MTL - The Record of Unusual Creatures-Chapter 1690 Real Lach Ryan

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The dark and icy space is filled with unnatural chaos, and in the depths of the chaos that is enough to block the sight of the demigod, a planet shrouded in faint light is quietly lonely, although there is no star shining. But it maintains a vibrant state due to a layer of magical barrier around the planet.

Over the planet, the chaotic fog suddenly turned, and then a sleek threshold filled with brilliance slowly opened. The silver-white starship slipped silently out of the threshold and headed for the vibrant planet below. .

Looking at the real-time picture from the external monitor, watching the miracle star that was split into two but incredibly maintaining vitality, Hao Ren couldn’t help but sigh again, although this is not the first time he saw Lah Ryan. The scene, but no matter how many times, this planet that has been reshaped in the dream of the gods still deserves his surprise.

"Unbelievable... the power of the gods is really unbelievable."

On the spaceship, there were only three "people" who came with him, Vivienne, Lily, and Leah who acted in the way of mass projection.

Such a streamlined team configuration is not common, but Hao Ren thinks it is enough. Different from the previous mistaken entry into the Lahren dream, this time they are going to a fairly "safe" planet. This real Lach Ryan is revived under the protection of the power of the goddess of creation, although the goddess I don't know all the details of this planet, but at least I can be sure that there will be no fatal threat on this planet. Since there is no danger, it doesn't take too many people to come and investigate.

In fact, Hao Ren originally planned to have only two people and Wei Wei'an to come over, but Lily felt that at home, the door was super boring, and it was soft and hard to stalk, and as for Lia... this is not a A member of the Haoren team, she decided to send a quality projection, and no one can stop it.

And what Lahrenen said is also reshaped in her dreams. Although she is not very clear about this process because of her unconscious behavior, she still has a basic understanding of the planet. Can also come in great use.

Lily sat in her chair and whispered as she threw popcorn in her mouth: "Is there really a clue about the Lord of Madness?"

"It's actually hard to say," answered Lia. "The most primitive Lach Ryan planet has long since been destroyed. Now Rah Ryan is forcibly restored under my dreams and obsessions. How much old world information can be preserved in this reshaped world is totally unknown. We are here to take more luck. After all, such a big clue is here, and we can’t turn a blind eye."

During the talk, the giant turtle rock platform is close to the top of the atmosphere of Lah Ryan, a layer of shimmering, light blue "film" floating in the void, separating the atmosphere from the external chaotic universe. This film is the divine barrier formed by Liana's 10,000 years of obsession.

It is this barrier that distorts the reality, falsifies history, and restores a planet that has been completely destroyed.

Nolan controlled the spacecraft to carefully approach this layer of seemingly thin and powerful barriers of terror, which is the most stable time for the female driver to sail.

The energy shield and the power barrier outside the spacecraft finally came into contact, and when they contacted, they produced a tiny flaw, but then the layer of cockroaches quickly expanded. In Haoren’s surprised gaze, only the entire atmosphere was suddenly bright. As a result, the “Shenzhen Film” appears to be crystallized as if it were solidified, as if it was preventing the invasion of outsiders, but such changes did not last long, and soon those enlarged squats gradually calmed down. The crystallization trend also retreated, and the spacecraft smoothly entered the atmosphere of Lach Ryan.

Hao Ren was relieved. Just now he thought that he was going to hang a big wave of the property that he was going to blow. He almost called Nolan urgently, but he did not expect it to be a false alarm: "I am going ...What happened to that?"

Leah was also shocked, but as an expert in divine power (at least in her primary school, she was stronger than others in the room), she quickly guessed: "This barrier has been resisting the external universe. The chaos of our spacecraft, the decline of our spacecraft from the chaotic field, may be contaminated with some breath that will make the barrier resist, but these breaths will soon be purified, so there will be no more problems."

"Everything is careful," Hao Ren nodded. "This planet can't be used to it."

Lily clap her hands and look at the railing in front of her face in excitement. She looks at the cloud that is getting clearer and clearer on the projection: "Don't worry about the landlord, my brain is the biggest!"

Hao Ren: "...the amount...I can't talk about it, it doesn't mean this....Well? What is that?"

Lah Ryan’s sea of ​​clouds is getting closer and closer, and even the lightning and rain that occasionally flash in the thick clouds can be seen, but under the layers of clouds, Hao Ren sees something else.

A ship flying in the sea of ​​clouds is a means of transport made by the residents of Lach Ryan. It is moving between the clouds. The silver-white hull and the sea-like sleek and elegant windsurfing on both sides of the hull Stretching out, this aircraft with a low level of skill shows a beauty like art. However, on both sides and rear of this airship, there are three simple gray warships like the bones. The three gray warships have a dark cloud-like coating. The triangular hull and the more swept sails give them a much better maneuverability than the white spacecraft. They catch up again and again. A white spaceship trying to get out of trouble, a series of tiny flashes jumping between these airships is obviously a battle.

Although the three gray ships are only one-fifth of the size of the white ship, and the appearance is extraordinarily worn and rudimentary, they have an absolute advantage in this chase, just like fighting for the battle. Small warships besieged a large but clumsy civilian barge. The white ships were put in danger. Under their bites, the beautiful white airship had more than a dozen large and small flares, some of which were sailed. The object also peeled off from the main body, swaying on both sides of the hull, and its counter-attacking fire was getting weaker and weaker and almost unilaterally beaten.

"It’s really a matter of going anywhere..." Seeing the picture from the external monitor, Hao Ren couldn’t help but slap his head. "Don’t be swearing?"

“First, we are flying at the top of the atmosphere, using advanced observation equipment to collect intelligence, and the situation of a small half of the planet can be observed, so the event is quite normal,” Nolan’s holographic projection appeared on the bridge, one-on-one. "Secondly, according to the host analysis, what is going on below should not be a regular war, but more like a pirate looting. If the offensive continues, the white ship should be finished in an hour."

"Go down and help," Vivienne said without hesitation. "If you save someone, you can find out."

Lily looked at Vivienne with excitement: "Don't you secretly sneak into it this time?"

"It’s not deep into the enemy, it’s not an ancient forbidden place,” Hao Ren waved his hand. “No need to be so careful.”

Although he said this, he added: "Of course, the movement is not too big. My plan is to first contact a small group of people in the local area. I will probably understand the situation of this planet and then contact them with the upper layer. Stable. If the movement is too big, it will be easily invaded by the locals as an alien. If you haven't had time to find out about it, you will be hit by a superhero wearing a pair of underwear."

Lily shook her head and shook her head: "I really have to deal with the situation. Actually, I will call the pharaoh. I heard him say that when he was young, he would go to the devil to come to the world, especially with work experience..."


Above the clouds, the silver-white space warship adjusted its course and then rushed straight toward the four airships that were fiercely fighting under the clouds.

One-eyed dragon Kant, his mood is not very good today.

As the most famous pirate in the returning sea area, Kant has been enjoying a good mood most of the time. He knows that the need to do his own business bears a high risk. The risk includes, but is not limited to, the regular army from the surrounding kingdoms. Strangled, a strongly armed business group, a turbulent wind that suddenly rolled up over the cracks of the world, and a rebellious whimsy of one or a few geniuses, almost every pirate faced every day, casually Which one is likely to make a big pirate with incomparable scenery turn into a dead body from the sky, and it is because of this that Kant has always maintained a belief.

That is to maintain a good mood and enjoy each day with pleasure.

But today he is always happy.

He took over a big business, a big business that would allow him and his eighteen generations to go to the top, and the content of this big business is just to plunder a passenger ship with a single shadow. Of course, this is exceptional. The gorgeous passenger ship has a very strong and powerful armed force, but this does not make him feel depressed. What really makes him feel bad is precisely that this business is too... beautiful.

The difficulty of “business” is far less than the compensation paid by customers, which is not a good phenomenon.

As an experienced big pirate, Kant has already smelled a lot of unusual tastes from this business. For example, the client who issued the commission not only gave him an amazing deposit, but also gave him a large number of conventional means. The advanced equipment, the equipment including the magical center of the airship, the main gun and the shield generator, all erased the logo, but with the obvious style of the elf craftsman, these things are the core of the flight battleship. After replacing them, the pirate ship under Kant’s hand can say that in addition to the shell has not changed, it has completely become a fully armed regular warship; the customer also gave a clear looting requirement: must leave the White City Federation in the target, Attacks occur during the flight over the world, and once the target enters the empire, it must be evacuated immediately, whether or not it is achieved...

Kant is almost certain that this is a secret battle within a certain big force, and the role of himself and his own pirate group in this battle is a card, and it is likely to be a card that is easily played out. .

After all, he can't even guess the power of this big force, so how much weight his pirate group can have in this incident can be imagined.

But he has no way to refuse.

Kant subconsciously touched his own eye mask, that is, the price he paid the last time he refused the "big business", at the cost, as well as the last pirate group he led, and the name and identity he used.

The big pirate couldn't help but have a headache.

He began to think about the retreat. In this looting drama, the "pirate group" is definitely just an introduction. The real backs of those big people must be controlled by themselves. So, in what way will they appear? Is it a warship that comes to annihilate pirates? Or is it a certain aristocratic armed with passing? Even a "mysterious battleship" that is "involuntarily intrusive" and is just a powerful firepower?

Anyway, no matter what, when something similar happens, he must take his pirate group to escape from here, the sooner the better, then rush into the fog, where there are enough supplies and spare ships. There is also a portal to the secret port, which is one of Kant’s retreats for himself.

But do the big people hidden behind the scenes really leave this way for themselves?

The big pirate feels more serious about the headache.

The white airship was still recalcitrant. She was such a beautiful ship. It was a sigh of sighing to watch her smashing under the bombardment of her own pirate ship. Kant even began to think if this The ship suddenly broke out with incredible potential, and then it was the best result to accelerate the rush into the territory of the Dragong Empire. That means that the plan of the big man had a problem and terminated early, he and his The pirate group does not have to continue to be involved in this terrible conspiracy, and the beautiful ship... she can continue to fly beautifully.

It is a pity that the ship has obviously returned to the sky, and its waist has just burst into a series of flashes, which is a sign of the explosion of the magical center.

The big pirate pressed his forehead. He knew that the decisive moment had arrived. He felt that the headache was so bad that the headache was also thanks to the one-eyed one, and it became more and more serious as the years grew.

A silver-white "airship" rushed out of the clouds at this moment.

She broke into the battlefield from above, so Kant did not notice the appearance of the ship. When he noticed the change of the surrounding light, the silver-white ship that suddenly broke into the battlefield had already hit the head of the pirate ship. Position, powerful impact directly shredded the keel wrapped in the enchanted copper, and crushed a large part of the cabin, Kant only had a slight turn around, his head flew out with the shattered cabin.

In 221 years of Guanghui history, a group of extraterrestrial visitors visited this closed world. They have eliminated a potential crisis, unveiled the truth of the world and brought real revelation.

And by the way, he cured the headache of the big pirate Kant.