MTL - The Scum Shou’s Survival Guide-Chapter 134 Brother's revenge story

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Indulge in striding, his eyes are cold and cold, and he also implies the meaning of anger. He will put Ye in his arms and show a smile to Zheng Sen. A smile that doesn't smile: "Zheng Zong, when you start someone else, don't ask the other person if you have a Lord?"

He just found it after paying for it, just happened to see Ye Hao and Zheng Sen talking in the corner, saying that Zheng Sen actually shot Ye Hao back, and Ye Hao not only did not resist, but looked at Zheng Sen's eyes... Gentle and affectionate.

Like a lover who has been reunited for a long time...

This scene made the eyes sinking, as if a poisonous snake was biting his heart, and the pain filled the whole body.

You are all false and false to me, but it is really good for your old classmates, but it is not so ruthless, isn't it?

Zheng Sen still did not respond, he was taken away by Shen Yu, his hand grip, suddenly gave birth to an impulse to grab people back! But in the end, it still didn't move... This person is not Han Xu. He has no reason to fight for a person who is only similar to Han Xu and Shen Yu in the audience. It is just a joke.

Just look at the look of Shen Wei, who is so nervous, afraid that it is not really on the heart... Is it really like to like this substitute? Then his love for Han Xu is probably not the case.

Zheng Sen remembered that when Han Xu talked about the gentle eyes when he was indulging, although he knew that the matter was Han Xuxian, he was sorry that he was in the first place, and he still felt worthless for Han Xu. He always felt that... there must be some misunderstanding, Han Xu Feelings are not fake. They have been with each other for many years, and they don’t even see it at all.

Zheng Sen's face was slightly condensed and his mouth was cold. "Shen always laughed. I just said a few words to him. Besides, is he really willing to be with you?"

Sinking tightly hugged the waist of Ye Hao and twisted his face. His eyes were cold and dangerous. "Why, are you talking to General Zheng?"

Ye Hao’s eyes flashed in pain and said: “I didn’t say this, he misunderstood.”

If he admits that he is threatened with indulging, Zheng Sen is likely to be in trouble with Shen Shen today, it is not good for them, one is innocent to care for their friends, one is someone who loves and can not love ......

The sinking of the eyes is a sneer, and it seems that this answer is not unexpected. Since you have tried your best to attract my attention back to me, how can you leave easily? You like acting very much, right?

He looked up at Zheng Sen and said faintly: "Zheng always heard it. If you don't figure it out in the future, don't worry about it."

However, Zheng Sen looked at Ye Wei’s slightly white painful look, but his heart even more determined that he was coerced, but he had no hardships. He watched such a bullying and hurting a person similar to Han Xu, and his heart suppressed again. Unable to anger, not letting the tit-for-tat look at sinking, sneer: "Shen is really more and more prestige, but ... this means is not too despicable, looking for a substitute can really look down ""

Sinking and breathing, watching Zheng Sen, look a moment of embarrassment.

Sure enough... you know my relationship with Han Xu. At that time, I fell in love with Han Xu. I can't wait to tell the world that I love him, but he disagreed with the announcement of our relationship, and all kinds of ridicule, for fear of being discovered... but he is willing to tell you that he believes You have no reason to avoid you.

I used to think that I was the most important person in Han Xu’s heart, but in fact it was just an illusion. He didn’t even want to open our relationship. I only loved him in a foolish way, thinking that he really thought about our future. Instead, you... is his friend who has nothing to say. Do you think that I don’t know what you think about him? !

The sinking hand trembled a little, and suddenly the fist was pushed to Zheng Sen's face! The unwillingness and embarrassment in his heart made him want to destroy everything in front of him! But Ye Hao first reacted in one step, holding his hands in his arms, and said anxiously: "What do you do?!"

Zheng Sen’s eyes stunned. He didn’t expect Shen Yu to actually start, but he didn’t mean to be afraid. Instead, he also ignited, showing a provocative smile and sneer: “What can be done, but it’s anger.” I am right? Shen total?"

The sinking hand creaked, he could actually take Ye Hao out, and smashed Zheng Sen’s odious face here, but he took a deep breath and calmed down.

Zheng Sen does not know the true identity of Ye Hao at all, and he can only swear by his tongue. Why should he care about him, but he will show flaws.

Shen Yan slowly put down his hand, and his eyebrows picked it up. He laughed and said: "I didn't know it before. Zheng always likes to care about the emotional life of others. I think you should manage your own affairs first."

He said that he was holding the hand of Ye Hao and pulling him away!

Zheng Sen's footsteps moved, but in the end did not keep up, the eyes showed a calm and sorrowful look, he did care about Ye Hao's situation, but now it is not wise to be hard to sink, it is not worth it. After all, Ye Hao is not Han Xu... ...or take a look at the situation.


Ye Hao felt that his wrist was almost pinched. He indulged in the middle of the banquet and pushed him into the car.

Along the way, the sinking eyes were cold and cold, and they didn’t say a word, then they took him back home directly with Ye Hao’s arm.

Ye stunned for a moment before he stood still. He looked at the dark and sullen eyes full of anger. He almost didn't need to react more. He knew that he was already on the verge of anger at the moment. He just said a few words with Zheng Sen. However, is it necessary to be so angry?

Don't say that Zheng Sen doesn't know his identity at all. Just before, he only used Zheng Sen as a friend. He never had behaviors that exceeded his friends. The performance of Shen Yan was like he betrayed him.

Ye Hao was silent for a moment, thinking about it or explaining a sentence, and was not willing to anger the current indulgence. He whispered: "I didn't say anything to General Zheng."

Shen Qiang stepped forward and looked at him with a cold gaze. "Why don't you say? Isn't it better to let him help you? I think he is happy to help you."

Ye stunned for a moment and couldn't answer. If he was really Tao Xu, he might probably be in a hurry to go to the hospital and ask Zheng Sen for this is actually nowhere to be said.

He hesitated for a while and said, "I don't know him. It's the first time I met, so I won't talk to him..."

Sinking and screaming at the corners of his lips, staring at Ye Hao’s eyes, it’s a lie.

However, I will not expose you now, so much boring? I want to see what you are going to do, and after you catch the oriole, you can't escape my hand this time.

"So, you don't want to ask for help, just don't dare to ask for help... Is it? Because you don't know him." Shen Yan suddenly pinched Ye Hao's chin, the dark voice stared at his eyes, cold. There is a smile on the face like a smile.

Ye Hao’s chin was pinched and hurt. He tried to avoid the sinking hand, but he couldn’t get rid of it. His voice was slightly low and dumb: “Then you can, let me go?”

Suddenly smiled, and the low laughter echoed in the room. It seemed to be a ridiculous joke. He suddenly pressed Ye Hao on the wall, and the dark and full of desire eyes stared at his face. The low voice is in his ear: "I know the impossible problem, or don't ask again, what do you think?"

"And... I am very unhappy today." Shen Yan gently stroked Ye Hao’s face, with a well-defined and deep face, which seemed to be sensational and dangerous at night. “It seems that you have not realized that you should not make me angry. It’s probably that I was too tolerant of you before...” So that you think I won’t take you.

Ye Hao looked at the dangerous and cold look in Shen Yan’s eyes. The instinctive wanted to take a step back, but he was kissed by the indulgent and low-headed lips!

Ye Hao made a whimper and wanted to escape. Shen Shen noticed his movements and tied his hands to the doorknob with a tie. Then he pressed it from behind and his lips pressed against his ear, slowly. "Since I have been a person, I should not move my mind."


Ye Hao couldn't stand anymore. His hands were hung on the door. The strength of his body was concentrated on his wrist. He was hurt by the fire and his eyes were stunned.

Sinking his fingertips across his eyelashes, his face was a cold smile, which unleashed Ye Hao’s wrist and hugged him back to the bed.

Ye Xie had tears in his eyes, struggling to try to stay away from Shen Yu, but was easily suppressed. Shen Shen held him in his arms, kissed the tears in his eyes, and whispered: "Remember me. ,do not forget……"

After all, we have been separated for ten years...

People like you are not worth pity at all, so you should be treated like this!

Ye Hao slowly closed his eyes, he was really tired.

What is the meaning of this rebirth for him? Did God let him be born again, not to make him revenge, but to be revenge? Everyone in the world should repay the debts he owes, and he has to pay back the indulgence, but... before that, he still has to take revenge.

Since this time, he has never met Shen Da Yao, and he is not looking for a chance to do it. He is looking at him more and more tightly. It is almost impossible to find an enemy.

He still has a way, he may be able to find the murderer who killed him, so that he can also expose Shen Da Yao, but this method is equally difficult.

Indulge in the person in his arms.

The young chest in the arms is slightly ups and downs, and the breathing is gentle and weak, but at least he is alive, and in this body, he lives the person he loves and hates the most.

He looked at Ye Hao's closed eyes, and the bottom of his mouth slowly began to struggle with pain.

You should have died once...

When I don't know, in the corner I don't know, you are already dead. Maybe this is the reason why you don't come back.

[叮, sinking blackening value -10, current blackening value 90]

When you are not there, I hate you every day, I can't wait for you to die, but I really know that you are dead, but I am glad that you can still come back alive, is it funny? I don't care about you... I just think that it's too cheap to be so quiet, and people like you should live to suffer and bear the price!

You want to leave me and kill me, but you have to be trapped by my side and not free. This is what you deserve!

Just... When you don't know, let me be a little weak for a moment, so hold you for a while.

Sinking tightly holding the person in his arms, like a drowning person, found the only driftwood, even if he knew that the driftwood had rotted, he could not save him, he would soon sink, and he could not let go. .

How did you die?

Shen Yan opened his mouth and made a silent inquiry, but the person in his arms could not hear it, or he just heard it and would not answer him.


When Ye Hao woke up the next day, Shen Yu was no longer around.

[Ye Ye: Ah, it’s another bright morning. 】

[888: Good morning. 】

[Ye Wei: ... brother, you are not used to it. 】

[888: Not good in the morning. 】

[Ye Wei: ...] It’s terrible, he thinks his system is probably invaded by viruses! This must not be his system!

Ye Hao didn't talk again in the morning. 888 suddenly felt quiet. He felt that he had found a new way of hosting, and he was very pleased to turn around and play games with other systems.

Ye Hao was stimulated by 888, his face was a bit unnatural, and he climbed up from the bed to wash.

Just as soon as I went out, I saw Shen Shen sitting in the living room. He saw Ye Hao came out, and the lips and corners picked him up. He pulled Ye Hao into his arms and pressed himself on his lap. Yesterday's overcast clouds, the natural tone of laughter said: "I still have it?"

Ye Hao remembered everything last night, his face was ugly, and he was not willing to watch Shen.

Sinking and laughing, the meaningful line of sight fell on the face of Ye Hao, directly hugged him and fed him to eat.

Ye Hao finally couldn't be silent anymore. His lips were white, and he said in a word: "What do you want?"

Shen Xiao smiled, "Hey, eat."

Ye Hao bites his teeth. When he was with him, he wouldn’t be so contemptuous. Even if he was spoiled and tempered, he was careful to care about him. Now... his eyes are faint, his lips are self-deprecating. Smile.

What is he thinking? Is it still hopeful that Shen Shen will treat him like he used to? If he knows his identity, I am afraid he will only want to kill him.

Shen Yu only said that sentence, does not care about Ye Hao's resistance, holding his chin and feeding him to eat.

Ye Hao reached out and pushed the sinking, and he couldn’t push it. In the end, he could only accept the indifference.

After a meal is finished, Ye Hao’s tears will come out. Shen Yan has casually put him down, like a pet, and said: “You should rest at home, you don’t have to go to work today.”

Ye Qilian answered that he was not willing to answer Shen Yu.

Sinking and glanced at him, he didn't care, turned and went out.

Ye Hao sees Shen Yu left, sitting in the living room for a while, with a thoughtful look in his eyes, ready to go out. During this time, he was always with Shen, and there was no free time alone, so that it was very difficult to do something or investigate. It is a rare opportunity to rest at home today, just to avoid sinking. Do your own thing.

He took a few steps and he felt a little uncomfortable, but when he reached for the door, his face changed awkwardly.

The door was actually locked from the outside!

This has never been the case before. Indulge in the bastard’s own go out and lock him at home. Is this to limit his freedom? !

Ye Hao slammed his fist on the door, his eyes showing an angry and powerless look.

Sinking in the car, watching the monitoring at home, picking a corner of his mouth, revealing a cold smile.

Now you can't escape, let me see what you will do, my brother.


Ye Hao turned around at home because it was a high-rise, and there was no place to go except the gate.

There was a faint look on his face, but he thought that he could start the next step.

[Ye Ye: Brother, brother... Brother? Are you there? 】

[888: You can explain the problem directly. 】

[Ye Wei: Why do you want to do this business, we can chat in addition to the right thing QAQ]

[888 is silent for a while: I am very expensive to accompany the chat, 1000 hours of experience in an hour, are you sure you need it? 】

[Ye Wei: Impossible! You used to chat with me and never paid for it! 】

[888: That was before, then I thought about it, this is also a good charge item can not be wasted, and ... thank you reminder, I used to calculate the time of the previous chat, I will not charge you interest, the cost to me On the line, it is also a friend price. 】

[Ye Wei: ...]

[Ye Wei: No, I don't really need to accompany the service. I just want to ask, who was the one who killed me? QAQ] At that time, the night of the night, even the other person’s figure did not pay attention to seeing it.

[888: The information sent you, you look slowly, I am busy. 】

[Ye Wei: ...]

[888: Remember, say things directly next time. 】

[Ye Wei: ...]

The well-received Ye Hao can only watch the information to pass the time. Just a few pages of information will be read in a while, and there is no 888 to chat with, because the monitoring can not open the gap, this can ruin the Ye Hao, only half a day will be Become crazy! Only sleeping can get rid of this situation!


When he came back in the evening, Ye Hao didn't give him a good face.

Sinking in the face of Ye Hao’s indifferent and angry eyes, he did not care, and he said, “Come here.”

In Ye Xin’s heart, he was sorrowful and powerless. Shen Shen was getting an inch, stepping on his space and controlling his life. Why did he still avenge his revenge? I am afraid that even my own freedom will be lost.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered Zheng Sen, and his eyes were hesitant to hesitate.

After seeing Ye Hao, there was no movement, and the tone was slightly cold, and he looked at him meaningfully: "I will let you come."

Instead, Ye Hao took a step back and looked at him with a stubborn and indifferent look.

Shen Yan looked at Ye Hao’s eyes, and the violent hatred in his heart suddenly came up! There is a cold smile on my lips, oh... I can’t stand it anymore, I thought you could endure it for a while, it really disappoints me...

"It seems that you have not learned enough lessons..." The voice of Shen Shen is slow and slow, and the depths of the black scorpion are deep dark colors.

Ye Hao looked a glimpse, instinctively aware of the danger, turned to return to the room! But before he closed the door, Shen Qiang had stepped in and pushed in, pushing the door and pushing it away!


Since that day, Ye Hao has not left the house again, Shen Shen either looked at him at home, or locked the door at home, completely shutting Ye Hao at home.

A blink of an eye has passed in more than a week.

Shen Yu seems to think that this game is very interesting. He likes to watch Ye Hao’s rebellion against being invaded by him. He never ignores his wishes. Later, he will even come back to play with some flirting things. The language also implies contempt and humiliation. Ye Hao, who got it, cried for help.

On this day, Ye Hao was kneeling on the bed, his hands were tied behind him, and he did not loose it all night.

No... I can't go on like this, so I haven't had time to take revenge, maybe he will die here first...

He has just reborn, and he has not had time to do anything. Is this going to end?

No... absolutely not!

What is dignity and what do you insist on? He is not willing to go on like this...

Ye Hao’s line of sight was a little fuzzy, and suddenly he heard the sound of the door open. He struggled to turn his head and saw a tall figure coming in from the doorway, and finally the shadow fell on him.

Sinking gently embraced Ye Hao and made a low laugh: "Hungry?"

Ye Hao looked at him with some disappointment. His eyes were deeply sad. For a long time, he made a hoarse and broken voice, and implied humiliation: "I will obey in the future..."

Sinking seems to have some sudden changes in the attitude of Ye Hao, and the eyebrows are picking, "Oh? You are not going to get rid of me?"

Ye Hao closed his eyes in pain and said: "No, I won't... Please let me go..."

Shen Hao finally smiled, but there was no smile in his eyes. "Good."

I know that you will ask for me, what kind of grievances, what persistence, are your disguise...

He has not given up investigating the events of the year, but there is no clue. It is almost impossible to find the whereabouts of a person who has disappeared for ten years. But although he couldn't immediately figure out what happened ten years ago, he will definitely figure out what he is doing now.

For example, what do you want to do.


Ye Hao returned to the company to work again. This time, he was too lazy to play tricks with Ye Hao. He directly transferred him to his side as an assistant. Ye Hao did not raise any objection. He seems to have completely obeyed the obedience, facing the company. People’s strange eyes are also turned a blind eye, and they are indifferent.

Ye Hao, who got the phone again this day, hesitated for several days and finally hid Zheng Sen’s phone in the bathroom.

It was picked up soon, "Hey?"

Ye Hao squeezed the phone tightly and said, "I am Tao Xu, there is something I want to tell you."

Zheng Sen seemed to think for a while before he remembered who Tao Xu was. He talked about the temperature and the downside, with a hint of concern: "Oh, are you still okay? Are you embarrassed?"

Ye Hao did not answer this question, but said directly: "I want to ask you for a favor."

Zheng Senton paused and said, "Do you want to leave Shen Shen? I can help you, where are you now?"

Ye Hao has been silent for a long time. It seems that he has made up his mind. He said slowly: "Not this."

Zheng Sen finally showed an unexpected tone and asked, "What is that?"

Ye said: "It is about Han Xu."

As soon as this statement came out, the opposite side of the mobile phone was quiet immediately. Even if the opposite person was not around, it seemed that he could feel the atmosphere of this moment of dignification and pass it from a distant place.

After a full ten minutes, the voice came again from the opposite side.

Zheng Sen’s voice was no longer calm, slow and clear, with careful and cautious alert, and the tone was also lowered: “How did you know him, what do you know?”

It is reasonable to say that in the identity of Tao Xu, it is impossible to know the news of Han Xu. After all, even they can't find Han Xu... Any abnormal things can't be taken lightly.

At this moment, Zheng Sen even imagined that this is the conspiracy of Shen Yu and Ye Hao to design his plot.

Ye Hao’s eyes were heavy, and he took a deep breath and said, “Let’s meet and talk.”

[888: What are you doing? You should know that you are so addicted to being angry. 】

[Ye Wei: (⊙v⊙) Well, I know, what happened? 】

[888:......] He was afraid that he couldn’t resist talking to this spicy chicken when he was pumping his brain!