MTL - The President is Being Shameless Again-Chapter 16 Looking down to see Yan Beicheng's quietly-looking face, clear and upright

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When I saw Lin Chu turned his head and said to him, "Yan Shao, thank you for helping me tonight. I can wear shoes and walk on my own."

After speaking, I looked back at Yan Ningbai, who looked ignorant, "What do you think I do?"

"Can you give me your shoes? Thank you for helping me out." Lin Chu smiled.

It wasn't completely out of the shock in the private room just now. It was like a rabbit smiling now, with red eyes and red cheeks.

Yan Beicheng looked at it, and suddenly came together.

Lin Chu only felt that there was a sudden warmth on his cheeks, and the familiar fragrance of clear scent came along. She turned her head in astonishment, facing an enlarged face of Shangbei City.

Even if the facial features are magnified, I don't find it funny, but I just feel better when I look closer.

His lips were almost close to hers, and when he looked down, his eyes seemed to fall on her lips. Lin Chu did not hold back, his lips trembling nervously.

It wasn't her illusion that he was so close, his lips were burning by his nose. As soon as he inhaled accidentally, he smelled the smell of his breath, and then immediately closed his breath nervously, and did not dare to move.

She even forgot to hide behind, and saw Yan Beicheng's beautiful thin lips passing in front of her lips. It seemed that if she accidentally caught her, she missed it. When he saw a mistake in his body, his long bone fingers rolled around her, grabbed the seat belt and fastened her.

Chu Chu: "..."

She wants to get off.

Yan Beicheng's long arm extended to the back seat of the car, then pinched two pairs of shoes back with her long fingers, bent down and held her ankle with one hand.

"I can do it by myself." Lin Chu quickly retracted his feet.

"Don't make trouble, it's just a little bit in the car, it's inconvenient for you to bend your seat belt." Yan Beicheng said lightly.

Chu Chu: "..."

Don't tie it to me just now, let me put on my shoes first!

No, you can't tie your shoes on, just get out of the car and leave.

But at this time, Yan Beicheng had already held her feet, his heels were wrapped in the palm of his hands, and suddenly he couldn't be scald. The brittleness ran from the heels to the soles of the feet, and the toes ran from the lower legs to the top of her heart.

The car was dark, but Lin Chu's face was red like a lantern. Looking down to see Yan Beicheng's quietly staring face, clear and straight, no matter how he looks, it looks like a gangster who has taken off his pants in front of her.

"Where do you live? I'll send you back." There seemed to be a voice from Yan Beicheng in her ears, but she didn't hear much. She still has scalp scalp, and her hot ears make her ears lose hearing ability.

Suddenly, the forehead was affixed with four subtle warmths, which awakened Lin Chu, and suddenly realized that Yan Beicheng was holding his finger back on her smooth forehead.

Lin Chu turned his head in shock, but saw Yan Beicheng's serious eyebrows frown, and he was completely worried, "Why is it so hot and sick?"

"No." Lin Chu immediately denied, "I'm born with a high temperature."

--- Off topic ---

Yan Shao is actually seizing every opportunity to act on the girl, (╯ ‵ □ ′) ╯︵┻━╯︵┻