MTL - The Orc Old Attack Lightly Teases-Chapter 82 My man, you have no right to dictate

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"After you gave Maori the medicine, you disappeared, didn't you just walk away or something?" Ola looked at Fei Li with resentment in his eyes. Originally, Maori was still a little conscious, but now he is also in a coma like Lausanne.

Everyone watched the leader fall into a coma, and they were not in a hurry, but there was nothing they could do.

Xiaochun also came out of the room, looking at him with a bit of blame, "Lord Fei Li, where have you been this day? We see that the situation of Lord Lausanne and Mao Li is getting worse and worse. This incident was notified to the clansmen.”

After all, Luosang is the leader of the tribe, and it is not a trivial matter for him to be unconscious. Xiaochun and Ola can understand what they did.

Looking down at the spiritual spring water in his hand, he didn't have time to explain to them, so he walked straight into the house.

As soon as he took a step, he was stopped by Ola and Hench.

Aura glanced at the water in his hand, and said coldly: "What are you going to do again? Do you still want to continue to harm Lord Lausanne?"

The orcs onlookers were silent, but they all looked at Fei Li with a hint of blame in their eyes.

"Get out of the way." He stared at the two of them with cold eyes.

"I won't let you, I won't let you continue to harm Lord Lausanne."

Henchy looked back at Maori, and said, "Yes, I can't let you hurt Maori again."

He sighed faintly, and looked at Ola and Hench with a pair of cold eyes.

"Okay, I won't go in, so can you save them?"

The two looked at each other, but neither could speak.

"If you don't, get out of here."

His cold words directly invaded the ears of the two of them, causing them to shiver involuntarily.

Those present no longer dared to stop him and allowed him to enter the house.

Seeing his busy figure, Ola just wanted to enter the house, but was stopped by Xiaochun, "At this time, you should not go in, unless you really want Lord Lausanne to die."

Aura twitched the corner of her mouth, and the words stuck in her throat were finally swallowed back into her stomach.

Fei Li used the spirit spring water he brought back to decoct the medicine. This time, the medicine filled the room with a faint fragrance.

Very different from last time!

After Mo Dao came out, he continued to cook on a low fire for a while, until the smell of medicine in the room became stronger and stronger, and then he took out a small bowl of medicine.

Everyone stared at the medicine in his hand intently, as if they wanted to say something.

He directly took the medicine and poured it into his mouth.

"Master Fei Li one by one" Xiaochun looked at him worriedly.

After a long while, everyone saw that there was nothing unusual about him, so they completely trusted him.

He then took out two bowls of medicine, handed one to Hench, and fed the other to Lausanne.

Seeing this, Ola outside the house immediately rushed to Luosang's bed, trying to pick up the medicine bowl in Fei Li's hand.

"Go away, when will it be your turn to serve my man?"

After the words fell, Fei Li ignored Aura and fed Luosang the medicine by himself.

After taking a bowl of medicine, not long after, Luosang's high fever temperature dropped a bit, and his face was not as pale as before.

He felt the pulse of Luosang, and Luosang's pulse finally returned to a stable state, even the weirdness disappeared.

He hurried to Maori, and he took Maori's pulse.

Seeing that their pulses were normal, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing that Maori was showing signs of waking up, Hench was the first to speak out, "Maoli, how are you doing?"

Maori slowly opened his eyes, glanced at Hench wearily, and then looked at Fei Li.

"I'm not dead yet?"

Henchy nodded.

"It's all my fault. If I listen to Fei Li, I won't be bitten by the scorpion, and I won't cause trouble for Fei Li."

As if thinking of something, Maori moved his body, trying to get up.

Fei Li pressed Mao Li, "You can't move around now, take a good rest!"

"Luo, is Master Luosang okay? Is he awake?"

Looking back at Luosang, he shook his head.

Lausanne was poisoned longer than Mao Li, and it was delayed for another night.

It will definitely not be so fast to completely clean up the toxins in Lausanne's body.

Maori insisted on sitting up regardless of his physical condition, but Henchy couldn't help him, so he could only help him to sit up.

Looking up at Luosang who was still comatose on the bed, Mao Li had a worried look on his face, "Lord Luosang, when will you wake up? Mao Li's voice is still a little weak to me.

"Don't worry, he will wake up soon, you go home and have a good rest, Hench takes good care of Maori."

After he finished his instructions, he asked several orcs to carry Maori back to his home.

Because Luosang wanted to rest, the clansmen surrounding the house also left one after another.

At this time, only Ola refused to leave, and stared at him with vigilant eyes.

After applying the medicine to Lausanne again, he dragged Ola out of the house.

Aura broke free from his hand in fear, "What do you want to do?"

Letting go of Aura, he looked into Aura's eyes full of fear, "I should be the one asking you what you want to do?"

"What do you mean?"

Fei Li had the aura of a strong man all over his body, and Ola felt guilty and dared not look at him.

With a cold snort, Fei Li no longer had a good look at Ola, "If you hadn't destroyed the seedlings, how could Luosang and I catch you in the middle of the night, and Luosang was bitten by a poisonous scorpion, all because of you .”

Aura's complexion changed, and she lowered her head, not daring to speak.

"If Luosang wakes up, I won't bother with you about these things, but there is something wrong with Fan Luosang, and I will definitely make you regret the stupid things you did. , After finishing speaking, he turned and entered the room.

Aura originally wanted to follow him into the house, but was stopped by his sharp eyes, and she never dared to take half a step closer to the house.

After two days of tossing and tossing, Fei Li was also a little tired. Seeing that Lausanne was much better, he fell asleep lying on the edge of the bed.

In the middle of the night, he woke up and reheated the medicine, and fed Luosang another big bowl.

Immediately, he lay down on the edge of the bed and continued to sleep.

In a daze, he felt that someone seemed to be staring at him, he opened his eyes vigilantly, and met Luosang's dark eyes.

For a moment, he had mixed feelings, and he put his arms around Luosang's neck regardless.

"You finally woke up."

Luosang was so hugged that he was almost out of breath, but he couldn't bear to push him away.

Just as he was about to speak, Lausanne heard Fei Li talking to himself, "I'm not dreaming, am I?"

He let go of Luosang, twisted his face, frowned and said, "It doesn't seem to hurt."

He twisted the tender flesh of his thigh again, and finally felt the pain this time.

"It's real, not a dream, you're really awake, really awake." He was so happy that he didn't know what to say, so he could only repeat the same words.

Luosang smiled, saw the dark blue under his eyes, felt distressed and hugged him into his arms.

"How long have I been asleep?"

"Two days and three nights, if you don't wake up again, I will..." "What will you do?" Luosang's voice was still hoarse with just waking up.

He raised his head in Luosang's arms, looked at Luosang affectionately, "I will die with you, I can't bear to be separated from you anymore."

The two have been separated for three years, and these three years are as long as three lives and three generations.

Now, not to mention three years, even three days, three hours, he is not willing to be separated from him.

People who love each other can't wait to stick together all the time.

The sky had not yet dawned, and in the dark room, Fei Li couldn't see the waves in Luosang's eyes.

For many years after that, Lausanne still remembered what Fei Li said today, and no matter what Fei Li did, he always believed that Fei Li was still the same as before.

The two leaned close to each other, telling how they missed the past few days.

The next day, Mao Li was the first to arrive at Luosang's house, rushing in regardless.

"Fei Li, I've recovered, and I'm no different from usual."

As soon as he walked to the door, Maori noticed a cold gaze, and he quickly shut up.

Seeing Lord Lausanne lazily sitting on the bed, staring at the sleeping Fei Li with extremely gentle eyes, Mao Li had a momentary illusion.

The cold gaze just now must not have come from Mr. Lausanne.

Mao Li quietly approached Luosang, his eyes flushed, "Master Luosang, you finally woke up, if you don't wake up again, I will... spit out the medicine and give it to you."

Luosang gave Mao Li a disgusted look, saying all this is a mess.

Wiping the slightly moist corners of his eyes, Maori smiled through his tears, "Great, we are all fine, I must tell everyone the good news." Maori came and left in a hurry.

After Mao Li left, Fei Li opened his eyes in a daze, and muttered, "Who came just now?"

Howling like ghosts and wolves, so annoying!

"No one's coming, you can continue to sleep!" Luosang gently stroked his back, coaxing him like a child.

Turning over, Fei Li was about to close his eyes and continue to sleep when Lingquan's words suddenly sounded in his mind.

He got up quickly, "There is one thing I want to tell you."

"What's up?"

"Thanks to Elder Su and Lingquan for saving you this time."

Luosang was puzzled, "Lingquan?"

He told Luosang about Elder Su asking him to find Lingquan, and about agreeing to Lingquan.

Hearing this, Luosang was silent for a long time.

"Now that you are all healed, I must fulfill my promise to Lingquan, or I will be abandoned by Lingquan."

Luosang suddenly squeezed his hand tightly, "Okay, I'll go with you."

"Are you going too?"

"How can I rest assured that you go to that kind of place alone."

Where is the source of the spiritual spring, they still don't know.

And what kind of orc tribe there will be, they don't even know.

But there is one thing, they are very clear in their hearts, how dangerous this trip is.

Lausanne naturally did not want to see Fei Li in danger.

After the two agreed, Lausanne called a meeting of the tribe's orcs and explained the matter to everyone.

No one dared to have any objection to the leader's decision.

And Fei Li also found Xiaochun, and handed over all the rice in the field to Xiaochun to manage.

He specially told Xiaochun to go to the field to have a look every day, and he must not be lazy.

After everything in the tribe was arranged properly, the two set off.

Before setting off, Fei Li specially used spiritual power to create an invisible barrier around the tribe.

Once orcs or beasts from other tribes break in, they will be blocked by the enchantment.

After finishing everything, Fei Li returned to Lausanne, and the two held hands, "Let's go!"

At this time, a sneaky figure watched them not far away... The author has something to say to thank the little cutie who gave the reward, voted for the monthly ticket and voted for the reminder!

Of course, I would like to thank the little cutie who recommended the ticket! The recommendation ticket will be available every day when you sign in, and it is better to keep it. . . (Everyone understands!)