MTL - The Queen’s Gigolo-Chapter 11

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Her hand dipped into the boy's bushy hair

alex raised his head from her ear and looked at her brightly.

She looked at the boy's lips that were neither thin nor thick, with a **** shape, subconsciously licked his lips, leaned over and kissed gently.

After kissing, she raised her eyes and saw a smile in the boy's bright eyes. There was also a smile in her eyes. She leaned over to kiss him again. This time, alex covered her lips. He sucked and licked for a while, his warm tongue poking into her mouth and entangled with hers.

Guo Zhi recklessly tasted the beauty of young boys.

At this moment, her irritability, depression, work pressure, and age worries are all thrown into the air. She forgot all the troubles in reality, her senses clamored, she could only feel the boy's soft tongue churning and sucking in her mouth, the boy's hand sliding down

The boy's palm is very powerful, which makes Guo Zhi, who was fully devoted, deserted. She knows that she is not too plump. She is tall and thin, not as plump and upturned as Qingxia. She bit the boy's lip, but was annoyed that she didn't have more exercise parts to make it more upright when she was working out, so as to give the boy a better feeling.

He made her feel great

Although she often deals with models, it is the first time that she has broken her own bottom line and crossed the line to have such a private and intimate contact with a model.

Her hands became more eager

"Sister Guo" Alex's voice was a little hoarse, which sounded even more confusing. He bit her ear and said three words.

Guo Zhi's lower back was sore for a while.

Guo Zhi's eyes were so dense that water could drip. Snow-white teeth biting her gorgeous red lips, she was alluring under the flickering lights.

Alex looked at the red lips, and his Adam's apple rolled. He lowered his head and leaned into Guo Zhi's ear, dumbly and softly, and said, "Sister Guo, will you go to your house?"

The last sentence "Is it okay?" The voice was slightly raised, and it sounded like a coquettish electric current running through Guo Zhi's body, making her whole body crisp.

Guo Zhi felt that the only thing that could make him stronger was the teeth biting his lip.

Alex watched the red lips deformed by the bite of snow-white teeth, and felt that the slender body in his arms was suddenly as soft as no bones, as if he would slide to the ground without leaning on him

Alex understood that he hugged Guo Zhi and took her out of the dance floor

In a taxi, the driver tried his best to concentrate on driving, but he couldn't help but glanced at the rearview mirror. indecent

The driver murmured, but he couldn't help but take another peek.

Only the back of the boy's head can be seen in the rearview mirror, and the girl's face is blocked. When I got into the car, I glanced at him, and I vaguely saw her beautiful face, but I didn't see how old she was. He seems to be young and mature.

The boy is not very old, so he looks young. Three ear studs for glazing. Tall and long legs, like a model.

The two got into the car and hugged each other only to see the back of the boy's head and the girl's hand. The hand was fair and slender, and the nails were cut short and smooth, but they were not painted with nail polish, and they looked very clean.

The knuckles are clearly defined when the force is exerted, indicating the eagerness of the owner of the hand to swallow the boy in his belly

The driver just glanced at it and quickly looked away, and turned up the air volume of the air conditioner by another notch.

It's hot

The key was twisted to open the door, and the room was pitch black.

Guo Zhi threw away his handbag, pulled Alex in and closed the door, pressed it on the door panel and kissed him.

Lips are moist and warm. The two sucked at each other, their lips intertwined. Guo Zhi has put aside all his reason and let his instincts and presumptuous. The tip of her tongue hooked the tip of Alex's tongue, entangled.

The lips and tongues were finally separated, and Alex kissed her earlobe and neck. Guo Zhi closed her eyes and felt the boy's hot lips licking and nibbling on her neck, her body boiling like a pot of boiling water.

Alex leaned back against the door panel, tilted his head and panted.

He knew that Guo Zhi always wanted to sleep with him, but he didn't expect her to have such a strong passion for him.

He knows the saying about the age of a woman, but Sister Guo doesn't seem to be at that stage yet. Twenty-eight years old. For him, it used to be a very old age, but now he I don't think so anymore.

The funniest thing is that she actually told him to tell him not to force him, he can't hold back anymore. Sister Guo really has no self-awareness

He couldn't help but hug Guo Zhi. Holding her body, he bit her slender neck fiercely.

Guo Zhi kicked off her high heels and entangled Alex. She hugged him and looked down to find his lips.

Both are about to burn

Alex has been here before, and he carried Guo Zhi into the bedroom familiarly. Put Guo Zhi on the bed, and the boy pressed him without hesitation.

At this time, even if you are nineteen, twenty-nine, or thirty-nine, you will still be transformed into a wolf.

It is said that ancient Greek human statues are the most beautiful. Guo Zhi didn't think so. She didn't think she saw it in the museum when she traveled before. I don't feel it anymore

Alex's body is the most beautiful

Before she could see clearly, she was crushed on the bed by the hot boy. panting to feel his lips, his palms

The moan overflowed from Guo Zhi's throat uncontrollably.

Alex likes the sound.

Sister Guo really has no self-knowledge, he thought. Although the lights were not turned on, he could see clearly with the light outside the window. White as the first snow, slim but firm.

alex thinks this is good. His ex-girlfriend was very thin, and he had been tortured by her more than once. For such excessive thinness, he thanked him for not being sensitive.

Guo Zhi is very thin and healthy, and her reaction to him is far beyond Alex's expectations.

Alex felt a little proud in his heart.

Guo Zhi suddenly resisted his entry. Although he was drunk, he also wore the bone scraper with the word "color". Guo Zhi still retains his last reason.

She got up, opened the drawer of the bedside table, groped for a bit, and threw a small bag of thin things on Alex: "Put it on"

Alex does not want to wear it.

Mature men know greatness and responsibility, so they obediently put a layer on themselves. Protect each other and protect yourself. After all, Alex is still young, and no one has taught him well. He also craved that little more pleasure.

He hugged Guo Zhi, begging and guaranteeing a bit rogue.

However, Guo Zhi is already twenty-eight years old, and he is too old to believe a man's "I promise" nonsense. She bit his lips and said, "No"

Strictly speaking.

alex has no choice but to follow.

Guo Zhi finally groaned, and the pleasure spread from the joint of the body to the whole body like water waves, and it made her body tremble slightly like an electric shock.

Her moans were trembling with joy.