MTL - The President of Spicy Chicken Has Returned My Innocence!-Chapter 56

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The makeup photo was posted on the day before the opening ceremony.

It was sent out at night, and it grabbed five hot search spots in the early morning.

"Two were pre-ordered by the crew, and Star Crown sponsored one."

Duan Ming guarded his mobile phone and gave Liang Xiao the bottom line: "The rest is natural heat... We can finally make hot searches based on our strength."

Liang Xiao smiled: "Recently, "Sui Chu" is being announced in the later stage, and borrowed from Dongfeng."

Liang Xiao's makeup photo took three sets of costumes, one of the high-spirited little prince, and one of the heroic young general.

The best response this time is also the third set.


Liang Xiao was reciting the script, when he heard the words, he came over and glanced at it: "Why is there still a #雲家遊傳#..."

"It's also a personal design."

Duan Ming's plan was very good: "Next time you will pick up a modern drama with the surname Yun, and the hot search will be the three heroes of the ancient and modern Yun clan."

Liang Xiao: “…”

Duan Ming felt at ease, patted Liang Xiao on the shoulder, got up and made him a cup of coffee.

I started burning incense tomorrow, and both scenes were performed by Liang Xiao.

Liang Xiao was fined to copy his lines ten times every night.

Besides, there will be more or less reporters when it starts tomorrow.

The production director agreed to open the class to reporters for the first three days, and there were scenes to follow the whole process. The remaining few scenes can be less NG once.

The lines of ancient costume dramas are much more difficult than modern dramas. Liang Xiao chewed on the walnut kernels that Mr. Huo stuffed to fill his brain, and has been reciting two full pages of dense lines for a whole day.

Duan Ming handed him the coffee: "Take a break, relax your mind."

Liang Xiao put down the script: "No need."

Duan Ming was stunned: "Is Mr. Huo's walnuts so useful?"

"No, it's the same as long as you take a break." Liang Xiao took two sips of coffee and shook his head, "It's not my brain anyway."

The assistant was lying on the side to scan the hot search, heard the words choked, lowered his head and laughed.

Duan Ming has the schadenfreude of assistant Xinxunxun, so he didn't hold back too much, and tried his best to control his expression: "...It's hard work."

Duan Ming dragged his assistant back and looked at Liang Xiao who was pushing the script on his head: "Is this a new script recitation posture?"

“Osmotic back calligraphy.”

Liang Xiao was disappointed: "Press the book on top of my head, because of the poor concentration, knowledge will follow the concentration gradient and diffuse from the high-concentration book to my low-concentration head..."

Duan Ming couldn't hold back anymore, he twisted his assistant, and had a good time under the cover of the assistant's screams.

Liang Xiao was so recited that she couldn't move at all, covered the script and closed her eyes for a while, sighed that I was going to die, and rubbed her swollen temples.

Duan Ming helped him twist a towel: "Didn't you take it all down?"

"Brother Duan, you don't understand." Liang Xiao took the towel and wiped his face, "Reciting the script before starting the machine is like reciting before the exam."

Duan Ming was at a loss: "What do you mean?"

"The content of the back is no longer important." The assistant felt the same way, covering his arms and raising his hands: "The important thing is the back."

Liang Xiao nodded: "At this time, the endorsement is like a ceremony. By sacrificing my brain, I pray for the plenum test to be all right..."

Duan Ming was stunned: "Is it useful?"

"It's useless." Liang Xiao: "I almost fell asleep in the exam room the next day."

Duan Ming: "…"

Liang Xiao and his assistant resonated unexpectedly, and Tianya slapped the slap in the face and took the script again.

Useless is useless, and next time, I will recite one more sentence if I can.

Duan Ming rarely saw that Liang Xiao was in the mood to bring up the past, so he wanted to let him rest his mind, and temporarily confiscated his script: "Did your grades in the art test not be good?"

"It's not bad among art examiners." Liang Xiao sighed, "Now that I think about it, my concept of scores at that time may have been instilled a little wrong."

He didn't go to school seriously, and he took the social route when he applied for the exam.

The person who tutored him told him that he had to get at least 600 points.

"..." Duan Ming: "Is this a bit of an error?"

Liang Xiao was also puzzled: "I also wondered why..."

When she came out of Jiangnan, Xiao Liangxiao ran all the way to the imperial capital. After settling down, she secretly did two sets of mock questions, and she was successfully scared to cry by the at least required score.

After the college entrance examination, Xiaoliang Xiao got the answer right by himself.

…I received a call from the School of Communication.

Going to school, with the bursary, life gradually merged into the right track, Liang Xiao also gradually understood the score lines of each school, and finally corrected his cognition completely.

"The person you mentioned." Duan Ming asked him cautiously, "The one you saved in Jiangnan..."

Liang Xiao: "Brother Duan."

Duan Mingfei quickly changed his words: "The one who forced you to learn."

Liang Xiao nodded.

Duan Ming has always been wary of Liang Xiao, an old acquaintance who is not Bai Yueguang but Bai Yueguang, and now thinks about it carefully, he is a little relieved: "That's fine... Your friend doesn't look too smart. ."

He is probably a nerd, he only knows how to study, maybe he doesn't even know how to say something nice.

Not qualified to be the opponent of Mr. Huo who can cook.

Liang Xiao was stunned: "Why?"

"He also wants to teach you six hundred percent."

Duan Ming couldn't figure it out: "Is he crazy?"

Liang Xiao: “…”

Duan Ming helped Liang Xiao take off the script on top of his head, put it into his arms, and patted his shoulder.

Change the ceiling lamp to a desk lamp, close the door, and pull the assistant away.

The next day, the crew officially started.

Jin Zhenbo has a lot of rules. He chose to open the door at 6:18 in the morning. He led a group of sleepy starring staff to burn incense meticulously, and another person planted a tree for the crew in advance. Added a shovel of soil.

The first scene of filming was that Yun Lang was lying on the roof and teasing the little grandson who was studying together with chestnuts.

Yun Lang is also the same generation as the emperor's grandson, but Kaimeng was a few years earlier, and his foundation in martial arts was also played early. Since childhood, he was the one who left others behind, and when he grew up, he was still generous arrogant temper.

The opening scene is very meaningful, and the whole crew is completely absorbed.

The sidelines were quiet, the reflectors supplemented the natural light, and the lens track moved forward.

Liang Xiao hid the protection behind him, carrying a bag full of pebbles, and lay down bored.

Little Huangsun took a few steps, and was suddenly hit by a stone at his feet.

Little Huangsun looked up and recognized him: "Yunlang, what are you doing?"

Liang Xiao lying on the roof is particularly boring: "I have memorized the book, and my martial arts practice is too good."

Little Emperor: "…"

Liang Xiao himself felt that this was too rude, and sighed: "The homework is finished, the copybook is almost finished, and the strategy that I will give to the master today also won the first grade."

Little Emperor: "…"

Liang Xiao propped up, sat up gently and skillfully, put one arm on his knee, and leaned forward along the eaves: "Your father Wang Xinda is a good horse, when will you lead it out? Lend me two laps."

Xiao Huangsun became angry: "You——"

The little emperor had nothing to say to him, he turned around and wanted to go, but just as he took a step, he was hit by a stone with exceptional precision where he was going to fall next.

Little Huangsun was already bored, and he was finding fault with him, frowning: "Yunlang, don't rely on your talent-"

It is a soft waxy chestnut that has just been steamed and peeled.

"Stupid like this."

Liang Xiao sighed: "Lend me to ride for two laps, which sentence I don't understand, next time I will tell you first, won't I?"

In the play, although Yun Lang is accustomed to revealing the roof, he rarely bullies people. Sometimes when I'm in a good mood, I will help those princes and grandsons who are not good and are bullied by others.

But it's just a little help.

Yun Lang's own talent is so good, I don't know why people still don't understand it. Every time I haven't explained it to others, I have completely lost my patience, and I wrote a large explanation on the table and slapped it on the table, and ran out to practice martial arts and swords by myself.

This scene is as planned, as long as Yun Lang jumps off the roof to stop people.

Liang Xiao had a lot of experience on Weiya. He stepped on the glazed tile on the top of the hall, and swept down lightly, and firmly stopped in front of the young actor who played the little emperor.

The scenes in the palace are particularly demanding for the sense of youth. Liang Xiao has an advantage in appearance, and dares to pretend to be a minor when going out. .

The shots of this scene are all fixed points. Once the actors make a mistake in the back camera, this part will be repeated.

The face of the staff on the sidelines changed, and they mentioned it to their hearts.

Jin Dao's expression suddenly became so heavy that the wind and rain were about to come, and just as he was about to stop, Liang Xiao opened the white folding fan in his hand.

"Three laps."

Liang Xiao stopped him with a fan, smiled and haggled, and stopped him without a trace: "The next time Mr. trains you, I'll squat outside the window and shout that there is a fire..."

Never miss.

The first scene passed smoothly, the whole crew leader breathed a sigh of relief, and Jin Dao's face finally turned cloudy and sunny.

The young actor who played Xiaohou Ye came down and realized that he was about to make a mistake. He was so frightened that he was in a cold sweat and his face was white: "Thank you, Mr. Liang..."

"You don't need to call the teacher." Liang Xiao smiled, "It's a small matter."

The assistant director has lingering fears: "In the first scene, it's not a trivial matter if something goes wrong."

The producer nodded: "Just now, Director Jin's face was wrong. If the first scene was NG, he might have to die this week and then live."

The young actor's face turned pale again.

Liang Xiao was slightly dumb: "Don't be scary."

Acting is not as simple as putting on a costume and reciting lines, you must be able to coordinate with the camera, cooperate with the crew, and when this layer is polished and mature, you can then play on the basis.

No matter how good it is, if you just switch from theory to practice, you will inevitably make some mistakes.

"Don't worry, take your time." Liang Xiao received a hint from the producer, and patiently sang, "I will feel it later."

The producer added at the right time: "It's all honed from one scene to the next. The better the actor, the more he will be able to summarize and improve. When Liang Xiao first debuted, it was even more difficult than you."

The young actor's face turned from white to red, he blushed deeply and bowed deeply. He ran back and followed the acting teacher to listen to the scene below.

"The students are somewhat floating now, and it's just fine to polish and sink."

The assistant director sighed with emotion, and suddenly became curious: "By the way, what was Liang Xiao like when he first debuted?"

The producer didn't know either, so he turned to Liang Xiao: "What was it like when you first debuted?"

Liang Xiao: “…”

The better the crew, the more nonsense they will be.

Liang Xiao watched the producer open his mouth and started to make up, spontaneously showing some respect: "I'm as big as him, and that's how I came here... In fact, the pressure is much less."

When Liang Xiao debuted, it was far from such a big scene. The crew did not even know the authority and authority.

"When you were as big as him, you were flying in the sky with Weiya hanging."

Jin Dao came over and pierced it mercilessly: "Because one circle was not round enough, it took half an hour to grind it, just to make you turn it again."

"..." Liang Xiaona: "You have a good memory."

Jin Zhenbo doesn't have a good memory. It is hard for any director to be so honed for half an hour, and he will inevitably be impressed: "You also said at the time that I am the best director you have ever seen."

Liang Xiao coughed and quickly looked for help: "You are now too—"

Jin Zhenbo: "I had a meal with Song Qi two days ago."

Liang Xiao: “…”

As the best director Liang Xiao has ever seen, Director Song is also very proud, and he was pleased with his old friends at the dinner table for a long time.

The filming of the first scene went smoothly, Jin Zhenbo was in a good mood, he didn't bother to bother with him, and signaled the various departments to adjust their preparations: "When the filming is over, there will be a film to follow, just record a few small daily clips. "

Liang Xiao dared not speak, but nodded honestly.

Director Jin waved his hand, ordered a few assistant directors to mobilize the group, and left.

Maybe there is a peculiar buff for the first scene, and the next few scenes were also unexpectedly smooth.

"Take a breath."

Duan Ming was at the door, watching Liang Xiao change his clothes and take off his makeup, and handed him a cup of hot milk tea: "There is a program team that wants to shoot a few vlogs, ask us to cooperate."

Liang Xiao's costumes are thin, in order to show the figure and increase the thinness of the teenager's skeleton, and it is not possible to add more clothes inside, it has been frozen on the set for a whole day, and it has not warmed up yet.

Liang Xiao held the milk tea to warm her hands. After thinking about it, she connected the vlog with the "daily clips" in Jin Dao's mouth, and nodded: "Okay."

Duan Ming frowned: "It's not always a solution... Post two warm treasures tomorrow?"

"Inconvenient." Liang Xiao took a sip of milk tea, "The wide robe and wide sleeves were torn off accidentally."

It's not the first time he's filming in winter. Looking at Duan Ming's worried posture, he smiled: "It doesn't matter, I even filmed skiing scenes when it was colder than this."

Duan Ming didn't say much about him, so he stuffed the warm water bag and put it in his pocket: "Go back and get some hot water."

Liang Xiao nodded, left the rest room, and said hello to the film crew who followed him.

This kind of program group pays special attention to the set and does some fast news such as entertainment new broadcasts. In the past two years, it has followed the trend and expanded the shooting of simple scenes into the daily vlog of the actors.

Liang Xiaozao heard Director Jin say, and was prepared, chatting with the film crew all the way back to the hotel, was about to open the door, when suddenly a meal in his hand.

Duan Ming was startled: "What's wrong?"

Liang Xiao held the door, fell silent, and smiled: "It's okay."

Liang Xiao turned around and said politely, "Can I just record it here?"

It is rare to be able to come in and follow the filming. Many people may not agree to cooperate.

The content needed for the vlog was not long. The director motioned the camera to turn off the machine, shook hands with Liang Xiao, and led people away.

Duan Ming didn't return to his senses and watched the film crew go away: "What's wrong?"

"Brother Duan, find the crew." Liang Xiao said, "Someone has entered the door."

Duan Ming was stunned for two seconds, and his face suddenly changed.

The privacy of artists is very important. Unless a cleaning sign is hung up, no one will be allowed to enter or leave casually. The hotel is near the studio, and it was contracted for more than one shoot, so it's impossible not to understand the rules.

"How did you find it?" Duan Ming lowered his voice, "Who is it? Do you need Star Crown to deal with it?"

Liang Xiao looked at him for a long time: "...Brother Duan."

Duan Ming frowned: "What?"

"I can find someone entering the door because the hotel door lock is old-fashioned, the handle has been twisted, and the direction is not the same as before."

Liang Xiao: "I can't even get 600% in the test, and it's the limit that I can reason to this step."

"..." Duan Ming: "Can you not hold grudges?"

Liang Xiao sighed: "It's hard to calm down..."

Duan Ming had a headache, covered his mouth, and met Liang Xiao's eyes, his heart suddenly sank.

Duan Ming let go of his hand and did not speak.

After the accident that year, Liang Xiao looked at normal, still heartless and should eat and sleep. When he was better, he ran around the studio to make money, as if he was bigger than their hearts.

When Duan Ming told the housekeeper about his hard work, he didn't expect it... After five years, Liang Xiao still pays attention to these details every time he opens the door.

Duan Ming was silent and analyzed: "It's either a paparazzi or an illegitimate fan."

Artists live in hotels, and it is not uncommon for strangers to enter the room.

Especially Liang Xiao is just on fire, the popularity is more than deterrent enough, and the fan ecology has not been completely stabilized. It is the time to recruit these.

Duan Ming: "Most of the cameras are installed, or they sneak in and take pictures and take something... We have nothing to hide."


Duan Ming looked at his face and said with difficulty: "It shouldn't be... an inducer."

Liang Xiao smiled, shook her head, and did not move forward.

Duan Ming: "We... go in for you?"

Liang Xiao shook his head: "beta can't smell the pheromone, nor the inducer."

Duan Ming whispered, "Can you contact Mr. Huo?"

Liang Xiao smiled while holding the hot water bottle: "What a big deal..."

Duan Ming was silent for a while, no longer insisted, and nodded: "Let's go, talk to the crew... Let's go out and live."