MTL - The Queen’s Gigolo-Chapter 94

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After Christmas, He Kai really found a time to pay for wine. Super fast and stable update,

Lin Bo called Guo Zhi: "You are the biggest victim if you go or not."

"No." Guo Zhi said angrily, "The circle is too messy, I don't want to touch it."

Limbo's laughter came from the phone.

"It's too upright, Guo Xiaozhi." He said, "Your temper has not changed until now."

Guo Zhi made a "cut" and said, "I changed it early. My temper is much better now than before. Before I left it, I really wanted to go up and slap him. But I don't mix. This circle is just, there is no entanglement of interests, such people, it is best not to see each other."

"I see that the child will develop in the future. In a circle, look down but not look up. You can talk to Liao Yuan well, just take his glass of wine. You also know that I and Mr. Song's relationship, Lao Song has to pay for it, and I'm not good at not giving face."

"I know, let me tell him. Hey, what do you think of Liao Yuan?

"It's not bad. It's always been good, looking at a soft and peaceful child, he has no temper, everyone likes him very much. It's just like He Kai's arrogance here, it's not know what's going on."

He said "I don't know what's going on", but Limbaugh knew exactly what was going on.

Because it concerns Guo Zhi.

That's why the child who looked at him with no temper just broke out once.

Oh, this is even a red face.

"He has a good temper, he has no temper at all. If he is going to conflict with others, it must be someone else's fault." Guo Zhi said confidently.

Limbo: "" What the **** is the tone of the bear parent of such a bear child

"Anyway, teach him well. He follows you, I'm relieved anyway. You are the most reassuring in dealing with others." Guo Zhi said this very naturally. Because that's what she thought.

Lin Bo could also hear it, he didn't know what was going on in his heart, and some different feelings were surging.

"That's right." He paused and smiled, "I taught you even you."

Liao Yuan finally took He Kai's glass of wine.

Lin Bo talked to him, Guo Zhi also talked to him, stay on the line, and meet in the future. He listened.

Lin Bo and Guo Zhi, both of whom he served.

After the web drama was finished, the training he had interrupted due to filming started again.

After experiencing this play, his acting teacher praised him for making a lot of progress. He couldn't tell whether the teacher was telling the truth or not.

"I always feel like I'm still selling my face." He said to Guo Zhi a little depressed.

"It's okay, now is the era of male sex." Guo Zhi comforted him, "Besides, this kind of web drama is adapted, so you have to look at your face. You are not good-looking enough, a man like Xiao Qing God destroys the rhythm in minutes."

"I talked to Lin Bo, and he said that at your age, don't worry. Just rely on your face first and follow the idol route. Slowly hone your skills and transform when you are older."

"Don't worry. Limbaugh is very dependable."

Liao Yuan lowered his eyes when he heard the last sentence.

While he was receiving training, he was meeting with announcements from some companies. He is handsome and good-looking, has a serious work attitude and is likable. Those show groups like to call him.

He is happy. For an artist with a certain reputation, the announcement of the remuneration is already inconspicuous. But Liao Yuan is only showing a little sign of becoming popular now. Whether it is really popular or not depends on the situation after the show is broadcast.

To him, the last announcement was a sum of money.

He was happiest when he received a short message on his mobile phone about the change in the balance of the money.

When New Year's Day was off, he accompanied Guo Zhi home. Guo's mother also said that she saw him on a certain show.

Guo Zhi showed Liao Yuan's savings card to her mother in private. Guo's mother quietly asked her how much money was in it, and she reported the number to her.

Mother Guo was surprised: "A lot." She thought the child had no money at all. Didn't they say that they were driven out by the landlord because they were so poor before?

"This is the way it is, if you don't do it well, drink the northwest wind. If you do it well, the money will come rushing. He has no money for this online drama this time, and it is not much more than the last announcement. But online dramas are like this, the main thing is exposure. But if you watch those big stars, the kind of serious TV dramas, 500,000 to 800,000 yuan per episode is normal. Twenty episodes in one and a half months, you Calculate how much it will cost." Guo Zhi said.

Guo's mother did some calculations, and then took a deep breath: "I can't blame so many people for wanting to be a star, this is really money."

"Of course, I'm talking about a big star. Liao Yuan is not a big star now, he can only be regarded as a small shrimp. But I am optimistic about him, even if he can't become a big star, he can still be a small star ."

Guo's mother slowed down when she heard this.

It's not that she is selfish, no parent should think about their children.

Guo Zhi and Liao Yuan were together. Before, Guo Zhi's mother was worried about Guo Zhi's money. So she earnestly instructed that Guo Zhi must take care of his house and savings. But you can't make your mind dizzy, your ears soften, and others will let you go.

Now, Liao Yuan's ability to earn money is not weak. Although there is no car and no house now, but looking at the situation, this child may have a house and a car earlier than many of his peers. Guo's mother is not very worried about this.

She began to worry about something else.

Just now, the income of those big stars is really scary. If this Liao Yuan is so popular, so young, so good-looking, and then become so rich

Mother Guo was very worried when she was cutting vegetables. Can not help but sighed.

"What's wrong with you. Why are you not happy?" Guo Zhi really couldn't understand her mother's mood.

"He is still so young, if it takes two or three years, he will really become popular and become a big star" Guo's mother said worriedly.

At that time, Liao Yuan was only twenty-two or three years old, but Guo Zhi was already thirty years old.

Guo Zhi heard Xianyin and knew Yayi, but she didn't care: "Who knows what will happen in the future. I can't just ignore it because I'm afraid of bad things in the future."

She picked up a piece of fried octopus, tore the sides, threw away the side thorns, and chewed on it.

While nibbling, he said: "As you think, I should find someone like Zheng Hu. He looks ugly, looks honest, has a very stable job, and a business unit. Looking at these conditions, I feel that the marriage must have a very stable outcome."

Guo's mother sighed when she heard this.

Zheng Hu is the son of a neighbor over the old building where the Guo family used to live. Looks from clown to big, people look honest. As a result, his wife was pregnant, and he went outside to find the third child.

Paper can't keep the fire after all, not to mention the old Zheng family, he is not ashamed at all, and he feels that his son is so proud and shows off everywhere. Sure enough, Xiao Zheng's wife finally found out.

It’s been almost seven months, my big fat son has been induced and divorced. The howl of the old Zheng family was earth-shattering.


Confused people, why do you like Zheng Hu?"

Guo's mother sighed: "Probably the same as what I think, I think this person is ugly, looks honest, just say that, I think he is a reliable person" She said, Shaking his head.

Good-looking men are easy to be romantic and scumbags, and ugly men are more honest. It's absurd

Scum is not scum, it is only related to character, not necessarily related to appearance.

"So, you have to learn from me. You see Liao Yuanchang is so good-looking, even if he cheats in the future, I have enjoyed it in the past few years, don't you think?" Guo Zhi tutted loudly.

The same is the face control, Guo's mother actually agrees with this.

Before she could speak, Liao Yuan came in through the crack of the door with an empty fruit plate.

"Auntie, don't listen to her nonsense. I didn't cheat." He said angrily, "Neither will"

How can he ruin his reputation in front of his mother-in-law?

Both women laughed.

"Come on, Xiao Liao, you should come and help me." Guo's mother greeted Liao Yuan, and banged Guo Zhi in disgust, "Go, go, stay outside and say help me, Just talk, don’t practice. Fried a plate of octopus, you’ve almost eaten half of the plate.”

Guo Zhi made a "cut", picked up the remaining half plate of fried octopus, and walked out.

"Put it down and not burn it"

"I like dry frying~~~" The voice was already floating from the living room.

"Wow, ma'am, give me a piece"

Although Guo's mother smiled, she actually kept thinking about it. In private, he asked Guo Zhi again: "Have you seen his family?"


"When are you planning to meet"

This Guo Zhi really hadn't thought about it seriously, and Liao Yuan had told her before that it was too early, and it wasn't too late to meet them when things were settled.

"Liao is still two years away from the legal age of marriage. It doesn't make sense for me to see you so early." She explained to her mother, "When will we really settle down, let's talk about it. ."

Guo's mother couldn't help but gloomy: "It's not good to be too young." But Liao Yuan is only twenty

"I thought, it's better to meet." Guo's mother thought about it, "Buy pigs and see the pen. You can't produce good bamboo shoots. Look at what kind of people your parents are, yes This person has a clue."

"Look at me and your father, and look at your siblings. Look at Lao Zheng's family and her ugly son. You have to go and see, your mother-in-law is from Lao Zheng's family. Like this, let me tell you, no matter how good-looking he looks, one word, break up."

"Two words."

"Will you focus on the key points?" Mom slapped her daughter in disgust.

"I know I know." Guo Zhi rubbed his head.

"Do you understand what I said?" Guo's mother asked.

"Understood." Guo Zhi pondered carefully, "very wise in life"

It does make sense.

"Where did he spend the Spring Festival and go home?" Guo's mother asked.

"Should answer, I don't know. Isn't it too early?"

"You go back and ask him." Guo's mother asked again, "What about you?"

"I" Guo Zhi widened his eyes and said puzzled, "I'm coming back, the Spring Festival will definitely be a holiday, why should I go if I don't go home?"

Mother Guo is relieved.

"Okay. Anyway, remember that you are not allowed to spend the Spring Festival in someone else's house before you get married."

Although I don't understand the wisdom of life here, but since my mother said so, Guo Zhi agreed.

The line is crisp.