MTL - The Police Called Me For The Filing, Revealing Me, A Master-Chapter 179 Startled

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  Chapter 179 Surprised all directions

  Lin Guodong was a little surprised and looked for the voice of the discussion, and saw two people from the Yinfan Kingdom not far away, discussing this matter intensely together.

   What really attracted Lin Guodong was the mention of a person carrying a coffin in the discussion between the two of them just now.

   This made him think of something immediately, and then he turned around and looked at Liu Jiannan who was still in the waiting area not far away.

   "Captain Liu, you said earlier that Su Yun came to Yinfan country, what is he carrying?"

  Liu Jiannan took a few quick steps and came to Lin Guodong's side. Apparently, he had heard the discussions of the people around him, so he looked at them with curiosity.

   "According to the information I got, Su Yun came all the way to Yinfan country with a coffin on his back. Could it be the same person they are talking about?"

  Lin Guodong's heart skipped a beat. Although he didn't quite understand why Su Yun did this, it was obvious that such a coincidence couldn't happen in this world.

   "I just heard from them that people carrying coffins broke into the Akshardham Temple.

  This temple is the most important sacred place in the entire Yinfan Kingdom, especially during the Big Pot Festival.

  I'm afraid this matter is troublesome..."

   Needless to say, Liu Jiannan, Lin Guodong also knew, after all, the crowd was already rushing towards the temple.

   This made Lin Guodong stand there dignified, while Liu Jiannan left in a hurry, wanting to report the matter to his superiors as soon as possible.

  At this moment, the game is about to start, and the accompanying reporters from various countries have turned on their cameras and connected to the live channel.

   It's just because this event is more about some international issues, so not too many people pay attention.

  But at this moment, the netizens of Daxia also saw Lin Guodong's expression in a daze in the live broadcast room, so they would naturally feel a little puzzled.

  However, they didn't know at this time that the entire Yinfan country had been turned upside down.

  Due to the location of the temple extending in all directions, a large number of believers moved towards the temple after hearing the news.

  Don't look at the door of the temple is now wide open, but still no one dares to step into it, for fear of offending this sacred place.

  The latecomers didn't know what happened, so they curiously asked the people around them. When talking about this matter, the insiders also showed great panic.

   "A foreigner carrying a coffin knocked on the gate of the temple, killed many envoys, and then entered the temple."

   "What? Aren't these messengers endowed with divine power by the main god? How could they be defeated by mortals?"

   "That's not a mortal, it must be an evil god, otherwise, why would he appear here with a coffin on his back? He wants to destroy our temple and defile the main god's place of cultivation!"

  The emotions among the crowd were very intense, and a large number of ignorant believers knelt on the ground and kept prostrating, saying words of repentance.

  Of course, this is also due to the unique religious culture of Yinfan Kingdom. In their culture, the three main gods will destroy the world at every turn. Whoever it is, I am afraid that they will feel the same fear as these believers.

   Believers were not the only ones who dared to come to the temple. The military regions of the entire Yinfan Kingdom dispatched a large number of troops and rushed towards this place.

  The guard team closest to the temple is already armed with live ammunition, driving an armored vehicle to open the way, and rushing here first.

  The Akshardham Temple is not only the most sacred place in the hearts of many believers, but also one of the most representative buildings in the entire Yinfan Kingdom.

  What really makes the military attach so much importance is because the elders who have lived in this temple for a long time are the existence closest to God in the hearts of believers, and they are the people who have the most say in the entire Yinfan Kingdom.

  So Su Yun broke into the temple, which will naturally shake the entire Yinfan Kingdom.

   Tens of thousands of troops marched towards the temple from all directions, and a large number of thermal weapons quickly began to be mobilized.

  Although in international law, the mobilization of heavy firepower weapons is not allowed in urban warfare.

  But this kind of restraint has no strength in the eyes of Yinfan Kingdom, which is facing such a severe situation today.

  Although Yinfan Kingdom does not have very advanced independent research and development capabilities, it has been spending money like dirt over the years, buying weapons from various countries to equip its own army.

  At this moment, after learning that the temple was breached by unknown forces, they lost the support of all believers because they were worried that this hidden secret would be exposed.

  The senior leaders of Yinfan Kingdom quickly issued the highest level of combat readiness instructions.

  In a short period of time, 13 military airports were ready for combat, and hundreds of Su-30mkl fighter jets were on standby.

   Among them, there is no shortage of 13 advanced fighter jets purchased from other countries by the Indian Fan Kingdom which recently spent a huge sum of 5 billion rubles.

  Although there are only 13 aircraft, it is enough to make a qualitative leap in the strength of the entire Indian Air Force.

  Because most of the troops were dispatched to the temple one after another, for the first time, the various military regions of Yinfan Kingdom seemed very empty.

  But on this endless field of combat readiness, all the Arjun tanks unique to Yinfan Kingdom are already on standby.

  This tank is equipped with explosive reactive armor, a new thermal imaging sight, a commander's peripheral sight, and a satellite navigation system.

  Although this is the standard configuration of mainstream tanks in various countries, for Yinfan, it is indeed one of their most powerful land warfare weapons.

  It will take time for the dispatch of heavy weapons, and a large number of heavily armed troops that set out earlier will rush to the temple to control the situation on the spot.

  Although they don't know what the purpose of the people who broke into the temple is, in order to hide the biggest secret in the past few years, the high-level officials have secretly ordered to kill all the people who broke into the temple, whether they are enemies or believers.

  They are not sure whether the person who broke into the temple has discovered his secret? This is also done to better hide everything.

  In the past 30 years, Yinfan has never had such a large military battle, and it is still during such an important festival as the Big Pot Festival.

   All the people gathered near the Ganges River were separated by the army on both sides, giving way to a road in the middle, allowing the heavily armed troops to pass.

   This scene also happened on other main roads, and all military forces are rushing to the temple at the fastest speed.

  Just judging from this battle, it can be seen that Yinfan is really in a hurry.

  Su Yun's behavior of intruding into the temple touched their bottom line, and the power they arranged had only one purpose.

  That is to kill the intruder.

  In recent years, Yinfan Kingdom has incorporated genetic people into its troops. More than five companies of genetic people, equipped with the most advanced weapons of Yinfan Kingdom today, rushed to the temple together with a team of all ordinary soldiers.

   Strictly speaking, this is the first time that the Genome Troop has formally participated in a military operation.

  The former Yinfan Kingdom, like many countries, was only actively accumulating heritage, and because of Su Yun, the Yinfan Kingdom also created a milestone breakthrough in the history of genetic people.

   More than 360 genetic soldiers rushed to the temple with the large army.

  They will serve as the main combat force of the advance troops, waiting for the support of the rear troops.

   Just as all the fanatical believers knelt outside the temple and kowtowed, the nearest security team had arrived at the scene.

  The entire security regiment has three battalions, nine companies, and twenty-seven platoons. More than 810 members of the entire security regiment arrived at the scene in full armor and quickly began to violently clean up the battle area.

   "Get out of the way!"

  Rough voices continued to be heard in the crowd. Before some believers kneeling on the ground could react, they were roughly dragged aside by the collars of the soldiers.

  Only more than 810 people, just because they held guns in their hands, they easily sorted out tens of thousands of people outside the temple.

   Following the order of the head of the security regiment, a large number of soldiers quickly controlled the three entrances and exits of the entire temple to prevent those who broke into the temple from escaping.

  The entire scene fell silent, and the crowd dared to huddle together, praying silently in their hearts.

  Infan Kingdom has not had this kind of battle for many years, just because what Su Yun broke into was the Akshardham Temple, which shook the solid foundation of Yinfan Kingdom.

  All the muzzles of the black holes were aimed at the direction of the temple, and a large number of snipers holding TRG42 sniper rifles had already occupied the commanding heights of the temple.

  From their constant reports, the head of the security regiment already knew that within the visible range of the entire temple, there was no one alive, only corpses everywhere.

  The head of the security regiment received the order to seal off the scene, not to launch an assault, so their task was to keep the situation on the scene and prevent the situation from deteriorating again.

  Every soldier here is carrying an LNSAS automatic rifle, which is the rifle of the Yinfan Kingdom light weapons series, and it is also the main weapon that is still cared about and used in the largest number today.

  Of course, there are also a small number of commando members holding squad machine guns, which are also known as the strongest firepower among light weapons in Yinfan Kingdom.

   Outside the three main entrances of the temple, the guards have built bunkers with sandbags to prevent those who break into the temple from trying to break out.

   In this way, the entire temple has become an unshakable iron plate, and then all staff are on standby, just waiting for the arrival of the large army.


   At the same time, on the Helgash Square far from the temple, the Wy international competition has also been held as scheduled.

  Just because a large number of people have already rushed to the vicinity of the temple, the attention of this event is not so high.

   But this is not important to the organizers of the competition. Anyway, they mainly hope to expand the momentum of the Yinfan Kingdom through the live broadcast around the world. As for whether there are spectators at the scene, they are not there.

  At this moment, the first player sent by Yinfan Guofang is a third-generation genetic person. Since this wy international event is an unlimited machine fight, it is similar to the rules in the octagonal cage, but it is more open than the octagonal cage rules.

  At this moment, Yinfan Guogen, who was standing on the ring, was holding an arm-thick iron chain in his hand, and an iron ball was tied to the end of the iron chain.

  This iron ball is very difficult for ordinary people to drag, but at this moment it seems to be as light as nothing in the hands of this genetic person.

  He flashed his muscles towards all the cameras extremely arrogantly, but the Daxia Fang player who was supposed to be on the field on the other side still didn't appear in front of the camera at this moment.

   "What's going on? Could it be that the players from the Great Xia Kingdom are about to give up?"

   "I think so, what do they think, ordinary people will fight against genetic people?"

   "The times have changed a long time ago, and the Great Xia is still stagnant. I don't believe that their broken mechanical technology can far surpass genetic technology?"

   Such comments appeared in live broadcast rooms in various countries.

   After all, the players from the Great Xia Kingdom still haven't shown up, so this attitude has become even more intriguing.

  At the same time, in the Daxia player lounge, the first player who was about to take the stage was Pei Jianhong, the successor of Hong Quan.

  Pei Jianhong has finished warming up at this moment, and then walked to the box in front of him, and put his thumb on the fingerprint detector.

   Soon the fingerprints passed the verification, and the box was slowly opened with a mechanical sound.

  Pei Jianhong grabbed the two handles of the box with both hands, then lifted it up forcefully, and pulled it away in front of him, and then a set of exoskeleton armor was quickly and tightly fastened to Pei Jianhong's chest and arms.

  The main function of this set of exoskeleton auxiliary armor is to assist the user to greatly improve their overall quality.

  A piece of mechanical anti-human spine armor quickly acted on Pei Jianhong's spine the moment Pei Jianhong pulled the armor off.

  The wearing method of the whole set of armor tends to be semi-automatic, but in just a few seconds, a set of auxiliary armor from head to toe appeared on Pei Jianhong's body.

   "Boom! Boom!"

   The fists wrapped in the mecha collided with each other, and there were bursts of thunder-like sounds.

  Pei Jianhong moved his neck slightly, and there were crisp sounds of bones, and his eyes immediately became cold.

   "Everyone, I'm going to play first, and I'll give everyone a big prize, and teach these genetic people a lesson."

  While speaking, Pei Jianhong turned around and walked towards the outside accompanied by bursts of mechanical sounds, but at this moment, Lin Guodong's voice suddenly came from behind him.

   "Old Pei, wait a moment."

  Hearing this, Pei Jianhong turned around with some doubts, looked for the voice, and looked at Lin Guodong not far away.

   At this moment, Lin Guodong was beside Liu Jiannan, his eyes eagerly resting on Liu Jiannan.

  Liu Jiannan is in contact with the high-level military department, and the reason why Lin Guodong stopped Pei Jianhong is because he has been thinking about Su Yun in his heart.

   Now he also probably knows that the person who broke into the temple with the coffin on his back is most likely Su Yun.

  The attitude of the entire Yinfan country has also been evident from various momentums.

  Not long ago, a large number of armed guards passed by the square and went straight to the temple.

   This mighty team made Lin Guodong realize that Su Yun might have gotten into big trouble, and the team that passed by the square not long ago is definitely not the end of everything.

   Instead, that was just the beginning.

  But Liu Jiannan has been persuading Lin Guodong to stay calm. He is quickly getting in touch with the military and reporting Su Yun's current situation.

  Zhao Guofeng quickly connected with Liu Jiannan, and when he learned from Liu Jiannan what happened after Su Yun went to Yinfan, he immediately frowned.

   "Why did Su Yun suddenly choose to break into that temple?"

  Responding to Zhao Guofeng's question, Liu Jiannan sighed softly:

   "I don't know about the chief.

  We have been preparing for the game, and we wanted to find information about Su Yun after the game. Who would have thought that such a big mess would have occurred. "

  Zhao Guofeng remained silent, he frowned, and after thinking for a moment, he spoke again:

   "Then what is the attitude of Yinfan Kingdom now? How will they deal with this matter?"

  Liu Jiannan also had a detailed understanding of this before, so in the face of Zhao Guofeng's inquiry, he quickly answered:

   "Boss, Yinfan Kingdom has become angry this time, and it has never been seen that there is such a big movement in Yinfan Kingdom.

  According to what we have learned so far, all military bases in the entire Yinfan Kingdom have begun to take action.

  Many armies are now rushing towards this side, and the guard group closest to the temple has sent all the soldiers to surround the temple.

  We don't know the situation of Su Yun for the time being, but judging from the attitudes of all aspects of Yinfan Kingdom, the commotion now is just the beginning.

  Citizens are talking about it, and they have seen a large number of troops coming here in many places. Presumably, all military bases in the entire Yinfan Kingdom have dispatched fully armed forces. "

   Liu Jiannan's words reached Zhao Guofeng's ears, and immediately made him dignified:

   "Indeed. According to the trends we have grasped, medium and heavy weapons in various military regions have begun to be deployed and assembled.

  Hero Su Yun broke into the temple for some reason, this is indeed a slap in the face for Yinfan Kingdom, especially on such an important day."

  Zhao Guofeng was thinking about this while talking, and his tone seemed rather helpless.

  Su Yun's act of intruding into the temple caused a nationwide military movement. Looking at the past history, it is very difficult to have such a scene.

   "Chief, the game is about to start now, what should we do?

  At present, we are not sure about the situation of Hero Su Yun, nor do we know what his purpose of entering the temple is.

   Judging from the current situation, the situation of Hero Su Yun will only become more and more dangerous.

   Shall we continue to play in accordance with the previously established regulations? "


   Just as Liu Jiannan's questioning voice fell, Zhao Guofeng's voice came resolutely immediately:

   "According to the regulations of this international event, the host city must ensure the peace of the local situation during the event.

  But now the Yinfan country is mobilizing troops across the country, which has violated the regulations of international competitions.

  So even if you don't participate in the competition, you won't lose any talk.

  Girls hurried to the temple, no matter what, we must ensure Su Yun's safety. "

  Hearing this, Liu Jiannan frowned suddenly:

   "Chief, it's okay for the representatives of the martial arts circle to talk about it, but our identity, if we intervene in this matter, will it..."

  Before Liu Jiannan finished speaking, Zhao Guofeng understood Liu Jiannan's concerns, but he also had his own countermeasures:

   "It's easy to handle, everyone can change into casual clothes. Remember, this is just a spontaneous action from the folk martial arts circle.

   Meanwhile I will work on a solution quickly so you won't be alone.

  Remember, this operation has only one purpose, and that is to ensure Su Yun's safety! "


   After receiving the order, Liu Jiannan quickly disconnected from Zhao Guofeng, and then he looked at Lin Guodong and nodded slightly.

  Seeing this scene, Lin Guodong understood Liu Jiannan's meaning, and then turned around to look at the representatives of Chinese martial arts and said slowly:

   "Sorry everyone, I am only telling you this now.

   You should be familiar with Hero Su Yun, right now he is in Yinfan Kingdom and broke into the Akshardham Temple.

  Although I don't know the reason why Hero Su Yun did this, at least we must not let him be in danger alone.

  Not long ago, Captain Liu and I investigated this matter, and now everyone outside is talking about it, and a large number of Yinfan soldiers are coming here.

  Their stance didn't intend to take care of this matter, we shouldn't let our Great Xia hero bear this matter alone.

  This international competition is no longer established in the international regulations. During the competition, they broke out a mutiny and unabashedly dispatched troops from all over the country to besiege the temple.

  The country has already paid attention to it, but after all, this is a foreign country, and the handling of this matter is not as simple as it is said.

  So we are the only strength that Hero Su Yun can rely on. Here, I make this request to everyone in my own name.

  If you are willing, I hope we can rush to the temple together to help Hero Su Yun! "

  The eyes of everyone present widened at the moment, and their eyes were full of astonishment.

   This news is too sudden. After all, there is only less than a minute left before the game. It stands to reason that at this time, a representative of Daxia should have already appeared on the stage, ready to start.

  But at the same time, they agreed with what Lin Guodong said, so after a brief silence in the lounge, someone quickly responded first.

   "President Lin, what are you talking about? If it is really about Su Yun, it is our honor to help you!"

   "President Lin, is Hero Su Yun really in Yinfan Country?

  I also heard not long ago that a person broke into the temple with a coffin on his back. Could it be him? "

   "Isn't it just breaking into a ruined temple? How about mobilizing the whole country to encircle and suppress it?

  Which tail did he step on to make Yin Fanguo react so strongly? "

  Hearing what the audience said, Lin Guodong said seriously:

   "To be honest, I am also very puzzled, why the reaction of Yinfan Kingdom is so fierce?

  But everyone should know about Su Yun’s contribution to our Great Xia.

   Now, it's time for us to do something for Hero Su Yun!

  Although he is very powerful, it is obvious to all, but it is impossible to withstand the encirclement and attack of the thousands of troops, fighter planes and tanks.

   Once trapped, tanks and fighter planes will attack together, and missiles will wash the ground. Let alone Su Hero, it will be all right if Superman comes.

  Yin Fanguo must have been sure of this point, and he was determined to prepare for the black hand. "

   "Don't talk about it, let's hurry up and start, anyway, I'm here to fight, and it's not a fight with anyone!"

  Pei Jianhong patted his chest, and then clenched his fists. Under the blessing of this exoskeleton mechanical armor, his fists also accumulated great strength at this moment.


  When the two fists collided, the muffled thunder exploded again, and at the same time detonated the passion in everyone's hearts.

   "That's right! It's too bullying. How can we be a big summer without anyone?"


  Hearing these words, Lin Guodong suddenly coughed twice with a strange face, and then said quietly:

   "This is wrong, because the bully should actually be Su Yun.

  It's such an important day, such an important place...

   This slap in the face is not light, no wonder people reacted so strongly. "


  Everyone felt a little speechless for a while, and it really was so when they thought about it.

   "Never mind him, love someone, isn't it just breaking into a ruined temple, look at how narrow-minded they are.

   So many soldiers went to besiege Su Yun hero, I was the first to refuse! "

   "Yes, don't agree, whoever is right and who is wrong, let's talk after the fight!"

  Many Guoshu representatives walked to their own boxes while talking, and the prompts of fingerprint unlocking kept ringing in their ears.

   Immediately afterwards, a set of exoskeleton mechanical auxiliary armor was taken out of the box by them, and quickly pulled apart on the chest.

"Da da da…"

  The sound of machinery kept coming, and many representatives of Chinese martial arts were already ready to fight.

   Each of them has different exoskeletons and mechanical auxiliary armor, which are specially formulated by the official based on each person's different fighting styles.

  For example, the successor of Iron Fist who relies on explosive power as the main fighting method, its exoskeleton mechanical auxiliary armor mainly focuses on condensing explosive power, and the iconic iron rings of Iron Fist are specially equipped on both fists.

  Each set of exoskeleton mechanical auxiliary armor has different functions, so when a specific person equips it, it will also infinitely expand the aspects that person is good at.

   Seeing this scene, Liu Jiannan left the place slowly. He gathered all the soldiers guarding outside, and after whispering in their ears, everyone left one after another.

   During this period, Lin Guodong also performed fingerprint verification in front of his box, and then equipped his own exoskeleton and mechanical auxiliary armor on his body.

  When the indicator light on the mechanical spine lights up, it means that the chip on the armor has been connected to Lin Guodong's brainwaves, allowing Lin Guodong to easily control this set of mechanical auxiliary armor.

  As masters of martial arts, people including Lin Guodong are better at using this kind of auxiliary armor.

  This exoskeleton armor can fit their main skeletal joints, and at the same time ensure full flexibility, which is convenient for them to perform the martial arts they have learned.

   This also makes Lin Guodong and others look like they have reassembled a mechanical skeleton outside the body.

  Some people appear very heavy, while others appear very light.

  Just the moment they equip this pair of auxiliary armor, they have already demonstrated their good martial arts style.

  Looking at the people full of fighting spirit in front of him, Lin Guodong nodded slightly, then picked up the mobile phone beside him and made a call.

   "Hey, Lin Xiao, it's me, I have something to do immediately!"


   At this time in the arena, whether it is the representatives of various countries fighting outside the arena or the reporters, or even the gene people of India and Brahma who have not seen their opponents in the arena, they are very puzzled at the moment.

  They turned their eyes to the direction of the Daxia delegation's lounge, wondering why no one showed up even though the game had already started?

   The Daxia netizens who stayed firmly in the live broadcast room also looked puzzled at the moment.

   "Could it be that my watch is fast, shouldn't it have started by now? Why hasn't our country's representative come on stage?"

   "That's right, the Indian-Vatican Genome has already been bragging in the arena for a long time, so hurry up and beat him up!"

   "No way, it's possible that those people outside the country really hit the mark. At such a juncture, our country representative will give up, right?"

   "Impossible! The tradition of our country is that we would rather be beaten to death than scared to death.

  Don’t listen to the hearsay from those people outside, there must be some delays..."

  In the live broadcast room of the national live broadcast, many comments from netizens swiped the screen below.

  Not to mention them, even the reporters waiting at the scene couldn't sit still anymore, they all stood up and poked their necks to look in the direction of the lounge.

  However, at this moment, the curtain of the lounge was suddenly lifted from the inside, and then Lin Guodong and others in exoskeleton armor came out of the lounge without saying a word.

  The moment they saw this scene, everyone present and in the various live broadcast rooms widened their eyes.

   "Ohmygod, Daxia's mechs are becoming more and more sci-fi, it looks like they come from the future!"

   "Fuck, this doesn't seem to be the previous generation of mechs. I've seen the concept drawings. This should be the third generation of mechas. It's so handsome!"

   "I suddenly began to look forward to the next game, three generations of armor technology, but the first show!"

  Suddenly, netizens in various live broadcast rooms, regardless of domestic or overseas, began to get excited.

  After all, the mechanical armor on Lin Guodong and others is a bit too cool, making people unable to look away.

  The accompanying Daxia reporters were also excited at this moment, but what they didn't expect was that Lin Guodong and the others walked towards the distance without looking back, and had no intention of going to the ring at all.

   There was an uproar at the scene. Everyone stood up and looked in the direction Lin Guodong and others were going in puzzlement. However, at this moment, Liu Jiannan also led the army to follow.

  The armor worn by Liu Jiannan and others is different from that of Lin Guodong and the others.

   This kind of armor belongs to the regular configuration of the Daxia military and belongs to armed armor.

The wearing of this suit of armor is different from that of Lin Guodong's auxiliary armor. The armor of Lin Guodong and others is just a set of exoskeleton auxiliary system, but the army green camouflage on Liu Jiannan and others is armor, which is the armor style that people imagine in the true sense. .

  Living in the armor, Liu Jiannan and others can still move freely, but this suit of armor also endows them with extremely strong resistance to attack, and even in official tests, this armor can resist machine gun fire.

  At the same time, this conventional armor is also equipped with 8 jet systems, which can greatly improve the user's jumping ability, and this jumping ability even has a sense of sight when flying at low altitude.

  At the same time, the shoulders and arms of the armor are equipped with exclusive weapons. In addition to large-caliber high-speed machine guns, there are also various weapon configurations such as small-caliber missiles and smoke bombs.

  This kind of three-generation armor, Daxia only released the concept map before, but now it is the first time it has been officially put into use.

  Although there are first and second generations as a foreshadowing, everyone's eyes are still full of astonishment.

  It's hard to imagine that Daxia's mechanical road has developed to this level. Not only does it have auxiliary exoskeleton armor, but it even has this very mature body armor.

  If this kind of armor is used on a large scale, it must be a terrifying existence on the battlefield.

   But then everyone was puzzled that neither Lin Guodong and the others nor the accompanying military had even looked at the ring.

   Instead, they hurriedly walked towards the distance, where most of the people gathered.

   "What's going on? Are they going to abandon the game?"

The accompanying Daxia reporters looked at each other, no one knew what happened. Of course, in this case, they naturally had to follow up with their cameras on their shoulders. At least they couldn't just interrupt the national live broadcast, otherwise it would be a major disaster. Live accidents.

   All of a sudden, the gene people above the ring were dumbfounded, and everyone preparing for the battle in the audience was also at a loss.

  No one knows what's going on, let alone Daxia's attitude, whether to play or not to play this game?

  The reporters followed behind the team one after another, and the cameras kept pointing at Lin Guodong and the others. Although the picture was shaking, it was able to let the people of Daxia know what happened.

  But now the people who were supposed to compete went in the opposite direction, so the entire live broadcast room was full of doubts.

   "What do you mean? Really stop fighting?"

   "The armor of our country is too handsome, it is several times more handsome than the released concept map!"

  "I thought the first and second generation armors were already at their peak, but I didn't expect this to be just a small thing."

   "I also want to try it on and experience the feeling of snapping my fingers."

   "The question we should care about now is what are they going to do?"

   "Yeah, why can't I understand it? Isn't this the live broadcast of the wy international competition?"

  All the audience were at a loss, but even the accompanying reporters had no idea what happened, so naturally it was impossible to give any answers.

  The people of Yinfan who were originally gathered in the picture gave way one after another. After all, they have never seen this kind of technology and such a domineering appearance.

  Walking at the front of the team was Lin Guodong and others wearing exoskeleton mechanical auxiliary armor. Their eyes were murderous, and they looked unswervingly towards the direction of the temple.

   At the rear is the military armor with loaded weapons. The camouflage color shape shows the domineering unique to the military everywhere.

  But Liu Jiannan and others inside the armor have already retreated from their military uniforms and put on their daily clothes.

   After all, this is the military status of the Yinfan Kingdom, so it is not suitable to appear here.

   As for the armor, Daxia can easily find dozens of reasons to explain it reasonably. This matter has nothing to do with official actions.

  Even though the international community may not believe these reasons, there is no way around it. Being a big country means having an unquestionable right to speak.

  Even if you don't believe me, what can I do?

  At this moment, the team was approaching the temple in a mighty manner, and the dispersion of all the people quickly exposed the figure of this team to the eyes of the security group that surrounded the temple.

  In an instant, all the guns turned around and aimed at this team, and the head of the security regiment looked at the people approaching here not far away with a look of astonishment.

   "What are they wearing?"

  Infan Kingdom is a relatively backward country after all, and the mecha concept is too advanced for them.

   Fortunately, the adjutant next to the head of the garrison learned about the relevant information, lowered his voice and said in his ear:

   "Sir, this seems to be Daxia's armor technology.

   Didn’t the information we got before also show that the person who broke into the temple was probably a Daxia person? "

  These words made the head of the security regiment frown:

   "What do you mean? Could it be that this matter has something to do with Daxia officials?"

  Looking at the menacing team adjutant said with some confidence:

   "Sir, what should we do now, they seem to be coming for us."

  Hearing this, the head of the security regiment gritted his teeth secretly:

   "What else can we do, our task is to block the temple and wait for the arrival of the large army.

   There are only about 10 of them in total, and we have more than 800 people. Are you afraid that they will fail? "

   When the voice fell, the head of the security regiment immediately raised his voice:

   "Attention everyone, expand the blockade area, the organizers will shoot to kill!"

   This order is to tell all the soldiers, and naturally it is also a warning to Lin Guodong and others.

   Soon, the heavily armed and mighty team began to walk forward in neat steps, holding their guns and approaching, as if they wanted to make Lin Guodong and others retreat in the face of difficulties.

  At this time, Lin Guodong and the others had already stood in a row, watching the menacing military team, they did not retreat but advanced, step by step closing the distance between each other.

  The atmosphere between the two sides became more and more tense, and the people around them retreated in horror. No one wanted to be the unlucky guy who was accidentally injured.

  Looking at the many teams with live ammunition in front of him, the number of which was more than dozens of times, Pei Jianhong moved his wrist and said to Lin Guodong next to him:

   "President Lin, they don't seem to want to back down."

  Lin Guodong clenched his fist lightly as he walked forward. In an instant, with the help of this set of exoskeleton mechanical armor, the strength in his fist quickly began to accumulate.

   "Nor do we!"


   Just as Lin Guodong's voice fell, the sniper from the Yinfan Kingdom hiding in the heights had already fired.

  However, just as the bullet was heading straight for Lin Guodong, Liu Jiannan who was standing next to Lin Guodong stretched out his hand suddenly.


  With a loud noise, Liu Jiannan held the bullet in his hand!

   This shot undoubtedly quickly opened the curtain of the whole battle. More than a dozen people will face more than 800 people from each other, but each face is fearless.

  Following Liu Jiannan's order, all the military mechas quickly erected machine gun barrels on their shoulders.

"Da da da…"

  The sound of machine guns kept coming, and the Yinfan soldiers in front of them quickly fell down in large numbers.

The two sides officially began to exchange fire, but the weapons in the hands of the Yinfan soldiers seemed to be useless when facing the military mecha. Their bullets hit the mecha without even leaving a bullet hole .

  Although the auxiliary armor of Lin Guodong and others did not have such capabilities, they quickly rushed into the ranks of soldiers and fought close to the soldiers.

   As a result, the video in the rear had no chance to fire at all, and Lin Guodong and others seemed like wolves among sheep.

  The head of the security regiment looked at this scene in astonishment, and everything in front of him was already beyond his comprehension.

  They have never seen this kind of armor with their own eyes, let alone combat experience with it.

   And Lin Guodong and others punched a soldier in front of them with the blessing of the exoskeleton armor.

   It only takes one punch to cause sudden death after the sternum is broken and the heart is compressed.

   Liu Jiannan led the team to become the outer protection force for Lin Guodong and others, protecting them from fire coverage, and at the same time relying on the large-scale firepower carried by his own armor to comprehensively suppress the enemy forces.

   There are only a dozen or so people, yet they are not at a disadvantage in the team of more than 800 people, and even have a faint advantage.

  Lin Guodong and others have only one goal, and that is to rush into the temple at all costs, ensure Su Yun's safety, and take him out of here safely.

  But they didn't know that Su Yun was completely immersed in the extraordinary aura at this time, trying his best to digest it, and he didn't know what happened outside.

  A team of more than 800 people couldn't stop these 10 people. The head of the security regiment saw this in his eyes, and was also very anxious in his heart.

  If they fail to stop them, let them break through the line of defense again, and break into the temple. The head of the security regiment doesn't need to think about what will happen to him.

  He urged desperately, and it was the soldiers around who covered the dozen or so people with firepower.

   But under the protection of Liu Jiannan and others wearing body armor, these bullets could not cause any harm to Lin Guodong and others.

  Seeing that the defense line on the opposite side is getting weaker and weaker, and seeing them getting closer to the temple, Lin Guodong and others are becoming more and more aggressive, and their attacks are becoming more and more straightforward.

  Liu Jiannan is inside the armored mask, and through the armored information mask, he can accurately judge the most powerful source of firepower around him and destroy it in time.

   This made it difficult for the opponent to organize effective defensive measures, and it also made this temple, which had stood for more than a hundred years, for the first time outside the temple, there was a scene of blood flowing into rivers and corpses strewn across the field.

   "Beep beep..."

  However, at this moment, Liu Jiannan found that his information face suddenly began to flash a warning red light, and harsh notification sounds kept coming.

  The same goes for the others, and their body armor issued a warning at the same time.


  However, before Liu Jiannan and the others could react, a powerful shell exploded around them.

  The power of this shell even threw Liu Jiannan and others into the air, crashing into the century-old stone pillar standing not far away.

  Hearing the voice from behind, Lin Guodong and others looked back, but only then did they notice that two tanks appeared on the road not far away, and behind them were a large number of soldiers.

  The military force closest to here has arrived, and two heavy tanks opened the way ahead, approaching here mightily.

   Seeing the strength of the support, the remaining 500 people in the garrison began to counterattack violently as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

  The auxiliary mechanical armor of Lin Guodong and others is simply not enough to resist such a dense bullet attack.

   This made them tacitly activate the spray system on the soles of their feet, eject themselves instantly, and then landed steadily behind and distanced themselves from the enemy.

  Liu Jiannan and the others stood up again from the ruins in a panic. The bombing of the tank shells just now caused distorted cracks to appear on their armor for the first time.

   “Our armor is good against bullets, but not very strong against this type of shell.

  What is in this temple? How can they be crazy, even use the tanks! "

  Liu Jiannan's intermittent voice came from the headset, which let Lin Guodong know that he was still alive, so he was secretly relieved.

   Soon, Liu Jiannan and others felt the side of Lin Guodong and the others again, protecting them.

   At this time, it seemed that he felt that he had the chance to win. The head of the security regiment immediately ordered to stop shooting, and led the team to quickly surround it.

  The black gun holes of the two tanks not far away were aimed straight at Liu Jiannan and the others, as if they would immediately cover them with firepower if they made any resistance.

  The support force of more than a thousand people also followed the people of the security regiment to form an encirclement circle and keep shrinking it.

   Seeing this scene, Liu Jiannan and others gritted their teeth secretly.

   "What should we do? Faced with such two iron boxers, our exoskeleton mechanical auxiliary armor is simply unable to resist."

  Hearing Lin Guodong's voice, Liu Jiannan sighed unwillingly:

   "If what I bring out this time is anti-tank armor, can I still get this iron box to show its power?"

   "It's about this time, why don't we talk about the business first?"

  Pei Jianhong's voice soon came from the headset:

   "This group of psychopaths are fighting so much for a temple, and this is just one of the supporting forces.

  We have waded through this muddy water, but it is not that simple to get out.

   Fight or run, give me a letter! "

   "It's impossible to run, and it's a tank, and the fire coverage is far beyond the range of our jets."

   Liu Jiannan's voice came viciously:

   "And in the history of our Great Xia Kingdom, there has never been a precedent for running away.

   If you can't beat the Iron King Eight Boxes, just fight these soldiers.

  Even if he wants to be covered by firepower, we have to take a few more.

  I only hope that Hero Su Yun can hear the movement here, seize the time to find an opportunity to leave, and let us fight this hard! "

  Liu Jiannan also hit the hearts of many people present. Although they did not respond, their eyes have become more determined.

  The mighty Yinfan army is approaching here with guns and live ammunition in their hands. At this moment, they are still thinking about capturing these people alive, and asking what they want from their mouths.

  But never thought that Lin Guodong and others had already made plans.


  Seeing that the encirclement was getting smaller and smaller, Liu Jiannan simply issued an order.

  The machine guns of all the military mechas fired at the same time, and one piece after another fell down in the mighty crowd.

  The tank barrel was aimed at Lin Guodong and the others soon again. Obviously seeing this in their eyes, Lin Guodong and the others still used their martial arts abilities to the limit.

  Among crowds, they feel like no man's land.

  Even though they knew that they couldn't resist this kind of shell attack, they still didn't have the slightest idea of ​​retreating.

  (end of this chapter)