MTL - The Royal’s Cute Little Wife-Chapter 7 Make trouble

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It's almost mid-autumn, and the weather is getting colder every day.

A few days ago, people from Gaofu handed over their posts and wanted to return to Xiefu. People are here now, and Leng's is entertaining them in the hall. Because they came early, Xie Yuan and Xie Xun were still sleeping, and Leng Shi didn't wake them up.

After Xie Yan awoke, she was alone in the room.

She put on a cape with a embroidered embroidery and embroidery with a embroidery and a embroidered peony pattern, and combed her round bud heads as usual. The filigree bead chain dangled from both sides of the buds, and as she walked, she looked more agile and lively. She looked around and didn't find Xie Xun, and after she noticed that she was in Leng's main room.

"Axe, what are you doing?" She ran in from the door with a suspicious look.

Xie Xing was standing on the rosewood embroidery pier of Wu Li, shook his head at the little bird in the mirror of the four birds around the flower branch, "Look at me, is this beautiful?"

Taking a closer look, she found that a jade cicada gorge of Leng's was on her head.

Xie Xunqiang smiled and looked left and right. Xie Xun suddenly thought of pulling a snail, with a bun on his head, a small face very immature, but still pretending to look like an adult. It was really funny and funny. lovely. Every little girl has a teenage dream in her heart, and little Xie Xun is no exception.

Xie Yan seriously commented: "Beauty is beauty, that is, what seems to be shortcomings."

Xie Xing asked again and again, "What is missing?"

She climbed down from the chair and swayed and came to Xie Yuan, staring at her gazingly.

Xie Ling flashed, pointing at the makeup vanity on the dressing table. "Anyang will apply some rouge powder every time, why don't you try it?"

Xie Xing clapped his hands and said, "Okay."

After a few moments of silence, the two little guys glanced out head to head, their heads together. Xie Yi said: "Aniang is in the front yard and she can't let her know."

Xie Xun nodded and covered his mouth: "None of us are allowed to say."

The two little dots reached an agreement, and started to act around Leng's makeup. How could the inner room's movements be concealed from the maid outside, just because they were naive, and they thought that no one really knew what they were doing. Pisces and geese looked at each other helplessly, and could only hope that Leng's would return early.

Xie Yan opened the purple paint box of lotus petals, which contained red and gorgeous jade muscle rouge. She rubbed a piece and painted it on Xie Xun's face: "Don't move."

Xie Xing obediently did not move.

After the rouge was applied, Xie Yan opened another box and saw that it was ground with fine powder. Remembering that every time after the application, Aoni's face would become whiter, so she covered her hands and smoothed her sister's face. The next thing is thrush, fat ... After you're done, Xie Yi claps her hands, "Okay!"

Xie Xun couldn't wait to turn his head to look at the mirror, and was suddenly scared by the little monster in the mirror. Wow, he cried loudly: "Ugly!"

Her sisters inherited Leng's skin, which was originally white. Now Xie Xie was wiped with a face of jade powder by Xie Xuan, which was as white as paper. In particular, this white face also bears two red blushes, thick eyebrows, **** red lips, and a little female ghost coming out of the notebook.

No wonder Xie Xing cried so sad that she was afraid to be dressed like this by her sister, and she would never return.

Xie Ye also didn't feel good-looking, and said to her sister guiltily, "Would you also paint me?"

She whimpered from the embroidery pier and said nothing: "What if sister A becomes ugly like me ..."

Crying even more sadly after speaking.

Xie Yan coaxed her quickly: "Axie is not ugly, Axue is the most beautiful! No one is more beautiful than Axue!"

The girl outside heard the movement and hurried to the inner room to check. When Pisces saw Xie Xun's messy face, he couldn't help but grin, "What's the matter with the girls?"

Xie Xun pulled together, "Sister Pisces laughed, Sister must be lying to me ..."

Xie Yan was busy pushing them out, and what he caused was to be resolved by himself: "It's okay, I have something to tell Axue, you go out ..."

The two looked back uneasily. "But ..."

Before he finished speaking, Xie Yan was pushed to the door. The two of them didn't dare to resist, for fear of accidentally hurting the little ancestor Jiao Didi, stood outside the door, and watched the straight door knock on them in front of them.

Inside the door, Xie Yi ran back to the inner room, "Axie, Axie?"

Xie Xing was standing in front of the wooden frame, staring blankly at the floor.

She originally wanted to wash her face, but the copper bowl was so high that she couldn't get enough of it. At last, his head accidentally hit the wooden frame, and he broke the jade cicada finches on his head.

The jade was broken into two pieces and fell to the ground.

Xie Yuan came to her, followed her sight and looked down. She was suddenly surprised and opened her mouth.

Xie Xing was so scared that he forgot to cry, and turned his head to look at her at a loss: "Sister, what to do ... I broke my sister-in-law ..."

This is An Niang's favorite bitch, An Niang knows she will scold her! When she thought of the scene where Anang was training her face, she shrinked her neck in fear and rolled her tears. She would cry so often, she must be pitiful and pitiful, but now she wears strange makeup, tears rouge, and looks embarrassing and ridiculous.

Xie Yan was older than her, and soon calmed down and moved to the embroidery pier. Standing on the embroidery pier, she picked up the towel on the wooden stand and dipped her in water to wash her face. "Don't be afraid, let me find a way. "

He said to bend over and wipe her face a little, Xie Xun didn't dare to move again this time, standing honestly, looking at her with big eyes and blinking, expecting.

Xie Yan washed her face, picked up the jade jade which had been broken in two on the ground, and pondered it for a while.

How to do how to do? An Niang will be back soon. If she sees this scene after she returns, she will be very angry.

Why not just throw it away? Auntie couldn't find it, maybe she forgot it after a long time.

But in case Aunt found it ... she didn't dare to throw it.

After all, Xie Ye is only a five-year-old child. In the eyes of a child, the parents' things are very sacred.

While she was distressed, Pisces outside the house called: "Second girl, third girl, Madam told you to go to the front yard to meet the guests." He said he was about to enter the door.

Xie Xuan was so anxious, "What about sister A? Will Aunt hit me?"

In anxiety, Xie Yan wrapped the two jade urns in silk quilts, carried them into his arms, and quietly took them out of the main room.

She said, "No, there is me!"

The door was locked, Pisces and Geese could not enter from the outside, but the two little ancestors waited out, relieved. Although curious about what they were doing in the room, now is not the time to ask more, and quickly invited them to the main hall.

In addition to the old lady and several wives in the main hall, there are several children such as Gao Ling and Gao Ling.

Gao Ling was deliberately dressed, with brand new clothes and bright colors, and even a thin layer of powder on his face. She is only eight years old. Although she is so beautiful, she always shows an old age that does not match her age.

She combed her hair and divided it into Xiao Xiao, wearing a jasper and gold cicada bun on her head, very similar to Leng's.

As soon as Xie Yi and Xie Xun entered the door, they saw the **** on her head.

Leng told them to call each other and said to them, "Aya Axue, take your brother and sister to the backyard to play."

Xie Yan nodded obediently and led a few children to go out together.

Walking under the corridor, Xie Xun turned his head from time to time to look at the bun on Gao's head, and his face was full of curiosity. Gao Yan thought that because she looked good today, she always secretly looked at herself, not only raising her head higher.

Xie Yan also wanted to see it, but she was entangled in Gao Yan and kept talking, she didn't have time to pull out.

Gao Ye looked very glad to see her again, "Ah, where are you taking us?"

Xie Yan pointed forward. "There is a yard there, a lake with a swing, and a big Chitose and a Chitose raised by A Xuan, I will show you."

The courtyard was called Chunhuawu, which Xie Liqing prepared for her two daughters. There is their little garden. They can arrange as much as they want, and they can raise whatever they want. Neither he nor Leng cares. Xie Yi led a few children over. There was a pond in the yard. There were a dozen carps in the pond, and there were two turtles, one big, one small, and two turtles.

An arch bridge is set up on the pond. The other end of the bridge is connected to a rockery. Under the rockery, flowers and plants are planted. It is a masterpiece of Xie Yan and Xie Xun. However, now it is autumn, most of the flowers have lost, and only a few scattered chrysanthemums are still blooming.

On the other side of the yard are two swings, one for Xie Ye and one for Xie Xuan, placed side by side. Usually the two little guys are swinging here, higher than anyone, and the laughter can spread far.

The two younger children in the second and third bedrooms of Gao's house rushed forward with cheers, and one man snatched a swing and swayed it.

Xie Yan was pretending to have something in her heart, so she didn't stop it. In the usual time, she never let anyone touch.

She squatted by the pond with Gao Ling, pondering, "You know ..."

She vomited and looked embarrassed. Gao Ye thought what she was going to say, and she was nervous for a long time, but who knew she was asking: "Do you know where to buy the bun on Gao's head?"

Gao Yan said, "Do you like that?"

Not that she likes it, but if she knows where to sell it, she can buy an identical one and come back. By that time, she would never find it in her makeup.

But she couldn't tell the truth, she nodded heavily, "I think it's pretty good."

Gao Yong felt that his opportunity had come, and he quickly stated in front of the little fairy, "I sent the sister-in-law at the age of eighth, and of course I know where. If you like it, I will buy one for you tomorrow! "

Xie Yan's eyes were all bright, and his black eyes were shining brightly: "Really? Can you take me there, I want to see for myself!"

Gao Yan's eyes were brighter than her, "Yes, yes!"

She finally settled a big event in her heart, smiling brightly, and sincerely said, "Thank you, you are such a great man!"

Gao Yan was so full of emotion that he felt a little dizzy when she dazzled.

But he forgot that tomorrow will be the Mid-Autumn Festival. He had already made an appointment to go out with Li Yu ... forget it, let's take him with him.

Xie Xing was still entangled in Gao Ling over there.

Gao Ling was a little impatient. "What do you always do with me?"

Xie Xun was a head shorter than her, staring up at her bun, and followed her step by step: "You, can you show me the **** ..."

The more she looked, the more she felt like Auntie's sister-in-law. I wonder if she could give it to her? If you put this in A Niang's makeup, can A Niang find it?

Gao Ye was not interested in this yard at all. She was so beautifully dressed, but she just wanted to see Xie Rong ... But after a good turn, she didn't see him, and she was a little irritated when she was disappointed.

Gao Yan said, "No, don't follow me."

Xie Xun stepped on her short legs and followed her, with a good tone of breath: "I'll just take a look ... just one look!" He said a flesh-finger finger was raised, indicating that it was a glance.

Gao Yan was not touched by her at all, and said proudly, "It won't work at all. I like this **** very much. What if you break it?"

Xie Xing quickly promised: "No!"

She tangled up again, reached for her sleeve, and pleaded softly, "Sister Gao Ling ..."

This is Gao Ling's new clothes. Where is she willing to let her grab? Immediately annoyed, she raised her hand and pushed her away, "I said no, but no!"

Xie Xun's body was unstable and she was pushed back several steps.

Seeing that they are about to hit the rockery behind them, the rockery is dying, if it really hits, there is no guarantee that they won't bleed and be injured. Seeing this in the distance, Xie Yun came to this side in horror: "Anet!"

Before she arrived, Xie Xun had fallen into a familiar embrace.

Looking up, it was his brother Xie Rong.

Xie Xing was a little bit aggrieved, and Bingbian was about to cry: "Brother ..."

Xie Rong held her tightly, rubbed her head, and looked up at Gao Yan who was opposite. He had a serious expression, low pressure on his eyebrows, and had a different majesty at a young age.

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