li plopped down on his knees and sincerely kowtowed three times to the entrance of the cave.

Looking up to the entrance of the cave, he shouted: "Elder Su, I'm Fei Li. Thank you for saving your life in the forest last time. This time I'm here to trouble you again. I hope you will show up to rescue Luosang."

There was silence around, and the three could only hear Fei Li's echo coming back.

The author has something to say, thanks to cute friends 38672915053 and Xiong Yisong for their reminders!

Thanks to Brother Mushui, Zhoudu, Girls Picking Up 2333, Mengyou 44595387010 for the monthly tickets!

Thanks to Jing Moqing, Xu Shujia Youmantianxing, Lianbojun, Ranran Baby, Ni Jing, you are all my favorites, Plaque, Ban Mingyue, Gu Fei_, Tianzixiao 1105, Tianzixiao 1105 for the recommendation tickets!

I promise I won't abuse you for five minutes, cuties, don't be afraid! mwah!