MTL - The Queen’s Gigolo-Chapter 49

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Alex watched Guo Zhi play in disguise on Sunday morning. Change for a while, change for a while.

Toss and toss, always dissatisfied.

Why, seeing someone else's boyfriend, not your own. Is it so important to use?

Alex felt a little pantothenic acid in his heart, but he couldn't bear to show it on his face.

"Tsk" Guo Zhi looked at the pile of clothes on the bed and frowned. Suddenly he turned his head and asked Alex: "Or I'll wear a skirt"


If Sister Guo wants to wear a skirt, it must be a big event

Alex has discovered it long ago, he has known Guo Zhi for a few months, and only saw Guo Zhi wearing a skirt once is the time he slept with him

That won't work

clothes together. "Try this."

White big v-neck short-sleeved thin t-shirt, sparsely decorated with metal sequins, ordinary white t-shirts become smart and not dull. A pair of simple cropped jeans.

Alex helped her put on a thin casual suit jacket, and carefully rolled her sleeves to her elbows: "It matches your pair of canvas shoes, just right."

Guo Zhi turned left and right in front of the full-length mirror, pinched his waist and watched for a while, feeling quite satisfied. But he still turned his head and asked, "Does it look good?"

Of course it looks good. It's good to see that alex regrets giving her such a match.

The light blue coat shows her fair and delicate skin. The newly cut short hair is fluffy, and the bangs are hanging on the forehead, looking several years younger. The relaxed and casual style especially highlights her bright and lively temperament, which looks bright and dazzling.

"Good-looking" Alex hugged her from behind, pressed her on her shoulder, and said sullenly, "It's better to change it."

Guo Zhi can't help laughing and crying: "Is it good-looking or not?"

In fact, I know it's useless, and if I change it, it will look just as good. She is such a person. She doesn't need to dress up normally, but she will look gorgeous after a little dress up.

Fortunately, I want to see someone else's boyfriend.

I'm jealous. Guo Zhi is funny.

"It looks good and let me change it" She rubbed his head with her backhand.

The boy hugged her from behind like a koala and refused to let go. With a muffled "hum", he pulled off her collar, bit her neck, and sucked thinly.

Guo Zhi still wanted to struggle, but after letting him lick a few times, his body softened.

A slight tingling came from the side of the neck, and he sucked hard. Of course Guo Zhi knew what he was doing, but fortunately it was where the collar could cover, she bit her lip and let him go.

When he let go, Guo Zhi pulled his collar and looked in the mirror, and sure enough, a small red plum blossomed on the side of his neck.

"hate" she said angrily.

"I can't see." Alex still hugged her and refused to let go.

Guo Zhi actually used him the most to play this kind of greasy and crooked coquettish. If it was another man, it would definitely make people feel awkward. For example, if Guo Heng dared to act like a spoiled child, Guo Zhizhi slapped him and slapped him

Guo Zhi couldn't resist at all.

This world of face

"Guo Zhi" alex called her.

He called her Guo Zhi, and Guo Zhi knew what he wanted to do.

"No." She flatly refused.

"There is still time"

"No, the clothes and hair should be messed up"

"I'll be careful"

"No. I can't be late today" To make a face for your friends, you can't be so careless.

Alex was sullen, but she let go of her obediently.

This boy is like this. Although he sometimes acts coquettish and cute, but if she has business affairs, he will never delay her.

Actually very sensible. It hurts to be sensible, and it hurts.

"Be good~" Guo Zhi tugged at his ears at the door, and he fell in love with it at some point, "Eat yourself at noon."

alex agreed.

Black eyes stared at her, wilted, like an abandoned puppy.

Guo Zhi wanted to not get used to him, but he really liked him like this. I don't know why, but every time I see it, it gives her a strange sense of satisfaction.

Oh, that's not good

In the end, I hugged him and kissed him at the door, comforted him a little, and then went out.

In a good mood, turn on the music and start in gear.

The phone rang on the way, she connected the bluetooth in the car, and the mother-in-law's loud and energetic voice echoed in the car.

"Xiao Zhi, let me tell you, your aunt Ye called me today"

Auntie Ye was lying and Guo Zhi suddenly felt a tingling in her scalp.

"What do you say"

"She said don't worry, the guy went on a business trip this week and has been out of town, and only came back today. Don't worry"


"I'm not in a hurry" Guo Zhi's voice was squeezed out between his teeth.

I don't know which eye of her mother saw that she was in a hurry, and it was clearly her old man.

"People said, I will definitely call you next week. Your aunt Ye said that the young man is very good, he also has a house, a car, and a stable job. You say, this is good, this is an iron rice bowl."

"Mom, let me tell you, now there is no iron job or iron job. Now it all depends on the ability, if you have the ability, you will come out, and if you don't have the ability, you will be mediocre all your life"

Guo Zhi immediately knew that he was wrong. She told her why she didn't understand the thinking of the older generation. As soon as she heard that she was eating public food, she felt very secure. When it comes to doing business and starting a business, I always worry about this and that.


"You're right" Guo Zhi said weakly.

"Okay, I'll send you the name of the guy and the phone number on your mobile phone, you look back, don't be like that time, you don't know who it is when someone calls you, attitude Not right at all”

"Good to know"

Her attitude was not bad, Guo's mother was reluctantly satisfied, and the conversation changed: "Why are you so vague."

"Driving, Bluetooth hands-free."

"Why go" not going home on the big weekend.

"Meet someone for dinner."

The decibels of the "male and female" mothers have increased by a few points.

Guo Zhi quickly explained to prevent her from thinking or fantasizing: "Qingxia. Qingxia brought her boyfriend to see me."

After that, she regretted it

Sure enough

"Xiao Gu Xiao Gu has a boyfriend" Guo's mother's decibel has broken the line, "What does it look like? How tall is it?"

Guo Zhi was so depressed that he hated himself for not being able to speak his mind. "I don't know. I'm still on the road. I haven't seen it yet, but I heard that he is a tall, rich and handsome, the second generation of officials. Don't think about it. You haven't seen Qingxia before, we can't compare."

"It's also" Guo's mother's loss penetrated the bluetooth and permeated the car, "Human Xiaogu is so beautiful, she earns more"

"Look at you, you don't even wear a skirt, you are like a tomboy all day" routine rants began.

Guo Zhi squeezed his throat and screamed "ah".

"What's wrong?" Guo's mother was startled.

"I was scared to death, I was talking to you, I almost ran a red light and ran into someone." Guo Zhi drove the car smoothly and started talking.

Guo's mother was very frightened: "Are you okay? Did you bump into it? It didn't bump into it, great"

"Okay, let's talk about it later, I'm hanging up, you can concentrate on driving"

It can be considered dead, Guo Zhi held back his laughter for a while, and let out a long sigh.

Who is afraid of who

There is a rule, in fact, if you observe it silently in life, it is easy to discover.

That is, a beautiful friend is usually a beautiful woman.

This is true. If a woman is beautiful to a certain extent, the woman who hangs out with her will definitely not be low in appearance. Otherwise, the gap in appearance is too great, not only the pressure on the side with low appearance is too great, but also it is often difficult to achieve balance in communication. The one who is beautiful is easy to be in the dominant position, and the one who is not good-looking is often in a subordinate position.

It sounds uncomfortable, but you can observe carefully and find that this situation is really common in reality. And the boat of friendship is easy to overturn.

So to be friends, no matter male or female, the best thing is to be evenly matched. Friendship can last long only when they can stand apart from each other and understand each other.

Gu Qingxia is a goddess-level beauty. And she's not the kind of empty vase with beauty and incompetence. At the age of 28, she was a gold-medal salesperson, and she was the deputy director of the department. She earned over one million dollars a year.

In the eyes of men, she is the most difficult and challenging kind of woman.

It really suits Mr. Li's appetite.

Gu Qingxia told Li Sheng before that Guo Zhi was her only best friend in the imperial capital.

Although Li Sheng jokes that she is not popular, she knows that this proud woman has a very high eye for picking men and friends. She said the "only" best friend, who must be a really important friend.

Aiwu Jiwu, to her only best friend, editor Guo Zhiguo, Mr. Li really attaches great importance to this meal.

The place to eat is not a particularly luxurious place, but it is a very popular fashion restaurant recently. I deliberately gave up the private room and reserved a window seat in the lobby to create a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere without giving people any pressure.

President Li, he really cares about Gu Qingxia.

I am afraid that the atmosphere will be cold if there are fewer people. He also specially called a escort.

Zhao Tianzhuo, a close friend of Li Sheng. He is also a son-in-law, outgoing and active. With him around on this occasion, he would definitely not be cold.

He is also a famous **** in their circle.