MTL - The Rebirth of Crazy Ger-v2 Chapter 1

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Xi Ning hurriedly shook his head and said, "Maybe I will persuade Yao'er to choose Cheng Bai again."

The man said: "You yourself don't want to marry someone you don't love, how can you force your brother?"

"...That's not persecution, it's just persuasion..." Xining smiled: "In short, now that the problem is solved, how long will it take you this time?"

Hearing this, the man softened his eyes and said, "One month, this is the last time. After one month, I won't need to retreat."

"Really!" Xi Ning was overjoyed.

The man said: "However, this time is especially important. During this month, no one will disturb me, otherwise I will be very dangerous."

"Okay, don't worry." Xi Ning responded.

"..." Knowing some unknown secrets, Zhao Shu left the place lightly and hurriedly went straight to the original place.

As soon as he entered, Zhao Yu greeted him and asked, "How?"

Zhao Shan pulled Zhao Yu to his knees and said, "Father, this time the city lord may not just punish me casually."

"What do you mean?" Zhao Yu asked.

"Xi Yao is pregnant, and the child belongs to Yuan Heng. Xi Ning intends to marry the two of them, and is planning to find a job for Yuan Heng, so that he can stay in Ning'an City." Zhao Shan said, turning his head to look at Zhao Yu and said: "The city lord intends to make Yuan Heng the deputy city lord."

"What?!" Zhao Yu stood up at once, Zhao Shan hurriedly looked back, grabbed Zhao Yu and said, "Father, keep your voice down."

Zhao Yu's face was full of anger, and he lowered his voice and said, "That boy Xi Ning wants to take this opportunity to remove my post and give it to that ancient orc?"

"Not only that, Xi Ning intends not to use anyone from my Zhao family except Zhao Qi."

"!" Zhao Yu was furious: "Xining is trying to force my Zhao family to death."

"Father, we can't sit still." Zhao Shan said with a dark expression.

"?" Zhao Yu looked at Zhao Shan suspiciously.

Zhao Shu lowered his voice and said, "A few days ago, what Xiang'er told us, father still remember?"

"Zhao Xiang..." Zhao Yu recalled the brother who had his eyes gouged out and called his father through his tongue, and he didn't speak for a long time.

For a while, the hall was silent.

In Zhaoxiang courtyard.

Pan Shulin took several steps back in shock, and he didn't stop until the table behind him blocked his back step.

Thin sweat had already appeared on his forehead, and his whole body was covered in cold sweat.

"You mean... your eyes and tongue were made by the city lord Xining?"

Zhaoxiang nodded.

"..." Pan Shulin knew that Xining was in pain, but never thought that Xining's methods were so cruel and shameful.

He was secretly looking for someone to do it by himself, but on the surface he was dragging the Zhao family to find the murderer... playing with the Zhao family!

It was only then that Pan Shulin realized that this Ning'an City belonged to him, and it was easy for his city lord, Xining, to take revenge on someone. There are thousands of shady ways and means to deal with a person.

Pan Shulin is very fortunate now, he used to be cautious in his work, and did not let the city lord Xining find out that he had dealt with Xi Yao, otherwise his end would only be worse than that of Zhao Xiang.

However, he is not much better now, if he is caught by Xining now, it will be a disaster.

Pan Shulin lost his mind, and saw the attendant staring straight at him and said: "My son said that he knew that you had plotted against him before. He knew about the brothers in the attic sending letters. Later, you encouraged him to kill those brothers. Silence."

"..." Pan Shulin pursed her lips: "So now that you know, what do you want to tell me?"

What Zhao Xiang wrote, the attendant glanced at it and said, "My lord said, let's deal with Xi's family together first, as for these, you need to pay back with money, my lord."

This man really loves money like his life.

Pan Shulin felt relieved: "If you can escape this difficulty, the matter of money is easy to talk about. You want to deal with Xi's family, but he is the city lord. How can I deal with it?"

Zhaoxiang shook her head and wrote another paragraph, the attendant read it and said, "My lord said, apart from us, there is the whole Zhao family."

"?" Pan Shulin was astonished. Does this mean that Zhao Yu is going to rebel?

"Did your father agree?" Pan Shulin asked.

The attendant said: "Young master said, he will agree."

Pan Shulin closed her eyes and pondered for a while and said, "Even if all the guards of the Zhao family are combined, they may not be able to move the city lord."

The attendant said: "I've gone to inquire about these things before. Cheng Li sent people to find the rumors before. Many orcs have not come back. Now he is punished to face the wall. Although Cheng Bai is powerful, he has never cared about the orcs of the Cheng family. Guards, there is nothing to be afraid of, the orcs in the city are like a mess of loose sand, there are not many Zhaoqi players, and the two merchants have not returned, if they deal with loose sand and Zhaoqi players, they can win."

"But there are still my brother's." Pan Shulin said.

Zhaoxiang and the attendants were silent, and Pan Shulin suddenly understood Zhaoxiang's purpose in saving herself.

Inside the palace.

Zhao Shan, who had been silent for a long time, said, "Father, what Xiang'er said a few days ago is not unreasonable."

"We have been making such preparations, and the guards in the city are the most lax now. If things are going to happen, now is the best time."

"When Xiang'er mentioned it to us a few days ago, I thought about it." Zhao Yu said: "But I'm going all out, we can't win unless Pan Yue is held back."

Zhao Shan said: "Pan Shulin just escaped."

"?" Zhaoyu was puzzled, and Zhaoshan lowered his voice and said, "Xiang'er said before that if we want to succeed, we can find Pan Shulin to join hands, but both my father and I feel that Pan Shulin has a father and brother and status, so it is impossible for Pan Shulin to follow us. We stopped Xiang'er, but now Pan Shulin is a desperado and has nothing, if he doesn't cooperate with us, he will have nothing, I guess Xiang'er will definitely make a move at this time."

Zhao Shu approached Zhao Yu and said in an inaudible voice, "If Pan Shulin helps, Pan Yue can control it."

As Zhao Shan said, the corners of his lips curled up and he continued: "Pan Yue's guards are all used to guard the foreign orcs who live in the guest source. Those foreign orcs don't say everything, but at least 90% want to stay in Ning'an City. If we In this way, we can make a deal with those orcs and let them help us, then we will win."

Zhao Yu's eyes lit up, but he shook his head after a while and said, "The combat power of the ancient orcs has to be included, and someone has to drag that man along."

Zhao Shan pondered for a moment, then said viciously: "It's simple, if Xi Yao is pregnant, the Xi family's animal control skills will become weaker and weaker, we can send people to capture Xi Yao, and the ancient orcs will also lose their strength." I dare not move."

Zhaoyu's eyes lit up completely: "The Xiyao is the person Xiang'er and Pan Shulin hate, and it happened to be handed over to them to deal with."

Zhao Shan said: "Father, if there is a trouble, then it is not appropriate for us to beg for mercy from Xi Ning here."

Hearing this, Zhao Yu stood up and said, "That's fine, let's go."

In Zhaoxiang courtyard.

"Even if I can stabilize my brother, what about the ancient orcs?" Pan Shulin asked.

Zhao Xiang moved his pen, and the attendant said: "If you can keep your brother steady, then the ancient orcs will naturally have a way to deal with it."

Pan Shulin frowned and said, "How do you want to deal with it?"

Zhao Xiang frowned, the attendant glanced at Pan Shulin, and whispered something in his ear, Zhao Xiang wrote something on the paper, the attendant read it and said: "Master said, your elder brother is in charge of the guest house , as long as he leaves, the people in Keyuan Juli can make trouble together, whether it is used to deal with the ancient orcs or Xi Ning, it is very good, and besides, rumors are the weakness of the ancient orcs."

Pan Shulin was silent and did not speak.

Zhao Xiang waited for a while, listened carefully, made sure she hadn't heard anything, and wrote another paragraph. When the attendant saw it, he said, "My lord said, you have no way out. Now you have nothing, and you have been hunted by the whole city. To be in the hands of Xi Ning is to die, unless you cooperate and defeat Xi Ning, your Pan family and Pan Shulin can be like before."

"..." Pan Shulin was shaken, and finally he gritted his teeth and said, "I still have one condition. The Cheng family and the Pan family have always been loyal. disposal."

Zhao Xiang frowned, and tugged at the attendant, who said, "Young master said, this matter can only be accepted by you when your father and brother come back, he has no right."

"We're back." The door was pushed open, Zhao Yu and Zhao Shu came in, Pan Shulin looked wary.

Zhao Yu cast a disdainful glance and said, "If we want to harm you, why bother to save you?"

Zhao Shan stepped forward and said, "Mr. Pan, I heard what you said just now."

After all, he glanced at Zhao Yu, Zhao Yu nodded at him, and said: "We can promise you to leave the lives of your father, brother and Cheng Bai to you, but after today, until you succeed, You must obey our Zhao family's arrangement unconditionally."

Unconditional obedience? !

Pan Shulin hesitated for a moment, Zhao Shan sneered and said: "You can refuse, we will immediately cut off your tongue and fingers, and then hand you over to atone for your crimes and keep our Zhao family safe."

"!" Pan Shulin smiled shyly, "So, I have no way out?"

Zhao Shu chuckled: "Since you were defeated this morning, you have no way out."

When Wang Jin woke up, he felt top-heavy. He rubbed his head and got up, but before he could react, there were two hands on both sides of his temples, pressing them regularly.

Wang Jin froze, opened his eyes to look at the man, found that the man was Yuan Heng, relaxed his body, and let him hold him down.

"Brother Heng, why am I so dizzy this time?" Wang Jin asked softly, "Did I catch a cold? I feel like I have no strength in my whole body."

"Little brother..."

The man called softly, his voice was low and magnetic, and it sounded a little different from before.

It's not that Wang Jin never got sick in the past. Every time he wakes up, the man is almost by his side. With his deep voice and the unique magnetism that he hasn't spoken on the bed for a long time, the man's worried appearance can make Wang Jin feel sick every time. heart beats for it.

But this time, although the man's voice was still low, there was no worry. Wang Jin turned his head to look, and there was obvious joy on the man's face.