MTL - The Path Toward Heaven-Chapter 16 I misread you

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Tamarix left Yaping at the age of ten to go between the peaks and never returned.

最后 The last picture he left was the little reddish face because of anger and the tears in his eyes because of resentment.

The only person who saw this picture was Jing Jiu, but soon he forgot the picture.

Just like the words he said to Liu at the age of ten, the road is long and people can't remember all the past and don't need to remember.

From this perspective, he is indeed a born spiritual person.

After Yanliu left at the age of ten, Jing Jiu still lived the same life, but the bed quilt now needs to be made by himself. The yard seems a bit deserted, which took him a few days to get used to.

The ridicule and ridicule of the disciples among the ya ya pings have increased again during this time.

Taeliu entered the inner door at the age of ten, but he was still mixing here, and it was awkward for anyone to see.

Kusui Jiu didn't feel anything. He was still in the courtyard and put sand into the porcelain plate silently, only two or three capsules a day.

不是 He is not good at patience, but he doesn't care.

But Lu Shi didn't hold back and came to the courtyard again one night.

He carefully checked the situation of Jing Jiu with sword knowledge, and found that Jing Jiu's body was still lacking, and he was disappointed.

There is no Tao, and the meridians are not born. How can we absorb the vitality of heaven and earth?

There is no true element. How can Dao species become towering trees and become sword fruit?

By now he had determined that Jing Jiu was not a disciple who received the teacher in advance on which peak.

Kusui Jiu was able to instruct fellow practitioners because of his excellent knowledge and understanding.

"It can be deduced out of thin air, and you can get nine out of ten. It looks like your family is really extraordinary."

Master Lu Lu looked at him and said, "I believe your home is not an ordinary family in Chaoge City."

Kusui Jiu said: "There are many books in the house."

"You ca n’t rely on your talents. It ’s useless to talk about the road. Unless you just want to use it for exams and you do n’t want to work hard, don't expect to enter the state of godhood, then it will be empty.

Master Lu Lu sighed and said, "I thought about it for a long time. If you insist on this, I can recommend you to be a deacon. There is a daily collection of classics and deep study, which should be very suitable for you."

Kusui Jiu knew that he was talking about Shiyue Peak, the mountain dedicated to the collection of Qingshan Zongjianju's true method and looking for avenues from old paper piles.

Master Lu Lu said, "Where you can also contribute to the Zongmen, and even be rewarded with elixir and prolong your life, but you are no longer eligible to be awarded a true sword, but ... anyway, you don't want to."

Kusui Jiu was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the other party would really care about himself, and arranged a back path that seemed really suitable for himself.

But he certainly wouldn't agree, he didn't like Shi Yuefeng, and he would leave here after another year.

Uh ...

Uh ...

I came again in the spring of one year, and catkins floated across the sky.

大 Most of the three-year period has elapsed. The disciples of Nansongting are even more nervous. They are practicing every moment, and white smoke can be seen everywhere on Yaping.

Nowadays, most of the disciples have entered the realm of embracing gods. Several people, such as Xue Yongge, have even seen the possibility of a successful Linghai.

Only a few people who are too dumb or lazy do not see any hope.

Of course, there are people who have the opportunity to enter the Qingshan Sect's practice but are still lazy, from the beginning to the end.

"What are you looking for?"

Master Lu Lu looked at Jing Jiu standing in front of him and said.

He is numb to Jingu Jiu's lack of motivation. Although the other party leaves the courtyard very rarely to come to Jiantang to find himself, he is not interested.

"I'm going to leave," Jing Jiu said.

Master Lu Lu raised his tea cup and was about to take two sips. Suddenly listening to this, his hands were stiff.

He already gave up Jiu Jiu, but ... after all, he still had some regrets and unwillingness, so he did not expel Jing Jiu from the mountain gate, but the other party would give up? Don't even want to hang around on the surface?

Master Lu Lu felt a little boring and said with a bitter smile, "Where are you going?"

Kusui Jiu thought for a while and said, "As for which peak I haven't thought about yet."

"Then you want to go, whether it is that village or Chaoge, after all, it's your own business ... slow!"

Master Lu Lu suddenly woke up to God and asked, "What did you say? Say it again?"

"I said I haven't figured out which peak to go to," Kusui said.

Master Lu Lu asked with some uncertainty: "You mean Jiufeng?"

Kusui Jiu said: "Yes, I am going to enter the inner door."

Master Lu Lu doubted his ears and said, "Do you know what you are talking about?"

"My spirit sea is almost full, and the state of embracing God should be considered complete."

I think back to the past two years of constant meditation and the process of constantly absorbing the vitality of the world, even Jingjiu was a bit emotional.

Master Lu Lu didn't believe this kind of thing at all. When he moved his mind, he covered Jing Jiu's body with sword knowledge and was ready. Once Jiu Jiu's lies were uncovered, he would be severely treated with door rules.

He was really angry at this time.

Uh ...

Uh ...

A crackling sound.

The tea cup fell to the ground and fell to pieces.

The tea drenched the ground and kept emitting steam, just like the white smoke from the hard-working disciples in the woods.

Master Lu Lu looked at Jing Jiu with eyes full of shock and wonder.

There was silence in the Jianjian Hall.

"How is this going?"

Master Lu Lu was a little nervous, and his voice trembled, "I read that right?"

Kusui Jiu said: "You read correctly."

There was a long silence.

的 The tea on the ground gradually cooled, and no white steam came out.

Master Lu Lu finally calmed down, but his eyes looking at Jing Jiu still looked at the immortal, with obvious apologies and regrets in his words: "It turns out ... I still read wrong."

Kusui patted his shoulder and said, "It's not your fault."

Uh ...

Uh ...

A sword light illuminates Yaping, UU reading and Xun's spring breeze have become a little bit sloppy.

The immortal master of the past came to the sword.

Looking at this scene, the disciples stopped practicing and gathered in front of the sword hall.

Everyone guessed that there must be another disciple who is going to participate in the internal examination, which can not help but be a little excited and excited.

Who will become the second disciple in Nan Songting's group after Liu was ten years old?

Some people think that it should be Brother Yuan from Lelang County, and some people speculate that it may be a gifted sister Yushan.

More disciples believe that that person should undoubtedly be Xue Yongge.

However, the disciples then found that the three people they were discussing were with them, not in the sword hall.

Xue Yongge's face was a little gloomy. He was very close to the state of embracing God. He thought he would become the second person in Nan Songting after Liu was ten years old.

He stared at the entrance to Jiantang, thinking in his heart, who was so good at hiding, there was no sound at all.

The wind was blowing white, and under the leadership of Master Lv, Jing Jiu entered the sword hall.

Looking at this scene, everyone was shocked and unable to speak.

They know that Jing Jiu is very clever and has a high level of understanding, but he knows better that he has no intention of progressing and is lazy. Who has seen him practice once?

Can such a person be able to hug the state of God? Actually qualified to participate in the internal assessment?

Xue Yongge's face became extremely ugly.

If it is another outsider who suddenly has an adventure and takes the lead, he can only accept this fact even if he is angry.

But that person is actually Jing Jiu he has never looked down on?

"how can that be!"

He shouted angrily: "How could he be full of Linghai? Did you find out, Master Lu?"