MTL - The Reborn Lady is Farming-Chapter 1374 Extraordinary Qi Xiuyuan (7)

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  The three-year-old Qi Haoran knew that when he was ill, he could only get better by taking medicine, such as Fan Zijin.

  Fan Zijin has to drink medicine every once in a while. If he does not drink medicine, he will lie on the bed weakly, unable to go out to play, and even unable to eat what he likes to eat, which is very pitiful.

  Qi Haoran listened to the girls in private, if he didn't take medicine obediently, he would die, then Fan Zijin wouldn't grow up, so would the big brother do the same?

   In such a living environment, Qi Haoran has already understood what "death" is. For example, he sleeps in a grave like his mother, and if he can't see him again, he will die.

  Thinking of his brother's death, Qi Haoran immediately shuddered, stretched out two small hands to pinch his eldest brother's chin, he often grabbed food from Fan Zixiao like this, knowing that this would open his mouth.

So Uncle Zhu saw that the fourth young master opened the mouth of the eldest young master fiercely. Fan Zijin and Qi Haoran had always had a tacit understanding. With the medicine in his hand, he crawled to the bedside and poured it into his mouth.

   The two little friends had a clear division of labor and cooperated perfectly. They successfully poured a bowl of medicine into Qi Xiuyuan's stomach, but he was choked quickly, and he spat out most of the medicine in one fell swoop, soiling the quilt and front of the quilt.

   Having said that, Uncle Zhu and the others were still relieved. After all, a small half of it went into the eldest young master's stomach, right?

   But they soon found out that something was wrong, because the three-year-old Qi Haoran didn't know the severity, he made a mark on the eldest young master's face, and accidentally broke his chin and bleeds.

  The people below silently looked at the two young masters.

  Xiao Qi Haoran immediately put his hands behind his back and looked back at them with a pair of round eyes. Uncle Zhu and the others softened their hearts and could only ignore them.

   But you can't break your chin every time you give medicine, right?

   By that time, the eldest young master's fever subsided, but he was injured again.

   So Uncle Zhu said with worry: "It's better to wake the eldest young master."

  Fan Zijin rolled his eyes and pushed Qi Haoran onto the bed, pressing his hands and feet on his stomach, waving his fists and shouting, "Cry now, or I'll beat you up."

  Qi Haoran was stunned for a moment, his round body immediately pushed up hard, but instead pressed the thin Fan Zijin under him, and said angrily: "I beat you, I'm better than you!"

Fan Zijin raised his hand to beat him and scolded: "You are so stupid, the eldest cousin loves you the most, if you cry, the eldest cousin will definitely wake up. damn."

   Xiao Qi Haoran opened his mouth, and after brewing for a long time, he couldn't cry. He could only stare at Xiao Fan Zijin with big eyes.

Xiao Fan Zijin was helpless and could only reach out to pinch him. Xiao Qi Haoran made a "hiss", but he still didn't cry. When he was beaten, he rarely cried. Afterwards, we got back to the scene, so even if Xiao Fan Zijin pinched him very painfully, he didn't cry.

   His hand was itchy, and he wanted to pinch it back, but thinking that the little friend was also doing it for his own good, he didn't do it.

  Xiao Fan Zijin saw that he didn't cry, there was nothing he could do, and he could only say: "If you don't cry, the big cousin will die of illness. You will no longer have a brother in the future. In the future, the uncle of the Qi family and Qi Shaosheng will bully you to the death!"

   Xiao Qi Haoran was stunned for a moment, turned his head to look at the big brother lying on the side, his heart was sour, and he immediately burst into tears.

  Xiao Fan Zijin was startled, then clapped his hands happily: "Cry louder, cry louder."

   Xiao Qi Haoran was really sad, thinking that his big brother was going to die, he closed his eyes and cried, unable to hear the outside world at all.

   Tears fell drop by drop on Qi Xiuyuan's face, but the person lying on the bed did not respond at all.

   Uncle Zhu and the others were startled and wanted to step up to coax him, but they also thought that it would be good if the fourth young master could wake the eldest young master from crying, and they didn't know what the old lady asked the eldest young master to do yesterday, so he scare people like this.

   And their instinctive vigilance prevented them from asking a doctor for a lot of trouble, so they just went outside to describe the condition and asked the doctor to prescribe medicine.

   But even if they didn't let the doctor take the pulse, just by looking at the face of the eldest young master and the unconscious dreaming last night, they knew that he was worried and sick, and for a while they hated and feared the people in Qifu.

   The most important thing at this time is to let the young master wake up and take medicine.

Xiao Fan Zijin was still clapping his hands to encourage his little friend to cry louder, but when he saw how sad he was crying, Xiao Fan Zijin didn't want it anymore. When he was young, his heart was sour, and he couldn't help but drop his face, whether he wanted to cry or not. looking at my friend.

   Xiao Qi Haoran cried out of his realm, thinking that he might have no brother in the future, he was so sad that he could hardly breathe.

  Xiao Fan Zijin also lowered his head and burst into tears. He didn't cry like Xiao Qi Haoran with his mouth wide open. He just sat quietly by the bed and wept, but his tears were no less than Qi Haoran's.

   Uncle Zhu and the others looked helpless, the two children obviously forgot their original intentions, and now they are completely crying.

   You can't make the two children cry because of the eldest young master. Uncle Zhu and the others can only helplessly step forward to coax them, but they see Qi Xiuyuan coughing twice and trying his best to open his eyes.

   Wishing Uncle great joy, he shook the two children and shouted, "Master, the eldest master is awake!"

  Fan Zijin stopped crying, and immediately wiped his tears to go to see his cousin. Seeing that Qi Haoran was still crying, he slapped him and shouted, "Don't cry, the big cousin was woken up by you."

Qi Haoran stopped and turned to look at his brother with tears in his eyes. Seeing that he really opened his eyes, he threw himself up in his arms and said aggrieved: "Brother, don't leave me alone. Man, if you die, take me with you."

Qi Xiuyuan just woke up, his mind was still a little confused, he suddenly felt a pain in his chest when he heard these words, then he looked at his brother tenderly, nodded and said, "Okay, if my brother dies before you are a minor, I will with you."

   Uncle Zhu exclaimed, "Eldest Young Master!"

  Qi Xiuyuan was a little disheartened and said lightly, "Living in this world is also suffering."

   Uncle Zhu's expression changed slightly.

  Qi Haoran said stupidly: "No, you can eat while alive, but the nurse said she can't eat when she's dead. I really want to eat candy, and I also want to eat candy-fried chestnuts."

Looking at his chubby younger brother, Qi Xiuyuan couldn't help but feel happy, his heart that had no business was getting a little more vitality, the despair of an eight-year-old child came and went quickly, he rubbed his brother's head and smiled: "Okay, then We live."

   Uncle Zhu and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

  The courtyard where Qi Xiuyuan lives is in a quiet corner, but Qi Haoran howled too loudly just now, and since it was the first time he came back during the Qingming Festival and Chinese New Year, everyone was very concerned, so everyone knew that something had happened to this small courtyard.

   Wu's Qi Xiuyuan hated and feared, and did not come to ask questions, but Qi's mother had no scruples, and immediately called her mother to come and ask.

  After all, although she had given up her idea of ​​killing Sun yesterday, her doubts had not been completely cleared up, so she was very concerned about this matter.

Qi Xiuyuan didn't want them to know about his serious illness. If his grandmother knew that he was worried and became ill, he would be suspicious again, so he told Uncle Zhu, "I just said that I didn't want to sleep last night, and I was right in the middle of the night. I cried at the moon, and then caught a cold and fell ill. The reason why my brother came back was because I promised him that I would take him to the street today, but I didn’t go there until I found him.”

   "As for the cry," Qi Xiuyuan looked at the two children with red eyes and said, "Let's just say that the two of them fought."

   Uncle Zhu responded immediately.