MTL - The President of Spicy Chicken Has Returned My Innocence!-Chapter 30

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Have been in charge of the Huo family for ten years, and took over the star crown for eight years.

net assets have been at the forefront of the major lists all year round.

Mr. Huo has never talked to anyone in his life for a total of 300,000 quotations.

still prepaid.

The partner swiped the card and settled the money on the spot, and he hesitated for a while, and finally couldn't help asking, whether there was something outsiders noticed about the capital flow of Star Crown Little turbulence that is not there.

The butler felt that the partner's eyes were clearly worried that Star Crown would go bankrupt and liquidate.

Mr. Huo remained calm and did not respond too much to such unfounded doubts, and provided the list of script IPs and liquidity stock purchased by Star Crown this quarter.

The two parties immediately reached an agreement on Mr. Liang's participation in the reality show "On the Road" and signed the faxed contract.

The housekeeper sent the person away, then turned back and hesitated: "Mr. Huo, you..."

Mr. Huo sat quietly at the table and raised his eyes slowly.

"..." The butler shut up, wiped the snow off his head, gave him a salute, and went out to invite Mr. Liang to talk about the reality show he just signed. .

Mr. Liang is very satisfied with the price.

Liang Xiao is now very kind to Huo Lan's desk, and quickly turned a few pages of the contract, nodding: "No problem."

The contract signed by Huo Lan himself, but it is clear which page he turned and pressed his forehead: "...don't just look at the price."

The direction of the reality show is different, what he chose is indeed the most suitable for Liang Xiao's current positioning and traffic participation, but whether it is suitable or not depends on Liang Xiao I will confirm it myself.

If Liang Xiao really doesn't like it, she will notify Xingguan to pay the penalty.

"It doesn't matter."

Liang Xiao is happy to know his destiny: "As long as you give money, you can do anything."

Huo Langang asked the Minister of Resources to send over the relevant materials and previous programs of "On the Road", stopped the mouse when he heard this, and frowned silently.

Liang Xiao looked unrestrained and casual, but her heart was clear, and she would never do what she should not do.

…But as long as it does not violate the principle and conscience, it will never miss an opportunity to make money.

If it wasn't for money, when the housekeeper came to the door with the contract and advance payment, Liang Xiao would not agree to the temporary marking.

Huo Lan didn't know what he was thinking, so he calmly suppressed his thoughts.

Liang Xiao was ordering soldiers and generals to pick snacks, and noticed his sight, and then raised his head: "Mr. Huo?"

Huo Lan retracted his gaze, poured the information into the tablet, and handed it over.

There have been too many incidents recently, and it also involves the old events of the year, involving the game of Longtao Star Crown, and the intersection between the two is not frequent.

He almost forgot... Liang Xiao and him were just a simple transaction.

Although it does not involve business circles, it is only a personal contract, and in the final analysis, it is nothing more than a business.

Money relations, each takes what he needs.

These words were said to Liang Xiao by Huo Lan himself.

At this time, because of the inexplicable unpleasantness of a sentence, there is no doubt that he is unreasonable.

Huo Lan pressed his eyebrows, suppressed the messy thoughts, and briefly explained the contract to Liang Xiao: "Recording next week, star crown coordination, you will rest after finishing the shooting. Two days later."

Liang Xiao nodded: "Actually you don't need to..."

Huo Lan ignored his mentality of shooting early and finishing early to save time and make more money: "On the Road" focuses on life insights, and each guest is provided with 10,000 yuan of start-up capital , the guests choose the processing method independently, and the guests guide the program flow."

Liang Xiao's eyes lit up.

Huo Lan: "…"

Huo Lan personally negotiated a business of 300,000 yuan with people, and now his mentality is not very stable. Looking at Liang Xiao, I faintly had the idea that if Liang Xiao dared to say that he wanted to take the ten thousand back to the bank, he would take the person back directly and notify Xingguan to pay the liquidated damages.

The sky has eyes, Liang Xiao didn't get so mad, just nodded enthusiastically, and put away the tablet: "Got it, thank you, Mr. Huo."

Huo Lan frowned again unconsciously, let go of the mouse, and watched him get up.

Liang Xiao was stunned, then sat back again: "Mr. Huo?"

"Anything else?" Huo Lan asked.

"It's okay." Liang Xiao took a closer look at his expression, "Mr. Huo, what happened to the star crown?"

Huo Lan was suspected of having an accident with the star crown twice in one night. He had a headache and pressed his eyebrows: "No."

Huo Lan already has a coping process, and he has unchanged the list of script IPs and the stock of working capital purchased by Star Crown this quarter, and showed him again .

Liang Xiao was concerned, but was caught off guard by Mr. Huo's magnanimity: "It's not necessary..."

Huo Lan took two sips of coffee and calmed down: "Go and rest."

Liang Xiao was afraid that he would say this, and his heart sank: "Mr. Huo."

Huo Lan raised her eyes.

Liang Xiao bit her head and cleared her throat: "...something."

The agent packed and threw him up with his luggage. He even confiscated the room card, and he couldn't go back no matter what.

But he really didn't have the face to tell Huo Lan, he just ruined Mr. Huo's reputation for insisting that Qingshan would not relax and fight hard.

Liang Xiao sued the hotel in his heart, stumbled and stumbled, and reluctantly made up a reason why he might have to come up to harass the hotel for a few days.

Huo Lan was startled: "Heating?"

"It's broken." Liang Xiao quickly added, "I'll stay on the side bed for a few days without disturbing your work. I'll come over when I need a temporary mark."

Huo Lan didn't speak, looked away and nodded.

Liang Xiao didn't expect him to talk so well, and he didn't have time to read the 300-word application he had prepared, so he was stunned for a long time.

Huo Lan: "Anything else?"

"No more." Liang Xiao responded, "You are busy."

The temperature in the room seemed to be inexplicably hotter than before, Liang Xiao was a little puzzled, looked at the meticulous temperature of the air conditioner, and then took another look at the work. Huo Lan, without asking any more questions, gently closed the door.

Just out of the master bedroom, the housekeeper greeted him: "Mr. Liang——"

Liang Xiao gestured to him for a moment, dragged him out, and briefly explained the situation.

"Tell me to Mr. Huo." Liang Xiao lowered his voice, "I also colluded with Brother Duan, and said that the heating in my house is broken..."

The housekeeper was stunned: "But there is no heating in this hotel."

Liang Xiao: "…"

The housekeeper looked at his face and changed his words quickly, "But Mr. Huo probably didn't know either, so he believed it."

Liang Xiao has stayed in the imperial capital for a long time these years, and has not returned to Jiangnan very often. When the housekeeper reminded him, he remembered that Jiangnan did not have such an important logical mistake as heating.

Liang Xiao took a deep breath: "I hope..."

The housekeeper further considered the details: "If Mr. Huo believed it, he would definitely have to claim against the hotel."

"..." Liang Xiao just made the money, and he said, "I'll make it up."

"No, no." The butler didn't think about this, and waved his hand quickly, "I'll go to the hotel first, otherwise the hotel will complain, and the pair on both sides will inevitably be exposed. "

The housekeeper has been with Mr. Huo for a long time, and he has rich experience and is ready to go to work.

The housekeeper grabbed him: "What's wrong?"

"I don't know."

The head of the secretary department came to work with Mr. Huo, and was suddenly called up, and he was confused: "You know "To the Heating Accident in a Standard Room of the Hotel" How to write a damaged thank you letter?"

After turning around on the same big bed that can lie on the side of the pentagram, Liang Xiao didn't really understand, Mr. Huo wrote this thank you letter specific intent.

The housekeeper seemed to understand very well.

Liang Xiao flipped pancakes over and over on the bed, opened his eyes, and stared at the night.

…One wrong step, one wrong step.

When Mr. Huo figured out the whole misunderstanding and what his reputation had become, the studio may be buried directly by the snowstorm.

Alpha's pheromones do not know whether they will resonate or not, when Su Man snow-white whips the whip, Jiang Pingchao is crying while holding the agent in his mouth, Song Director Re-energized, I am afraid that I will not be able to return to the sky...

Liang Xiao was so worried that she almost remembered those compulsory college entrance examination subjects that were pressed on the back of her head when she was a teenager, rolled twice with the quilt, and counted it several times With the remaining three days of the shooting schedule, he sighed in a daze while leaning on his arm.

Three days left.

I hope Butler Huo can hold on, at least let him finish the ending.

& nbsp;

In the chaos, he vaguely heard someone knocking on the door outside.

Liang Xiao barely opened his eyes: "Housekeeper Huo?"

No sound outside the door.

"The door is unlocked, you come in." Liang Xiao yawned, and gropingly turned on the light in his clothes, "What's wrong? Is it Mr. Huo-- "

The door was opened, Liang Xiao was stunned, and quickly swallowed the second half of the sentence "Mr. Huo finally remembered that there is no heating in the south".

Huo was standing at the door.

Probably going to sleep, Huo Lan didn't wear a tie and suit as usual, the sleeves of his shirt were rolled up, and the collar was slightly wet.

Huo Lan had just taken a shower, the steam between his brows and temples, holding the door with one hand, his eyes fell on him.

"What's wrong?"

Liang Xiao felt that something was wrong with him tonight, so he was not at ease. He put aside his thoughts and turned on the light: "You come first."

Huo Lan was held by his wrist, paused, and followed into the door.

"Is it the susceptible period again?" Liang Xiao thought of the thank you letter, vaguely thinking it might be a hint, and led him to sit down, "Take another bite. ?"

The Dictionary of Contemporary Medical Knowledge said that after Alpha has passed the susceptible period, there may still be several repetitions in the near future, with varying degrees, but It has to wait for the pheromone fluctuations to completely calm down before it can be completely over.

Huo Lan's pheromone is always much more active than ordinary alpha, and the special inhibitor can't suppress it. Liang Xiao was a little worried at first.

"No need." Huo Lan stopped his hand that was about to untie his neckline, "...I'm normal."

Liang Xiao wanted to remind Huo Lan that he was knocking on his door in the middle of the night normally, entering his bedroom normally, sitting normally On his own bed, afraid of irritating him, he nodded along: "Okay."

Huo Lan instinctively disliked his tone, frowned, and did not explain.

Liang Xiao determined that Mr. Huo was afraid of repeating again, so he was patient and sat on the carpet and raised his head: "What's wrong?"

Huo Lan looked up and his eyes fell on him.

Only a table lamp was turned on in the bedroom, and one of the buttons on the collar of Liang Xiao's pajamas was unbuttoned, which was not very neat. Can't pick the slightest mistake.

When he was on the set during the day, when he saw Liang Xiao on horseback, he felt that Liang Xiao was actually like this.

& nbsp;

If they exchanged their backgrounds, Huo Lan asked himself, and he couldn't be as clean and free as Liang Xiao.

"Mr. Huo?" Liang Xiao waved his hand in front of him, "Are you—can't you fall asleep again?"

Huo Lan really couldn't sleep, but it wasn't for this that he was looking for him: "Xingguan is planning to provide housing for contracted artists who have not yet solved the housing problem."

Liang Xiao: "…"

Liang Xiao was not sure, so he asked tentatively, "Mr. Huo."

Huo Lan stopped and waited for him to speak.

"Your company..."

Although it is a matter of time to change jobs, Liang Xiao realizes that after all, he is not a star crown person, I am embarrassed and shameless: "There is no problem with the artist's housing. solve it?"

Xingguan is a film and television company, not a brokerage company. Artists who are eligible to be signed in are either long-established famous people who choose to live on trees, or new and emerging trends in traffic.

At least they all have a place in the circle.

Liang Xiao's money over the years has almost turned into an inhibitor to prolong his life. He really can't save money, so he had to rent a house. I really can't think of it. Who can be called a famous star artist today who can live so miserably.

"...No." Huo Lan couldn't lie, so he stumbled upon being questioned by his soul, "But—"

Liang Xiao waited for him.

Huo Lan looked away, but did not speak immediately.

Liang Xiao does everything she can to make money. It seems that there is almost no principle, but it is actually the opposite.

Liang Xiao's principles are very strict, and it is very clear which part should be earned and which should be taken advantage of.

I only asked him for a price increase of 10,000.

At that time, he didn't know what was the use of Liang Xiao asking for 100,000 yuan. Later, he knew the price of his own pharmaceutical company's inhibitor, and then he figured out the reason.

Huo Lan thought about what Liang Xiao was going to do with his money all night, afraid that he would not accept it, so he tried his best to find a reasonable reason. When Liang Xiao nodded, Xingguan would actually suddenly want to plan to equip the contracted artists with cars, uniforms and an assistant team.

But Liang Xiao raised a question from this step.

"Artists planning to sign..."

Huo Lan was silent for a while: "Maybe."

Liang Xiao saw that his words were difficult, and the thought of crying and laughing suddenly paused, and his heart softened: "Mr. Huo."

Huo Lan was forced by him, and he was a little cornered.

"Mr. Huo." Liang Xiao: "Thank you."

Huo Lan was slightly startled and looked up at him.

Liang Xiao took a deep breath, exhaled slowly, and smiled at him.

He is not a rookie who has just entered the circle and is ignorant. , and have already understood almost.

Huo Lan knocked on his door in the middle of the night and told him to buy a house for an artist. .

"I'm not polite to you."

Liang Xiao's tone was light, sitting lazily, but he was arrogant that he couldn't hold back: "Wait until the star crown, give me three years, I can earn two Money back for the house. Believe it or not—"

Huo Lan: "I believe."

Liang Xiao paused, said nothing, and lowered his eyes and smiled.

Huo Lan came to him on impulse, but now he has completely calmed down, feeling absurd and silent for a while: "...Sorry."

"What are you sorry for?" Liang Xiao waved his hand, "Is the top floor okay?"

Huo Lan didn't keep up: "What?"

“The condition of the community is not important, as long as there are more takeaways nearby.”

Liang Xiao took an inch to move closer, and whispered to him mysteriously: "It is best to have two rooms and one living room, the number of square meters does not matter, and the north and south are transparent. more important..."

Huo Lan was at a loss, and was led by him to bend over and listen to it for a long time, and wrote down one by one: "...Okay."

Liang Xiao looked at him and nodded, couldn't help laughing, and then seriously said: "Thank you."

Huo Lan did not spare any effort to answer his words, shook his head, and silently walked out with his messy demands.

Liang Xiao almost didn't hold back, she covered her eyes and endured for a long time without laughing.

In Liang Xiao's view, Huo Lan is actually a very simple person.

He treats people well, not necessarily because of some purpose, but rooted in some kind of insistence that he always upholds that is even somewhat unreasonable in the eyes of others.

Liang Xiao thought, if it weren't for the CEO's design, Huo Lan might have been touched by a stray cat and had to squat on the side of the road and put the cat food away. The kind of person who falls into the palm of his hand and works hard without complaining as a food bowl.

Huo Lan was afraid of forgetting and left in a hurry. When he reached the door, he turned back and wanted to turn off the light for Liang Xiao, but his hand suddenly stopped.

Liang Xiao was still sitting on the carpet, her hands covering her eyes were removed, her hands resting on the ground, her eyes closed and her head raised quietly.

eyelashes tightly closed, the light fell, reflecting a little water vapor.