MTL - The Rebirth of Crazy Ger-Chapter 108

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"Guest house."

Keyuanju is a place to receive visitors from outside Ning'an City... It is said to be a reception, but it is more like a reception.

In this orc world, ferocious beasts are rampant. No matter the tribe with a specific residence or the tribe wandering in the jungle, they live a life of fear, and spend every day fearing the attack of ferocious beasts...

But the city is different. The city has a tall and strong city wall, guarded by a team of capable orcs on the city wall... It is difficult for fierce beasts to break through...

It can be said that the city is the safest place in the beastman world...

Living in the city, there is no need to worry about the sudden attack of fierce beasts all the time. Therefore, as the only city in this world, Ning'an City has become the dream place of all orcs and brothers.

All people yearn to live in the city.

If it weren't for the top-notch defensive capabilities of this city, and the natural intelligence of the Tianhu tribe, who are good at management... this Ning'an City would have been occupied by other tribes long ago.

At the beginning of the establishment of Ning'an City, it experienced a long battle, not only the raid of fierce beasts, but also the ambitions of various ethnic groups and tribes to occupy it, but in the end it was firmly guarded by the Sky Fox Clan...

Now there are no tribes who dare to make Ning'an City, but every year, there are still many tribes and tribes who yearn for life in the city, and will bring their tribes to pay a visit or even seek refuge...

The orc race is very interested in bloodlines and ethnic groups. Even in a large city like Ning'an City, most of the people living in it are people from the Tianhu clan. Occasionally, people from other races must have special abilities and deserve to be kept. of.

Weak tribes or remnant tribes that have lost their leaders, Ning'an City will not let them into the city... However, some special races and powerful tribes will be temporarily accommodated in this source of residence.

There is a special receptionist in the guest source residence. The receptionist will examine the orcs and brothers who want to stay. If they find something valuable, they will report it. If the superior agrees, they can stay... Otherwise, they will be kicked out after a few days of living. go out.

Knowing that this guest house existed like this, Wang Jin felt more and more aggrieved by the fact that the man was arranged to live there... so he rushed over impatiently.

There are orc teams guarding the guest source house all around, and they have to check when entering and leaving...

When Wang Jin arrived, he was stopped.

The development of this city is more developed than Wang Jin imagined. The attic of the original owner is actually quite far away from Keyuanju... It would take an hour or two to walk, but there are beast carts on the outer street...

These beast carriages are operated by some beastmen, and after spending a little money, those beastmen will turn into beasts and pull the carriages of customers to their destinations, just like Wang Jin's coachman in his previous life.

At this moment, seeing that he was being stopped, the driver pulling the carriage turned into a human form, and signaled to Wang Jin who was sitting in the carriage: "Young master, I can't get in here, so I can only send it here."

Hearing this, Wang Jin hurriedly took the bamboo hat on one side, put it on and was about to get out of the carriage, but was pushed back by Shan Bo who came with him.

Originally, this Shan Bo did not support him coming here, saying that there are too many people here, and his status is special, so he was afraid of danger... But in the end he couldn't persuade him, so he accompanied him here.

This is all here, why did Shan Bo stop him at this time?

Xu Shi received Wang Jin's doubts, Shan Bo shook his head slightly and said: "Young master, the headed orc who guards the guest house is Pan Yue, the son of Xiangtang Master, and that man knows you. If you show up, he will immediately send you back."

"... Then... what should I do?"

This original owner seems to be quite famous in Ning'an City, people know him everywhere.

The young man was anxious, afraid that he would not be able to get in with his lover... Shan Bo smiled... He couldn't help but think, that ancient orc is really so good that his young man can't leave him for a moment? You must know that the young master didn't seem to treat that young master Cheng like this before...

Seeing that the man became more and more anxious and seemed to want to go out again, Shan Bo patted Wang Jin's wrist in a soothing manner and said: "Don't worry, young master, I'll go down and have a look, you sit down first."

After all, that Uncle Shan went out first, and before going out, he even covered the curtains in the carriage tightly, as if he was afraid that Wang Jin would be seen by others.

Wang Jin had no choice but to **** up his ears to listen to the movement outside, but the sound outside was too complicated to hear clearly.

Fortunately, not long after, Uncle Shan opened the curtain and stretched out his hand to Wang Jin: "Young master, come down, Mr. Yue has already sent someone to find Yuan Heng, he will come out to see you."

"..." Why does this seem to be guarding Brother Heng as a criminal...

His brother Heng is so kind, how could he suffer such wrongs...

Wang Jin felt more and more uncomfortable, put on the bamboo hat and got out of the car in twos and twos, staring inwardly.

Not long after, the man came out, dressed in white clothes, the sleeves fluttered when he walked, the wind blew his black hair, making those hairs dance restlessly... straight to Wang Jin's heart.

Wang Jin's heart was beating like thunder... Seeing the man getting closer, he couldn't bear it anymore, he lifted the hat that covered his face, ran straight towards the man, and threw himself into his arms with a bright smile: "Brother Heng !"

It hasn't been long since they separated, but Wang Jin feels as if several years have passed...

Yuan Heng was caught off guard by his little brother, and his brows softened in an instant: "You little brother..."

He spoke softly, with a smile in his tone, as if he was making fun of Wang Jin's stickiness. Wang Jin's face became hot, and he raised his eyes to look at the man.

The man's tone seemed to be teasing, but he couldn't hide the joy and pampering in his eyes, his light-colored glazed pupils were full of his own reflection...

Wang Jin watched and couldn't help being crazy.

The man was already handsome, but at this moment his face softened, and there was tenderness in his eyes... This appearance was a shock... Wang Jin's heart beat like thunder...

The little brother in front of him stared blankly at him with clear eyes, as if he was everything to him, Yuan Heng's heart moved slightly, and the eyes he looked at the little brother became softer: "Why are you here?"

He asked softly, uncontrollably pressing his forehead against his little brother's, as if he could see his little brother clearly only at such a close distance.

"..." Shan Bo looked at the two people who were stuck together, pointed at them tremblingly, and couldn't utter a word with his lips trembling.

How did this little boy become so open?

Although he was enthusiastic about Mr. Cheng before, he had never been like this... Shanbo covered his eyes with his other hand...

The orc Pan Yue standing beside him was wearing a tight black suit with a slightly childish face. Seeing Wang Jin and Yuan Heng's stickiness at this moment, his eyes widened in surprise, and he even opened his mouth slightly. …

Although he is not familiar with this rumor, he also knows that he is very timid...

But now it seems...

I'm afraid this timidity depends on who you are...

The two of them have been sticking together since the moment they met, chatting as if there was no one else to talk about... They erected a high barrier to everything around them, as if no one could interfere with them...

Pan Yue looked at him in amazement, and Shan Bo wanted to step forward to remind the two of them to pay attention to the distance, but Pan Yue stopped him.

"Uncle Shan, you see that young master is so happy, otherwise let's forget about it this time. Anyway, with us here, Yuan Heng can't do anything."

Upon hearing this, Uncle Shan looked at Wang Jin, the brother smiled so much that his cheekbones bulged, and the corners of his mouth were grinning to the corners of his eyes... Maybe even Xu Yang couldn't compare to his bright smile.

"It's the first time I've discovered that the young master can smile so happily..." Pan Yue looked at him and chuckled.

Although he is not familiar with Xi Yao, but he is the son of Hall Master Xiang, and even though this guest lives in this area, he often goes to see the Lord of the City...

When I went to see the city lord, I met Na Shiyou quite a few times... but I never saw him so cheerful...

The only time he smiled was at Cheng Bai, the younger brother of Hall Master Martial Arts... That smile was just a slight purse of his lips... I couldn't tell how happy he was.

Where is it like now, it looks like a carefree child... pure brilliance... unconsciously shining... attracting the eyes of everyone present.

"This young master seems to have changed a lot when he came back this time?"

Even Pan Yue, who was not familiar with him, noticed the change in Wang Jin.

Shan Bo nodded in astonishment, in fact, he had followed that young master for a long time, but he had never seen him smiling so heartily...

That ancient orc must have been very kind to the young master, so that the guarded young master was so defenseless in front of one person...

Just now Shan Bo wanted to prevent the two from getting too close, but seeing Wang Jin so happy now, he took the initiative to stand aside.

The two of them were tired of standing and talking, so they walked to the side of the shade and sat on the ground to chat...

It was said that the two were chatting, but in fact it was mostly the brother who was talking. The orc just looked at him full of love... as if just looking at the brother was extremely satisfying.

Inside the city, in an exquisite attic.

A brother in red was sitting in a place and staring at the door, as if he was waiting for someone.

After about a moment, a short but round man appeared at the door. The man was dressed in gold and silver, the clothes on his body were extremely gorgeous, and the headdress on his head was also extremely delicate...

These things were supposed to add a lot of points to him, but because of the man's sloppiness, these things seemed too cumbersome...

He walked in, and the short-legged man was only a few steps away from the red-clothed brother, but he walked for almost a quarter of an hour...

A hint of impatience flashed in the red-clothed boy's eyes, but it was well hidden. He smiled and stood up to meet him.

"Xiang'er, you're finally here." The man stepped forward and took the initiative to hold Zhao Xiang's hand, leading him to the table and sitting down: "I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Said in a slightly coquettish voice, very intimate... people can't help but feel close in their hearts.

Na Zhaoxiang also smiled, showing a bit of sincerity on her face: "Shu Lin, you asked me out... I came here without a moment's delay after I came out of that delicate attic."