MTL - The Queen’s Gigolo-Chapter 67

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On the first day of the holiday, Guo's mother got up early and took her son to the morning market to buy a bunch of fresh ingredients. When I got home, I boiled the soup first, then started my husband and son, and the three of them cleaned up the house together.

In fact, there is no need to clean up at all. Since Guo Zhi called and said to bring her boyfriend back for vacation, the Guo family has already done a big cleaning.

Especially Guo Heng's room in the hardest-hit area at home has really changed its appearance from a kennel to a five-star guest room. Because the daughter said that Xiao Liao would stay at their house for a few days to celebrate the festival together.

Mother Guo agrees with both hands and feet.

My daughter suddenly has a boyfriend, and she is worried that she will not have enough contact or time to observe this complete stranger. Stay a few more days, just to let her take a good look at how this person is.

Since early in the morning, Guo's mother has been restless, looking at the watch from time to time.

"Why not yet" she muttered.

"Get up, get up" she pushed Guo Heng, "Don't lie down, the sofa is all messed up for you, call your sister and see where she is"

Boss Guo Heng sat up reluctantly: "What time is it, what time is it? It's hard to get a holiday, my sister's peeing sex, she must have a late sleep. I haven't woken up yet."

Guo's mother slapped her son on the head: "What is urine sex, did you say that to your sister?"

"Hi" Guo Heng was depressed, "I know, I know. There's nothing to rush, didn't my sister say come back for lunch, what time is it, it's early. She's driving on the highway, you It's dangerous to keep calling to distract her."

Guo's mother heard the truth, and then she stopped.

"You tell me, why did Xiao Zhi suddenly have a boyfriend?" She turned her head and asked her wife in awe.

It was so sudden. The last time my daughter came back, she was in a bad mood, so she didn't mention it. Originally, she was still thinking about waiting for her daughter to come back this time, and mentioning the young man her aunt Huo introduced to her. It turned out that it was Tuesday, and it would be a big holiday in two days. She suddenly called home and said that she would bring her boyfriend home for the holiday.

Mother Guo was stunned.

"What's the hurry," Guo's father was as steady as Mount Tai, "I'll know when she comes back and asks."

Guo's mother: "" Why can't I feel my anxious heart? I really have no common language

Turn around and ask Guo Heng: "Do you know that your sister didn't say anything to you?"

When the child is older, he doesn't like to tell his parents some things. But the sister and brother have a good relationship, and there is no secret between each other. Maybe Guo Xiaoheng knows what the inside story is.

However, having said that, Guo Xiaoheng would not have dared to tell her if Guo Xiaoheng had known about such a big thing earlier

Guo Heng was really wronged this time, his sister really didn't reveal any news to him.

"I really don't know" Guo Heng pointed, "My sister never told me anything."

However, Guo Heng also has a hot gossip heart, although he did not know it in advance, it does not prevent him from analyzing after the fact.

"I brought them here to meet my parents, it's definitely not a day or two, at least they have to be in a relationship for a while." He analyzed it clearly.

"That's when I asked her to go on a blind date, she was already on a date with this little Liao" Guo's mother didn't understand, "Then why is she still going on a blind date? Just tell me no. chant"

"There must be a reason for that. Maybe the relationship between the two of them was not settled at that time, or else the man had some problems and there must be a reason anyway." Guo Heng asked enthusiastically, "My sister is with you. Tell me what you said, and I will analyze it carefully."

Guo's mother thought for a while: "It's nothing, she said, the young man is a model, and now he doesn't have a house or a car. It sounds like the conditions are a little bit worse."

"But it's nothing," she said quickly, "I told her on the phone, I'm not afraid of poor conditions, the key depends on character."

"What the hell, it's too bad for so many years without a house or car" Guo Heng was dissatisfied. His sister already has a house and a car in the emperor. How could this man be a fool? If he is so frustrated, why should he match his sister?

Guo's mother just remembered that she had missed an important piece of information, and quickly said, "No. Your sister told me that the young man is younger than her."

"Ah" Guo Heng dragged his tone to express his dissatisfaction, "How much younger than my sister? Is it possible to take care of others? My sister is worried and angry"

Mother Guo slapped him again: "Why don't you hope your sister is better?"

"I told the truth" Guo Heng was wronged.

Guo's mother is not very worried about this. Man, even if he is older, he is still immature where he should be immature.

The truth is that the husband is the wife's first child. A man can't really mature without a few years of hard work in marriage. Even if he behaves like a dog outside, it won't work.

Not bragging, Guo's mother still has some confidence in her daughter.

She is not the kind of silly girl who doesn't know Chai Migui. She clearly said that the other party has no house or car, which shows that she still knows these things in her heart. She thought about her son's words, and felt that it made sense. Maybe the girl didn't mention it to her before, and she got stuck in this "no house and no car".

I don't know how to figure it out, so I finally brought it to see my parents.

Actually, she doesn't take this very seriously. Of course, it would be better if the young man's economic conditions were better, but Guo's mother knew that the most important thing was character.

I have no money now, so I can earn it slowly.

The character is not good, and I can't get it back in my life.

Although it was absurd the night before, he knew that Guo Zhi was going to drive on the highway today, and it was not too late. The two went to bed quite early. So Guo Zhi yawned, and his spirits were actually pretty good. After taking a shower, I put on a little makeup, and my face is radiant.

Looking left and right in the mirror, and pulling off the collar to take a look, then let go of it satisfied. I'm going home to see my parents today, she reminded him yesterday. Tate avoided the place like the neck that was exposed outside the clothes, and the little strawberries were planted in the place covered by the clothes.

It's not good to go home with a bunch of red marks to meet your parents.

After breakfast, the two went out. The nearby supermarket opened at 7:30 in the morning, and Liao Yuan insisted on buying fruit. First, he bought too many things yesterday and couldn't take them, and second, it was too late. At that time, the fruits were not fresh, so he didn't buy them. Go to the supermarket early in the morning to buy fresher fruits.

Guo Zhi felt that there were enough things, there was no need to buy more, but he had no choice but to go. She meant that it was enough to buy a fruit basket, but Liao Yuan had to buy two boxes of imported fruit.

He particularly insisted: "Brother Li told me that in addition to price, size is also very important for gifts from northerners."

This statement is quite the essence of northern culture, Guo Zhi could not refute it.

Indeed, southerners like to give gifts, sometimes they like to give a small box. Although small, it is expensive. The things that are sent are often exquisite and have stories.

Northerners like big bags and small bags. When you enter the door, the host will pick it up and put it there, oh, it's a lot bigger and better.

Ren Liao Yuan had to fill the trunk of the car, and finally even his suitcase had to be stuffed into the back seat.

Guo Zhi doesn't need to bring anything when he goes home, he has all the clothes and supplies at home. And considering that he would be staying for a few days, Liao Yuan brought some clothes.

The two set off before eight o'clock, drove for more than three hours, and arrived at Guo Zhi's house before twelve o'clock.

When the knock on the door finally sounded, the Guo family were all refreshed

Guo Heng went over to open the door. Guo Zhi's parents stood reservedly in the living room and waited for the guests.

The clear and neat voice of her daughter resounded at the entrance: "This is my brother, Guo Heng Guo Heng, this Liao Yuan"

Then the boy greeted Guo Heng politely and politely, oh, that sounds nice.

Then Guo Heng took the things from his sister's hand, turned and walked inside. Guo Zhi followed, and the young man followed at the end. He heard her daughter's neat command: "Put it here, put it here"

Guo's house is the entrance as soon as you enter the door, and the living room when you turn around. The young man followed Guo Zhi's instructions as soon as the two people in front came in, and bent down and put the two boxes of fruit in his hand on the floor.

Guo's mother couldn't see her face at first sight. I saw that he was wearing a suit, with broad shoulders and a thin waist. The legs are really long, although they are bent over, this body is also comfortable for the eyes when viewed from the back, and it is definitely not short. don't you mean model?

At this moment, Guo Heng also put down the things in his hand, and then gave his mother a complicated look.

Guo's mother received her son's glance keenly, but could not interpret it. She couldn't help but sigh

The eye contact between mother and child is only a matter of a second or two, the long-legged guy has straightened his waist, and as she thought, the altitude is very high.

Forget it, it's ugly. To live, the most important thing is to be a good person, not to mention this height is also very good

When Guo's mother comforted herself in her heart, Liao Yuan turned around.

Cut fit casual suits, like designed for this inverted V body with wide shoulders and narrow waist, fit everywhere and fit everywhere. The shirt was snow-white, without a tie, with two buttons open, revealing a beautiful collarbone.

The body is impeccable.

But the key is the face

The face

For a moment, Guo's mother felt as if countless fireworks were set off in front of her eyes, and it seemed as if colorful clouds were swirling around

As if the spring breeze is blowing

She seemed to hear the auspicious music in the auspicious clouds, the fairy dancing in the sky, the bright dress dancing

At that moment, Guo's mother reviewed her life.

She remembered that when she was a child, her favorite person among relatives was a distant cousin. When she was a child, she didn't know why, but she felt that her uncle's eyebrows looked more comfortable than others.

When she was in junior high school, her parents warned her not to talk to the bad boy smoking in the alley. He is a bad embryo and will be sent to labor camp sooner or later. She obeyed her parents and never spoke to the bad boy. The boy was indeed as expected by his parents, and he was actually sent to reeducation through labor. But she was extremely sad and heartbroken. Why would someone with such a face be a criminal?

When she was in high school, she had no big ambitions. She just thought that after graduation, she could work in a factory to earn money, which would be a very happy thing. But the college entrance examination was resumed that year, and the best-looking boy in the class said he didn't want to go to work and wanted to go to university. She didn't say anything, just worked hard for a whole year, and finally became a college student.

Unfortunately, she made a mistake about the school the boy was going to, and from then on, she was separated from him.

Fortunately, at school, she saw a man several years older than her. Because the college entrance examination has been suspended for many years before it resumes, in those years, fathers and sons took exams together, and brothers took exams together everywhere. It is not uncommon for the father and son to attend classes in the same classroom.

Fortunately, the man is not too old, and the key is that he looks really good. She looks better than the boy she studied hard for college in high school

At that time, it was not popular for women to chase men. No, at that time, someone had to introduce someone to talk to.

But she missed the bad boy at the entrance of the alley and the good-looking boy in high school. At this age, she was determined not to miss the most beautiful man she had ever seen in her life.

She rushed forward.

Later, she gave birth to a daughter. Later, she gave birth to another child. Her children are all good-looking, thanks to her finding a good-looking dad for them

However, at this moment, Guo's mother quickly reviewed the good-looking men in her life who left a deep impression on her, but found that together, they did not have the one in front of her. good-looking boy

Guo's mother saw Liao Yuan's first glance.

"Mom and Dad"

As the girl's clear voice sounded, the fireworks dissipated, the auspicious clouds receded, the spring breeze stopped, and the Buddha light closed. After a second of trance, Guo's mother was pulled back to the reality of the world.

She couldn't help but feel lost.

Guo Zhi introduced to them: "This is Liao Yuan."

At this time, Guo's mother formally looked at the young man in front of her, and then gave her daughter a meaningful look.

Guo Zhi couldn't get the meaning of her mother's glance at this time.

It was a long, long time before she realized that her original beauty control was not acquired.

It is genetic.