MTL - The Reborn Lady is Farming-Chapter 1427 Extra 范子 衿 (44)

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  Qi Haoran has not been feeling very well recently, but he is healthier than Fan Zijin. As soon as he got off the carriage, he threw off the hand of the next person to help him, and strode towards the main room.

   Mu Yangling followed behind with a trot.

   The foreheads of the servants who came to serve were sweating, and the guards were carefully guarding them. The ground was slippery because of the spring rain just now, and they were afraid that one of the two ancestors would fall unsteadily.

  Qi Haoran burst into the room sweating profusely. Inside, Fan Zijin leaned on the bed and ate a bowl of noodles, feeling in good spirits.

  The descendants who were kneeling on the ground in the house, as well as several small fourth generation were pushed to the door, and they were listening to the movement.

   Not only the dumbfounded descendants of the Fan family, but Qi Haoran also looked at Fan Zijin suspiciously, walked over to him and looked at him for a moment, "Are you going to die?"

   The room suddenly coughed.

  Qi Haoran turned around and glared at them, "Shut up, go out and cough, didn't you see your grandfather talking to your ancestors?"

  Xiao An quickly got up and kicked the children out.

  Xiaofu graciously dragged a chair over to Qi Haoran, and asked Mu Yangling, who followed up, to sit on the other side, and there were only three ancestors and two brothers left in the room.

   Qi Haoran's eyes were worried, but his mouth was not soft, "Looking at your appetite, it shouldn't be a problem to live another eight or nine years. If you want to see us two old guys, just say it, there's no need to lie to us like this."

  Fan Zijin finished eating the noodles, handed the bowl to his son, and said contentedly: "Who said I lied to you, I think I'm about to die, isn't that the fear of not seeing you for the last time?"

Seeing that Qi Haoran's eyes were all red, he couldn't help but smile and said, "I've lived long enough, and if I live longer, I'll become an old monster. This is a happy event, so don't be sad. The imperial doctor said that I could not live to forty. In the end, you see, I have lived to this age, what is there to be unsatisfied with?"

  Fan Zijin turned his head to look at Mu Yangling, who was sitting on the side, and said with a smile, "A Ling, you have to persuade him more so that he doesn't cry."

   Mu Yangling's eyes were slightly red, but he said stubbornly: "Let's talk about it when you die, maybe we will be sad today."

  Fan Zijin just smiled and did not refute.

Fan Zijin was infected with the cold because the evil wind entered his body. He is eighty-nine years old this year. He is already old and frail, so these days, he has been groggy and uncomfortable. People are dead.

   So the following is cautious and cautious, and they have tried their best to protect this old ancestor.

  Fan Zijin suddenly felt dizzy and eyesight this morning, but the first sentence he woke up was that he was going to die.

   This frightened the sons, grandsons and great-grandchildren, and everyone immediately gathered in the ancestor's room.

No one suspects that the ancestors are lying to them, because their ancestors have always been very reliable, so everyone is very sad, he wants to see the only two ancestors left in the royal family, and they also took the risk of being blamed by the royal family to invite them. , what they want to eat and drink, they even endured the grief to execute.

   Seeing that the two ancestors of the royal family were here, they thought that their ancestors were almost the same, so they knelt outside the door one after another.

   But they knelt from noon to afternoon, and then from afternoon to night, begging for water and food. Even if there was no news from their ancestors, everyone didn't care about grief, and they stretched their necks to visit.

The ancestors in    shouldn't have an accident, right?

You must know that the youngest one is in his 60s, and everyone is looking into their brains. The two Xiao An brothers support each other and walk out. When they see the children and grandchildren, they wave their hands with a headache: "You guys go back, don't come here if you have nothing to do, old man. The ancestors should rest."

   turned around and asked someone to pack the east wing out to live with Qi Haoran and his wife.

  Fan Zijin was very excited in the afternoon, Xiaoan and Xiaofu were sad and thought it was a return to light, who knew that nothing happened to his father.

  Xiaofu was smashed out of the house by his father when he just mentioned that he wanted to hire an imperial doctor.

  Life and death are important matters. Xiao An and Xiao Fu didn't think their father would lie to them about this matter, so they looked at each other and decided that they should let the imperial doctor come to see.

   So the two of them chased the person away and stayed outside waiting for the imperial doctor.

   When Mu Yangling came out, she saw the imperial doctor and the Xiao An brothers waiting under the corridor. She couldn't help but smile and waved, "Come on, your fourth uncle convinced your father."

   The brothers breathed a sigh of relief. Father used to be quite rational, but the older he got, the more children he became.

   Fan Zijin was sitting on the bed with his mouth pouting, and said angrily to Qi Haoran: "Master didn't lie to you, I really feel like I'm going to die, it's useless to ask an imperial doctor."

   Qi Haoran insisted: "You feel wrong. The weather has been bad recently, and I always have an illusion."

  The imperial physicians cautiously stepped forward to give Old Ancestor Fan's pulse, and then exited one by one. Before leaving, the imperial physicians comforted the three ancestors and said, "The old county king's wind and cold have improved, and it's almost enough to sweat again."

   Qi Haoran let out a sigh of relief.

   The imperial physicians who left but said to the descendants of the Fan family: "Prepare for the funeral, the old county king is old and has no major illness." The imperial physicians sighed: "It's just a few days."

  Fan's descendants were shocked. They didn't expect that the feeling of the ancestors was really effective.

  Xiao An and Xiao Fu almost couldn't stand, or their grandson hurriedly stepped forward to support the two, and whispered: "Grandfather, the ancestor is happy and mourning, don't you feel sad?"

   Of course, Xiao An and Xiao Fu know that, let alone their father, they have enough to live to this age. However, life is impermanent, and there are people who care about them in this world, so they will inevitably feel that life is too short.

   They are used to their father watching them from a high place. He suddenly wants to leave them forever. How could they accept it so easily?

   Mu Yangling stood in front of the window and looked at them. Although she didn't hear their words, she knew the answer just by looking at their faces and expressions.

   She couldn't help but sigh, but she didn't feel much sadness.

   Because she felt that this life would be over soon, maybe they could meet again in the next life.

   Mu Yangling, who has been reincarnated once, believes that people have a next life.

   And in this life, whether it's her, Qi Haoran or Fan Zijin, they all consider themselves to be outstanding, and they shouldn't be too miserable in the next life.

   Mu Yangling went back to the house and quietly nodded to Qi Haoran.

   Qi Haoran immediately lowered his head to hide his red eyes.

  Fan Zijin was still muttering that he didn't lie.

  Qi Haoran raised his head after a while, as if impatiently saying: "Okay, I know you're not lying, but I'm hungry, what do you want to eat at night?"

  Fan Zijin felt it carefully, shook his head and said, "I'm not hungry, just drink a bowl of soup."

  The topic is now off.

In the evening, Qi Haoran deliberately stayed and slept with Fan Zijin. The two brothers were lying on the same bed. Fan Zijin said with emotion: "When I was a child, my mother often put us to sleep together, but you were domineering back then. My feet were in big characters, and I would turn over later and even push me out of bed at every turn."

   Qi Haoran just smiled.

  Fan Zijin continued: "I have always protected you under my wings and treated you like a younger brother. At that time, I felt that you deserved the best in the world, so I always felt that A Ling was not worthy of you."

Fan Zijin said softly: "She is so dark, she can't even write a word well, she is still a village girl, her clothes are gray, and her personality is pungent. I really don't understand what you like about her. There are so many beautiful women in this world. Duo, your jewel just fell into a pile of bull shit..."

   Qi Haoran: "..."

"But you're like a **** looking at mung beans. The more you look at each other, the more you like each other. Although I always think she's not worthy of you, since you're happy, I won't say anything." Fan Zijin felt that his eyelids were a little heavy, and he said sleepily. : "I know about my body, it's just two days, if I die, don't be sad, you still have her to take care of, she's not too young, and those who used to run around with you always fall behind. If you suffer from some dark diseases, if you are so sad, who will take care of her."

   Qi Haoran turned over, facing him, and muttered, "Don't worry, I'm not sad."

  Fan Zijin's mouth was slightly raised, and he fell asleep peacefully.

   Qi Haoran waited for a while, and couldn't help reaching out to probe his breath. Seeing that his breathing was long, he breathed a sigh of relief and fell asleep with the quilt in his arms.

   He woke up the next day and found that Fan Zijin had passed away. When he reached out and touched it, he was still warm, but his nose was no longer breathing, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised. It could be seen that he was walking happily.

   Qi Haoran sat on the bed and looked at him, but it was Mu Yangling who came in and saw that something happened.

  Fan's descendants were terrified, for fear that this old ancestor would also do something wrong, and while sadly restraining Fan Zijin, he helped Qi Haoran to ask the imperial doctor.

   Mu Yangling sat beside him slowly, reaching out to hold his.

  Qi Haoran came back to his senses, tears could not help overflowing his eyes, and after a while, he choked up: "He told me not to be sad, I still have to take care of you..."

   Mu Yangling nodded with tears in his eyes, and said softly, "Yes, you still have to take care of me."

  Qi Haoran couldn't hold back, he hugged Fan Zijin and cried fiercely.

Seeing that he was in a trance, Mu Yangling had lost weight at a speed visible to the naked eye. For fear that something would happen to him, he couldn't help hugging him at night and said, "Don't worry, eldest brother and Zijin are both reincarnated first, wait for us. If you die, you might be able to be with them in your next life."

  Qi Haoran never believed in ghosts and gods, even if he had been around Yuanhui, the great stick, he didn't believe much, so he was still a little indifferent and ill.

Mu Yangling had no choice but to lean into his ear and whisper: "Really, people can really be reincarnated after death, I was reincarnated after death, but I forgot to drink Meng Po soup, and I still remember things from my previous life. "

  Qi Haoran had some reaction, but he glanced at his wife contemptuously, and said, "Even if you want to comfort me, you have to make up a reliable one. Then you tell me what I was like in my previous life, and what was Zijin like?"

   Mu Yangling stayed for a while, how could there be anything about these two people in the past life?

Seeing her stunned, Qi Haoran became more and more sure that she was lying to him, but she was also very sad to think of Zijin's death, and she still had to take care of him during this time, so she reached out and patted her and said, "Okay, I know. Well, reincarnation, maybe they are still waiting for us on Huangquan Road, and when we are reincarnated together, we will be brother and wife in the next life."

Seeing that Qi Haoran was obviously lying to comfort her, Mu Yangling couldn't help but said: "Who said we would be husband and wife in the next life, maybe we will be brothers and sisters if we are reincarnated together, the eldest brother was reincarnated early, maybe in the next life You have become the son of your elder brother..."

   Qi Haoran was stunned.