MTL - The President of Spicy Chicken Has Returned My Innocence!-Chapter 22

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Liang Xiao was at a loss.

Huo Lan looked at him.

Liang Xiao's mind was a little bit lost, and she raised her eyes blankly: "...what?"

Probably felt that he was not frank and cooperative enough, the temperature around Mr. Huo faintly dropped, and his expression darkened: "You sent it yourself."

Liang Xiao thought about it for a long time, a flash of inspiration, and suddenly met the three standard English letters that were pronounced in the correct manner.

Liang Xiao: “…”

Liang Xiao: "Oh."

Liang Xiao was a little dazed, raised his hand and pressed his forehead.

He still had a mouthful of blood in his mouth, and he couldn't go up or down, so he was so suffocated that the starting point of Venus was bursting out in front of him.

Liang Xiao took a deep breath, supported her arms and tried her best to move, leaning on the head of the bed.

Everything counts.

He knew that this episode was not resolved, but he really felt that this episode was over.

The script that Mr. Huo took was not the same as theirs, and that Mr. Huo was always at least three chapters slower than the script they took.

He was all about to write down the names of the people who participated in this incident by Long Tao on the spot, and they were still trapped in the last unsolved mystery.

"Q...not important."

The condensed energy and energy were wasted cleanly, and Liang Xiao felt dizzy again, pinched the palm of his hand, and barely regained consciousness: "You ask something else."

Liang Xiao took a breath and guided her painstakingly: "For example, there are some things that are related to innocence..."

Huo Lan frowned: "Your innocence?"


Liang Xiao numbly repeats the chewing gum advertisement: "It's your innocence."

Mr. Huo didn't seem to eat Yida, his expression was cold, and his eyes still fell on him.

Liang Xiao closed her eyes for a while and calmed down.

Today there are too many things, and the mood swings are too great. He took the inhibitor, and just now he can't be called a rest at all, and the side effects are currently stirring up.

My whole body was so uncomfortable that it didn't feel like my own.

If it is not as soon as possible, it may not last too long.

"Mr. Huo."

Liang Xiao looked at him, completely crossed out all the details, and directly picked out the key points: "Have you seen my medical record?"

Huo Lan frowned.

He came to question Liang Xiao, and he had to ask clearly about some things, and he was not prepared to be soft-hearted.

But when Liang Xiao mentioned that medical record, it made him feel... It's really inhuman to be so relentless.

Huo Lan looked at him for a while, then stopped asking, nodded and walked over.

Liang Xiao propped himself on the head of the bed, thought for a while, and was about to speak again, when he suddenly reached out and wrapped his arms around his shoulders.

"Mr. Huo."

Liang Xiao was taken aback, and hurriedly grabbed the bedside: "No."

The house was rented, so he chose the top floor for peace.

If Huo Lan was going to throw him out the window, he might not be able to remain human by the end of this chapter.

I didn't expect his reaction to be so big, Huo Lan was stunned, his arm was slightly withdrawn, and he looked down at him.

Liang Xiao hurry up: "The medical record is from five years ago."

Huo Lan put his hand on the head of the bed, and paused for a while: "What?"

Liang Xiao glanced at the unlocked window, assessed the difficulty of being thrown out, and took the opportunity to quickly grab the hem of his clothes.

He didn't have the strength, and he couldn't pull it tightly, so he took precautions and first grabbed Mr. Huo's shirt and wrapped it between his fingers twice: "Five years ago, Long Tao planned to use an omega to frame him. their competitors."

Huo Lan lowered his head and looked at the clothes he was pulling tightly.

Huo Lan thought about it for a while, but without any effort, he bent down slightly on his shoulders.

"The star crown was targeted by Long Tao very early."

Liang Xiao originally wanted to proceed step by step, but he was afraid that he would not be able to hold it, so he could only commit suicide, and closed his eyes: "You may not be very clear about this..."

"I know." Huo Lan said.

Liang Xiao was stunned: "What?"

Huo Lan supported him with one arm.

Liang Xiao slowly came over and calmed down, only to realize that Huo Lan's hand was still on the bedside.

The two were so close that they could vaguely smell the cool snow on Huo Lan's body.

Mr. Huo's body condition is superior to Group A, with broad shoulders and long arms, so he leans down like this, his arms behind him.

…almost like a borrowed hug.

Liang Xiao unconsciously thought about where the camera should be at such a time.

The business is important, Liang Xiao regained consciousness, and he was able to pull back his mind: "How much do you... know?"

Huo Lan glanced at him.

Liang Xiao opened her mouth. She wanted to continue, but she was caught off guard and coughed so hard that she almost hit the street.

The consciousness is chaotic and unclear, and the chest is churning up and hot.

I'm afraid it won't take long to burn.

Liang Xiao didn't care, she closed her eyes and coughed so dizzily, she couldn't help frowning.

He is used to using Valu, his body has adapted to it long ago, and there are usually some side effects, and it will pass after a while.

Even if you use one more today, it shouldn't be so serious.

Liang Xiao couldn't hold it anymore, so she had to let go of her hand and groped for a cup to drink.

He probably remembered the position of the bedside table. After touching it twice, the water glass found his hand, and he held it firmly.

Liang Xiao was startled, raised his head, and met Huo Lan's gaze.

"It's snowing." Huo Lan said.

Liang Xiao was a little frightened: "??"

They finally made new progress.

Before it snows, they will even take the initiative to forecast.


Huo Lan knew what he was thinking by looking at his expression, suppressed his temper for a long time, and reluctantly explained: "I didn't order it."

Liang Xiao is weak: "...Oh."

Huo Lan: “…”

Liang Xiao: “…”

Liang Xiao suddenly reacted, turned his head and looked out the window.

The clouds are gloomy.

The snow is not big, and you can hardly see it unless you look carefully.

It really wasn't their boss Huo.

Jiangnan rarely sees snow. After filming for more than half a month, he relaxed his vigilance and didn't pay much attention to the weather forecast.

I also feel that the weather today is abnormally overcast, it turned out to be snowing.

Liang Xiao took a few sips of water, and the already chaotic thoughts slowly turned for a while.

On the set, he told Su Man that the side effects would be more severe than usual when it was extremely hard or the weather changed.

It's not just a side effect of inhibitors.

When he was a teenager, he had a forced outbreak of pheromones once, and he survived the estrus period before he had this troublesome sequelae. Long Tao also knew this, and was sure that he had to cooperate.

After the accident, he lay in the hospital for half a year until his body was basically recovered and he returned to continue trying to make money.

But when it comes to rain and snow... it's still tough.

Liang Xiao held the water glass and couldn't help but look at Huo Lan.

The impact of this weather change is also above.

In order to allow patients to actively cooperate with rehabilitation, hospitals usually say something more serious than the actual situation.

For a moment, he even vaguely flashed the idea of ​​whether Huo Lan came here specially for this.

Liang Xiao did not allow himself to continue to think wildly, put down the water glass, and looked solemnly: "Did you know that Long Tao wanted to frame you at that time?"

Huo Lan nodded.

Liang Xiao asked: "The set they want to set up for you, the plan they have prepared-"

Huo Lan: "I know."

Liang Xiao stopped talking, thought for a while, and exhaled.

How could Huo Lan not know.

Huo Lan can make Star Crown get to where it is today, of course, it is not because he does not understand what QAQ means.

Liang Xiao was amused by herself, cleared her throat, and lowered the corners of her mouth.

He actually thought about what he would do if this happened to him later.

Of course he can't do harm to others, but he is imaginary and condescending, pretending to take the inducer, and running when Long Tao's people are not turning over the window... It's always okay.

According to the later development, if he really did this, Huo Lan would most likely be brought down.

But he had just graduated.

I just entered this circle, and there are still many things unclear.

Before going to the dinner party, he was full of nervous anticipation, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep, and deliberately supplemented the brand information related to the endorsement of the night.

Liang Xiao smiled.

In a few minutes, he will probably be able to explain the meaning of QAQ to Mr. Huo vividly.

Seeing Liang Xiao being dazed by himself, Huo Lan sat for a while, his eyes fell on the bedside.

There is still some water in the water glass, which is placed by the bed.

wobbly and precarious.

Huo Lan couldn't get used to it. He took it and put it away again. As soon as he raised his hand, he was grasped by a slightly hot hand.

Huo Lan looked up.

Liang Xiao looked at him.

The body is not feeling well, Liang Xiao himself may not know how bad his face is, but he still looks at him seriously.

The bottom of her eyes reflected a clear snow color.

"Mr. Huo."

Liang Xiao: "I am that omega."